


[Italic]:- thoughts

[re-mentioned characters:]

Nana:- Dean's Wife.

Sean and Jen:- Duke's Team and also Dean and Nana's friends.


Black Ops U.S.A Team: Cam Gigandet, Ryan Reynolds, Dennis Oh, Ricky Kim, Jensen Ackles and Joe Manganiello.

   Image result for jensen ackles 

Kim Inguk, Go Jihoon:- South Korean Fedral Agency Detectives.



Busy was all I can say,

First: Moving into our new family home which was designed by Nana and her team, being a dream home for the both of us and it was the right time to have the home finished which was fate the home being finished days ahead of schedule and the timing couldn't be more perfect with Nana being ready to pop soon, and also with our savings and hardwork going towards the house we couldnt be more happy.

Our New Home:

The house having alot of room for our family, and with the expectance of Nana's mum staying with us whilst the early stages for Nana's pregnancy and for the beginning of our son's early year's which didn't phase us at all, and with Duke staying with us since being in Seoul it was nice.

Second: trying to finish up last minute work that I was to send to Mr. Wu, thankful that Mr. Wu was giving me the opportunity to work at home today especially with the chaos of moving into a new home, and also for preparations for the baby shower this weekend which was postponed because of my parent's schedule only being avaliable this weekend. Giving all our guest's notice for the change of date, I look at the time having to go and pick up my parent's soon.



I look at my heavily glowing wife smiling at me, still feeling the love I do for her like the first time I met her.

"I am going to go and pick up my parents from the airport soon, are you going to be ok alone?"

"Of course I will be ok, honey plus mum is here anyways don't worry, the last time I saw your parents was at our wedding, I wonder what they going to think about me?"

I walk up to my anxious wife.

"Honey don't think like that, my parent's will be happy and excited to see you after so long, especially cause you have there first grandchild wrapped up safetly inside you honey"

"Gomaweyo honey, you always make me feel so appreciated and loved"

I lean down and softly touch her cheek and I kiss her softly.

"Hey... lovebirds"

I turn at the sarcasm.



"Man you have been busy since being here haven't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your hardly home"

"Whoa you just sound like my mum right now [laughing] must be the pending birth of your son that's making you more soft [laughing]"

Duke joke's with me which was usual of him, he lean's heavily with his arm on my shoulder I move so we don't hurt Nana, thats the last thing that I want to happen.

"Hahaha funny...."

"Honey ignore Duke, he's just teasing"

"[laughing] Hey I heard that your going to be picking up Mr. and Mrs J...."

"Yeah, why?"

"I'll come with you?"

"No you can stay here and help Nana"

"Honey I will be fine, mum's just gone to do some last minute errand's"

"No Duke will stay here with until I get back we haven't been in our new home for that long, and I want to make sure that there is someone with you honey"

"You guys haven't had the chance to hang out?"

"Thats ok Nana I will stay here with you"

I kiss Nana again and I grab my keys and march downstairs to the car .


I wait at the Incheon International Airport for my parent's I was wondering how they were going to react since it's been awhile since I have seen my mum and dad with them living in California America and myself with my family in Seoul South Korea. As I watch the many passengers walking out of the Arrival's terminal looking for my parent's before I knew it I see my mum and dad walkout amongst the chaos and I smile instantly my parent's never changing, my mum looking beautiful as always in her usual attire.



Mum looking every part of a business women still amazed at how she looks younger then her age, I am in my 20's and my parents in there early 40's next to mum was my dad who was pushing the cart with there luggage also looking the part of a business men like mum.



My parents spot me and they smile at me as I walk towards them, if I wasn't there son and some random person I would think that they were important people especially with the co-ordination of there clothing.


I hug mum.


I shake my dad's hand, I grab the trolley of dad and I pushed the luggage.

"Honey, don't you look handsome...."

This was what I was wearing.


"Thanks mum"

"How are you?"

"I am fine mum, and you?"

"The same"

Dad pat's my shoulder.

"Sorry you had to postprone the baby shower on our behalf son?"

"That's ok dad, no worries we understood that you were out of the country and were busy with work committements?"

"Still son, we apologise it was unfair for us to do that to you and Nana, speaking of which where is your wife?"

"She is at home with Duke"

"Duke is here?"

"Yes mum"

"Oh my gosh I haven't seen him in like forever I can't wait to see him"

I unlocked the car and and I put there luggage into the boot.

[Red Mercedes:]

I sat hopped into the drivers seat.

"That's nice, haven't seen Duke since the wedding?"

"Yeah he's been really busy with work and all, hey dad are you going to be staying with Nana and I for your duration of your stay here, or have you already made arrangements?"

"We have booked a hotel for our stay here"

"Ok dad, did you want me to take you to your hotel or did you want to see Nana first?"

"Take us to see your wife honey"

"Ok mum"


"Honey I love your home?"

I forgot that my parents haven't been here in Seoul especially at our home, well we all hopped out of the car, you could see 3 cars parked up which was obvious that one was Duke's which he was using here, and also Nana's mum was back from her errands.

Duke's car:

[White Rover: Lumia]

Nana's car:

[Red BMW]

Nana's mum's car:

[Blue BMW]

"Honey have you got visitors?"

"No mum, its just Duke, Nana and her mum why?"

"Just wondering thats all honey"

We walked into the house mum's arm in mine I was more like a mummies boy which was obvious but I was close with both my parent's, anyway's we walked inside the house to see Nana walking toward's us I shrug out of mum's grasp and ran towards Nana.

"Honey you should be resting"

"I know I wanted to greet your parents at the door?"

"Thats ok Nana, Dean is right you should be resting especially at the later stage's of pregnancy?"

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. J"

It was really nice having my wife on my side, my parent's sitting opposite of Nana and I and my best friend Duke here as well. We were all talking about all sort's.

"So Dean, how is work?"

"The same dad Mr. Wu is always a joy to work with"

I say with sarcasm knowing full well since I told him about me working for Mr. Wu one of the leading businessmen internationally known as well, dad being proud until I mentioned that I was his P.A which made him angry. I could understand that dad wanted me to have the best and seeing that I was a P.A as a grade lower from that expectation was nothing less then an embarrasment to him but considering that I really liked working for Mr. Wu I had to work hard if I was to get any furthur and having Mr. Wu as a boss has clout if I wanted to get furthur.

"Ok, boy's enough, I think we better get going it's getting late?"

"Where are you going Mrs. Jung?"

"To our hotel room?"

"I thought you would be staying with us for your duration"

"No that's ok honey"

"I will take you to your hotel Mr. and Mrs. J I am heading out anyways"

"If that's ok, with you Dean?"

"No worrie's Mum, Duke let's get the luggage out of my car"

Duke and I walked out to the cars it was a good opportunity to talk to Duke without anyone hearing.

"Bro are you ok?"

"Yeah Dean why?"

"I have noticed the sign's?"


"Bro do I have to spell it out?"

"I am fine serious?"

"Bro talk to me?"

"Just got some thing's on my mind that's all?"

"You can talk to me bro?"

"I know but I am ok"

I could see that Duke was hiding something but I have known Duke for so long to know that he will tell me what's going on when he is ready.



It was nice seeing Mr. and Mrs. J it was also a good distraction for Nana and Dean with them hinting about me being busy, and also with Dean talking about seeing noticable sign's with the way I have been which I thought I was hiding so well but unfortunatly not that well the last time was when I was in depression mode with the death of my partner, I had to keep everything top secret I didn't want Dean and his family in more danger then what they were already.  I was taking Mr. and Mrs. J to there hotel room so I can start working.


"Yes sir?"

"How's your parents?"

"They're ok just busy working as usual?"

"Honey are you ok?"

"Yes ma'am"

"You look like you have alot on your mind?"

"Yeah I am ok"


I helped Mr. and Mrs. J with there luggage and I waited for them to leave to go to there rooms and I left to head of to base.


I walked into base and I see the familiarity of all the gadgets, computers, vehicles and of course the guys as well.

"Hey Duke hows it?"

"The same Ryan any leads?"

"Still tracking all those on the lists under Reaper's observation"

"Where is Joe?"

"He's in there"

"Thanks Ryan"

"Duke have you found any leads on getting to Ghost?"

"Possible but not sure Ryan I'll be back"

I walk into Joe's office.

"Duke what's up?"

"Joe I have found possible intel on Reaper's hideout, and also other intel that could help us"


We head into the conference room including the rest of the team.

"Ok, boy's listen up Duke has new intel"


I loaded up all the intel I have so the guy's can see it on the screen.

"Ok, guys from the latest intel from my contact I have gotten here are the possible hideout's where Reaper could be based here in Seoul but from what my contact has said is that Reaper is getting restless"

"So that either means, that he is going to start with whatever he has planned or that he is going to hit up the possible target's from the list we have"

"Also I have photo's of henchmen that are linked to Reaper and Ghost they were spotted at Park. Corp a couple days ago, when I went to go and speak to Mr. Park's son in hoping to get some information from Mr. Park but seeing them there I backed off not wanting to draw attention. Also when I was digging around for Ghost I decided to hit the places on the list's even though you had guy's go if you look at these image's you can see that Reaper's men are getting ready to do something, these shot's were taken yesterday evening, also I am meeting someone that will get me closer to talk to Mr. Park"


"What do you mean Inguk?"

"When we got the go ahead from Joe to talk to Mr. Park Changuk but we couldn't get any furthur?"

"Duke why have you got the case files of Mr. Park's missing daughter?"

"I have reason to believe that, the incident from then has everything to do with what is happening now?"




Something dosen't feel right for some reason, I need to up my game. I look at my right hand known as Ghost but to me affectionaly known as Leon.


"Leon I want you and a team to re-locate everything from warehouses 2 and 4 to be brought back here, and after having everything moved I want them to be burnt down I don't want no evidence left behind"

"Yes sir"

"I don't want no problems with re-locating everything"

"Ok sir, will do anything else?"

"I want you to send someone to break into Park's office to see if you can find any information on the codes Leon is there any new's on Min-a?"

"No sir nothing it's like she has dissappeared since having the team's stationed at the place's where she will visit there are no signs of her going to the place's sir all her associates seem to be working on normal?"

"Ok I want you to get the guy's to move back from the place's that they are stationed and I want them to help you with re-locating everything from warehouse 2 and 4, also I want the men you have at Park Corp to keep an eye on Chanyeol"

"Yes sir, why are you after Park's daughter?"

"2 reasons, first I believe that both Park's twin's hold the key to the code's and since we have Chanyeol in sight we are missing Min-a and secondly Min-a remind's me of my daughter that I lost in that tragic accident"

"Ok, sir I will have the team stabilised to have the equipment relocated"

"Thank you Leon"

"No problem sir"

I look at the picture of a then 4 year old Min-a the little girl and now looking at a picture of a now 20 year old her that I had in my hands then and now she was within reach but not anymore. She had a close resemblance to my daughter I didn't want to hurt either of them, why am I like this one reason revenge on those that hurt my family and one way was to get the code's from either Park's himself or through his children, I wanted to make them pay for what they did to my wife and my family even if it mean't innocent people had to die I didn't care.





"How is your friend?"

"Which friend?"

"The young lady from university?"

"Oh noona she is ok why?"

"I can get that look on her face out of my head?"

"And what look was that mum?"

"She looked like she lost something Luhan?"

"I went to visit her the other day mum, and she looked ok besides the fact that she seems smaller then usual. But mum I am sure she is ok?"

"Ok Luhan"

I watched as mum got up and walked into the kitchen.


"Yes mum"

"Do you like her?"


"Since you have become friend's with her, and hearing so much about her from you I thought that maybe you have moved on?"

I open my wallet and I grab the peice of paper that was really familiar to me and I opened the paper without ruining it any furthur looking at the worn paper from me endlessly reading it.


[At school:]

15 year old Luhan.

These days school seemed to go so fast and normal hanging out with the guy's. Thing's changed when I saw her Kim Li sitting by herself at her usual spot in the cafeteria her feature's not special like many other girl's but there was something about her, that always seemed to call out to me, I have always watched her from afar and I had a feeling that today was the day that I can finally talk with her.

"Hyung where are you going?"

"I will be back ok"

I look at the guys sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria. I walk towards Kim Li her eyes glued onto the workbook she was reading seeing her close up she looked pretty, well anyway's I sighed awkwardly trying to have the courage to ask her.

"Kim Li"

She looks at me shocked with my presence.


She says awkwardly.

"Kim Li would you like to come over to my house for dinner?"

I ignore all the look's going on around me. Oddly I was worried about what her answer was going to be.

"Luhan-sshii, why?"

"Because I wanted to"

She smiles at me.


The bell rings and I leave with the guy's all day I couldn't stop thinking about Kim Li which was surprising not to me but also the guy's with the constantly asking me questions. The bell ring's signally that school was finished I went to my locker and I peice of paper fell out of my locker I looked at the paper and it was a note from a girl obviously from the writing.


Thank you for the invitation for dinner, but I don't think that it is right for me to accept your invitation.

Even though I am happy that someone like you would take time to come and ask someone like me to dinner, it would be the happiest moment of my life.

Thank you Luhan-sshii for giving me a beautiful moment I will never forget.

Kim Li

I went home still with those crazy thought's in my head the next day I went to school hoping to find her but throughout the day there was no sign of her.


"Yeah gege?"

"Have you seen Kim Li?"

"You haven't heard?"

"What is it?"

"She is gone?"

[End of Flashback:]

I look at the note of my first love, is mum right that I have moved on from Kim Li, do I like Celine Noona, that can't be right she is a year older then me and that would be wrong. I couldn't help but think about the moment's I had with Celine noona. I couldn't help but smile.



I look in the mirror and I see the tiredness in my eyes from the lack of sleep I've had these last few days especially after the conversation with Duke, making thing's look more clearer to me that something big was going to happen and with all the thing's happening around me I didn't know what to expect, but I knew that Krystal finding Min-a was no coincidence. I look at my attire not typical like normal this morning I am dressed more casual then usual especially with work.

Having Dean working at home giving both of us the opportunity to organises ourselves, with Dean having to sort out his new home and also the birth of there son reminding me about the invitation to the baby shower this weekend which Dean reminding me to attend, also having to remind myself to buy something for the baby which I will need help to find what to get for them. Today I didn't feel like working at all so I decided that I would go and check on Min-a, worrying about her not eating thank's to Lee informing me about her not eating her meal's for the last few day's which won't help her heal properly. On cue Lee walk's into my office with my usual strong black coffee.

"Master Wu?"

"Lee, thank you"

"Is there anything you need Master Wu?"

"No, Lee?"

"Yes Master Wu?"

"How is Min-a this morning?"

"Master Wu Miss Yoon, seems down like the yesterday and day before Master Wu?"

I drink my coffee to hide the worry in my eyes.

"Has she eaten anything at all this morning?"

"I don't know Master Wu, I just left her room, Miss Yoon is on the balcony where I served her breakfast but I have no idea if she has eaten Master Wu, what would you have me do?"

"Nothing, Lee"

I lean back with my coffee in my hand.

"She must feel like a hostage her, missing her loved ones?"

"I don't think so Master Wu, but I am sure that Miss Yoon is missing her loved ones?"

I didn't realise that I said it out loud I thought it was my mind speaking.


"Master Wu?"

"What are my family doing today?"

"Miss Wu, is at school, Mr. and Mrs. Wu are both out at a luncheon"

"Oh ok, why didn't they need me to go?"

"Personal luncheon Master Wu?"

"Ok, thank you Lee, that is all"

Lee leave's me alone in my office my files stacked neatly in even piles on one side ignoring the numbers on my laptop the mid year financal report which normally would take my focus but right now work was the last thing on my mind. 

"Hello Mr. Wu?"


"Yes Mr. Wu?"

"How are things with your new home?"

"Ahead as scheduled Mr. Wu, I have the files you need for you ready to go?"

"Can you have Jongin look at them, I am busy"

"Yes Sir?"

"Also I want you to re-schedule my meeting's, and other client gathering's for the start of next week?"

"Yes Sir, Mr. Wu are you feeling un-well?"

"No Dean I am fine just something important has come up which is why I need you to clear my schedule"

"Yes Sir, will do I will let Jongin-sshii know not to have you distrub unless its urgent matter's"

"Thank you Dean, I will see you this weekend"

"Yes Sir, thank you"

"Thats ok Dean, I have to go"

"Yes Sir"

I hang up the phone and I close my eyes just to catch myself, I stand up and walk out of the office with my phone in hand and I walk and I see Lee in the kitchen.


"Master Wu is there something that you need?"

"No Lee, I am just going to check on Min-a"

"Ok Master Wu"

I walk upstair's to her room and I walk towards the open door and I stood frozen at the sight, I see the back view of Min-a standing.

The wind blowing so effortlessly hitting everything in its path yet Min-a was standing there not moving, I notice what she is wearing.


The clothe's she was wearing looked so loose on her making me worry about her showing how small she has become, I see her arm's around her body, the sun playing with the colour of her hair giving the effect of a flame burning, just from where I was standing it was obvious that Min-a was troublled and no surprise's because she missed her loved ones and the image of the two kid's that it was obvious meant alot to her with the book that I remember from the morning at the hospital which was placed on the bedside table, also an image of her mother who was suffering just as much as Min-a was right now, what was wrong with me what I was doing was selfish of me, like Lee mentioned earlier being amazed at the relationship Min-a and Lee have with the understanding of each other making me feel jealous not having that kind of relationship with Min-a me wanting Min-a to trust me with her deepest secret's, to share moment's of our own together but I knew that it would take time, and the only way I could help her was to give her back to her family even if my heart is telling me not to, and also a small chance that I was worried about what will happen afraid that the same thing could happen to her again. Which was the reason why I wanted to forget about everything around me and just do what I want to do even if that meant that I will regret it when the time comes when I may not see her again.


And she turns and looks at me, and I couldn't help but look at her with awe her beauty was something that I have never seen before no word's could explain how our felt when I saw her looking at me right now with the vulnerability and sadness in her eyes.


I look at her with shock as she smile's so bright to me which made me feel warm but also worried more for her if it wasn't for the fact that I saw the look in her eye's, how could she do that. I walk closer toward's her I notice the un-touched food on the table which proved that she hasn't eaten at all.

"May I?"

I say to her which was normal manner's and she smiled at me yet again and I walked next to her and stood at her side my arm's on the barrier of the balcony leaning down looking at the scenery beneath me.


I called out I could feel her warmth next to me, the wind blowing against me thankfully the wind shielding it's full wrath on Min-a causing her to just stand there.


"Are you ok?"

I say without thinking I look down at Min-a she was shorter then my 6 ft frame, I could see in the corner of my eyes that she was trying to think about what to say without thinking I notice one strand of hair on her face I reach and move it behind her hair, with that I feel the softness under my finger ignoring the warmth inside of me.

"I am ok, Kris"

"Min-a look at me?"

I was shocked with what just came out of my mouth it was to late to take it back or try to cover it, suddenly she looks up at me, and that's when I noticed the look in her eye's telling me that she was not ok. Without thinking I wrap her in my grasp her body fitting in mine like a puzzled her small frame enveloped with mine one hand at the lower of her back and the other on her shoulder trying to comfort her as much as I could without making her feel like she has to talk to me. I could feel her shaking which was clear that she was crying I comfort her until she stop's. Seeing her like this was hurting me, I knew that what I was doing was not helping her at all I had to ignore the thought's in my head with everything from the conversation I had with Duke, to the information that I gotten from Dean, and most of all these feeling's that I feel for her that I couldn't explain at all. I held onto her until she calmed down and I loosely let her go and she moved back.

"I am sorry..."


"Ruining your shirt, disturbing your busy life, for coming into your home...."

"You didn't, Min-a, lets sit down"

We both sat down, silence surrounded us.



"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you like it here?"

She didn't answer making me feel like I shouldn't have said anything, but I knew that I had to ask the next question since she didn't answer that.

"Do you feel like I am holding you as a hostage in my home?"

I looked out to the scenery hoping that she wouldn't see the hurt in my eye's with me asking the question and obviously see the panic in my eyes with what her answer maybe. I didn't even notice that she already answered I couldn't hear maybe because of the sound coming from the beating of my heart masking everything around me I didn't notice until I felt something and I see Min-a was touching my shoulder. I look at her direction.

"Why would you think that, after everything you have done for me I couldn't be more thankful with everything both you and Mr. Lee have done for me, a mere stranger who you have taken on board, caring, feeding, housing me. Kris I am truthfully thankful and humbled for what you have done for me if there was anyway I could do for your generosity I will gladly do no questions asked?"

I just look at the determination in her eyes.

"Don't think that you are the bad guy here Kris, from what I see you are nothing but perfect guy"

I smile at her.

"Thank you Min-a for saying that, it mean's alot to me that you feel that way"

She blushes at my comment, hearing that was giving me the push I needed at this moment.

"Min-a can I ask you for a favour?"

"Of course"

"Would you like to spend the day with me?"






[Characters:- 20731 Words: 4972]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 23rd September 2015

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 13th July 2016

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....