The Project

Never Thought You Were Mine

Myungsoo stand in front of a girl he always thought of and his heart got pain when he think of her, Park Jiyeon, a person who got stuck in his dictionary she hold an important places as 99%. she now stand in front of him make his heart beats abnormal like other day, the first time he look at her with the close distance without the third person interupting his moment.

Jiyeon widen her eyes when in front of her myungsoo look at her with his sad eye as she could feel that contained the painful, the loneliness and sorrowful. at that moment seeing him in front of her jiyeon like burst into tears but trying to hold back as looking away tried avoiding myungsoo eye. She afraid of not having enough strength to stand in front of him talk to him face to face. she never thought she'll met him here as she tried to come during people walking day and didn't thought he'll come back here at this time.

"I... I..." jiyeon stutured while looking around not knowing how to explains  the situation wright here.

"the house still keep what it supposed to be like before you go" myungsoo give a light smile trying to said normal not letting jiyeon know the nervous inside him.

"oh" jiyeon give an awkward smile her head looking at the floor while hand scratches behind her neck. Seeing the scene in front myungsoo smile brightly but tried not letting jiyeon know as she might feel embarrassed. doesn't know for how long he haven't seen her embarrassing face with the red cheek and the swell mouth.

After a minute of looking around both jiyeon and myungsoo suddenly looking at each other in union but quickly looking by an awkward. Didn't know what to said both jiyeon and myungsoo still looking away avoiding their eye contact.

"uhm... I.." once again the both said together and end up smile awkwardly which myungsoo sractches his back neck while jiyeon looking down the floor with both hand rubbing together. " say first" myungsoo said with a smile while hand sign to let jiyeon talk first. smile back as jiyeon wanted to said but the phone suddenly ringing interupting their conversation.

giving myungsoo a nod in respect jiyeon walk away answer the phone with a smile "oh oppa" the other line JB answer with a smile "where are you? I was looking for you" "i'm at my old house, I'll go home now oppa" jiyeon said without looking at the back myungsoo was nearly burn up by looking at jiyeon talking through the phone.

"is myungsoo there?" JB asked as jiyeon give an 'oh' as an snswer, she cannot let myungsoo know what she and jb talking about especially if he know they was talking about him and that will be embarrassing and giving the more awkwardness.

"what's wrong oppa?" JB sighed which make jiyeon become worried "jiyeon ah, Woolim... still haven't co-operate with our company yet" listened by what jb said through the phone jiyeon could feel jb was worried and sad about the company. she know the company was like his second wife and really important to him. Meanwhile the project was design by herself and jiyeon really used that as her child and she won't let anyone hurt her child. cooperate with Woolim was the first step for 'hollywood' walk through Asia music.

"what should we do now oppa?" jiyeon asked with a sad face, if jb already said that then what should she do? "is myungsoo near you?" jb asked which make jiyeon take a glare at the man with the black suit standing 10 steps away from her. "ani" said jiyeon waiting for jb's to talk.

"jiyeon ah...." jb sighed once again and didn't talk afterward... take for few minute jb said with an unwillingly voice "I know if I said that it'll be hard for you... but... high..." jb said with another sighed which make jiyeon got more worry but not interupting waiting for jb to finishes his sentense. "could you... to persuade know that this project are really important... high..." jiyeon lowered her head after what jb said. she understand what jb worried about and she also understood how important that was but it should be hard for her to plead someone especially kim myungsoo. She doesn't want he to think after leaving so many years she still didn't changes and still like what she used to be or worser than that as begging for something.

"it ok jiyeon ah... just think I didn't said anything" for a minute jb quickly changes his word but that make jiyeon feels more worse. she know JB doesn't her to down herlsefl but that make her heart getting heavy and heavier. "I know it oppa" said slowly jiyeon hung up the called but she knew what she need to do.

Took a deep sigh place the phone back in the bag jiyeon walks back to where myungsoo was but still didn't higher her head. "was that Jae Bum ssi?" asked myungsoo and jiyeon giving a little nod. 

"oh... I remember you still have something want to tell me before?" myungsoo brokes the silent looking at jiyeon with a smile. "ah..." jiyeon smile lightly and continued lower the head. "I just want... ah... just want to go home now, it's getting late" finally jiyeon find the reason for broking an awkward after myungsoo sudden question. "oh" myungsoo fall a tille into despair.

the both of then slowly heading to the door without saying anything and both of them with the both thought. one was thinking how to talk about the contract while the other were didn't know what to said for making her coming back living in her own house. walking slowly downstairs the both still didn't talk until myungsoo open the door sending jiyeon home.

"uh.." "uh..." fated once again come as the both of them looking at each other and wants to talk what they thought but... both sounds come out at the same times broke their courages to said what they want to said.

"uhm... didn't you still have something to tell me?" jiyoen said looking myungsoo in the eye "I.. ah... I just want to drive you home" jiyeon smile and rejected myungsoo good intention as she wants to back home herself. feeling angry after the rejection but couldn't do anything instead kept on silent watching the beautiful girl in front of him.

"oh... Myungsoo ssi..." jiyeon said which make myungsoo eye turns into a little bright after hearing jiyeon calling. that was the first time she called him but still with a formal way. "about the contract with 'hollywood... isn't there anything for the both company to co-operate?" waiting for myungsoo to answer but he still looking at her with a deep eye that jiyeon doesn't know how deep that was. after few years he got changes into a person as he got more mature for dealing with other things.

Sinse she back she never seen he smile or laugh with other people included , she still remember myungsoo before no matter how cold with other people but to Infinite members he still shown a smile and a warmth look. The myungsoo in front of her now cold and she didn't know what he was thinking and what he will do next. she couldn't guess what in his mind.

"I'm still thinking about that" hearing myungsoo words jiyeon heart beat a little faster and her face become a little bright, he still think about that which means 'hollywood' can have another chances for that. jiyeon quickly took out two card hand in front of myungsoo "this is my card and JB visit card, pls call us if you still think we can sign the contract on this project" holding the two card on hand myungsoo smile bitterly while looking at jiyeon. isn't she always got jb's visit card or other than that?

watching jiyeon's back walking out the house make myungsoo getting more hurt... is she still angry at him? not forgiving him? took a sigh myungsoo closed the door and quickly head to the second floor window looking at the shadow of the girl walking out of the gate...

"jiyeon ah... what should I do...? hold the card tight myungsoo eye still not leaving the girl walk far from him. Wanted to walks away but then myungsoo eye widen lookint at the BMW stop beside jiyeon and a man walking out from the driver seat. From far but myungsoo still see that man, jb open the other door front seat and jiyeon get in there.

the car slowly drove off like what myungsoo heart got broken into pieces. took out the phone on the pocket myungsoo look at the card on the hand and taping the number... waiting for a little secs the other line come out with a soft voice "Jiyeon ssi... about the project... tomorrow night at XX restuarant 6pm, I want you to explain more about that project" myungsoo said with a calm voice, the other line come out with a surprise voice "neh... I'll be there on time... thanks Mr Kim".

hung up the call myungsoo hold up jiyeon card looking at it and slowly a smile come out from his face.

in the car jiyeon told jb about myungsoo was calling with a bright smile as jb smile along but looking at her with a sad face, jiyeon was overexitable but she'll never know there will be something dangerous ahead waiting for her.


Time goes by and finally the night was coming, because of the project jiyeon didn't sleep refix for the contract to be ready heading to see myungsoo in the restuarant.  she wore a simple *teal* dress 9ffcc835a7d110f12b5c06494c6d2886.jpg?134with a white coat ladies-fashion-jacket-women-s-autumn-Nin but not decreasing the luxurous and elegant speading out from her. the classic restuarant to recieves VIP people and foreign guests make jiyeon feel uncomfortable, she didn't like those kind of places because that was too affective and obssessive.

Said myungsoo's name jiyeon follow the waitress head to the highest level used for queen's room jiyeon enter with a worried soul. she must be success and promised herself not leaving if didn't see myungsoo's signature on the contract.

Myungsoo already there stading near the window looking outside waiting for jiyeon couriousity, smile lightly turned his face at the door where a women with a beautiful face stand there.

Jiyeon walks slowly in where myungsoo was standing and saw a table of food got prepared with two glass of red wine and a cup of juicy on the side. sitting on the table as jiyeon wants to talk about the project but myungsoo word make jiyeon got froze with an awkward "don't do work during having meal" jiyeon smile lightly place the folder on the table looking at myungsoo "i'm so happy seeing you agree for me to explains the project..." "I don't talk about work after work" jiyeon smile quickly gone after myungsoo coldly voice. looking at myungsoo eating his meal got angry jiyeon but tried to calm and not making him angry because his signature haven't on her contract yet.

Jiyeon swear inside her stomach it not because of the contract whenever she'll listened to what he said. looking around the room with a nod because of the beauty architech. "why don't you eat?" seeing jiyeon haven't touches the food myungsoo place the folk and knife down while took whilte towel wiping his mouth.

"i'm not hungry" lightly jiyeon said with a smile, myungsoo nodded his head as he doesn't want to force her. picked a glass of wine up myungsoo show in fron of jiyeon as a cheer, instead of picking a glass of wine in front of her jiyeon pick up a cup of juicy on the side "I don't drink wine" myungsoo nodded again a place the glass of wine down. "as a manager of 'hollywood' but you said you don't used to drink wine... who will trust you Ms Jiyeon ssi? or you scared i'll do somthing to you?" jiyeon got speechless after myungsoo word.

Yes, she was a little scared of drinking something with alchohol, during the party she used to choose something light to drink or even juicy as a reason her stomach not feeling well. but cannot used that reason always and jb was the person who replaces her to drink what people what her to drink.

"oah... no.. it's not like that, pls don't misunderstood Myungsoo ssi, It's just... my stomach not feeling well" jiyeon sighed in relief after seeing myungsoo nodded his head. pick up glass of wine myungsoo drink slowly in relaxness.

"Myungsoo ssi, you're dine eating now... so can we talk about the contract now? I'll explains for you to let you understand our project" jiyeon took out the folder but myungsoo interupted again "I don't want to repeat the third time,... I don't talk about company after work" jiyeon got more angry after myungsoo word. if don't talk about work then why does want to call her out? isn't it because of the cup of juice? or other thing?

"Mr Kim... I think if you don't want to talk about work then I'm here doing nothing even got interupting your time, sorry for waisting your time i'm heading first" jiyeon said with an angry voice while took the folder and stood up from the seat. "why did you need to rush? don't you know it's disrespect for leaving first even other haven't finishes their food? didn't you want me to sign the contract?" jiyeon stared at the guy in front of her and slowly sit back on the chair waiting for myungsoo finishing his food.

looking at myungsoo jiyeon better looking other side, is he want to take time or what? isn't he a kid need to cut beef steak into that little pieces? look at the time and it already 7pm but he haven't finishes the disk yet. jiyeon boring looking at other side and around the room not even looking at the guy in front of her.

Myungsoo smile brightly looking at jiyeon angry face, for long time he haven't seen that side of her, she still the same still a dino she used to know, still a jiyeon of 6 years ago no matter how changes she was. the outside won't changes the inside of her.

Jiyeon looked at the guy eating while still looking at her with a frustrated look but also got blushes when seeing that eye. pick up a cup of juicy jiyeon drink it all to erases an awkward.

myungsoo still eating and tasting the wine doesn't care jiyeon waiting while still looking at the phone numerious times. 7:30pm, 1h and 30 mins since she enter but the both haven't talk more than 10 sentenses.

feeled bored jiyeon yawn and she could feel her eye become heavy and feeling tired. jiyeon tried to look around avoiding the sleepy but doesn't know why her head like a rock and the eye slowly shut even she doesn't want to. she didn't sleep that early but why the tiring got double like before? isn't because in the same place with kim myungsoo become like that?...


Doesn't know for how long jiyeon got sleep and when did she fall in sleep as jiyeon head got aches and feeling tired. slowly open the eye seeing her was aleady in the bed. looking around the room jiyeon didn't know where she was laying to, want to stood up but there are somthing heavy on her body, that was a big hand placing on her waist and both her leg couldn't move because got a long leg grabing over.

Jiyeon turned her face to a side and widen her eyes when in front of her a familiar face appear in a closer distanse. Kim Myungsoo... why does she sleep here with him? how does she end up sleeping together with kim myungsoo in the same bed? even got huging all night?

Jiyeon tabbed her forehead to recall what was happening lastnight but she didn't remember how does she end up sleeping on the bed. the only thing she could remember was got angry with kim myungsoo and feeling y as she drank a cup of juice and... and...

Jiyeon widen her eye in shock looking at the sleeping peacefully myungsoo beside her with a smile still hanign on the face. jiyeon shaking hands slowly pulled a blanket up with a shocked eye as she used both hand cover to not making sound...

how could that be?///

she didn't wear anything... even her little clothes...

stared at the guy sleep beside her sleeping like a sleepy head jiyeon finally know why does she got sleep early yesterday...

Because of him... Because of the trouble maker Kim Myungsoo...

because of the cup of juice...

and in the juice...

'sleeping pills... '




sorry for updating late my dear readers and subsribers...

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jojolove122 #1
Chapter 60: wow i loved this story sooooo much but i want myungsoo to be mavin's dad soo bad
DayaKinda #2
Chapter 60: It will more better if you write EPILOUGE for us :D
pbcccc #3
Chapter 60: Thank god she came back
Chapter 2: To be honest, the premise is quite good; however, the grammar is appalling and the font of the story is too random. This makes it difficult for me to read, but other than that, I really like the story.
1year_already #5
Jinjja jinjja in love with this story
you're daebak authornim
Keep creating great stories :D
Chapter 60: they are back together finally! the ending is sweet.. Myungsoo is a ert.. hahhaaa.. Jiyeon will always be our baby dino..
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 60: I really love the story!!!!

I really like the cute ending ^^

Great job authornim! Best wishes for your other stories :D :D
linhkju #8
Chapter 60: Hehe love ya jin :-D let support them together ;-) wait your new fic
asb9214 #9
Chapter 60: Thank u authornim for finish this story.. :) really2 appreciate this.. ;)
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 60: I love the ending... and it's over..!! :)) I'm going to miss Myungyeon ♥
Keke.. Please keep writing about Myungyeon...
Yeah... #1분1초 #Jiyeon1min1sec I really like the song jiyeon is cute.. she will always be adorable.!! ^^