IU's Live

Never Thought You Were Mine


Mom: Myungsoo, Jiyeon ah! make sure to come and visit omma usually arrasso? she hold jiyeon and myungsoo's hand before they head to school

Myungsoo: omma! we are not going overseas so don't say like that! you make me feels like i'm a bad child.

Mom: arrasso! ok, take care on the way!

Neh! bye omma! both jiyeon and myungsoo said at the same time

Mom: ok! she waves to jiyeon and myungsoo before they drove off.


Myungsoo: what are you doing after this? he looked at jiyeon who sat on the chair waiting for her member to come

Jiyeon: ani! just back to T-ara's apartment and MBLAQ. she said without looking him

Myungsoo: is mblaq member come there always? jiyeon nodded her head that make myungsoo boiling inside.

JIyeon: wae? she looked at him and he instantly looking away

Myungsoo: ani! why don't you called them come to your house? since we got married they didn't come right? how about let's make a party today and I wanna meet Infinite member too. he looked at jiyeon with a smile and jiyeon just nodded her head.


Hyomin: unnie! have you done cooking? from the living room walked towards the kitchen to look for her auntie Soyeon and Eunjung cooking.

Eunjung: ani! we only have 2 hands not thousand hands ok! she said while chopping the meat

Hyomin: what take you too long! she pouted and sat on the dinning table.

Soyeon: if you say that so come here and cooked instead of sitting there complaining!

Hyomin: ok! I'll let you all taste my yummy foods! she stood up and head to where soyeon was.

Eunjung: but... where's maknae and yeonnie? I haven't seen them

Hyomin: oh! they went to groceries shop to buy some wine and beer. hyomin's word that shocked soyeon and eunjung to make them stared at her.

Soyeon: bwo? her jaw dropped

Eunjung: Hyomin ah!

Hyomin: wae? there's anything wrong? she said while mixing the meat.

Soyeon: how could you let them buy those thing? you know that IU's father is the wine and beer shop sellers! don't you remember? she raised her voice that make hyomin due to shocked.

Hyomin: jinja! I forgot it already.... but I cannot called them because they left their phone in the living room. she said while patted her in regret.

Eunjung: ppali go and find them before it too late. she pushed hyomin out of the kitchen.

Woohyun: what's wrong? suddenly he appreared nowhere.

Hyomin: oh! good you're here! ppali and drive me to the groceries shop... he nodded and they head to off.

Woohyun: what's wrong? why you're so hurried? you need to buy something? he looked at hyomin while driving

Hyomin: ani! quickly I need to go there before IU and Yeonnie to catched them on time.

Woohyun: what's wrong with IU? he asked curious

Hyomin: IU father's is there! if he saw IU and she instantly got caught and her life will turned into worse. she said worried that make woohyun heart hurting.

Woohyun: ok! how long does they go there?

Hyomin: I don't know! maybe 20 mins ago. she said while twisted her hands tight

Woohyun: let me called hoya, maybe he can come and help..... hello hoya ah! she called hoya

Hoya: uhm! what's wrong>

Woohyun: where are you?

Hoya: on the way to myungsoo house

Woohyun: have you passed the groceries shop?

Hoya: not yet! about 5 more mins.

Woohyun: ok! ppali and head to the groceries shop and quickly find jiyeon and IU, they might in danger!

Hoya: ok! i'm going there right now

Woohyun: they might be in the wine or beer shop. ppali. and he hang up the called.

Hyomin: IU! Jiyeon ah! pls nothing happened to you! she said while her tears nearly dropped and woohyun hold her hand tight to calmed her down.

Woohyun: it ok! they'll be fine, hoya already there so don't worried.

IU: Yeonnie ah! we already got beer and wine! we only need to go and buy some josu wine for hyomin unnie then we can back home.

Yeonnie: uhm! but I wanna buy some tteokbokki!

IU: ok! go and buy some, I'll head to the josu wine first. jiyeon nodded and they both goes to the opposite way.

Jiyeon goes to buy some foods and before she head back that she suddenly remember about IU.

Jiyeon: IU! omo! her father worked here! she dropped the tteokbokki bag on the floor and run quickly back to the josu shop. but then she stopped when she heard people called her from behind, that was Hyomin and woohyun.

Hyomin: Jiyeon ah! she shouted loud

Jiyeon: Hyomin Unnie! Woohyun oppa!

Hyomin: you're here! where's IU?

Jiyeon: I was about to look for her! she's on the way to the soju shop. then they all rushed to the shop to catched IU.

Hoya's POV

I quickly parked my car aside and run straght to find them, but looking for many shop but I haven't seen them. I took out a deep breath by tired. walked quickly while my eyes scanned around to looked for them but still, I then found some noises inside the shop and lots of people stood outside and staring inside. I want to ignored at first and quickly run to find them but I looked up on the shop and that shown a Josu wine bottle picture.

Incase.... I thought my self and walked closer to where people standing and I widen my eyes when I saw a drunk man using his dirty hand holding a girl's hand tight. the girl keep shruggling but she's not strong enough to get rid of him. And at last the man wanna slapped the girl and she turned her face aside while keep her eyes shut and I got shocked that was IU. He tried to slap her but then I quickly run to her and stopped the man on time.

Yah! I shouted and pushed him away from her and grabbed my hand around her shoulder to calmed her down. Hoya! she widen her eyes when she saw me, I just give her a smile because her face was so pale and nervous.

Yah! what the hell are you doing here! that man yelled at me while I just ignored him. What are you doing to her! I can take you to jail by hitting people! I shouted and pointed at him but he just laugh happily.

Take me to jail? so do it then! what's the matter if the father teached their naughty daughter who got running away from home! he shouted back that make IU scared to death and she hind her tiny body behind me. I widen my eyes when I heard that was her father.

Hyomin: she no longer your daughter anymore! from behind hyomin voice out loud that make the three of us looked at her, following her behind was jiyeon and woohyun.


Man: what the hell did you just saying! he stared at Hyomin who walked in front of him and give him a dead glare

Hyomin: I said! she's not your daughter anymore! since the day you left her and her mother and going with other woman! her voice so harsh and angry that make the drunk man got speechless while looked at IU. don't you know the day you left them was the hardest day for them from that time by kicking out of the house from you at the winter time without money or anything! you know that they had beed cold till death but you just having fun with other women! and now standing here saything you're his father!

IU: Hyomin unnie! her tears dropped while hold hyomin's hand to stopped her.

Man: Jieun ah! appa... I mean.. I... I'm sorry! he lower his head down in regret on what he've done with her and her mom.

Hyomin: your words doesn't make the wound in her and her mom's heart gone, it still there and forever will be there! and her hand started show up on the sky and wanted to slap him but she go stopped by IU.

IU: unnie! pls dont! she shook her head to tell her unnie to stop. Hyomin sighed and lower her hand down. everything is over now! don't need to say it again. and she started walked off the shop with her unnie and the boy.

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jojolove122 #1
Chapter 60: wow i loved this story sooooo much but i want myungsoo to be mavin's dad soo bad
DayaKinda #2
Chapter 60: It will more better if you write EPILOUGE for us :D
pbcccc #3
Chapter 60: Thank god she came back
Chapter 2: To be honest, the premise is quite good; however, the grammar is appalling and the font of the story is too random. This makes it difficult for me to read, but other than that, I really like the story.
1year_already #5
Jinjja jinjja in love with this story
you're daebak authornim
Keep creating great stories :D
Chapter 60: they are back together finally! the ending is sweet.. Myungsoo is a ert.. hahhaaa.. Jiyeon will always be our baby dino..
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 60: I really love the story!!!!

I really like the cute ending ^^

Great job authornim! Best wishes for your other stories :D :D
linhkju #8
Chapter 60: Hehe love ya jin :-D let support them together ;-) wait your new fic
asb9214 #9
Chapter 60: Thank u authornim for finish this story.. :) really2 appreciate this.. ;)
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 60: I love the ending... and it's over..!! :)) I'm going to miss Myungyeon ♥
Keke.. Please keep writing about Myungyeon...
Yeah... #1분1초 #Jiyeon1min1sec I really like the song jiyeon is cute.. she will always be adorable.!! ^^