




ON MY KNEE'S Grovelling and apologising at the long length of time between UPDATE'S I did update earlier in the month but apparently well actually I accidently deleted both chapter 51 and 52 and it was not cool because each chapter had 6000+ words and I am sorry to say that I can't recall what I had on the chapter so here I go again, and I want to apologise again to all my readers and friends.


You stand out looking at the same cool scenery that you never thought you would see again in a long time feeling the cold chill hit you like the cold and unsettling sea's inside of you there was no word's that could describe the turmoil that's going on inside of you but all you could do was tighten the grip around you as you hug yourself into as much of comfort as you could as time seemed to pass through like the wind passes through the leave's like an image of poetry before your eye's. You hear a knock on your door which was so faint since you were out on the verandah/balcony from your room which held as much memories that was like a movie in your mind as you turn to see the reason of insanity for you so to speak the handsome man who could make you weak in your knee's with a mere glance and feel so much love and warmth from, looking so handsome in what he was wearing it looked like he must have come from somewhere which made you think of how much his lifestyle has changed making you feel more guilty for parading on his life. 

You just gaze at the simplicity and sorry to say a the man ozzed appeal more then anyone you have seen or care to remember as you look down at yourself to hide the intensity of warmth which was causing havoc inside and possibly outside.

You were also wearing the white watch that Kris had gotten for awhile ago which you deemed as one of your prized possession's not because it was expensive but it was the memories that came with it which were priceless like everything else that you had that was given from Kris. You looked to see how you and Kris seemed to be wearing what could pass off as couple clothing because of the colours were similar to each other which you mentally grinned. Kris looking more sheek and handsome with him wearing glasses which made him appear more intelligent and smart which was kind of a turn on for you if you had to be honest.

[KRIS]"Lee mentioned that you haven't eaten at all since leaving the hospital?"

You look at him with a straight faced knowing full well that he was right you haven't eaten since being housed here for 1 day and 1 night but you had to admit longer then you would let Kris believe also your body couldn't handle any form of food. You stood frozen in your spot without a hint of emotion or movement afraid on what would happened if you said anything out of place not wanting to upset or stress not just yourself but Kris as well after everything he has done for you and your family. Before you could do or say anything you were wrapped in the warmth that only came when being in the arm's of Kris's feeling the soft relaxing heartbeat coming from Kris which your heart was starting to mirror the relaxed feeling which was a side effect that alway's seemed to happen when you were in his arm's you feel Kris's chin on your head which brought you even closer into his arm's giving you a clear view of his chin and collarbone and the familiar scent that only he had which was flowing effortlessly.

[KRIS]"Min-a I have no idea what you are going through right now and I couldn't understand what it is that is going on, but please don't keep it bottled inside. I am here for you and Yoonho and I am worried for your well-being as well and seeing you like this is hard for me as well"

You hear the touching and soothing word's from Kris which touched you so much at how much this man cared for you and your family which was the most endearing thing you have ever experienced, being mere stranger's and now he was a figure of strength and someone that you couldn't picture not having apart in your life. Adding to your already erratic heart beat and the flame that you know was blazing in your lower body you smile against Kris's chest never feeling so at ease right now then just when thought you couldn't get more embarrassed in your life the next you hear a sound more like a grunt sound on the other side of the room which broke the scene that would be clear view to whoever came into the room.

[LEE]"Uhm sorry Mr. Wu, but the funeral director that is housing Master Yoon is on the phone requesting to talk to you or Miss. Yoon?"

You feel Kris loosen his hold on you which you were expecting him to leave you alone unsure who was going to talk on the phone and suprising you more then once, Kris reaches for the phone from Lee and you were getting ready to make your way to leave Kris alone to talk on the phone, the next you feel the familiar warmth hit you in full force as you feel Kris wrap his arm around you whilst the other was occupied with phone next to his ear giving you a clear view of his skin which made you blush at the view as you were busy with your heated thoughts you can overhear the conversation from Kris talking on the phone which made you feel touched at what he was doing making you care for him deeply more then ever.

[KRIS]"Min-a, I have called Celine she is on her way to pick you up because I know you would want to go to the funeral home to dress Maesuk and do last minute detail's before the wake tommorrow, and not just for me I know that you need someone with you during the time and I know that it would be best if your friend was there for you, and for my peice of mind I would like one of my security team to shadow you and Celine whilst you are both out for the day. Don't worry about Yoonho I will take care of him whilst you are out for the day ok so you don't have to worry about him"

You just stare in awe at how much Kris has done for you adding more to the list of Kris has done for you which mas weighing you down more at how much you got to owe Kris. With no word's that would come out of your mouth all you could do was hug him tighter as a sign of how much he means to you and even though this was a small token of your appreciation.

[KRIS]"I will leave you to freshen up before Celine come's to get you, I will just check on Yoonho?"

You just feel Kris hug you tighter and kiss your forehead at the same time and he lefted your side closing the door thankfully Kris couldn't hear the intense pace of your heart from the action of his lip's against your forehead. Quickly calming yourself you changed into something comfortable.

As you reached for your handbag with everything you needed before tying your hair up in a ponytail feeling the strand's of hair tickling against your finger's gave you some sort of normality. After you look at your appearance you make sure you had everything and you make your way downstair's where you hear a familiar laughter booming just as you got to the bottom of the stair's you brace yourself as you watch the already running Yoonho looking so adorable in what he was wearing which alway's amazed you at how fashion savvy Yoonho seemed to look.

You smiled at Yoonho as soon as he came closer to you he looked so cute in what he was wearing he looked really mature which under the circumstances you could understand. You hug onto the little body with as much force as you could without hurting him as you were hugging Yoonho you noticed Kris standing there looking at you and you noticed a young women and a familiar man standing next to Kris .

[Song Jo Hyo/ Yo Ah In [Kris's new P.A Jihyo and Kris's former P.A and Friend Dean]-

Looking at the scene in front of them which is no surprise that it was of you hugging Yoonho considering the fact that you were feeling a little awkward at the moment at the intrusion you felt with people looking at you, also noticing that Kris had gotten changed into something more casual making him more appealing then earlier in the morning when he came to your room.

Kris looking casual despite his peer's next to him looking more like they should be the cover on the next issue of Business Work Trend's magazine [just made that up not sure if the have a magazine like that] before you could react or say something your overhear the three converse in the forever troubling language for yourself English which you were unfortunately apart of that small minority of Korean people who found it hard to understand and to learn a new language, not knowing what they were all talking about could be a blessing in disguise being a good thing so you didn't feel like you were intruding.

[the conversation between the three]

[JIHYO]"Yes Mr. Wu I will have all your call's and file's dropped here sometime today, I will reschedule all your scheduled meeting's today for another day which is abled with your client's and associates, is there anything else Mr. Wu?"

[KRIS]"No thank you Jihyo, I will have Duke you to the company and just give him the file's that I need and he can bring them to you, you go home today, let me know if anything"

[DEAN]"I will make arrangement's and myself and Mr. Park will be here this evening as per requested."

You could see the fading figure's leave just as soon as you saw them which made you feel a little more relaxed for some reason.

"Yoonho, umma is just going to pop out shortly"

[YOONHO]"Yes umma, appa already told me that noona was going to pick you up?"

You could feel your body tingle knowing that you could feel Kris's presence near you.


There standing at the door was Celine looking equally stylish in what she was wearing which was like Celine she alway's looked like she belonged on the runway instead of walking the normal path of normal people like yourself.

She walked toward's the fast pace of Yoonho speeding in her direction you stand up as you watch the two hug each other closely still feeling Kris's presence next to you.

[KRIS]"It's ok I haven't told Yoonho where the both of you going, also I wanted to ask if it is ok if I take Yoonho with me?"

You didn't hesitate in Kris's request there was only a small handful of people you would trust to take Yoonho and Kris was apart of that small handful of people.

"Of course, I trust that Yoonho will be safe with you"

That explain's the reason why the two men you cared for in the world were dressed casually making you wonder where the two would go ignoring the odd feeling that you felt at the new's you just close the gap between both Kris and yourself feeling the cool material mixed with his scent and his warmth no matter how many time's or opportunities you would have these moment's with Kris you were sure you would never get enough.

[KRIS]"Thank you Min-a it mean's alot to me to hear you something like that, don't worry I will make sure no harm will come to Yoonho, also I would like to introduce you too, too a couple of men that will be with Celine and youself just for my peice of mind, they will assist you with whatever you need ok, but they will more like be there for security reason's"


Kris look's down at you.

[KRIS]"For my peice of mind since I can't be with you, I just wanted to make sure that you would be ok, they will be there if you need him but I am just worried about you that's all...."

You feel Kris grip onto you more firmly like he didn't want you to leave which made you blush at the thought that came over you and to confirm it.

[KRIS]"I can't lose you again..."

You feel Kris lean tighter into you feeling strand's of his hair tickling your face as you feel Kris place his head in the dip of your neck feeling his hot breath touch your skin like you were on fire. You were sure if he wasn't holding/hugging you, you would have fallen into a heap at his foot and also with the obvious audience that was obviously watching the scene and to add to the BGM [background music] you hear the clicking sound's of Celine's heel's on the floor walking toward's Kris and yourself with that you unlatch yourself from Kris as you see Kris stand firmer then before.

[CELINE]"So what are you and Kris going to do?"

[YOONHO]"I don't know noona, appa hasn't said anything but he said it was a surprise?"

Hearing and seeing the excitement coming from Yoonho was worth the embarrassement moment's ago you smiled at the change of everything happy that Yoonho was happy and content all thank's to the man next to you. As Celine and Yoonho walked closer to you both hand in hand which was cute and understanding knowing that Celine also had a close relationship with the boy's making it also obvious that it wasn't just yourself that wasn't coping with everything.

[YOONHO]"Umma, are you ok?"

You are shock at the sudden question from Yoonho not realising that you had watery eye's as you were thinking about what Celine maybe going through with the turmoil of Maesuk's passing, knowing that she was also taking this as hard as yourself. You feel Yoonho hugging your leg's which was so adorable and cute.

"I am ok, just looking at how adorable you and eonnie are that's all"

[YOONHO]"Are you sure umma?"

You nod in reply with no word's you kneel down and you softly gaze his cheek's with adoration at how much Yoonho has grown.

[CELINE]"Yoonho-ah don't worry about umma, noona will look after umma ok, why don't you and Kris have fun ok"

You hear the comforting word's from Celine which was really what you both needed to hear you hug Yoonho quickly before standing up from the strain you felt in your knee's and also feeling a little tender still from your injuries but you weren't going to say anything that was for sure especially to Kris.


You look at the funeral home of where Maesuk was being housed out for preparation's for the wake tommorrow everything was coming to you seeming so real which was making you have an inner mental debate and fit with yourself at everything, it wasn't until you felt Celine touch your shoulder as confirmation that you weren't alone also seeing the two men that Kris introduced you who you later found out were part of his security team which were to be with you and Celine throughout of the day and the memory of what Kris said made you think for a moment about something else other then the reality of the world that hit you like a ton of brick's. As you see the two men who you later were introduced to.

[Choi Jin Hyuk and Go Soo]

You don't know what it was but Kris's people but they all looked like they could be gracing the screen's and heart's of the women population here in Korea and around the world especially with there look's and height.

[JIN HYUK]"Miss. Yoon, Miss. Huang is everything ok?"

[GO SOO]"Is there anything you needed for us to carry for you?"

You got out of your own little world and you got your frame of mind set.

"No thank you Jin Hyuk-sshii, Go Soo-sshii"

You closed the door and followed Celine toward's the entrance of the funeral home being followed by the two tall men behind the both of you your heart was pounding in an intense and overexerted feeling of what you were about to see. After being ushered by one of the worker's in the funeral home still being followed by Jin Hyuk and Go Soo toward's the room where Maesuk was your heart faltered for a moment.

[CELINE]"Min-a I forgot something in my car I am going to go and get it ok, stay here take your time ok, if you need me to stay I will stay ok, but I know that it is best for you to go alone then I will join you ok?"

You hear the wisdom of Celine's word's with the clarity of her being right I needed to do this for myself right now.

[GO SOO]"Miss. Huang I will assist you"

You watch as Celine leave you side after consoling you before leaving you as you watch Go Soo's tall figure follow closely behind her which would normally make you tense but maybe because they were with Kris you felt like it was ok. You look at the corner of your eye as you see Jin Hyuk standing close with you but not to intimidating to you as you stood at the door for what felt like a long time after breathing fresh air you decided it was now the time. You open the door to see a still Maesuk lying down looking so peaceful and yet full of life with each step you got closer your heart was beating with each step and then you look down at him and that's when you see Maesuk smiling with his eye's close and rosy pink cheek's looking so happy with that confirming that you made the right choice. Moment's later you hear the door open to see that you were not alone there standing with Jin Hyuk was Celine and Go Soo as well. You notice that Celine had changed into something more apporiate for what your were about to do and also noticing that Go Soo was holding a box.

[CELINE]"I needed to get changed into something more comfortable and also I forgot to give you this"

Go Soo had placed the box on the shelf and Celine opened the box and that's when you see what looked like to be a designer box which looked really galmourous as your finger's touched the paper material as you looked closer inside to see a charcoal black 3 peice suit which looked really fine along with a pocket square which happened to match the tie and also a pair of business shoe's which made you feel like you were going to break down and tear up in a heartbeat.

"Thank you Celine..."

[CELINE]"It's ok, I love you all and I will do anything for you and the boy's"

You both washed and dressed him thankfully Jin Hyuk and Go Soo lefted you and Celine alone to do your thing. After what felt like you were done, you hear a knock on the door and in come's both Jin Hyuk and Go Soo with what looked like the owner of the funeral home which looked obvious with Jin Hyuk and Go Soo walking along.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"Miss. Yoon, Miss. Huang"

You both nod at the interuption not be sad.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"If you follow me please there are some final requiment's and detail's that need to be looked into for Mr. Yoon's wake tommorrow?"

You look behind you at Maesuk with everything sinking in so quickly you were waiting for when you weren't going to take it any longer, you grab your thing's along with Celine the both you follow closely behind the director along with Jin Hyuk and Go Soo closely behind you.

[CELINE]"Min-a it's going to be ok, come on I am here?"

You smile lightly at Celine glad that you weren't alone right now as soon as you passed the mutiple room's to the office of the director which looked like any normal office but a little larger to cater to the families as you sat on the chair that you would know would have catered to many like yourself.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"I know it's a really difficult time for you right now Miss. Yoon, but I needed you to overlook the final detail's and requirement's that we need before Mr. Yoon's wake tommorrow morning?"

"What do you mean?"

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"With my understanding you wanted the service to be at Seoul's Cathedral Church, where Mr. Yoon was christened by Father Kim that's correct?"

You nodded with shock and relief that Maesuk would lastly be in the church where you hoped his happy memories had started after your mum and the orphanage had all the children christened under the Catholic Religion which you know that Gaeun and her family are devoute Catholic's.

"Yes thank you?"

You look at the first page of the folder that you were given to look at.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"The first page consist's of Mr. Yoon being transfered here from the hospital, it is protocol to have the caregiver or parent's of the decesed to overlook everything in detail"

As you read you hold the torment.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"I need you to sign at the bottom as proof of the page being sighted"

You look at the bottom of the page and that's when you see another signature that you haven't seen before.

[CELINE]"Who's signature is this?"

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"I apologise I would have thought you would have known but that is Mr. Wu's signature?"

You stared at the 's that surprised you so much despite knowing that Kris had a very busy schedule and yet he made time to come and do this as you looked closer to the detail's you see that it was also dated and that's when you see the familiar date making you falter for a moment.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"Mr. Wu arrived moment's later after Mr. Yoon being transfered here and Mr. Wu had stayed till the next morning making sure all detail's were set and making sure that you were to oversee the detail's are to you approval, all I can say is that Mr. Wu was on a mission he kepted on going until everything was done"

As you looked at the rest of the paper work with each having Kris's signature at the bottom which made you feel so light headed. What felt like time had stopped you finally finished reading.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"Here is the picture that Mr. Wu had put in for an idea for the picture for Mr. Yoon's headstone but Mr. Wu made it clear that if you wanted to change anything in all of the following that you want then that's fine"

You see the familiar picture that made you smile you look at the smiling face of Maesuk. 

Remembering where the picture came from finally signining everything giving you a small amount of closure but lefted with so many question's.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"Thank you for your time, I will see you tommorrow for Mr. Yoon's wake I will have everything organised for you Mr. Yoon so you will only have to come tommorrow morning. Miss Yoon"

"Thank you for your hard work also, but can I ask something?"


"I never saw in the paperwork the final costs of everything?"

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"That has been taken care off Miss. Yoon"

You look at Celine even though you already knew who would have taken care of everything already having a hint of it when the funeral director spoke earlier.


As you sit in you own little world looking at the bright sun gazing at the busy street's of Seoul where you were also sitting outside feeling the warm ray's as you see behind the shield of your shade's as you see Celine sitting opposite of you and you see Jin Hyuk and Go Soo. Sitting on the either side looking a little awkward knowing Celine would have told them to join the both of you whilst at the cafe enjoying the beverage's that Celine had made everyone order. You also notice that Celine had changed back into what she wore before getting changed before the ever fashionista where you would have assumed where Yoonho would have gotten his fashion style from.

[CELINE]"[Smiling] You haven't heard a single word I said at all?"


[CELINE]"Hey girl where were you?"

You just look at her there was no word's you could explain what you were thinking off.

"Just thinking that's all?"

[CELINE]"Let me guess there is one person that is gaining you train of thought?"

You see the grin that was overshadowing you train of thought right now and from the smirk she was giving it was obvious that you knew what she was thinking, and adding to it is the sign's of tension coming from Jin Hyuk and Go Soo seeing a hint behind there shades, as you strayed away from looking at them you looked out at the view and thats when you noticed that our table was getting alot of stares you were starting to get nervous at the unknown stranger's glancing our way and you couldn't understand what a couple of girls were saying speaking in Chinese.

[RANDOM GIRL]"Dà miàn hāi, nǐ kàn nàxiē fūfù de rén nà jiāhuo de yàngzi zhēn de hěn yánrè, nǚ shàngzhuāng kàn qǐlái zhēn de hěn piàoliang [Omo hey look at those couple's man the guy's look really hot and the ladie's look really pretty?]"

You see two girl's who happened to be dressed in uniform so they must be student's or something looking at your table as you look at Celine you notice her smiling brightly which made me think whatever she said must have been a good thing or something bad.

"What did she say Celine?"

[CELINE]"Oh it's nothing?"

Then she turned to face the girl's.

[CELINE]"[Omo thank you kind girl student's for your kind word's but sorry myself and my little sister are already in a relationship and these two guy's are just our friend's [smiling brightly and innocently]"

You don't know what Celine said but whatever she said you could see the girl's discreetly bow and got back to there conversation's seeing a little pink in there cheek's

"Celine what did you say to the girl's?" 

[CELINE]"Nothing for you to worry yourself about?"

And you took that as you don't need to know as you sipped on the hot chocolate which was no longer hot which was fine for you.


As you feel the car stop at the familiar home you were becoming accustomed to which was really frightening for you at the sudden feeling you had right now, you see Jin Hyuk and Go Soo also following behind and you watch as the two hop out of the truck parked behind you. Througout the whole ride you couldn't stop thinking about everything that has happened to you and your family to this day which made you feel so fortunate as you were thinking about your time when you were in Greece you happened to be in the mood of the happy memories wishing that you could go back to that time, suddenly your were woken from your own little moment from the knocking motion coming from Celine on the window.

[CELINE]"Min-a are you ok?"

You were still in a daze until you felt your body react instantly when you hear the familiar deep tone.

[KRIS]"Celine what's happened, Jin Hyuk, Go Soo can you Celine inside and take there thing's, Lee can you make sure Yoonho is ok?"


At the corner of your eye you could see everyone leaving you and Kris alone which was making you nervous and anxious and just when you were getting uncomfortable with the awkward tension coming from the silence and having Kris lower to face you whilst you will still seated in the passenger's side. Seconds later you feel something soft yet hard caressing your cheek lightly.

[KRIS]"Come on let me help you?"

Suddenly feeling Kris's long limbs circle around your waist was like something you couldn't explain but it was like he was a safety net as you both walk in each other's grasp toward's the front door, as the Universe was playing against you suddenly the lack of looking after yourself came to like a ton of brick's falling down onto you and suddenly you see darkness hit you and your body just fainted in an abyuss.



As I watched Min-a and Celine head off I couldn't help but really look forward to our boy time instead.

"Lee where is Yoonho?"

[LEE]"Master Yoon is eating his breakfast?"


I walk toward's the kitchen slash dining hall and I see the little boy eating wholeheartedly which is a really good sight as I join Yoonho sitting at my usual spot of the table.

[LEE]"Sir here is your coffee"

"Thank you"

I sit down sipping my coffee as I watch Yoonho.

"Yoonho, when you finish breakfast we going to go ok?"

[YOONHO]"Where are we going to go appa?"

"Where do you want to go Yoonho?"

I see the grin etched on his face which was the most beautiful thing to see which gave me the memory of my childhood.

"Ok tell me where you want to go Yoonho I am curious?"

Then just when I thought that smile was more then enough suddenly I see Yoonho brightly smile which was so bright it is like I was staring at the sun.

[YOONHO]"Can we go to the Amusement Park?"

I just smile at Yoonho as I finish sipping the rest of my coffee.


As I grabbed my wallet and phone as I wait for Yoonho to grab whatever he needed and I was surprised to see him running down looking really dressed compared to most kids his age group would be in.

He looked really good in his get up which made me feel a little under-dressed. I looked down at what I was wearing and I looked like I was no one near what Yoonho looked like which looked alright after I added my ususal blazer along with my get up I thought I looked alright.

"Whoa it look's like I need to change [grining]"

[YOONHO]"Appa, you look fine but...."

The next I am being pulled by a little boy the next I am in my room standing in my wardrobe and I couldn't see the said boy as I was panicing and searching for him which was the last thing I expected because I wouldn't forget what would happen if Min-a came home and she found that I had losted Yoonho. Just as I was about to dial 911 [sorry I don't know the number for the police in Korea] I see a little boy coming out the side where some of my jacket's were hanging from.


[on the left:- of the wardrobe is the classical, business orientated closet side]

[right side and the centre:- colourful, dressy, casual closet side]

There is Yoonho coming with a handful of clothes which looked heavy in his arm's and also looking like a mini stylist.


I reached to take the load of clothes of him, this must be from staying with two ladies and looking like he spent alot of time with Celine.

[YOONHO]"Wear these?"

"All of them together [grining]"

[YOONHO]"No appa [laughing]"

"[laughing] how did you choose the clothes?"

[YOONHO]"They look cool"

I looked at the different clothes that Yoonho had gotten and I just grabbed it and changed into a variety until Yoonho had said 'YES' mor like.

[YOONHO]"Appa you look manly...."

I started laughing along with Yoonho he need's some man on man vibe with him right now. I look at the clothes that Yoonho had picked out for me which I knew that Yoonho need's to have some good old man time with me today which is good and also with the guy's.

Seeing the clothe's that Yoonho had chosen for me to wear seeing that the top was the main feature and having to much pink on me which was a little too much for me but seeing how crazy and excited Yoonho was I decided that there was nothing wrong with what I was wearing well I put on the rest of my watch etc to finish it off.

Finishing with that I reached for something that Yoonho could wear after the hard work that he had just done. I lowered to his level.

"Yoonho-ah come here?"



I reached for his arm as I placed one of the Jade Bracelet's that I had planned for both Yoonhp and Maesuk when they first came here as I wanted to get them something special for the boys and sadly I was to late for Maesuk.

"As you can see that you have two on, well the light green was meant for Maesuk-ah but because Maesuk is really sick he isn't able to wear his one, so I think it's best that you wear your brother's one?"

I see Yoonho looking like he was going to tear up which I facepalmed myself for my stupidity but it was to late.

"Pass me your other wrist Yoonho-ah?"

I let go of his little wrist as I look at his wrist as I see the familiar childhood memory flash in my mind as I see.

[YOONHO]"Whua! this look's like your's appa?"

"[Laughing] it's real like mine this is special and I trust you that you would look after it?"

I see the innocence and pride mixed in Yoonho's eyes.

"I'm glad that you like it but this is very special because my grandpa had given this to me when I was your age and my grandpa said that I was to pass it down to my oldest son and I want you to have it?"

The next I feel the tightening of Yoonho's small limbs around my neck and I feel the love from Yoonho and without any hesitation I had wrapped my arm's around Yoonho's little body.

[YOONHO]"Thank you appa, I promise that I would look after it forever"

"I know"


[YOONHO]"Whua appa this is fun"

After the mutiple rides that we have been on it's been a while since I have felt like this, for once I felt like a kid which was really nice considering on how fast I had to grow up. 

"Come on Yoonho let's go and grab something to eat?"

[YOONHO]"Ye appa"

As we went into a Chinese Restaurant hand in hand along with Yoonho's plushie we won at one of the game stall's.

As we sit in our seat's I can see Ken and Duke shadowing around us and as I ordered the food.


As soon as the last plate of food was placed on the table I put some food in Yoonho's bowl.


I watch as he started eating trying not to focus on the constant stare's from other patrons inside the restaurant, knowing that Ken and Duke was keeping an eye on the both of us. It was really nice watching Yoonho eat comfortable I start to eat tasting the familiar food's from home was nice.


Driving home after a long tiring day but a happy excited day which I won't forget as I glance in my rearview mirror seeing that Yoonho was fighting his sleep which was cute and funny seeing the yawn coming from him reminding me of when Krystal was that age. As I drive down the familiar driveway after seeing Ken's right hand at the gate. Pull up to the door and I see Lee waiting like normal as I ignored him unintentionally of course I walk towards the sleeping Yoonho at the same time as Lee had opened the door and I reached for the sleeping Yoonho and held onto his little body as Lee reached for his things. As soon as I went into his and Min-a's make shift room as I laid him onto the bed I move the strand of hair to make him comfortable to busy looking at the little boy I hear a disturbance and I run downstairs to see that Min-a and Celine were back which was good I was anxious to see how Min-a had coped with everything at the funeral home. As soon as I walked out I could see that it had taken it's toll on Min-a seeing the same girl I met when Krystal had found her that morning was not good. I ran well more like fast-paced to the car making sure that I was there for Min-a I voiced out commands to Celine and Lee as we all departed at different time's finally leaving the two of us I make our way into the house just having Min-a close to my side with each step we took I knew that something was wrong with Min-a and if fate was trying to prove my confirmation the next Min-a faint's at my side.


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If there is mistakes my bad I am doing this with alot less rest and a long day at work bring on the holidays [hint hint]

[Characters:-27664 Words:-6370]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....