





You have never felt so drained and worned out despite smelling the scent making you grin in satisfaction knowing full well where you were feeling the cool sheet's drapped all over your body with his strong scent making you so relaxed and also giving you heated thoughts as you finally shake your thoughts a side as you open your eye's confirming your whereabouts the last thing you remembered was that you were walking toward's the entrance with Kris and now here you are in his bed in his room reluctantly those same heated thought's came to mind again you blushed instantly cool yourself and without thinking you lifted up the sheet covering you to see that you were still in the same clothes which you sighed in relief. As you cuddle with one of the pillow's feel a little strained near your rib area which normally you would have hurled in agony but surprisingly you didn't you just laid there comfortable you hear a knock on the door making you tense in an instant until.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon"

You turn with ease as you look to see that Mr. Lee was at the door with a tray in his hand.

[MR. LEE]"How are you feeling?"

"I am ok Mr. Lee"

[MR. LEE]"That's good you have been asleep for over 4 hours, here is a glass of water"

Mr. Lee hands you the glass of water after helping you sit up as the cool water fall elegantly down your throat feeling the crisp feeling which was soothing your dry throat.

[MR. LEE]"I am glad that your awake, instead of me having to wake you up?"


[MR. LEE]"Mr. Wu is busy he was going to come and check up on you but because he is his office he wanted me to let you know if your ok to freshen up for dinner Mr. Wu has some guests here?"

You sat a little firmer then expected which caught Mr. Lee's attention you wanted to stay curled up in the bed but you owed so much to Kris and this was at least you can do without being a drama queen after everything Kris has done for you and your family you would pretty much do anything and everything for Kris. 

"Ok, thank you Mr. Lee, is Yoonho ok?"

[MR. LEE]"Yes he is ok, Miss. Yoon"

You sigh with relief finally getting up out of the comfy bed as you got up and cleaned your mess and made the bed after awhile you leave his room ignoring the curiousity feeling inside of you as you make your way to your room hearing voices downstairs as you felt some sort of rush inside of you, finally in your room that you shared with Yoonho which was really nice anyways you jumped in the shower feeling the warm shower spray's hit your body calming you even more, after drying yourself you wrapped yourself with your towel as you were drying your hair thankfully your hair didn't need much work as you had your undergarment's on the next your door open's making you tighten your grip on your towel to see Yoonho walking in looking happy which made you happy.


[YOONHO]"Sorry umma I didn't know you were changing?"

"It's ok, next time you will knock?"

[YOONHO]"Ye umma"

"Wash up"

[YOONHO]"Ye umma, appa told me to come and get changed for dinner?"

"Ok, Yoonho, we will be having dinner with Kris's friend's ok"

[YOONHO]"Ye umma"

You watch as Yoonho lefted you and went into the bathroom shocked but expected Yoonho tended to take care of himself and not needing help with changing and all that. So you finished off getting changed happy with your choice and hopefully not to much and not to less.

As you look in the mirror happy with your choice as you were finishing up out comes from the wardrobe and pretty much almost ready there is Yoonho showing his style and wisdom again thanks to Celine unnie. There is Yoonho dressed,

[YOONHO]"Umma you look pretty?"

"Thank you it mean's alot coming from a stylist like you Yoonho-ah [laughing]"

You both laugh with each other just as you got use to that.

[YOONHO]"Umma i'll be back ok"

You watch Yoonho walk out as happy and as comfortable as he walked in earlier leaving you alone as you re-checked yourself making sure you looked as perfect as you could, and the next you hear a knock making you grin knowing that it was Yoonho which made you think that he at least listened to you, you walk to open the door hearing the clicking sound's of your heels on the floor with each step you open the door ready to not reprimand Yoonho but a little but you were shocked to see at the door was not Yoonho but Kris looking more handsome dreseed in black, white and green. 

You were speechless that was expected whenever you were in Kris's presence as you stood the motionless as you see Kris standing there with his authority and handsomeness clouding your judgement without thinking you say the first thing that came out of your mouth.

[MIN-A]"Kris do I look alright?"

It was to late to take it back seeing Kris smile at you which gave you butterflies at an intense level as you waited for him to answer and thankfully it was what you wanted to hear and not a fragment of your imagination thank god as you were conversing then when Kris mentioned.

[KRIS]"Hey are you going to be ok?"


[KRIS]"Yoonho said that you looked...."

[YOONHO]"Appa look umma look's pretty"

Which made you smile at Yoonho's comment feeling some sense of pride hearing the confirmation from both boys that mean everything to you also the one that was already resting eternally which made you think about the wake tommorrow making you feel like you were going to ball in a moment if it wasn't for hearing Kris say.

[KRIS]"Yes she those"

Which made you forget about everything around you which was selfish but you couldn't help it as the three of you walk towards the stairs with Kris leading of course Yoonho holding your hand as you walked down seeing Yoonho so happy made you radiate the same emotion from Yoonho, he was like your happy pill right at the moment as you got closer you could smell mouthwatery smells making you feel hungry. You see Kris move to one side like he was greeting someone which made you need to get your act together and when Kris moved to introduce you, you noticed Yoonho grip to your side tighter you looked down at Yoonho and comfort him with your smile.


You hear a familiar tone knowing who it belonged to as you looked to see Nana making you relax knowing her already you smiled at her as she gave you a death defying hug making it hard for you to breathe.


[NANA]"Oh my gosh I am happy to see you, oh Min-a you need to eat you lost so much weight"

You smile whilst Nana was still hugging you whilst saying those things that made you falter.

[DEAN]"Nana, don't hurt Min-a-sshii"

You smiled as you greeted Dean and then you see Theo being carried by someone else without having to think you already knew who it was after meeting him that day in the park there was no way you were going to forget what he looks like.



It was like time had slowed despite going at normal pace the next Theo was in his father's arms and you were in Chanyeol's arm feeling the sense of familiarity in being his arm's making you feel like everything that you were holding in was falling so effortlessly from hugging Chanyeol without realising all those tear's that you held back from not knowing a thing about your family and from those tear's that you held back from Maesuk hitting you all at once, you started to tear up certain that you were going to ruin Chanyeol's top which you were thankful that you didn't shed much tear's that could ruin his top but you were shaking non-stop.


Which made you stop and you let go of Chanyeol as you turned to look at Yoonho as he came running to you as expected he was worried about you and you knew he needed a hug after seeing you like that.

"I am ok, I am just happy that I see my oppa?"


"Yes, you remember when Gaeun eomma told you about how umma losted her family"

[YOONHO]"Ye umma"

"Chanyeol is my twin brother"


"That's why umma was like that before ok"


After calming Yoonho down all of you all sat down with you sitting in-between Chanyeol and Yoonho which was really awkward but comfortable with your hand's being covered by both Chanyeol and Yoonho whereas Kris sat on his chair which happened to be the sole chair in the lounge and the Jung family on the other lounger. There was so much conversation and part's which included some about your childhood in the orphanage where you also explained where you adopted Yoonho and spend as much of your free-time at, Chanyeol also talking about his childhood which was different from your's but the same feeling of feeling abandoned but loved. You noticed Kris sitting quietly which made you feel like you were being watched in some way, well as the night was drawing to the end after many laughter and conversation mixed in with yummy food you couldn't be more at peace maybe everything that has happened was meant to happen even though you wish you could change certain things.

[KRIS]"Thank you for coming for dinner?"

[DEAN+NANA]"Thank you for having us"

[CHANYEOL]"I have never been more happy then I am now, thank you hyung, thank you Dean and Nana-sshii"

You can't help but tear softly at how much Chanyeol was glowing as he looked at you and when he spoke off you it was like Chanyeol was his own sun whenever you looked at him which was really beautiful. You looked at Kris and suddenly you could see that his gaze darken more like intensified for some reason which got you worried and scared for some reason making you anxious and worried.

[KRIS]"I am glad that everyone is having a good time, but there is something that need's to be mentioned?"

[DEAN]"What is it?"

[NANA]"Kris are you ok, you look broken, what is it?"


You heard Kris say suddenly which got you all frozen in your seat despite feeling the warmth from Yoonho who was relaxing on your lap you just felt cold that you were worried that you may get Yoonho sick. What surprised you even more was when you heard Nana say that Kris looked broken which made you consider that it wasn't only you that was struggling lately, not realising that Kris would be hurting in this situation not realising that Kris too had a bond with Maesuk as well. Without hesitating you reached one hand and placed it on Kris's wanting to comfort him with as much love and care as you could with just one touch hoping he would understand that you were here with him despite it was more you news to share but right now you couldn't be more glad that Kris was here and was willing to say something that you would have trouble in saying especially with what is expected off you tommorrow at Maesuk's wake.

[KRIS]"I hope that you could support myself and Min-a along with Yoonho tommorrow morning?"

[CHANYEOL]"What's happening tommorrow morning hyung?"

[NANA]"Are you finally getting married?"

Nana say's out of the blue which made you blush but you covered that as you looked down at Yoonho as you move the strand of hair on his forehead.

[KRIS]"You didn't mention anything to Nana, Dean?"

[DEAN]"No it wasn't my place, Kris?"

[NANA]"Don't think of you two talking in Chinese you will deter the conversation?"

You smile when Nana said that surprised that Dean and Kris were conversing in Chinese which was new to you, even though you were use to Kris talking in Chinese when he was with Luhan and Celine not realising that Dean could also converse in Chinese as well.

[KRIS]"No Min-a and I are not get married, tommorrow is going to be a hard and sad day for Min-a and Yoonho, and for myself because if you would have known, Min-a also had another son name Maesuk who sadly passed away day ago and it is his wake tommorrow"

[NANA]"Oh Min-a"

You were wrapped in Nana's arms which was really nice but right now you were more concerned for Kris after hearing him voice out something like that when the whole time you thought Kris wasn't phased at all about what was going on right now, the next you were in Chanyeol's arm's.

[CHANYEOL]"Oh sis, why didn't you mention anything earlier?"

You just ignore the question as you just stayed stationed in Chanyeol's arms, finally feeling relief as you were not in anyone's grasp thankfully Dean wasn't so touchy only touching your shoulder in comfort.

[DEAN]"I am sorry for your lost Min-a-sshii, if there is anything you need please don't hesitate to ask for it?"


Finally seeing them all leave including Chanyeol with much hesitation and demand's of staying but in all honesty you weren't that keen on having Chanyeol here even though he is your brother and happy to have him in your life, you weren't ready to share every part of yourself with him yet. With Yoonho still sleeping on the lounger as Kris and yourself bid everyone goodbye which was really nice you both walked in Kris closing the door as you walked a few steps you suddenly stopped it was so sudden that Kris almost bold you over you faced Kris.

[KRIS]"Min-a are you ok?"

You looked up at him as you could see concern etched on his face but that's not what got you stalling you at this moment your feeling's were so muddled up that you needed to take some time to think about what you were doing, but right now you can't be selfish to worry about your own feeling's when the man in front of you was also struggling right now.

"Kris I am sorry"

You lower yourself to a full bow onto the floor in front of Kris.

[KRIS]"Min-a what are you doing?"

"I am sorry that I didn't take your feeling's into consideration, not thinking of how hard thing's have been for you as well, not knowing the bond you too had with Maesuk, and with everything you have done for not only me but for my family, seeing the joy and happiness Yoonho has been because of you which is worth everything to me, also with the finances which I will owe you every penny no matter how long it takes"

You say still in the same spot and place on the floor like you were pleading to him to busy in your own moment and speaking non-stop you don't realise that the man your talking to is taking your motion to heart and feeling really upset but thankful with him leaning down kneeling where you are you feel his hand touch your back it was like fire feeling his large palm on your back giving you are soft tingling feeling which you were ignoring because this is not what you wanted. You sat up to see Kris kneeling near to you and you couldn't help but soften at his soft gaze at you making you melt as more as you could for the first time you initiated skin ship you closed the gap and hugged Kris with a death grip hopefully understand that you were opening up to him and wanting to let him in and to show that you cared for him more then he would know. Feeling Kris's arms snake around your's like a net pulling your into safety.

"Kris I am sorry I never asked how you are feeling in all of this?"

You say with no reply coming from Kris which was expected knowing that Kris had so much pride that it would take mere comment like your's to break those barriers but at least you voiced your thought's to Kris. Both you and Kris were now standing near the door with Kris's back facing the door and you looking at him not knowing how long the two of you were in each other's arms eventually loosening each other's hold from one another you both look at each other's eyes the mood getting more heavier with each passing second it was like time was purposely slowing down so you can share this moment with each other with no sense of reality and with each moment passing by as your face along with Kris closing the gap without knowing what was going to happen next even though you were losing you power of will to stop what you were doing, and before you could think your eyes close just as your feel Kris's lips on yours the feeling was so magically the inner fire you kepted tamed was now bursting with flames heating your whole body feeling Kris's lips move making your move like it was the most normal thing in the world not having experience with Kris taking your first kiss from you, the moment couldn't be more special as you feel Kris pull you into him your body melting in with his, as your lips move along with his.



Sorry this chapter was just a finish of the previous chapter more in Min-a's Pov instead just a filler was going to add more but do that for the next chapter .

Thanks again everyone ^_^

[Characters:-13417 Words:-3000]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....