





I sit in silence throughout the flight to our destination a place that I haven't been to for a long time and a place that mean's alot to me which hold's alot of memories which brought a smile on my face.

"Mr. Wu"

I look at the stewardess who grabbed my attention.


"Your dinner is being served?"

"Oh, that's ok I am not hungry at the moment apologise to the chef for the misunderstanding?"

"That's ok Mr. Wu, and your guest?"

"Let her be it's been a long day"

"Yes Mr. Wu, I will have the chef clear away the table"

I look as the stewardess left.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes Mr. Wu?"

"Can I have a tall strong black?"

"Yes Mr. Wu is there anything else?"

"No thank you"

I watch as she leaves moments later I see her come back with my coffee I nod thank's to her and she lefted me alone yet again I bring the cup to my lip's and savour the taste as memories start playing in my head.


7 years ago:- 14 year old Kris

"Adeul-eun seodulleo [son hurry up]"



I jump out of my bed to see my mum standing with Krystal next to her.


"Come on, we are going to be late and your still not dressed Kris"

Mum speaking firmly in Chinese was a fair sign that she was stressed out or in this case angry which was a rare thing not the fact that she was speaking in Chinese more the fact that she maybe frustrated with me.


After awhile I walk out of my room to see my family waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs all dressed.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know oppa, all I got was to get myself ready and that was all"



Hour later we stand inside the International Seoul Airport shock evident in my face still have no idea whats going on.


Got the silent treatment from my parent's not helping the situation.


"Oppa wake up we have landed"

10 year old Krystal pulling on my jacket which was cute and adorable.

"Where are we?"


I see the familiar building's, street's coming into view.


I see the same red mailbox coming to view I perk up in my seat as we draw closer, I walked the familiar pathway to the house that I haven't been to for a long time more like since we moved to South Korea for dad's job. Dad knock's on the door with Mum's hand in her's and Krystal holding onto Mum's other hand whilst I stood behind my family not sure what to expect.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wu...."

I hear a girl's voice which wasn't familiar to me.

"Hi Evelyn how are you?"

The name Evelyn rang a bell.

"Evelyn, where is the rest of the family?"

"They are inside, come in"

We all march inside as I look around everything seemed to be the same, as we walked closer.

"Whoa hasn't my Xiǎodì [little brother] grown up!"

That voice I turned in the direction of the the familiar voice and that's when I see my best friend more like a brother in arm's standing right there and that's when it all came to me, Evelyn was the little girl that use to follow her brother and I.

"Man it's been too long Kris"

"Yeah I know Derek"

"Man you must be 14 now Kris [laughing]"

"[laughing] yeah you must be what 19-20?"


I was pretty ampd hanging out with my best friend its been 7 years since I last saw him even though he was the same guy that I grew up with when we were little boys more like he was my bodyguard when we were schooling together, something seemed off about him I ignored it and just enjoyed the time with Derek.

"Hey Kris remember when you use to follow me on the court"

"Yeah, I remember [laughing], I also remember when you always pushed me whenever I was in your way"

"Not all the time [laughing] and your height came in handy then"


"Yeah thank's to me that's when you had a taste of basketball [laughing]"

All the memories of when we were in club's for basketball. 



I look at mum as she called me and that's when the atmosphere changed I knew there was a reason why we were here.

"What is it mum?"

"Kris honey"

I look at Mrs. Zhang Derek's parent's and that's when I see something that I couldn't understand.

"Yes Mrs. Zhang"

"Derek has something important to tell you"

"Oh, what is it gege"

I see Derek playing with his finger's which was a first normally Derek was composed which made him liked by everyone and making me envious of him.


I look at Derek.

"I have be enlisted to serve in the military I will be leaving tommorrow"

I looked at Derek trying to fight the tear's in my eye's I ran out of the house not looking back not believing that my best friend was going to leave, and that I may not see him again.

[End of Flashback]

Where did that come from that was un-expected to be thinking about something like that. I sip on my coffee that was no cold I couldn't be bothered calling out for another so I just sit down my eye's starting to droop from another long day just as my eye's close I hear.


Which woke me up in an instant the tiredness that I was feeling was no gone, I didn't need to guess who the voice belonged to I got up and walked hastly towards the back of the jet where the room was for case's like this I open the door and that's when I see a restless but sleeping Min-a laying on the bed in a tempting position I looked at the length of her whilst she was laying in front of me I was a man and my body reacted like 99.9% of the male population seeing a beautiful women on a bed ignoring the fact that Min-a looked in pain and distressed, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and y she looked right now her hair ruffled from the obvious sign's of her moving during her sleep, her facial structure looking peaceful and natural, her slim figure wrapped up with her dress and I could see that her dress had ridden up giving me a delicious view of her long leg's I was trying to tame the beast inside me with all these thought's going on. I look at her again avoiding the temptation and I see evident sign's of distress on Min-a's face also a light covering of sweat on her forehead which was obvious sign's that she was either in pain or having nightmare I was at her side I see her frowning makaing me curious to what she was dreaming about time ticked suddenly in fast motion I see Min-a sit up instantly with tear's in her eyes.

"Yoonho, Masesuk"

She plea's out in distress and in pain etched in her voice making me falter see the pain in her eye's was unbearable.




You wake instantly after the nightmare you had.


You walk the familiar path toward's the orphanage smiling nothing looking different excitement radiating inside you with anticipation of seeing Maesuk and Yoonho with you gripping onto the bag in your hand's in excitement hoping that Maesuk and Yoonho would like what you have gotten them, as you walk inside the orphanage seeing the familiar surrounding's that you grew up with greeting Gaeun eomma, Sora dongsaeng, Joon oppa and Baek oppa seeing the smiling faces mixed in with the familiar faces of the children.

"Hey Min-a how was school?"

"Same old Gaeun eomma, where is Yoonho and Maesuk?"

You look at Gaeun eomma look at you differently making you look at the others with masked reactions making you weary.


You follow Gaeun eomma into her office, you both sit down.


"What is it?"

"I am sorry....."

"Eomma what is it?"

This was the first time in a long time that you called Gaeun eomma just eomma making her look at you.

"Maesuk and Yoonho have been adopted out Min-a.... and they wanted me to give you this because you weren't here....they couldn't wait there new adopted parent's had to leave as the travel quite a distant away..."

You look in your hand's and you see a little book with the picture of the three of you's together smiling brightly to the camera, you instantly remembered that day making you cry tear's of sadness.....

[End of Nightmare]

Tear's caressing on your cheek's carelessly from you eyes withouth thinking you reached to wipe them away but you were stopped as you felt a familiar warmth touch your cheek knowingly you look down and you see a large hand lightly caressing your cheek in the middle of wiping the remainder of used tear's on your cheek you look up with light watery eye's to see Kris seated next to you he was so close to you that you could smell him mixed with his cologne and the heat off him.


His deep voice breaking the thought's inside you, the feel of his hand resting on your cheek his other hand rubbing sensually on your arm which was both comforting and intoxicating to you that you couldn't even grasp the situation making you forget just for a moment about the nightmare that you had about Yoonho and Maesuk, the two boy's who you haven't seen since being with Kris which felt like an eternity which was so to long for you. You were missing the two face's that meant so much to you.

"Are you ok?"

Still frozen from everything happening around you mixed with the unfamiliarity obvious the feeling of Kris staring at you his hand still comforting you both of you sitting silently you look down and you notice that your still in the same dress which was comforting you also noticed that your dress was a little high making you red at the instantly thankfully your were looking else where so Kris wouldn't know what you were thinking. You looked around and you saw that you were in an aircraft of some sort because of the small windows with Kris and yourself on a very large bed which was clear that it was made for the man next to you also making you red again.

The room that you were in had this nice comforting quiet feeling to which was relaxing for you also giving you the same feeling when you were at his house and when you were in your room back at the orphanage.

"Min-a, are you ok?"

Kris touches your cheek yet again making you shiver from the touch.

"Whatever it is the problem is it is better of halved?"

If you eyes weren't deceiving you right now you would have thought Mr. Lee was right here with you giving the comfortable vibe that you shared with Mr. Lee, part of you had the same sense of vibe with Kris.

"Where are we?"

You say to steer away from the intense subject of where the conversation was heading at the moment which you felt uncomfortable right now. You noticed that Kris stopped what he was doing making you miss the interaction that you both shared.

"You must be hungry?"

Your stomach rumbles in reply making you hide the embarrassement that was evident Kris laughs making you smile instantly hearing Kris laugh was really contagious making you feel happy suddenly.

"Come on"

Kris grab's your hand lightly but firmly you couldn't help but smile when you saw how his hand seemed to fit with your's, and Kris lead you to the door and he opened and that's when you see a living area which was equal to the beauty of the room you were in.

It was nice and inviting it you looked around in awe and you could see from the small window's which was clear that you were in an aircraft the interior gave off very modern and business like which oddly it was comforting to you, you followed Kris to one of the seat's he helped you to your seat the table set out beautifully with the aroma of the mouthwatering food that made your stomach rumble in agreement. You look outside and your saw that it was still kind of dark which made you anxious in how long you were asleep.



"From the look in your eye's I can see that your wondering where we are, and what's happening?"

You nod in reply.

"Do you remember branch?"

You nod again in reply.

"Do you remember what we were talking about?"


"And you asked me where I would like to go?"


You smile brightly with curiousity.

"And we are going to that place now?"

You ask Kris, he smiled at you which was confirmation that it was yes making you more excited to see where we are going.

"You must be curious?"

You nod your head with excitement, Kris start's laughing which was comforting and relaxing sound to your ear's seeing Kris smile was really heart warming making your warm at the sight Kris wasn't the type that smile often which made each moment when you see him smile it was worth it.

"Not long to go"



You stir in your sleep.

"Min-a wake up"

You hear the same voice that was bugging you through the night making it difficult for you to sleep after dinner last night.


You hear again making you stir again suddenly you feel something hot touch you making you wake up almost immediately and you see Kris's face almost touching yours making you blush suddenly.

"Did you want to freshen up before breakfast?"

You nod because you knew that even if you tired that nothing would come out of your mouth.

"Ok, the shower is over there fresh towels are also there for you. Breakfast will be ready in half an hour, I have brought you bag in the room for you."

Kris smiled at you and that's when you noticed that Kris wasn't wearing what he wore last night making you blush at the memory of seeing him in a towel. You noticed that you were still in your dress well you reached for your bag which Mr. Lee had given to you well before thinking of going to shower you went to make the bed that you slepted on you were curious to where Kris had slepted.


You look at your reflection in the mirror as you brushed your hair and you looked flush which was a first well anyways you reached for the bag that Mr. Lee had given you and you reached for the clothing to change into you noticed your injuries were still noticeable especially where your stitches were it was noticeable which didn't phase you as much.


You were glad to see that it was casual you finished in the bathroom and you cleaned up your mess inside there and walked out to put your case down where Kris had placed it before making you smiled at the simple gesture, you checked your appearance again before walking out of the room you see Kris who was sitting down only seeing a back profile of him still amazing you at how perfect he seemed to be. You don't know how long you were standing there until, you see Kris stand up you automatically woke up from your daze and you quietly walked in and Kris turn's and look's at you and that's when you noticed what he was wearing.


[without the jacket/blazer]


You stuttered afraid that he may have caught you staring at him but from his reaction you couldn't tell but the smile on his face could make you think otherwise which was comforting, well you stood there the next thing Kris was in front of you because of his height you had to look up.

"Hey come on lets eat"

Kris held onto your hand which surprised you with the sudden skinship making you shy bringing the first time he held your hand making you blush at the memory anyway's you followed him to the table and you both sat down facing each other amongst the plate of food in front of you.


The conversation flowing on many topic's it was kind of funny it was like you and Kris were playing a game of 21 questions even though it felt like you knew so much about him you find yourself finding out more about him.

"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon the captain has requested for you to both be belted in as we are reading to land"

"Thank you"

You hear Kris speaking in English was really something being a first for you hearing him speak foreign which kind of was something that was both surprising and gave you some sort of rush. You watched what Kris was doing and you fumbled but managed to be buckled up before feeling the turbelance which kind of freaked you out you started to count to keep you occupied which wasn't helping at all making you freak out more before you knew it you felt a familiar touch on your hand you look down on your lap and you see your hand once again covered by Kris which was relaxing and calming for you.

"Min-a it's ok we won't be to long"

Before you knew it you were ready to take of your belt to un-board you could still feel his hand on your's trying not to make it awkward as Kris helped you with the fear that was taking over you moments ago you couldn't help but look up at him again having a clear view of his side profile as he was looking on his side, next thing you know Kris is looking at you with an intense gaze which you couldn't interpert or understand it felt like time had stopped when you were looking at Kris as he was looking at you.

"Mr. Wu"

The moment was broken when you both heard a voice, you see the stewardess looking at the both of you well more like at Kris.


"When Miss. Yoon and yourself are ready you can both un-board as the crew's un-load your luggage into the waiting vehicle's outside Mr. Wu"

"Thank you"

Kris looked back at you.

"Come on let's go, don't worry about your thing's the staff will bring them"

You nod because you were certain that there was no word's that would come out of your mouth that was for sure. As you both stood up and walked toward's the door with each step you could feel the heat hit you, you weren't sure if it was because the place you just landed or was it because of the moment you shared with Kris as you got closer to the door you could see that the sun was shining through making you automatically lift your arm to shield your eye's from the light but before you could your eyes were covered with glasses.

That weren't yours thats when you realised that you were wearing Kris's glasses making you smile shyly.

"There that's better lets go"

You walked out of the plane with Kris behind you feeling his presence so close feeling the heat all around you making you feel hot. You looked around the place being both beautiful and un-familiar to you the excitement was brewing inside of you, you see 2 vehicle's one being recognisable and the other unfamiliar to you.

Waiting for you whilst you were walking out of the plane, you couldn't help but think about how weathy Kris is making you more aware of the two different backgound's you had making you both world's apart never crossing path's. You watched as you saw familiar luggage being packed into the truck whereas your handbag was being placed into the white car in front of the truck Kris walked ahead of you and you followed him with no idea what to expect Kris had opened the door for you which was something else he did that made your heart flutter you sat down as he closed the door.

"Mr. Wu"


"The captain wishes to talk to you"


You were so busy playing with your fingers waiting for Kris.


You turn as you hear you name you automatically look up thinking that Kris was where you last saw him which was wrong you looked around not noticing the fact that Kris was right next to you the whole time not in his seat but kneeling on the side of the car with his body leaning on the passegers door next to you.


"I won't be long I am just going to talk to the captain"


He patted your shoulder and made his way back to the plane leaving you alone you couldn't help but notice by the rear view mirror Kris walking back to the plan looking at the length of his body his back view just as eye candy like the rest of him as you watched him walk the stairs inside the plane you saw something glittering at the back seat making you turn to see what it was and that's when you noticed a very flash camera.

You reached for it and you turned it on even though you attended university for both Medicine and Law you also had what you could taken a liking to photography only recently because of one of your girlfriend's who was attending university for photography. You reached for your handbag which had your most prized posession's you see the little book and you look through and found a peice of paper which was worned out from the endless folding, you opened it and it was a letter that your friend Yimi Takamoto

"Miss Min-a Yoon,

First I would like to say that your work for Miss Yimi Takamoto's assignment was extraordinary.

The way you captured each frame based on the emotions that Miss Yimi Takamoto was potraying, was something that not many photographer's are able to capture at a young age like yourself.

I was surprised from Miss Yimi Takamoto explaining that you have no experience with photography let alone with a camera at this kind of level especially with the camera's that the students have in this class being some of the best camera's made. With each frame of the photo's I couldn't help but find that this assignments was not only difficult for you to grasp but also an outlet when you took the assignment on.

With the understanding that I know nothing about you both professionally or personally with the arrangement's of the photo's both placed strategically by Miss. Yimi Takamoto with the final product of her assignment being at a high standard, and with the arrangement of your photo's surprisingly different but both portraying the story and emotion beautifully.

On a Personal Level: the arrangement's of photo's that you had shot Miss Min-a Yoon tells of a tortured life you have or are living coming to life with each frame protraying that clearly.

On a Professional Level: your work is worthy to be shown to million's around the world, and with what I have seen so far you could become a huge success in the photography.

I just wanted to take this time to inform you of your capabilities, and that it was a pleasure to see your work.  

Mr. Francois Daniel's

Professor of Advanced Photography

Seoul National University.

You took the cap off the camera and you started taking shot's of everything around you from the beautiful bright clear blue skies, to the moutain top's around you even took a couple selfies of yourself with an ulterior motive with checking your appearance you saw movement behind you and you quickly turned the camera off and placed it back in its place before getting caught. You sat still and waited and then you noticed that it was one of the stewardess on the plane making you stupid well you sat and waited for Kris still trying to figure where you were everything being new to you never leaving Seoul in your whole life. You don't know how long you were in your daze.



Being in Greece was a place I haven't been to for a long time vowing to come here with Derek for a guy's trip maybe because of the flashback I had I decided to come to Greece with Min-a as we were walking out of the Jet and I noticed the sun blaring intense down on the both of us I had my shades on whereas Min-a was covering the sun with her hand I automatically took my shade's off and placed it on her to shield the sun in her eyes. I could see her faint blush and a small smile on her lip's making my pride sky rocketed, we walked to the waiting car's whilst our luggage was being placed in the truck I automatically opened the door she sat down I closed the door.

"Mr. Wu"


"The captain wishes to talk to you"


I noticed that Min-a was playing with her finger's making her feel either awkward or curiousity was eating her which was kind of cute to see her like this. I kneeled down to get a closer look at her and because I wanted to.


I called her and she turned and looked up which was funny as well which was obvious she thought I was still standing but I wasn't and second's later she look's down at me I was leaning on the door I couldn't help but see the faint blush again on her cheek's.


"I won't be long I am just going to talk to the captain"


I touched her shoulder and lefted toward's the Jet to talk to the captain it was normal procedure which didn't phase me after talking with the captain and discussing the flight plane for when we depart from Greece we were at the door when I looked out and I saw Min-a doing something but I couldn't see clearly.


I sat in the driver's seat and I noticed Min-a was sitting riggedly which surprised me I thought she would be relaxed maybe I was wrong but it was to late for me to regret coming here for once I wanted to just go on a whim and do what I want instead of following order's or dictating orders to the staff.

"Min-a are you ok?"

She looked at me and she smiled which was a sight I could get use to.

"Kris where are we?"

"We are in Greece"


I could feel the excitement coming off her even though her eye's were covered by my shades I could see that she was bright eyed which was contagious I leaned back happy that I came to Greece with Min-a I was driving to the villa that I booked for the both of us it was close to town but also private so we didn't have to worry about any intrusion's or disruption's which was what I needed not just for myself but also for Min-a with her being in a different place and I wasn't sure how she would take everything. I saw the truck behind with our luggage the heat was intense I was thankful with what I was wearing was comforting I was focused on driving that I didn't notice that Min-a was talking to me.


I looked at her direction quickly before focusing back on the road.


I noticed Min-a playing with her finger's like before at the hanger.

"Can I use your camera?"

She said in a cute awkward voice with no hesitation.

"Of course?"

And just when I thought I saw her smile brightly before I was mistaken here was a Min-a sitting smiling so bright that it was more intense then the sun shining bright before us. She reached for the camera behind her and before I could even say anything there was Min-a taking shot's of everything that we were going pass with so much attention for once Min-a looked relaxed which was nice. All I could hear during the drive was the constant clicking of the camera's shutter.



"We are in Greece"

Was what came out of Kris's mouth you were so amazed and excited if it wasn't for the scenery that you were going passed you would have had a fair idea but hearing Kris say it out of his mouth made it seem so real to you. The scenery was so appealing tha tyou were itching to take shots you were babbling along in conversation more like a one-sided conversation with Kris talking about the places you were passing and the constant 'ooh's and ahh's' you realised that you were taking by yourself when you asked a question to Kris.

"What is so special of Greece for us to be here right now Kris?"

No reply.


You looked at him and he was so focused on the road and you noticed that he had another pair of shades on, you looked at his side profile and couldn't help but look at him longer then expected the wind styling his blonde lock's in a devilish kind of way, his facial structure looking like it belonged here, you could see his collar going with the wind giving you a hint of skin, his arm muscles rippling, his hand's commanding the wheel of the car, you continued looking at him.


He looked at you which was a relief because it caused you to stop staring at him which would have been awkward, and from all that staring you forgot what you had asked Kris so you said the next thing that came to mind.

"Can I use your camera?"

Why did your voice sound so weird.

"Of course?"

You sighed with relief and you reached for the camera you started taking shot's of the sceneries that you were passing which was so beautiful you faced the camera and you looked though the lense of Kris driving you started taking photos of him driving how could he be so perfect. You don't know how long you were on the road and taking so much photo's until you felt the car starting to slow down and thats when you see that you were driving up a hill and as you got closer you saw a beautiful place stationed at the top you took photos of the place as you were getting closer. Finally Kris parked up in front of the place that was huge.


You exclaimed brightly Kris was standing with the door open and he had his hand out to you and you were kind of reluctant but you reached for his hand and he helped you out of the passenger's seat.

"Come on lets go inside"

You nodded in reply no word's could come out of your mouth because Kris was placing your arm in his and your handbag in your hand and his camera dangling of your neck as you were gathering your thought's as Kris lead you both inside you looked around it was so beautiful.

"This looks like it is the Lounge"

Kris said as you both walked in towards the lounge it was so beautiful without thinking you reached for the camera and took a shot of the lounge.

Which looked so modern which looked so different from the outside of the Villa when Kris mentioned it as you both walked in you followed Kris upstairs and Kris opened one door and you looked inside it was so beautiful room it was all white which passed for the villa, you took a photo of the room and walked outside of the room.

You both walked out towards the balcony which was beautiful blending in with the interior looking out at the ocean.


You moaned and instantly took a photo you both walked out of the room and opened the door next to it and it revealed a beautiful modern bathroom it looked like it was shared because there was door which was open revealing the room that you and Kris just walked out off.

You walked through the door on the other side of the bathroom to reveal another beautiful room which was so breathtaking.

You were so in awe that you didn't have the strength to take a photo like you did with the other room's.


You heard Kris calling but you paid no attention to him at all with simplicity, modern style you walked out towards the balcony and it was the same as the one before.

You followed Kris outside of the Villa which was as beautiful as it was inside.

You looked out at the scenery this time you took photos of the exterior's you walked outside Kris was standing next to you whilst you were taking alot of picture's of the area like you weren't going to see it again. You walked down toward's the stairs curiosity eating at you anxiously you looked around and you saw Kris standing near you but not to close he was looking out you quickly took a shot of Kris standing out looking out it was like he was posing for a high end magazine after taking your shot's you followed the stairs down to see a beautiful yet private cave like place with a beautiful setting of a pool which you were going to plan to use.

You stood there for what felt like forever lost in your own thought's until.


You woke from your daze from the familiar voice to see Kris standing next to you well you both walked out and checked more of the Villa which was never-ending beauty which were so un-familiar to you as you finished looking around you both walked inside finally glad to cool down from the heat outside which was nice.






[Characters:-25299 Words:-5832]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-24th September 2015


Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-13th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....