




I am sorry that the font change is different from the previous it wasn't my attention it just helped me with when I was re-reading as I needed to as I haven't updated in a long time. Sorry ALL....

Mentioned Character:

Reaper:- Real Name:- Charles

This Chapter is pretty much based on Chanyeol finding out more and most likely would put two and two together.


"What do you mean, what happened before?"

I say as I look at my mum's reaction I could see it there that there was something but she was contemplating with herself if she should tell me, maybe then I will have a fair idea what's going on and maybe have a reason to go with things as they are.

[MUM]"I want to tell you honey, but...."

"Mum if you worried that I might get scared I promise I won't?"

[MUM]"Oh honey I would give anything to make you happy seeing you like this is really painful?"

"Mum what is it?"

I can see that mum was really hurt and it had to do with me which I felt guilty for making her upset even though part of me wanted this so I can finally know whats been troublling my parent's for so long.

[MUM]"I think you are now of age to finally understand why?"


We walk towards the couches and we both sit next to each other I hold onto mum's hand worried about her.

"Should I get dad?"

[MUM]"Yes I think it's best that your father is here"

"Ok I will go and get him, are you going to be ok I won't be long mum?"

[MUM]"I will be ok"

I leave mum and I run towards the conference like room that I know dad will be in he spent majority of his time in the room if it wasn't for mum calling him for breakfast, lunch, dinner and to bathe he would spend all his time in that room I knock on the door and it open's and I see Changmin who was a regular person that I become to know after Changmin and I had a heart to heart.

[CHANGMIN]"Mr. Park"


[CHANGMIN]"What can I do for you?"

"Mum want's dad?"


I watch as Changmin called dad I see the hectic movement inside the room which was weird, anyways within minutes I see dad who looked like he hadn't slepted in days which was also worrying.

[DAD]"Son what is it?"

"Mum want's you?"


We both walk towards mum.

"Dad are you ok?"

[DAD]"Son I am ok, where's your mum?"

"In the living room"

Finally reaching the living room and I see mum still in the same spot and still in the same frame of mind which was weird for mum I see dad rush to her side and sit's next to her and I see him looking at mum with worry which was a first for me to see my parent's like this considering growing up dad was always busy with work and mum was alone at home caring for me I sit on the loveseat as I watch mum and dad opposite of me.


[DAD]"Honey what's wrong?"

[MUM]"I think now is the time for Chanyeol to know...."

"What is it?"

[DAD]"Honey it's been 16 years are you sure?"

[MUM]"Yes Chanyeol need's to know and understand why we are in this situation so he can understand why we are here in this warehouse with no-one knowing about our situation, 16 years is long enough honey?"


I watch my parent's talking to each other like they were engaging on an inner battle that has been between them which seemed obvious I sat there leaning back into the seat getting ready for what they wanted to say.

[DAD]"Ok Chanyeol, I know that it's been difficult these last few days and I know that you feel like you have been put here against you will, but like your mother said to you it is because it's the only way I can keep you safe"


[DAD]"If you want to know then I am going to have to start in the beginning"

"Ok dad"

[DAD]"It begun when I went to Harvard I was one of the youngest student's at Harvard and I was put in there Bio-chem Department and also there Computering Department the professors discovered that I was advanced in there classes and lefted me to my own devices and that's when I met another student who was charming, his name was a Charles who befriended almost immediately when he found out from the professors about my great mind involving Bio-Chem and with Computers many years we became more the friends we became brothers some of the peers would say we were always together, throughout our lessons we begun forming idea's and creating software and then it started to become more disturbing when Charles would starting thinking about other ideas which some wouldn't think off but because I was younger then him and I respected him to much I followed his ideas and that's when I started forming idea's and that's when I met your mum who changed everything for me and I found what I wanted to become. Charles started to notice that I was changing and he become someone that I couldn't believe he would become so because of that I decided to burn all my work on some of the weapons that I had created but I couldn't burn away one of the weapons that I which could be weaponised so I hid it underground."

"What weapon was that dad?"

[DAD]"There was many that I had but was fortunate to hide and burn"

"Is that why the TS Department is so heavily secured?"

[DAD]"Yes that is where the safest designs are being kepted whereas the others which we are unsure a stable to keep within populated area is kepted at an undisclosed location that only I know"

"So let me guess this Charles guy managed to take something?"

[DAD]"He has in his hands 4 of the 5 warheads which he managed to steal during...."

"What those the warheads do dad?"

[DAD]"The warheads were constucted to work off each other, the 1 that I have is just as dangerous as the other warheads that he has in his hands but the one I have I could say is more dangerous?"


[DAD]"In each of the warheads I had formulated it in different ways the one that I have is a mixture of viral chemicals which could kill the human population in an instant unless the small few have taken a shot of an anti viral which wouldn't cause harm to those, the 4 remaining warheads 2 of them are carefully formulated nano bot's which could cause the many weapons that are being used by the worlds armed forces which aren't as bad but still dangerous if it has got into the wrong hands, and the remaining 2 warheads are pretty much a 1% damage of an atomic bomb"

"What, dad are you are bad man?"

[DAD]"No I was mislead I was a young kid who was listening to someone who I thought to be my friend I have been busy trying to find him and to make sure all my other work are being destroyed which I am saying that it is getting there, that is the reason why I was hardly home"

"So why did he take it?"

[DAD]"One of the reasons is because I found your mother and the other reason I am assuming is he blames me for his families death?"


[DAD]"I warned his wife that Charles was a dangerous man and they didn't believe me so I decided a way to get them away from him and that's when your mother and I won a reward which was a trip to hawaii which I decided to give to Charles wife and his children but what I didn't know that the plane was rigged with explosives which my informants believed was to be for us, I warned her not to go on but it didn't work and...."

"Oh dad"

[DAD]"Chanyeol I wanted to ask you something?"

"What is it?"

[DAD]"Have you ever thought that you felt like there was apart of you missing?"

"Sometimes but I blamed it on the thought that we never got to spend much time"

I shrugged casually not thinking that it was bad but the look on dad's face was another story I could see guilt etched on his face which bothered me.

"I'm sorry dad I didn't meant to say that?"

[DAD]"No that's ok I understand, well the reason why I asked that was because Charles thought that I should suffer the same way he did when he lost his family especially his children so when you were little do you remember going to the park with your mother"

I recall the memory and I nodded whilst smiling at the memory playing with this girl who must have been the same age as me, but I never asked mum who she was but hearing dad talking about it now brought the memory back to me.

[DAD]"Well that day both your mum and I life's changed in an instant"

I see mum holding onto dad's hand seeing the hurt in both my parent's eye was something I know I couldn't understand.

[DAD]"That was when your little sister had been taken from us?"

I sat frozen in my seat I couldn't believe it that I had a sister I looked and started laughing thinking that it was joke but seeing the sad look in my parents eyes was more then confirmation that it wasn't a joke which made me waver and I sunk deeper into my seat. Then I see mum come closer to me and she handed me a photo which I don't remember seeing and it didn't look familiar to me at all I gently grab the photo of mum and that's when I see a 4 year old me smiling which made me smile and then I looked next to me and I see the girl that I have been thinking about.

"Is this my sister?"

[MUM]"Yes that's her"

"She look's like me?"

[MUM]"That's because you and her are identical twin's even though you are both female and male you are both identical"

I kepted looking at the photo.

"And where is she?"

[MUM]"We don't know, the authorities said that she could be dead, but your father and I don't believe it at all"

I got up and I walked to my room leaving the shock faces of mum and dad behind me I needed time after everything I have found out I couldn't believe what my dad has done, which was hard to stomach but I let it go when dad said that he was not the bad guy. Finally reaching my bed I plomped down heavily with the photo in my hand as I kepted on looking at the photo.

'So you are my sister, not a neighbourhood friend'

I thought to myself.

'Where are you now?'

'Are you still alive'

I reached for my phone getting ready to dial Baekhyun when I remembered that I couldn't call him partly because I was afraid and because I didn't want my friend's life to change because of me not wanting to have my friends live like this because of me I eventually close my eyes latching onto the photo and my phone.


I walk the familiar road as I finally reach the park which held memories for me as I walk towards the swing that's when I see a little girl swinging whilst a little boy was pushing her which was cute I stood where I was as I watched the little kids playing with each other then the next thing it became dark as I see men sweeping in so fast as the 2 kids were moving in freight I see the boy being carried by someone whereas the girl was being taken away I watch as both kids were crying hysterically which made me cry and as I was getting closer that's when I realised that the little boy was me and I looked in the direction where the girl was that had to be my sister I looked but there was nothing.

[end of dream]

I woke up with a head rush and I look and it was still night time and it was late I looked around and I see was in my room.


This is a Short Chapter this is based on Chanyeol finding out that he has a sister, and also more of the story of Reaper and Changuk being friends and also seeing the connection.


[Characters:- 8980 Words:- 2149]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....