Chapter 3


When you went inside your class,the girls glared you but you avoid looking in their direction and sat in your chair."Yah~!",Yuna(one of the girls) yelled at you and you just look at her."You stay away from the oppas",she said to you and when she was about to go to where you are,the teacher came in.

-Lunch Time-
You went to the very top of your school and there was a garden there

You sit down in the shade,"Victini~you can come out now",you called out."Victini~",you heard Victini but you can't saw him,"Victini?",you called out again and you feel that something is sitting on your head.

You get your bag and pulled out the macaroons you baked this morning,"Here you go,Victini",you said and hand it to Victini."When Victini saw what you gave him,he immediately sat next to you and ate it.You get your pokeball in your bag,"Come out Pikachu",you said and Pikachu came out the ball and went to your shoulders and rub his cheeks to yours.

"okok,here eat your food",you gave Pikachu's food."pikapika",Pikachu ate his food happily.

"you're so cute~",you patted Pikachu's head and you get your apple from your bag and ate it.You look at Victini,he was just finished his macaroons and went to your lap to sleep.

You look at the time and in 6-5 minutes the bell is going to ring,so you wake Victini up,"Victini~",you shake Victini softly but he won't wake up.You look at Pikachu,"Pikachu,you will get in your ball ok",you held out the Pikachu's ball,"pikapika",Pikachu said and went inside his ball."Victini,do you wan to get inside your ball today?",you asked Victini and Victini just smiled and get Victini's ball in your bag,"When we go home I'll give you macaroons,ok",you said and held out Victini's ball and he went inside.


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KkamjongLover #1
Chapter 68: i loved this story and it actually made me write my own pokemon story on here too >.< you inspired me to kind of write it, so i give my credits to you :) but of course mine isnt nearly done yet :)
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 69: i loved this it was awesome the story combined two of my fav things in the world. hope you can write more stories like this. =)
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #3
Chapter 3: Doesnt*** :D
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #4
Chapter 3: Honestly, I like it but I still can't get over the fact that Pokèmon is included..BUT THAT DIESNT MEAN I DON'T LOVE POKÈMON!!
Chapter 69: aaawww~~ it ended already...
i loved it^^
the couple is so sweet~<3
Chapter 69: awww, cute fic! loved it! <3
Kiseop_KissMe4ever #7
Chapter 69: LOL AWW!
Love the GIF's~~
L.Joe is so adorable!
Chapter 69: awww so cute awesome story and ending:)lovely couple^^
Chapter 69: Awww kyeopta! <3