




Italic: thoughtsarrow-10x10.png.

[mentioned characters:]

WARNING: PICS ALERT of mentioned characters of this chapter: as the fic continuesarrow-10x10.png on and if there are other mentioned characters I will either have pics or not, just giving a heads up!!!

Yoon Gaeun [Choi Ji Woo]: [Min-a/Your Mum/Adopted Mum]

Li Sora [Kim So Eun] [staff @ orphanage]

Park Joonbin [Kim Soo Hyun]: [staff @ orphanage]

Kim Baeksu [Song Joong Ki]: [staff @ orphanage]

Ken: [Zo In Sung]: Head of Security for the Wu's [home/company]

Lim Seungho: [Leee Yong Woo pic on the left] Yoo Chunji: [Song Seung Heon pic on the right]: part of the security team at the Wu's.


Dean Jung: [Yoo Ah In] Kris's Assistant.



[Kris POV]

As soon as the door closes I answer the phone.



I hear a familiar tone calling my name with my mind thinking ahead.

"Miss Yoon Gaeun"


"What is it is everything ok?"


"What is it?"

Then it came to me from my visit this morning about Gaeun-sshii talking about strange men looking for Min-a.

"Have you had a visit from the same men from earlier?"

"No, but I am worried for the kids and my staff here at the orphanage?"

"What do you mean?"

Remembering my visit this morning I pictured a women who wasn't old like a halmonie but she had a strong work ethic, and also strong pride so it was clear that she didnt want help from anyone but also remembering the vulnerability I saw this morning it was clear that she as worried.

"One of my staff had gone to run some errands for me not long after you left this morning as he left he saw 2 cars parked near the orphanage..."

"Gaeun-sshii, don't say anything I am on my way?"

"You must be busy?"

"No that's ok, I am on my way I just need to give my apologise here and I will be there as soon as possible is it just you at the orphanage?"

"No my staff work and live here with me and the kids"

"Ok I am on my way I will call when I am there"

"Ok, and Kris"

"Yes Gaeun-sshii"

"Thank you"

"Anytime, I will see you soon"

I hanged up the phone I was only on the phone for less then 5 minutes but it felt like forever I composed myself and took a huge breath I haven't been so on the edge as much as I am today even when I working in the company I have never felt like this but I don't know what it was but something inside of me making me feel different. I called Lee back at home.

"Master Wu"

"Lee how is my guest?"

"She is sleeping well she was in pain so I gave her pain medication she hasn't had any food as of yet"

"Ok, I don't want you letting anyone in ok?"

"Yes Master Wu"

"Lee can you patch me through to the head of security"

"Yes Master Wu, patching you through now"

"Thank you Lee"

[seconds later:]



"Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Are both home's secured?"

"Yes sir"

"I want you to keep your eyes open for anything?"

"Yes sir"

"Thank you Ken"

"No problem sir"


"Yes sir?"

"Don't say anything to anyone call me if you see signs of anything out of the ordinary?"

"Yes sir I will"

"There should be no visitors tonight I will be home as soon as possible"

"Yes sir"


"Can you send Chunji and Seungho to Luhan's"

"Yes sir"

I could hear murmur.

"They are on there way now sir"

"Thank you keep me posted"

"Yes sir I have the team already out on the grounds"

"Thank you"

I felt so pumped but also worn out it's been a long day and it didn't look like it was going to quiet down anytime soon. I straightened my jacket and ruffled my hair followed by a huge sigh I made my way out of the conference room to see the activity in the main dining room I see Mr. and Mrs. Lu talking to Mr. Huang and Celine sitting close by I ignore that pit in my stomach for not telling her why, I see all my friends.

laughing, eating and joking around like always with the two boys.

I looked at them longer then expected causing Maesuk to leave Luhan and walked right towards me causing everyones attention on to him which was kind of hilarious I lowered to his level surprising everyone including myself with shock of what I was doing at this moment and then he closes the gap and he hugs me the feeling of his soft limbs around my neck was causing me to soften so quickly that I wrapped my arms around his little body feeling the warmth of him with mine it was like he was calming me down which really helped.

"Kris hyung?"

I ignore him and just hold onto him I loosen my grip so I know that I am not hurting him in any way.



"Are you ok?"

I hold the intense feeling in my throat from the innocent boy in front of me worrying about which was a first for me mainly because it was like a job for me to make sure I stayed ontop of things to avoid situations like this, normally I worry about everyone else I fight the tears that was fighting to fall at this moment.

"I am ok Maesuk, are you ok?"

I stand up with Maesuk still in my arms I don't know what was happening I have never had this kind of feeling like this towards a little kid bringing back the touching early memories I shared with Krystal when she was Maesuk's age which was a time I tend to take for granted.

"I am ok hyung"

I placed him back down on his feet and I was about to say goodbye to everyone before heading back home but Maesuk stopped my by grabbing my hand and leading me towards the table of food which was nice of him, I kneeled to his level.

"Sorry Maesuk, I can't stay I need to go?"

"But hyung...hasn't...eaten?"

"I am ok"

"Ok hyung?"

He sounded upset which was cute I looked at him still at his level.

"Let's make a deal?"


"Something that grown up's do, where you can't get out of more like a promise?"


"What do you and your hyung like to eat?"


"Well next time I will take both Yoonho and you to get some ice-cream?"

"Ok hyung"

"You have to say Deal"

"Ok, Deal"


He ran towards Yoonho and I could tell by his excitement that he was telling Yoonho and the others that was near them about our little deal which I was excited for.

"Hey guys sorry I cant stay I have work matters to sort out"

The guys all looked at me angry that I couldnt stay but they also understood why they didn't know the full reason which I wasnt planning on saying.

"Hey thank's Luhan for tonight"

"Thats ok gege"

I walked towards Mr. and Mrs. Lu and Mr Huang and Celine.

"Sorry I couldn't stay, nice to meet you both thank you Mr. and Mrs. Lu for having me?"

Mr. and Mrs. Lu hugged me.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes sir, I just have urgent work matters to sort out"

"Nice meeting you Kris"

"You to Mr. Huang"

"Nice to meet you Kirs"

"You to Celine"


"Ye gege"

"I am going to leave my car here I have Seungho here to pick me up?"

"Oh, how come your not taking your car?"

"I have somewhere to go it's quite a distant"

"Ok gege"

I bid farewell to everyone with my keys in tow and I walked outside to the car I grabbed my bag from the car and I also grabbed the photo of Min-a, Maesuk and Yoonho and placed it in my wallet and locked up the car and I see a familiar truck pull in

and it was Seungho and Chunji right on schedule I jumped in.

"Where to sir?"

"Seoul's Inner City Orphanage"

"Yes sir"

They didn't ask why which was part of there job and for right now I was happy, well I looked at the picture in my wallet.

"why is this happening to me?"

"this is the first time in my life where things are not in my control"

"who is this women for her to do this to me?"

"why am I thinking about her?"

"why am I feeling this intense feeling for the three strangers that I dont know nothing about?"

That reminded me.



Dean answering in English it was evident that he was in work mode, and with the sounds of typing it was evident that he was working either at the company or at home Dean is an excellent assistant which was what I expect.

"Have you got the information that I asked for?"

"No sir?"

"Ok, I need the information a.s.a.p no matter how late I want the information"

"Yes sir?"



"I need you to also get information on Miss Celine Huang and her family, also any information from Miss Yoon's Gaeun Seoul Inner City Orphanage"

"Sir I can send you all the information on the orphanage in half"

"Yes I am on the raod right now, send the information about the orphanage to my email so I can check whilst on the road"

"Yes sir will do, and with the other information?"

"As soon as it is completed no matter the time I want the files sent to me at home tonight"

"Yes sir will do"

"Sir we are almost there?"

"Thank you Seungho"

I place my phone in my pocket and just relaxed for a moment I was anxiously looking around as we got closer to the building I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, I grabbed another coat over what I was wearing. I knew it was stupid to even consider what I am doing, I grabbed my glasses and put them on I was worried about who could be watching and the last thing I wanted to do was to have my family in danger because of the hand that has been dealt to me. As I was getting ready to hop of the truck I could see Seungho and Chunji taking off there seatbelts.

"No Seungho, Chunji you both stay in the truck as I go in...."


"No you both stay here I shouldn't be to long and also I want you to keep an eye on things outside whilst I am inside, if there is anything out of the ordinary then let me know."

"Yes sir?"

"I shouldn't be to long...."


I wasn't sure what to expect I rung Gaeun-sshii within seconds she answered which was a clear indication that she was worried like how she sounded on the phone earlier back at Luhan's.

"I am here?"

"Thank you Kris"

I got out of the truck I closed the door trying to not make it noticeable that I was looking around, I sighed for a second and made my way to the entrance I knock on the door and it opens on my first knock and there standing was one of the staff members from earlier that I recognised instantly he greeted me and closed the door as I walked in.

"Anneyong Haseyo Mr. Wu"

"Anneyong Haseyo...."

"Park Joonbin imnida"

"Where is Gaeun sshii?"

"Follow me"

As we walked I couldnt help but notice at the corner of my through in the playroom there were the kids sleeping all in sleeping bags and Joon noticed when I looked in that direction.

"Gaeun sshii, wanted the kids downstairs where we were"

She must be really scared I felt so out of my comfort zone maybe the police was more appropiate for this instead of me, we turn to the left towards open doors and it looked more like a family room maybe this was where they had applicants for adopting it was really nice and homey.

It had a comfortable feeling to it, considering the place looking run down and manageable it didn't show signs of it inside with the interior Gaeun-sshii was sitting at the front end so she could see the kids in the playroom with obvious signs of stress.

"Thank you for coming, Kris"

"That's ok from your call you sounded distress whats happened?"

I sat down on the chair with me back facing the playroom.

"After your visit this morning the atmosphere seemed different"

"What do you mean?"

"After your visit, the atmosphere seemed unusual normally the kids are full of life and laughter but they were all quiet even though they were all in the playroom playing with there toys and things it was too quiet, and with the kids not wanting to leave the main areas such as the rooms and playrooms downstairs, and with Baek coming back from errands that I had sent him to...."

"When Gaeun imo [aunt] had asked me to do somethings for her, I felt like I was being followed or watched?"

"How could you tell?"

"I don't know I just had this cold feeling considering it was a bright warm day, thankfully there was alot of people around me, and to prove that I was being followed or watched I noticed one of the cars that I spotted parked outside of the orphanage slowly following me wherever I went..."

"Ok have you called the police?"

"Yes I have but they didn't think that what had happened was anything to cause them to have police patrolling the area, thats why I called you I am sorry that I had taken you away from what you were doing?"

"Thats fine, Gaeun-sshii?"

"Are you sure it wasn't important?"

"Its ok just dinner with some close friends of mine?"

"Oh I am sorry"

"Don't worry, so if you saying the police isn't do anything about it, is there anyone else you have told?"

"Yes sir?"

I looked at Baek.


"My hyung?"


Joon started laughing at my reaction.

"Baek's hyung is a detective for the Seoul Police Department sorry hyung not the Police Department that we were talking about before it is actually the Seoul Federal Agenc"

"Oh, what did he say?"

"He was off duty he came around after I called him before we closed up he took a statement from Gaeun imo and myself, he just said to be careful and to call if anything happens?"

"Sorry Kris for troubling you and wasting your time?"

"Gaeun-sshii, truthfully I am humbled that you felt like you could call me considering we just met casually this morning. If I can make a suggestion?"

"Yes what is it?"

"I have 2 of my security outside waiting for me, what I can do is have them stay here with you for the night to at least give you a little sense of security because you all look like you could get some rest?"

"That is so nice of you Mr. Wu?"

The girl in between Baek and Joon whispers brightly.

"Thats ok, but it is up to you Gaeun sshii?"

I watched Gaeun-sshii who was staring out I look at her direction to see the sleeping children.

"If you feel uncomfortable with my men staying here for the night I understand they are fully qualified for any and every situation but I understand that you have not only your care to think about but also those kids"

"It's because of them that I am agreeing to this, thank you Kris for considering all of this and being here for us especially them"

"No worries, so thats a yes so I can call them in?"



"Lim Seungho, Yoo Chunji this is Yoon Gaeun-sshii she's the owner of this orphanage and her staff Li Sora, Park Joonbin and Kim Baeksu"

They all greeted each other which was really funny thankfully Seungho and Chunji are not to intimidating like Ken.

"Sir what can we do for you, you called?"

"Seungho, Chunji I would like you to stay here overnight as security for Gaeun-sshii, her staff and also for the children here"


"Its just a precaution and security for Gaeun-sshii, her staff and the children...."

Suddenly my phone starts ringing.


"Master Wu, your guest...."

I hang up not listening to what Lee had to say I wanted to get back home to see if Min-a was ok.

"Sorry I really need to go, Seungho, Chunji call me if anything. Gaeun-sshii I hope this will help for tonight, I can't stay I really need to leave?"


I see the familiar gates of home with everything that has happened today I could sleep for the next few days, with the non stop busyness which I am accustom to mostly concerning work and the business but this was a new feeling to me being busy with other things especially the girl from the other morning. The one who is now at my home which no girl has been to but my sister and only my friends have been too which was really unlike me. Finally I see Ken as I drove through the gates.


"Mr. Wu?"

"So anything to report?"

"No sir, no one has come or go after you left this evening"

"Ok thank you please keep me posted"

"Yes Mr. Wu"

"Seungho and Chunji are on a job for me"

"Yes Mr. Wu"

I drive pass the house and I see the lights are on so they must be awake I quickly park up leave the truck running and run inside and I greet mum and dad.

"Mama, Baba"

"Oh my son is here, its late?"

"I just got back from Luhan gege's mama"

"Oh how are the Lu's?"

"They fine baba, where is Krystal?"

"She's upstairs in her room..."

"No eomma, I am here I heard oppa's voice, anneyong oppa [aegyo]"

Krystal comes running towards me and I wrap her in a big hug.

"Anneyong how was your day?"

"Its the same oppa, school was the same like always"

"Oh, is my dongsaeng upset?"

"Ani oppa, now that oppa is here maybe oppa can help me with my homework?"

"Mianhe oppa needs to go, oppa is tired it's been a long day"

"Go home son, Krystal I will help you?"

"No eomma its ok?"

Krystal hugs me again before going back to her room, I hug mum and dad and leave to go home I know that I was rushing to get back but as a routine I always greet mum and dad every night unless I am away or busy at work and come home really late. I jump in the truck and I zoom off home park up and lock up and run inside the house to be greeted by Lee who was coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of what looked like water and a face cloth.

"Lee what's happened?"

"Your guest has been in pain throughout the night she keeps calling names I don't want to give her more pain medication as I have given her medication already. She has a temperature"

"Ok Lee give me that you can go and rest"

"Thats ok master Wu"

"No Lee I will do it go on"

I ran towards the room where she was my long legs making it quicker to get to her room or was it the adrenline I was feeling to quickly see her I stop at the open door and I could faintly see the shiloutte of her body under the blanket, I walk inside the room closer to Min-a and I could see bead's of sweat on her forehead her face showing signs of pain I sit on the bed without waking her I grab the cloth and dipped it in warm water that Lee had done and placed it on her forehead I softly touched her cheek feeling the softness calmly thinking to myself.


'I am going to do everything in my power to find out who is after you?'

'even if'

I stop as I feel movement and I look at Min-a and it is clearly evident that she was in alot of pain but the look on her face making me worry for her more then this morning, I was so curious about who she is? what kind of person is she? hopefully Dean would send me the paperwork I requested a.s.a.p. Looking at her now looking relaxed and comfortable making me sigh which I didn't realise I was holding my breathe happy that I managed to calm her down to eventually sleep peacefully.

I hope you all are enjoying this whoever is reading keke

Thank you to Koreansss for subscribing much appreciated.

Credits to the Rightful Owners of Images used in this chapter.

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Thanks to the Silent Readers out there as well keke ^__^

[Characters:-14828 Words:-3541]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/ Re-read/ Font-Changed: 11th July 2016
Font Changed 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....