He's so Weird

The more you hate the more you love.

Minwoo pulled the collar of Youngmin and eyed to him "Why did you declared that Kooreen is your girlfriend!!"Minwoo grinned.

"Why are you acting like that huh?!You're just her friend Minwoo!"Youngmin said in cool way.

Minwoo's blood got boiled he tight his grip to Youngmin's collar."YOUNGMIN!!!"he said angrily and he will punch him when you cut him off. "Minwoo-ah!" you.shouted. Minwoo turned his face to you " Kooreen tell me, You're.not her girlfriend right?!" he asked with a teary eyes.

"Youngmin-ah Let's talk!!" you smirked. You dont even noticed Minwoo's question instead you grabbed and dragged him and went to the rooftop.

"She ignored me?!"Minwoo mindlessly said with a teary eyes and run. Kwangmin gasped.


Minwoo's POV

I almost punch Youngmin hyung when Kooreen called me with a serious look. I immediately asked her "Kooreen tell me, you're.not her girlfriend right?!" I said with a teary eyes. I gasped. It's hurt she ignored me. Instead of answering me she shouted that.she wants to talked to Youngmin hyung. She grabbed Youngmin's arm and dragged him. My heart break into pieces I couldn't take it anymore. My tears started to fell in my cheeks so I decided to run as fast as I can just.to escaped and be alone.

End of  Minwoo's POV
At the rooftop
"What do you want to talk about YEOBO?!"Youngmin smirked and gave you foolish smile.

"YEOBO your face! Why.did you declared thar I'm your girlfriend!!!" you muttered and glared at him.

"Its just simple......It would serves as your payment." Youngmin answered. 

You raised your brow "Payment for what?!" you said with your crossed arm in your chest.

"For making me annoyed and pissed off" he added.

"Stop making fun of me!! You idiot!.. You started it!" You complained.

He just smirked and drink some water. "Yah! Why are you drinking water! And how could you still be calm in this kind of situation. For god sake!" you yelled

"Yah! What's your problem! I'm thirsty that's why I drink some water!" Youngmin yelled back.

"What's my problem?! You are my problem! Because you declared that I'm your girlfriend now that your fangirls are now hunting me because of you're damn declaration!!!!" You added.

"That's fun! Well you deserved it." Youngmin smirked.

"Oh! God! SOMEBODY LEND ME A KNIFE! I can't take this anymore. I want to stab him to death right NOW!!" you yelled in your mind. "Fun?! You said?? Are you out of your FREAKING MIND!!!"You blurted you almost blown up in angriness.

"Aniyo~ maybe you?!" he points at you in a teased way.

You ruffled your hair in disbelief."I will assure that you will REGRET all.this YOUNGMIN!" You assured and leave him.

Your POV
I was really pissed off by Youngmin. So after I threatened him I leave him. When I was walking back the cafeteria to look for Kwangmin and Minwoo. But I only saw there is Kwangmin who's still in shocked. I snapped my fingers in front of him to catch his attention. He gasped and asked me "Are you alright Kooreen. Sorry for my trouble maker twin." he said to me. I hugged him and said "Thank you Kwangmin, where's Minwoo?!" I suddenly asked. He broke the hug and look away. He said that he saw Minwoo run with his teary eyes after I dragged Youngmin. I gasped and asked him if it's true. He nodded. I wonder why Minwoo ran maybe his hurt because I ignored him a while ago.*Facepalmed* Oh no! Babo me! I thought. And excused myself to Kwangmin."Kwangmin. I'll look for.Minwoo. I'm sorry can we talked again tomorrow." I said and he gave me a smile and nodded. I smiled back and run and look for a place where possible he could be is. It's almost evening. When I came to a park and sat on a bench for a while. I gasped when I heard someone sobbing and in my curiousity I followed where is it came from. And I saw a familiar guy. I went close to him. That's it. Its Minwoo oppa. I immediately sat.beside him and tapped his back to catch his attention. Finally he looks at me with his teary eyes. I called his name when he suddenly.hugged me tight. I wad shocked and don't know what to do so I hugged him back and caressed his hair to comfort him. He was crying the whole time and I wonder why. "I'm sorry Kooreen" he sobbed.

"Waeyo?! You dont need to feel sorry!" I replied cluelessly. "You're not mad at me?!" he added. "Of course not Minwoo. Why should I? I must've thanked you for being my good oppa to me!"I answered him back. He gave me a small smile and continue asking me with weird query "Do you like Youngmin hyung?." he asked me. I gasped with his sudden question. "Of course not. Why did you asked that all of a sudden?!" Instead I asked him back.

"Uh....nothing...just.nevermind.".he said while leaning his head on my shoulder. "Okay. You know I never thought of love because I'm still not interested on it." I said. I felt that he let out a big sighed. "Good!" He smirked. I smiled and leaned my head to his head on my shoulder and look at the sky."Thanks Minwoo-ah." I chuckled. "But what if I love you?!" he asked. "Mwo?!" I gasped. "Nevermind!" He stand up and held out his hand to help me stand too. "Let's go?! I'll send you home. It's too late for you to go home alone." Minwoo offered. I took.his hand and followed him. 

Finally we arrived safely in my house. I thanked him. I frozed when he kissed me on my cheeks and bade goodbye to me. why he kissed me! i thought. I shook my head. *Yah stop thinking about it. its just nothing!* I said to myself and heads toward my room and lay myself on my bed. What a tiring day. I dont know that I fell asleep without eating my dinner..Maybe Xander oppa is worried about me right now.

End of Your POV.

At Jo Twins house. Minwoo has arrived.
"Minwoo ah?!" Kwangmin called him.

"Goodnight hyungs."Minwoo said.
 "Okay." Kwangmin said and sat.behind His twin.

"Hyung?!"Kwangmin said.
"Wae?! are you going to ask me too about what I declared a while ago." Youngmin mumbled.

"Yeah you're right hyung." Kwangmin agreed.
 "I'm so tired of that freaking question. So stop asking me about that." Youngmin exclaimed. Without looking at his twin.
"Do you like Kooreen?!" Kwangmin blurted.
 Youngmin gasped that made his turned to face Kwangmin. "No. I dont like her?!" Youngmin mindlessly said.
 "Sorry. Goodnight hyung." Kwangmin excused.

"Okay. Goodnight." Youngmin said.*Aish why did he asked me like that all of the sudden.* he thought.
Kwangmin POV

I know you're hiding something from me hyung. I can feel that. This is the first time I saw him like that. I knew he really dont like girls but why it sudden change when Kooreen came. He started teasing her and sometimes he has a care to her that he never done it before to any girls because he always ignoring them. Aish! He's so weird. I'll find it out. 
End of  Kwangmin POV
How was it? ehehehe ummn. hehehe hope you'll looking forward to the next chapter. because........ummn just find it out on the next chapter.
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Chapter 67: Gwaenchana chingu ya. Kansaheyo for updating.
Chapter 68: I've just finish read this story. The story was great..I'm glad it'll be a happy ending. Good job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 7: great story ^_^
Chapter 69: Great Story! :D
Chapter 69: jeongmin: hi my lovely mirror prince.. of course i'll call him 'oppa' beacause he's older than me, not the old, he is 8 days older than me.. hekhekhek.. dont worry i love the both of you *merong*, its just that.. uhmmm.. you know.. uhmmm.. baekhyun oppa.. uhmmm.. nevermind.. :p

baekhyun: YAH!!! just kidding

im not mad anymore.. how can i not forgive my lovely eyeliner prince.. ^_^

let my peanut be.. she's not fun of wearing make-up.. but if you put eyeliner on me, i would be glad.. hehehe

WAIT! i think i'll take my words back.. HOW DARE YOU STRIPPED INFRONT OF ANOTHER WOMEN?!?!
Chapter 67: Don't worry it's oaky just take your time unnie! Fighting!
Chapter 66: YOUNGMIN! I hope he remembers her soon!
They should be together forever haha <3
Shielasshi #8
Chapter 66: Thanks for the update! Please end the story well! And thanks for all the creative chappies!
Shielaaa23 #9
Chapter 65: Unnie!!!/Ate! Update please! Kamsanida! Salamat!
IWillLoveYouForever #10
Chapter 63: Update soon!!