
Never Thought You Were Mine



Jiyeon and hoya quickly turned to the back with their eyed wide when they saw an angry myungsoo. doesn't know how to describes her feeling right now, jiyeon feel something might happened and that makes her heart pain. haven't know how long does myungsoo stand there and he might heard all of their conversations. "myungsoo ah" said jiyeon when myungsoo slowly walk towards her and hoya.

"what's wrong? shock? doing non-human thing at my back then become speechless when got caught?" myungsoo smile bitterly to the two people in front of him, one is his love and the other are one of his best friend. aren't they shamed to treats me like that. what word could they said it now, the both of them might be unhappy right now because suddenly got interupt their sweet moment.

Understand what myungsoo mean, jiyeon quickly grabbed his hand "myungsoo ah, it's not like what you think, you..." cut off her words, slung her hand away hardly which make jiyeon stragges stepping backward, luckily hoya got her and helps her to got balance but because of that they once again create more unexplainable with their action. "huh! what else could I think, what did you two doing here at night time? being lovey dovey and denied when I saw it? what if I don't know you two already hid me about your relationship right?" couldn't heard anything else about the two, myungsoo just want to run away from them the two foolisher... "myungsoo ah" know myungsoo got misunderstood, hoya steped forwards in front of myungsoo which hopes he could calmed and listen to what he said.


It doesn't seems easy as the think, myungsoo already tighten his fist and give hoya a strong punch on the face. that was the first time myungsoo uses his strength towards people he close with. but no one could understand his feeling right now, being fooled by the hyung he respects and the lovely wife he spent all of his life for. All the pained took all of his mind and the only thing he could do was left them... doesn't want to see their face anymore or even entire of his life...

he hates lier... he hates the most people who lied him...

"Hoya ah" jiyeon got shocks when hoya got punch by myungsoo, quickly pull hoya up jiyeon stared at the cold face myungsoo "myungsoo ah! what's wrong with you" jiyeon angry higher her voice to the guy in front of her. that was the first time she saw myungsoo got mad like that. why does he has to acts like that? is he got jealous? but that was overeacted, she got her own free life and no one could control her whenever she want to meet who.

Goes to see a friend was wrong? is she that untrustable? feeling frustrated towards myungsoo action jiyeon turn over to look at hoya face. his mouth got bleed and at night but jiyeon could see the black and blue on his cheek clearly. "myungsoo, I know you're mad right now and I know you got misunderstanding. I know you can't put any of my words in your mind right now so I'll talk to you later, wait until you calm and we'll talk" said to myungsoo and turn back at hoya "let's go wonnie" grabbed hoya's hand and slowly walks out off the pack.

"PARK JIYEON! IF YOU WALK OUT HERE WHICH MEANS OUR CONTRACT ARE OVER" screaming behind myungsoo with an angry face, jiyeon suddenly stop her track but then continue walking to the car park.

Watching jiyeon back view until she disappear myungsoo then kneel down on the down and cried out loud "aghhhhhhhh!!!! why does you did that to me.... why... why..." punched hard on the ground myungsoo tears never stop. over, it's already over... she'll never come back to him again. as the thought both got passes by many difficulties and they finally end up loving each other but he was wrong, from the start till the end only him love on one side, she just use him to safe her lover's life. until he nothing happen and she changes to flirts with .

everything she said just a lied, said she love him also a lied, pain... his heart so hurt... uses his hand to place on his chest where the heart are thumping, doesn't know why that heart still thumping for her and never stop even what she did to him could never forgive. park jiyeon... our love are over start from the moment to walk away from me. ... he will give her anther chance if she return back with him... but she doesn't care about his feeling and don't even looks back at once... such a cold heart girl...

"hahahahah...." laughing... myungsoo laugh hard... laughing becuase of his stupid love, laughing because of his heart giving for the person who doesn't know how to love... he promised him self... the name Park Jiyeon will never stayed in his mind...


"Yeonnie ah, mianhe! because of me make you end up like that" sitting on the car hoya couldn't know what to do when he saw jiyeon was crying. "it's not your fault so don't blames yourself" took a deep breath jiyeon looks outside the window seeing lots of little light shining like a stars. "is your face alright? do you need to go to see doctor?" hoya shook his head with a smile "not died yet, myungsoo strenght couldn't think a little of, if I aren't strong enough I think now you must see me in the hospital" hoped jiyeon could happy back with his jokes, but she only give a light smile and looks back at the window. "ok, I'll drive you home" jiyeon nodded and hoya starting engine to drive her home.

Jiyeon didn't speak a word on the way home and hoya doesn't know what to said, the only he could do are hope the both of them resolves the problems. Rethink the moment ago, he also got shock because of his first time seeing a madness myungsoo. Knowing him for long but never myungsoo expresses his feeling towards anyone else, the cold smile always hanging on his face, but from that moment at the park he know myungsoo are deeply in love with jiyeon, and jiyeon also deeply in love with him.

Everything are all of his fault, he shouldn't asked jiyeon for helps at that time. as a guy who wouln't got mad when they saw their wife with the other guy? but he and jiyeon doesn't have anything, why does myungsoo must act like that and said their contract are over... wait... contract? what contract?


Hoya stopped the car suddenly makes jiyeon got surprise and looking at him. "jiyeonnie ah, at the park myungsoo said the contract between you and him are over... what contract?" by hoya question jiyeon doesn't got shocks or nervous but silent staring outside the window. waiting for few mins, jiyeon then turn to looks at hoya with a smile "about the contract... myungsoo and I are only got married on the contract" hoya widen his eyes in shock when he heard that but jiyeon just give a light smile and lower her head.

She doens't want to lied anymore, keeping a promised such a tiring time with her. soon or later people will know about that and she doesn't care it anymore because she know that her and myungsoo heart are belong to each other, even if the contract got lots people know, she and myungsoo will never let go off each other.

Jiyeon expression makes hoya know that no matter if he keep asking jiyeon'll kept on silent and he also doesn't want to makes things more complicates. the only thing are being quiet because he know the both of them need a privacy place to clear thing.

started from that moment both of them kept on silent until reaches jiyeon home and said a good bye. jiyeon doesn't want to talk right now as she could do are waiting for myungsoo to come back and explains to him. she doesn't want she and myungsoo relationships end up like that because of a non-third party.

Waiting till mid night but myungsoo doesn't turn back and doesn't feels sleepy, watching t.v but even a words doesn't connects on her mind, all her mind are myungsoo words and his expressions at the park. his words hurts her so much, she know he did that because he feel he got fooled, but was that fare for scolding her without knowing the reason or even doesn't let her explains a word. everything comes out are all hurting people, what does she mean to him? is she that kind of girl? saying without thinking anything, that late but haven't get home yet. Feeling frustrated jiyeon turned the t.v off and throw the remote control on her on the sofa, stood up and walking up to her room.


From the morning till jiyeon goes to school she haven't seen myungsoo yet, walking around the school chating with infinite member to look for myungsoo but they said myungsoo doesn't went to their apartment. jiyeon know myungsoo needs time and she doesn't want to interupts him even she really want call him.

walking the swimming as jiyeon also want some privacy places to rest because got lack of sleep last night and woke up early she really want to shut her eyes. but when she was about to take a step further she already saw a pair of couple walking towards her hands in hands talking happily. both of them looks sweet but still shy with each other. Jiyeon smile and head off leaving both of them privacy for their first date.

It's been a day jiyeon doesn't seen myungsoo and she feel there're missing something as she always stuck with him, she has a feels that myungsoo and her will never be back again... that was the second time myungsoo missing without a reason, one was before getting married and now...

sitting along with other member but jiyeon eyes still eyeing at the gate to see if myungsoo might come in. "yeonnie ah, what did Ms Gahee said to you during class time?" boram asked while munching her food. "what else, is was about the offer to study aboard" qri added. jiyeon give a light smile and once again stared at the gate  "look our yeonnie, myungsoo doesn't turn up a day but miss him that much?" hyomin teased and the other oh a sound with a happy face. jiyeon just smile and playing with her food, she doesn't want to eat today and that makes the rest of them looks at each other like something happened. "yeonnie ah..." eunjung voice a bit shaky "don't tell me.. you... you're pregnant?" jiyeon looked at one to another and their eyes are all widen in surprise.

"aniya, it's not like that. it's just because I don't feel like to eat today" jiyeon explains with a tired voice "it's a part of precancy, feeling tired, doesn't want to eat, and just want to sleep. jiyeonnie ah, aren't feel like that?" soyeon said while points at jiyeon and she nodded her head. the rest mouth open but in a happy way.

jiyeon sighed while shook her head, she and myungsoo haven't.... yet, how could she got pregnant, that was impossible. she feels tired and want to sleep because she haven't got enough sleep last night, and about the eating thing... she doesn't know why but all she want are to see myungsoo and want to talk to him.

"i'm going to the rest room" jiyeon stood up and head to the toilet way, leaving the rest of T-ara member think whatever they want. As she was about to go, then her phone on the table rang up and the ID caller appear on the screan which she never think of. "it's krystal" Eunjung said while handed the phone to jiyeon. seeing the ID caller but she doesn't want to answer, really don't want, but a half she want to know what krystal want to talk to her.

"hello" jiyeon answer with a lone tone, waiting for a sec and her from the other line with a cold tone replied "come to the XX hotel room 206, myungsoo got drunk" then end the call. jiyeon took a sighed and took up her bag "where are you going?" curious hyomin looking at jiyeon when she saw jiyeon packing her stuff. "what did krystal said to you?" eunjung once again asked "myungsoo got drunk and now in the hotel" jiyeon explains and starting walking "i'll go with you" hyomin said and stood up. "i'll go with them, soyeon eonni, pls tell teacher for us" eunjung then run quickly to catch up the two after got soyeon agreement.

"agh..." walks near the car park hyomin suddenly ah an sound and smile awkwardly looking at jiyeon and eunjung. "I catch bus today" rubbing her neck with a lower head "haizz... I never see you done a good thing at all" eunjung complained. but then they saw their salvivour walking out from the car hyomin then quickly waves her hand and shouted "Hoya ah!" hear the shout from hyomin hoya waves his hand and the three walks toward his car.

"where are you three going?" hoya asked "we go to pick up myungsoo" hoya then look at jiyeon after hyomin explaination. jiyeon just look at him and give a smile. but then they saw something interested which shocks hyomin and eunjung, because jiyeon already knew about it. "oh? IU? what are you doing here?" started from the beggining they haven't seen iu yet but then hyomin makes eunjung looked at the seat near driver. "annyeong eonnie, yeonnie" iu smile awkwardly towards the rest of them. and that time the eonni know what was happened. they just look at each other and smile.

"let's go" hoya said and they all head to the xxhotel.

on the way they couldn't stop teasing the innocent maknae, jiyeon smile along but inside her has an unsual feeling, until they stood in front of the hotel. "yeonnie ah, let's go" after hearing hyomin voice jiyeon took a deep sighed and followed them head to the room 206.

the hotel was quite big and the room 206 are at the 7th floor, standing on the elevator but jiyeon heart thumping rapidly like something might be happened soon. until she heard a "DING" and the door open to brought back her thought.  "205, 206.. here we go" eunjung pointed the golden board outside the door and the rest quickly head to there.

Stood outside but jiyeon scared to enter, doesn't know why but at that moment she just want to run away from that hotel. "should we knock?" once again eunjung voice brought back her thought. before she could said hyomin already knocking the door. anyway, no matter what happened she must face it. or maybe she think too much, she must be trust myungsoo, in her thought myungsoo wasn't a bad guy and there might be nothing happened to him.

knocking for a nemerious time but haven't seen anyone open the door and with the hurried temper hyomin couldn't wait for any longer. "why does myungsoo don't open the door?" the door was lock and they've waited for more than 10 mins. "pabo hyomin, wasn't said myungsoo was drunk? how could a drunk person open the door?" eunjung said while hit on hyomin's arm. "i'll go and call people to open the door" hoya said and head off.

"myungsoo ah! open the door! myungsoo ah!" knocking, banging the door hyomin shouted to hope myungsoo could hear her voice "yah stop it hyomin, people will got complain if you're keep shouting like that" hyomin pouted after got colds by eunjung.


suddenly, the door open and that get all the girls attention. their eyes slowly turned at the door to see who opened the door. their eyes widen when they saw a girl with a wet hairs flowing down and wore a hotel gown looks like she just finishes showering.





I feel so sad.... I got more than 100 subscribers but the comment i'd recieves not more than 10, why?

commenting and vote are the only thing makes author happy and want to write more....

two more chapters left...

and ...

I want to see all of my subscribers and readers comment...

if not...

I won't updated anymore...

thanks to people who supporting me... thanks a lot...

pls enjoy... i'm just kidding... comment or not is up to you..

but support and keep reading my stories are more important...


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jojolove122 #1
Chapter 60: wow i loved this story sooooo much but i want myungsoo to be mavin's dad soo bad
DayaKinda #2
Chapter 60: It will more better if you write EPILOUGE for us :D
pbcccc #3
Chapter 60: Thank god she came back
Chapter 2: To be honest, the premise is quite good; however, the grammar is appalling and the font of the story is too random. This makes it difficult for me to read, but other than that, I really like the story.
1year_already #5
Jinjja jinjja in love with this story
you're daebak authornim
Keep creating great stories :D
Chapter 60: they are back together finally! the ending is sweet.. Myungsoo is a ert.. hahhaaa.. Jiyeon will always be our baby dino..
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 60: I really love the story!!!!

I really like the cute ending ^^

Great job authornim! Best wishes for your other stories :D :D
linhkju #8
Chapter 60: Hehe love ya jin :-D let support them together ;-) wait your new fic
asb9214 #9
Chapter 60: Thank u authornim for finish this story.. :) really2 appreciate this.. ;)
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 60: I love the ending... and it's over..!! :)) I'm going to miss Myungyeon ♥
Keke.. Please keep writing about Myungyeon...
Yeah... #1분1초 #Jiyeon1min1sec I really like the song jiyeon is cute.. she will always be adorable.!! ^^