



[Luhan POV]

What is wrong with Kris gege he's never thought about anyone else but his workarrow-10x10.png, family, friends with Kris asking questions about 2 of my fellow university students which I know but not to the point that we know everything about them especially when he mentioned the name Celine Huang was a fellow university student and also my noona having known her around the university and with some of the other classes we attended that's how I know her and then when Kris gege wanting to know more about Celine and her friend something didnt add up, to busy in my thoughts about my conversation with Kris earlier my phone starts ringing again and I look and its Celine which surprised me.


"Hey Celine, how are you, I heard you missed class?"

"Oh my dongsaeng's worried about his noona [laughing]?"

"[laughing] yeah cant I be worried for my noona?"

I say with hint of aegyo which always seemed to workarrow-10x10.png when I wanted things then I hear noona laughing which was a relief noona.

"[laughing] I only missed class because I am getting my dad he's landed in Seoul for work so I am picking him up?"

"Omo whoa your dad is here"

So she missed class because her dad was in the country that was normal so I didnt need to worry maybe because of Kris thats why I was worried about Celine.


"Can you do something for your noona?"

"Of course what is it noona?"

"I am going to text you are address can you go there and pick up my things for our class later and can you hold onto those until I come to you after picking up my dad from the airport?"

Why was Celine suddenly talking in Chinese something didn't add up, I needed to get that thinking out of my head.

"Noona, why are you suddenly talking in chinese?"

"Because I want to, so can you get my things for me?"

"Yes noona"

"You will meet my dad then because I am coming to get my things for class"

Minutes after hanging up I get the text from Celine.


To: Luhan

From: Celine

Luhan ^__^

Thank You for doing this favour

Heres the addy: 45 gyeongnam street, seoul

buy: 2 single scoop ice cream

1: chocolate ice cream dipped with chocolate.

2: vanilla and strawberry ice cream with sprinkles


This will help and say I sent you


Thank You Luhan <3


I wonder what she meant with the pictures of ice cream in her text and then saying that they will help what did she mean with that, where am I going all I knew was that I was meant to get something for her.


To: Luhan

From: Luhan

What do you mean Noona?"


To: Luhan

From: Celine

You will see when you get there I have just got dad

I will come to your's 

Text when your home ok

Thanks again ^__^


I put on my jacket 

on and made my way to the car I looked at the address before leaving I drove off towards the ice cream shop and walked in and I looked at the different flavours.

"Hello can I please have a kiddie scoop of chocolate ice-cream dipped in chocolate, and also a kiddie scoop of strawberry and vanilla ice cream with sprinkles please"


I watched as she did it.

"Anything else?"

"No thats all thank you"

"Is this just for you?"

"No I need more then a kiddie scoop [laughing]"


I put the ice-cream holder on the chair I will have to drive carefully not to make it spill all over the place, I played some music and drove to the spot and I saw a nice little house that looked really welcoming I walked up to the door with the ice-cream in tow and I knocked on the door I took my glasses off the door opens and an old halmonie opened the door. I bow.

"Hello Halmonie"

"Omo don't you look so handsome son, come in"

I walked in with the door closing behind me which was weird oddly enough I wasn't scared or worried which was good I guess.

"Maesuk-ah, Yoonho-ah"

The halmonie called out 2 names that I don't know must be her grandchildren the next I see 2 little boys running downstairs


"Waeyo Halmonie..."


They ran towards the halmonie and they stopped when they saw me which was a shock and the kids looked adorable and cute they looked like they were under 10,

"Maesuk-ah Yoonho-ah are you going to stand there, you introduce yourself to the visitor here, by the looks of the visitor he is here for you"

I smiled at them.

"Anneyong Haseyo, Yoon Maesuk imnida I am 8 years old"

The younger looking one bowed formally and smiled at me.

"Anneyong Haseyo Yoon Yoonho imnida I am 9 years old"

The other one bowed formally which was cute and smiled at me.

"Anneyong Haseyo, Luhan imnida I am 19 years old, so which one of you likes chocolate ice-cream dipped in chocolate..."

Yoonho had his little hand up in the air like a kid answering a question from the teacher, I bend down to there level and I gave Yoonho the ice-cream and I looked at Maesuk with the other ice-cream.

"And you must like the strawberry and vanilla ice-cream with sprinkles"

And he shyly smiled which was so adorable.

"Gomaweyo Luhan sshii"

They both said and I watched as they ate there ice-cream I wasnt sure what to do now were these 2 boys what I meant to pick up were they the things that I am meant to get for Celine.


To: Celine

From: Luhan

Yah noona, are the 'things' that you want me to get called

'Maesuk' and 'Yoonho'


To: Luhan

From: Celine

Yeah ^__^


To: Celine

From: Luhan

Thank You Luhan, see you soon


"When you both finish your ice-cream do you want to come with me?"

They both looked at me weird.

"Aniyo we have to wait for Celine noona?"

"Yeah Luhan sshii, Yoonho hyung's right we have to wait for Celine noona, she promised that she was going to come"

"Thats why I am here I am your Celine noona's friend and dongsaeng and she asked me to come and get you both so we can meet Celine noona?"

They both stood there not sure what to do.

"If you want I can call Celine noona now and you can talk to Celine noona yourself if your worried about coming with me?"

"Why do you call Celine noona like us?"

"Because she is my noona Maesuk?"

"So those that make you Luhan hyung to me and Yoonho hyung?"

"If you want to Maesuk it is up to you?"

"So are you ok to come?"

They both nodded which oddly enough I sighed with relief, they both ran upstairs and they both came back with the school bags.

"Bye Halmonie"

"You be good boys ok"

"Ye Halmonie"

They both came up to me after hugging the halmonie which looked so adorable, they both came up to me and held my hands which was also cute but before I did that I bend down to there level.

"Do you have a beanie or a jacket its a little cold outside?"

They both let go of my hand and dropped to there knees and they opened there bags and started going through inside there was alot of things inside it was like they were prepared for any occasion.

"Thats alot of things you have?"

"Noona gave us these bags and we were to carry it with us whenever we play hide n seek or if we are going out with our noona's"

After finding there beanies and jackets on.




I put it on there heads and covered them we bow again to the halmonie and they held onto my hands I anxiously looked outside and it was cold well we ran into my car and the two boys jumped in I jumped into the front and locked the doors when I jumped in.

"Put your seatbelts on bballi"


Now at home looking at the familiar gates of home

the security guard lets me in and the gates closed behind me, I see my parents are home which was cool well I looked at the rear view mirror and I see a

black car speed pass which got me by surprise and I see the 2 boys sleeping awkwardly at the back seat.

[end of Luhan's Pov]

[Kris Pov]

"Can you get the papers ready so Min-a can be discharge?"

"Ok sir?"

The nurse left Suho and I inside the room.

"Hyung your never like this?"

"Thank you Suho for coming?"

"I take that as you don't want to answer my question like the one I asked earlier?"

It was ringing in my ears 'do you like her?' I dont know the girl and already Suho is saying do I like her have I changed so much in a day. My phone starts ringing again I answer.


"Luhan what's up?"

"I am at home"

"Is that why you called me?"

"Yeah and also the reason?"

"What is it?"

"Celine called me, earlier the reason why she didn't come to uni was because she is picking up her father from the airport?"

"Ok thats good?"

"Gege, I am worried?"

"Why what is it?"

"Celine called me to pick up something for her whilst she was going to get her father from the airport and that she was going to come to my house?"

"And why do I hear a but coming?"

"Well on my way home there was a black car that followed me and then speed off when I got home and drove through the gates?"

Thats a first time of hearing something like this, especially to Luhan he was such a loveable guy why would he be worried about something like that, what bothered me the most was that someone was following him.

"Luhan I will call the guys and we will come over your's to talk about what's happened to you ok?"

"Ok, when are you coming?"

"In half I just have some things to sort out first then I will come"

"Ok gege"

I hanged up.



"I need you to call the guys and head over to Luhan's ok?"

"Ok, what's up?"

"I don't know will find out more when we get to his?"

"Ok, will do I call the guys and we will be at Luhan's what are you going to do?"

"I got some work matters to attend to then I will be on my way ok?"

"Ok see you soon"


"Thank's for today and can you please not mention any of this to the guy's?"

"Of course?"

I hanged up and I called home luckly I don't stay with my parent's since I am now older but I live near by per-requested by my parent's and Krystal which didn't phase me as much really.




"Can you have the guest room prepared for my guest that will be staying for a few weeks"


"I am on my way home with my guest?"


"I will let them know that I have a guest staying with me"


"Yes thank you"


"Is Krystal home yet?"


"No, Han and his team have gone to pick her up sir?"


"Ok thank you Lee see you soon"

I look at the girl with no sense of whats happening beyond her resting, she has no idea what she has turned me into, I wait for the doctor and the nurse to come back with the discharged papers for Min-a, finally after making the payment and signing the discharged papers she was now under my care. She was still under pain killers so she was still sleeping which was going to be much easier to take her home without a fight. I had helped her out of the bed and she was so light in my arms the way my body reacted was a new feeling I haven't experienced this before I ignore the feeling and I gently place her on the wheel chair I took my jacket off and I covered her with it, she looked like a fallen angel well I was about to push her towards my car when the nurse had came and given her thing's which I grabbed the brown bag with all her belonging's that was found with her I walked pushing Min-a toward's the car thankfully because I was given special treatment once the c.e.o of the hospital heard that I was in the hospital and all that so I could go through an private area without being seen I had finally seen my car

and I opened the passengers side and I gently picked up Min-a ignoring my reactions I lightly placed her down on the seat and belted her in and I used my jacket again to cover her again I closed the door and put her things into the boot of the car and hoped back into the drivers seat I look at the sleeping angel next to me as I put on my glasses and turn the heat on as the air has gotten colder for some reason, I drive the familiar path towards the house thankfully I don't stay with my parents and sister and I have my own home but because of the requests of my parents that I stay close to them which I had no hesitation as long as I had my own space but still with my family, finally I reach the gated area of where my house as well as my family home is situated not together but a fair distant away which was cool, the guard at the gate see's the familiar car but still runs his check and everything sorted. I drive through the long drive and I go pass my family home.

Family Home:

I smile at the memories coming through as I was driving pass the family house I drive furthur down the long drive and I see my house which was more like me modern like my family home and also the comfortable private feeling more like me.

I parked up and I walked to the other side where I see Lee waiting for me at the door which was like him, he was my personal butler which was fine well he saw me and I open the boot and Lee came and grabbed the things out of the boot.

"Lee can you please take the brown bag into the wash room, and the blue bag into the guest room please"

"Yes sir"

"Kim has called from the family home and has said that Miss Wu is now at home"

"Thank you Lee"

He walked inside and I went to the passengers side and I open the door and I see Min-a still oblivious and looking more at peace and relaxed I gently lifted her up into my arms still shocked from the lightness of her she needed to eat, I ignore the sensations in my body and I walked inside towards the guest room which was right next to my room which will make it easier for me to keep an eye of her. As I walked towards the guest room and I see Lee standing there looking shocked at the sight, I ignored him and carried on towards the guest room which was right next to mine which will make it easier to be there if she needed anything which I planned to the way I have been feeling about her since this morning it came to light that I was going to protect her by any means nessecary.

"Sir the phone for you"


I grab the phone off Lee.



"Krystal how was school?"

"Same old stuff oppa, Tao oppa following me like always which is so annoying did you tell him to?"

"No Krystal, what's up?"

"How is unnie, is she still in the hospital?"

What do I say I didn't want her to know that she was here because she will start hassling not only me but also the sleeping beauty now upstairs which was so like her and plus with our parents they will think otherwise.

"Oppa are you still there?"

I gave the phone back to Lee, and whispered.

"Lee tell Krystal that I am getting ready to go to a meeting and don't mention anything about my guest to her or my parent's?"

"Yes sir?"

"Sorry Miss Wu, Master Wu is getting prepared for a meeting that he needs to attend to?"


"Yes Miss Wu, I will get Master Wu to call you before he leaves?"


"Yes Miss Wu"


"Yes I will let Master Wu know?"

I quickly run upstairs and I shower up to head of to Luhan's where I was meant to be there like soon, I jumped in the shower and let the hot water ease the tension in my body, after quickly getting washed up I wrapped the towel around my bottom area for modesty and I walk into my room and got myself changed I had to make it look like I was going to a meeting because if I know Krystal she will be outside waiting for me to go pass.So I got changed into.

And grabbed I put my watch and all that on and I grabbed my wallet and keys and put it in my pocket and I walk to the room and I see her still resting which was really nice to see I called out for Lee.



"Call me when she wakes, and when she wakes and I am not here then can you prepare her something to eat, make sure you call me when she wakes and not to mention to anyone about my guest"

"Yes sir?"

"I won't be long"

"Yes sir"

I looked back into the room and then I eventually leave when my phone rings.


"Luhan I am on my way I wont be long about 10-20 minutes away"



I see Luhan's place, the guard lets me through and I see alot of cars here must be the guys well I parked up next to Suho's car and walk towards the door and I was greeted by Luhans mum I leaned in and hugged her she had her arm in mine and we walked to where the guys were which I was looking forward to I havent seen them in awhile which was cool. I walk in and I see the guys all sitting the the family room I see the 11 guys sitting down all chatting with glasses in there hands.

They were all talking and lauging casually which was refreashing after the day I have I really needed my friends right now more like my brothers.

"Gege your here"

"Yeah its been along day sorry I took to long Luhan, so what happened?"

"First, mama and baba want you to come and eat first?"

"Sorry Luhan I can't stay to long I have to rush back home?"


I look and see Suho sitting there quietly and from the look of his eyes I can see that he was thinking about a certan somebody that I needed to get back to which was clear thankfully I can trust that he won't say anything to the others especially Chanyeol and Tao they will go crazy hastling me, about not saying anything to them. I couldn't help but think about the girl at home wondering if she was ok, if she as still sleeping.

"Kris gege"

I looked at Luhan who was looking at me with his deer like eyes.

"What is it Luhan?"

He came towards me with a casual but worried expression which took me off guard.

"Come with me"

"Gege, where are you going?"

"Duizhang and I have some work matters to discuss"

"Yeah Tao we won't be long?"

"Ok gege"

I followed Luhan curious to where we were going, it was obvious that something didn't seem right.

"What is it Luhan?"

"The matter of Celine Huang?"

"Ok what is it?"

"Is there something you wanted to tell my Kris?"

Seeing Luhan so serious was something I don't get use to but I know that he is very stern and determined when wanted to be.

"Not that I am aware of Luhan, but what about this afternoon about the black car?"

"About that...."

Standing in front of double doors that seem familiar to me which was clear that we were at Luhan's dads office which was a surprise maybe Luhan wanted to talk business matters instead of why I was here. Luhan opens the doors there I see...

Thanks to whoever is reading this keke

PLEASE Subscribe, Comment, Upvote if you want to will be much appreciated 

Thanks to Saranghe-Oppa for Subscribing [1st subscriber ^_^] and for being a major supporter of my fics, subscribing to all of my fics that I have done thus far. So Appreciate your support. Also I hope you will read to the end and will enjoy this as much as the others....

Thanks to Shxwol for Subscribing [2nd subscriber ^__^] I hope you will read to the end and will enjoy this fic.....

Credits to Rightful Owners of Images used in this fic much appreciated...

[Characters:-14849 Words:-3607]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/ Re-read/ Font-Changed: 11th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....