





Everything moving so fast:

[In Seoul]

Luhan finally grasp's the fainted Celine in his arm's the light weight not doing much to Luhan as he walk's to the nearest lounger with the faint Celine in his arm's with so many thought's going on in Luhan's mind with evident concern for the girl in his arm's as he gently lay's Celine down The Huang's look between there daughter and Luhan with the shock and worry about there daughter's well being and also at the way Luhan was taking care of there daughter with his face full of concern for his noona, the two little boy's also frozen in there spot's also with horror etched on there little face's afraid for there noona being hurt teardrop's coming from the both of them especially noticing a tear drop from Maesuk who was so hard to read with his emotions alway's being quite around everyone. As Luahn was contemplating everything in his head on what to do next without hesitation he know's then and there that something deep inside of him yet to figure out was it was  but with all intention of taking Celine to the hospital to see if Celine was medically ok as well as physically. What Luhan didn't know was that he was being followed.

[End of Author POV]


"Sir we have a known address for the name you wanted us to hit?"


"A Miss. Celine Huang residence?"

"Ok stick to them and I will talk to my associate on what to do next"

"Yes sir will do"

He hang's up the phone of dialling his client with the prospect's of information which was his job.



[At the Jung's household]

As the families excitement with the up in coming day's of the birth of there first child the parent's of Dean and Nana with the same excitement with the birth of there first grandchild for both families as the scene of are happy family there sit's the friend who stand's outside in the cold chilly night staring through the window of the happy scene thought's going on in his head as he watches with awe. Duke button's up his jacket to shield chill he look's out to the view of the surrounding's around the house as he those that Mrs. Jung look's out at the lonely young man who she has come to know for as long as she can remember seeing him looking so lost broke her heart compared to the joyous scene in front of her. She leaves the sight and reaches for her jacket and tighten the loops to shield the chilly night and walk's to the young man who she see's as a son of her own.



I lean on the veranda and look out at the view with thought's going on in my head why was I here was what I was thinking which was stupid of me knowing full well that I was here on an important mission to find Ghost and Reaper to get more intel it was expected that finding to elusive criminal's was going to be a task hence the reason why I was re-enlisted to the team to find Reaper and Ghost before what they had planned came to action spending alot of my time trying to find intel keeping my head in the game but yet here I am looking out at the cold chilly night after seeing my best friend and his family with happiness with expectation of new life into the unknown world around him. I admit I am a hard man from all the training I have grown up to in my childhood there were more time that I yearned to be in Dean's shoe's wishing I was more like Dean and had a childhood like him them the one I was born into I have alway's wanted to share my life with someone special, having a family of my own but with my career and life not wanting to put my love one's through that not wishing even my enemies to have my loved one's to have to wait for a call that could change everything. Also not wanting my love one's to have any chance of my enemies going to them and tourting them for intel out of me which I wouldn't want them to suffer because of my choice of career what was troublling me so much not wanting to make friend's outside of my ex-job having Dean as my friend was just as dangerous hence the reason I am here in Korea to Protect him and stationed my collegues Jen and Sean who seemed to have adapted there live's here in South Korea which was really awe-inspiring with there side job's more like there actual job's and opportunities that they have which was amazing at how they didn't need to worry about other thing's. Still lost in my thought's not realising that I was not alone and I look at the corner of my eye's to see Mrs. Jung who was standing next to me also leaning the same way I was against the framing, noticing the way Mrs. Jung's mannerism's it was clear she had a lot to say and knowing Mrs Jung for as long as I can remember seeing her as another mum to me which was really what I needed right now considering my actual parent's are out on the water's keeping our country safe which was just as awesome. 


"Yo Duke your bleeding"

"Dean I am ok...."

"Come on lets go inside....."

"I am fine...."

Dean not listening to me he grab's my hand and he runs inside the house with me in tow surprising me how strong Dean was I look behind at our skateboard's thrown on the ground of the skate park even though it looked bad but honestly I couldn't feel anything.


Now sitting on the bench with Mrs. Jung in view I look at her as she start's cleaning the wound ignoring the stinging pain which I became accustom to seeing the bloody bandages on the side of me the first aide kit on the other side and Mrs. Jung slowly and lightly cleaning my wound's with acohol gauzes, what was more surprising for me was that the care she was taking in cleaning my wound's was touching.

"Oh Duke honey this look's bad, we need to go to the hospital to have a doctor look at it to see if it is infected or worst"

I just sit there in silence not thinking about anything but wishing that my mum would do this to me when I was hurt but with her always being away like dad and having a nanny look after me. We hear the door close which was a sign that Mr. Jung was here I automatically frezze with the expectation of getting trouble.

"Honey I am home"

"We are in the kitchen"

I hear movement's footstep's getting closer to us I see Dean's face light up even though we were in high school seeing Dean's like that was something I had seeing the bond they share wishing I had the same with my father where my relationship with my father was more like a cadet to his senior. I see a suited up Mr. Jung walking in the kitchen obviously clear the he just finished work.



"How was school?"

"The same"

"Duke what happened that look's bad"

Mr. Jung kneel's at a lower level looking at my knee.

"Yeah dad but Duke has been sitting there quiet dad?"

"Duke son are you ok?"

I nod in reply no word's coming out holding the tears that was inside of me ready to fall from the unexpected feeling that I was feeling at the moment the next thing Mr. Jung carries me with my knee elevated ignoring the fact that he was wearing what looked like an expensive suit which was now getting my blood on it.



"Dean grab a pillow for Duke's knee to stay elevated, honey can you get my keys and start the car"

I watch my best friend and his family showing so much love to me which caused me to be silent never experiencing much of this ever.


Sitting on the hospital bed as I was getting seen by a doctor and there was Mr. Jung standing there on my side with Mrs. Jung and my best friend.

"Who are you all?"

"We are Duke's family whilst his parents are away on duty...."

[End of Flashback:]

The Jung's were like my extended family which I took for granted at time's for a reason but I couldn't help but feel loved when I was with them they felt more like my family even though I love my parent's I sigh deeply.

"Duke honey are you ok?"

"Yeah I am fine Mrs. Jung?"

"Mrs. Jung is what I call my mother-in-law so either call me mum or Lorraine or anything else but not Mrs. Jung Duke honey"

We both laugh at that.

"Ok, mum"

"That's much better, so Duke tell me what is on your mind I know that there is something bothering you?"

Was it that obvious there was so much going on in my mind I feel Mrs. Jung touch my shoulder considering I am tall feeling her comfort me was relaxing with everything going on especially with work matter's still getting use to be operating in my old job, I feel my phone vibrating which saved me from having to answer Mrs. Jung.

"Saved by the bell Duke, I will leave you alone to your call and come back inside it's cold out here and I will make you favourite hot chocolate with little marshmellow's ok"

I watch as she walk's inside Mrs. Jung alway's being like that to me knowing her to be like that since forever which was what made me feel normal at time's even though moment's like that can be embarrassing at time's but it made me feel so normal instead of who I am really I answer the phone.


"Where are you?"


"Jen has been out on the road and she has found something that might you might want to see"

"I am on my way"

"Yeah I will text the whereabouts"

"Ok I am on my way"

I hang up and I walk out ignoring the shock on the face's of everyone especially Mrs. Jung who looked so worried at me her face was something that I couldn't get out of my mind at the moment as I head off toward's the location that Sean wanted me to go to.


I look at the place that Sean had text through to me and I look at a worn out warehouse abandoned which didn't look like it was inhabit at all. I see Sean and Jen standing waiting for me.

"Sean, Jen what is it?"

"I have reason to believe that this is one of the hangouts of Ghost"


"Being a top investigator at the Police Department here has its twerks"

I totally forgot that Jen was an investigator for the police here a known one solving alot of cases here  as we walked in as Jen explained that she had found one of his men and she got this place out of his mouth to avoid life in sentence for an attack on some girl which Jen wouldn't say. As we looked around it looked like it would be a possible place for criminal's to hang out away from snooping eye's I look around seeing if I could find anything.

"I have had the place cleaned out for evidence and we couldn't find anything I didn't know that this case was more then what it was?"

"Yeah now you know, those the department know what your doing and who you were?"

"Meaning that I am or use to be an Black Operative in America then no they don't know about that making sure no one know's"

"I have the file's of the case maybe you could find something that we missed out and maybe it could help you?"

I look at the case file's that Jen had but I was looking around I spotted something in the corner of my eye and I reach down before doing that Jen hand's me some gloves and I put them on and I pick it up and I was surprised that Jen didn't find it I pick up a strayed bullet and gave it to Jen.

"Whoa how we didn't spot this amazes me but what would I expect from the great Duke [laughing]"

I kepted looking around with the file's in my hand looking at everything written which might help me in finding any link's to Ghost and also looking I spot something at the corner of my eye yet again I bend down to pick up the rubbish that was clouding the actual item I had spotted which was are badly damaged cellphone which looked to be one of the latest in the business and also are bloody snaplock bag ith an equaly bloody peice of paper.

"Whoa Duke, what would I say to the guy's at the department in finding evidence like this lying around and we didn't find I can guess already what they are thinking"

"Then don't say anything at all Jen, I will take this with me?"

"Duke I can't do that you know that?"

"Jen I will anonymously send it to your department to you if that would help maybe this would help in finding the whereabouts of Ghost and maybe Reaper and whatever intel I can get I want to find it a.s.a.p?"

"Ok I will give you 24 hours and you swear to send it to me"

"Will do"

"Ok lets go I have this weird feeling?"

"What feeling Jen?"

"I don't know Sean but it feel's like we are being watched?"

"You guy's go ahead and act like I am not here, Sean take my key for my car and follow Jen I will meet you at your's?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Just scoping around to see if I can see anything strange, maybe one of ther guy's are here maybe they are looking for what I found?"

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Yeah I will be ok, but I want you to make sure that Dean and his family are safe just in case I don't get back to there's ok?"


"Go now I will be ok, I will let you know just keep a hold of your phone's, I will call you a.s.a.p act like normal ok?"

I grab the phone and note and put it in my pocket as my inside's start burning up this was the kind of rush that I relished on as I stay in hidden which was difficult thing I managed to and I get a text and I see that it was from Sean.

To: Duke

From: Sean

Heads Up!

I look at the short text from Sean and it helped it was obvious that I had to be on my toe's I stay hidden listening to my surrounding's.





"Is your parents ok?"

"They are fine don't worry about them, is there anything you want me to do?"

"No honey, just can't wait until our baby come's"

"I know me to, speaking of which are you excited for the baby shower?"

"Yeah can't wait hopefully we don't have to postsponed the date again"

"[Laughing] there is no need to change the date both our families are here to join us and that's all we want"

"I know honey do you know how much I love you"

"As much as I love you, come on get some rest few more day's then the baby shower and a few day's after that the birth of our son"

I look at my wife who is heavily pregnant with my son I was so happy that nothing could change that. I was waiting for my wife to fall asleep so I can finish of some paperwork that I was certain that Mr. Wu may need a.s.a.p considering the fact that he gave me time off for the upcoming birth of my son, and also with Mr. Wu not calling me for anything was something that I was not use to as I was working on some paperwork whilst hearing the soft breathing of my wife next to me was relaxing I noticed that something was wrong with Duke seeing the fast pace he has been since being here made me think that he must be on a job here which was a good thing but the shocking thing was the Duke has mentioned anything to me which was unlike him, I look at the paperwork trying to think of something else I grabbed another form and I looked at the budget report and I noticed large incrament of money being taken out at certain times which got my attention I needed to call Mr. Wu about the report I softly move away from Nana without waking her and I grabbed my phone and I walked downstairs so she won't wake up whilst making the call. I go downstairs I see mum and dad making themselves comfortable which reminded me of back home in America there sitting at the end of the table was dad with his laptop in front of him and next to him was mum but instead of a laptop in front of here I see her with a pad it looked like she was designing something.

"Honey I thought you were asleep?"

"I thought the same with you as well mum and dad?"

"[Laughing] just have some reports that I need to look at son, are you ok?"

"Yeah I am dad"

"My son is going to be a dad"

I look at dad and seeing him so happy was really something even though I have seen dad being happy but this kind of happy was something so different.

"I know [laughing]"

"My baby is all grown up"

"Oh mum"

"So how is Nana?"

"She is sleeping"

"Ok, why are you up still son?"

"Oh just need to make a call?"

"What is it?"

"Dad can you look at this file?"

"What is it?"

"Financial report for my boss Mr. Wu something dosen't seem to be right dad?"

"Pass them here son"

Dad look's through the paper's of the financial and looking at dad's reaction it was evident that I was right the it didn't look right it was funny at how quick dad had spotted what I saw in a short time frame then I did.

"Dean either your boss is making these transaction's on his own account I guess you have nothing to worry about but if he is not taking out the large amount's of money for himself it seems that Mr. Wu may have a problem with some of his employees?"

"So what should I do dad?"

"Call Mr. Wu for youself and let him know what you have found"

"That's what I was going to do as we speak, but I just wanted to make sure that's all?"

I stand up and I dialled Mr. Wu's number I hear the dial tone in my ear I wait for Mr. Wu to answer but surprising me the phone goes to his voicemail which was un-expected of Mr. Wu which got me worried. 

"He isn't answering?"

"Honey calm down Mr. Wu could be busy doing something just leave a message to get him to call you"


I dial again hoping this time he would answer but the same thing straight to voicemail.

"Mr. Wu sorry for the late call, I have something I would like to discuss to you please call me a.s.a.p Mr. Wu, if not I will see you at the baby shower?"

I hang up and look at my parent's.





"Everything has slowed down sir, we still have no known whereabout's of all the associated with Miss Park Min-a sir, we still have the guy's stationed at the company, the orphanage and other known places that Miss Park Min-a should be sir including all her associate's"


"Also from the guy's we have stationed out sir I got a report from them here"

I look at the file from my right hand man and I look at all the note's including so image's of people who don't look familiar to me at all.

"Who are these people?"

"These are all those that have visited the places' that we have had our men stationed at since the dissappearance of Miss Park Min-a sir?"

"And why have I  got them on my table?"

"You wanted a list of people who have been at the known addresses of Miss. Park Min-a sir"

"Yes that's right thank you"

I looked at the photo's of the people who have been visiting there were are few that drew more attention to me but I didn't think anything about it I throw the file down on my desk I don't want anymore distractions or trouble so close to everything working out.



Working for my boss had its perk's giving me so much power to all the little people, but not as much power as my boss which was annoying at time's, but the boss was more of a father figure to me then my own poor old alcoholic father who was more of a distant memory then what I make out just thankful that my mum was away from the idiot who always physically and mentally abuse her I look at my reflection and I see the faint scar on the side of my face thanks to my idiot father.


[smashing sound's, broken plates]

I sit down hiding from the sound's so loud in my ears I hear crying coming from my mum from dad hurting her, hearing dad yelling at mum today was meant to be a good day with my older brother coming home, I cower in silence hiding scared of my dad he was always so angry when my brother wasn't home from work.

[more smashing sound's, crying, yelling]

When was my brother coming back from work, I really missed my brother when he lefted he was my idol he was the reason why I wanted to be a better person and to not be like my dad, my brother paid for everything the home that we stayed in my schooling, and of course my dad's drinking habit.

[more crashing and smashing]

I can't take it I run downstairs to help mum I run downstairs and I see mum in a heap crying and in pain.


"Son go back to your room quickly"

"But mummy is hurt"

"I am fine son go on before your father comes back"

"No mummy"

"Oh look who's join the party"

I look at my dad even though I am scared all I felt was anger from what my dad was doing to my mum.

"If it isn't mommy's boy here"

I look at dad walking closer to me and mum I stand up.

"Leave mum alone"

Then I fell on the ground in pain on my face I touch my face and I see blood dripping heavily I feel something soft touch the side of my face and I see mum crying heavily. I see mum being pulled away from me.

"So you want to be a man come on then"

I look back at dad with anger and tear's from the pain I ignored it and stood up again even though I was only 13 year's old I wanted to protect mum I look at my dad and I see why I was bleeding it's because dad had a knife in his hand I see dad coming up to me and punching me like I was nothing as I was crumbled on the floor and hearing the fast pace of my racing heart waiting for the next punch to come I close my eyes waiting for the next blow but it didn't come I open my eyes to see my mum still huddled in fetal postion from her pain not far from me, my older brother running toward's us whilst men in black were holding back my dad.

"Mum are you ok?"

"I am fine son"

"How did I not know what you were going through"

"I am fine son"

He was comforting mum and he called out to one of his men.

"Hey help mum take her in the car?"

"Yes sir"

My brother walk's towards me but out of reflex's I move back.


I look at my brother scared and in pain.

"I won't hurt you"

My brother come's closer and I feel his strong arm's around mine.

"Bro come on I will take you away from all of this you and mum, I swear that nothing like this will happen to you again"

"You promise..."

"I promise"

From that day my brother promised and I never had problem's like that again, and never saw my father again all of us living happily.


[Year's later:]

"Bro I need you to look after mum for a while?"

"Why where are you going bro?"

"I have to go for a couple week's for a job ok"

"Of course I will until you get back"

"That's the one, be safe"

"You to bro"

"If anything happen's the guys are here and you will be in charge of thing's ok"

"Bro you sound like your not coming back?"

"Just precaution's ok

"I will bro until you get back"


[Week's later]

No word from my brother which was unusual of him I go to school trying not to think about anything but my thought's always was thinking about my brother.

"Young Sir"

I look at my brother's right hand.

"Have you heard from my brother"

"Young sir I am sorry, your brother has been killed"

[End of Flashback]

From that day I swore that I will get my revenge from the person who took my brother away from me I look at known accomplice's of the guy who killed my brother.



Sorry if this chapter seem's to be all over the place I was just trying to get other's involved whilst Min-a and Kris were in Greece the last few chapter's were in the same time frame as Min-a and Kris were in Greece just to add some more into the fic hopefully those that are reading understand what I am trying to do, its more like teasers and more of the involved characters getting to know more about them as we go along.

Will try to improve with my upcoming chapter's because of the long length of time I take in updating I seem to forget the storyline sorry.... hopefully the rest will be worthy for you all who has waited paitently and reading....



[90 degree bow's to you all] 

sorry of this chapter seem's short????

[Characters:-18567 Words:-4537]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-24th September 2015


Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-20th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....