
Never Thought You Were Mine

That Was My Second... (continued)

Writter's POV


T-ara members stood in front of STAR LIGHT while fixing their clothes and re-makeup walked inside proudly. 

Hyomin: yah Ricky! he called a waiter who served them as usuals 

Ricky: neh! Hyomin ssi! he bow 90c 

Hyomin: where is he? she crossed her arms 

Ricky: who? he ask innocently 

Hyomin: who else except your boss J.Y.P! she pat on his head 

Ricky: neh! he has a meeting with someone in Jeju Island. he said in nervous because of Hyomin

Hyomin: I got it! go back and bring us a bucket of beer, a cup of an orange juice and some dishes of fruits. they all get in the room 

IU: oh! I missed you so much! but have you all feel bored without Yeonnie? she ask in frustrated 

Boram: we can't help because Yeonnie was busy 

Soyeon: But have you all see that Yeonnie has something different this time? Why does she had an appointment all day? 

Eunjung: yea! seems like that! Yeonnie never had any appointment after school since we know her 

Qri: molla! called Gah Eun Auntie then! 

Hyomin then take her phone out of her purse and called Gah Eun Auntie 

Auntie: hello y! she said with sweet voice 

Hyomin: Neh Hello Gah Eun Auntie! 

Auntie: Why doesn't you come to visit me! I missed you so much! make sure come home this weekend! if not I won't forgive you all! 

Hyomin: neh Auntie! 

Auntie: told Yeonnie come home early arrasso? Hyomin looked at the other members and shook her head. 

Hyomin: neh Auntie! good night Auntie! she hang up and sign 

IU: what did she said? Is Yeonnie home? she asked in worried 

Hyomin: Yeonnie lied to us again! but where does she go? 

Eunjung: she have no where to go! 

Boram: does she went to Smile Gargen? 

Eunjung: that not not be happened! Yeonnie was fine this noon. 

IU: Smile Garden? where is it? she roll her eyes 

Soyeon: Smile Garden was an Orphan house where Yeonnie and her mother lived there when she was 8. 

Hyomin: that was Boram and Soyeon and I home before either. she smile while Boram and Soyeon nodded. 

IU: agh! i'm so worried... where does she can go... 

Hyomin: don't worrie maknae ah! Yeonnie know Taekwondo, she can protect herself from the bad people. she give IU a smile to calm her maknae worrying. 

HOWEVER... Infinite entering the club with happy face but Hoya wasn't happy at all because his mind has been stolen by Jiyeon. 

Dongwoo: yah Dude! we're coming, as usuals. he smile to Ricky who was carried a bucket of beer and a tray of fruits on the other hand. 

Ricky: neh! but... 143 has been taken so... you guys have to used another room. he said in nervous as same as when he saw T-gang members. 

Woohyun: bwo? taken? yah how dare you took our room for someone? don't you know who we are? she shouted while put his hands on his hip. 

Ricky: actually T-gang was using that room every Mon & Tues so... he said in low pitch 

Hoya: that's ok! we can use other room, don't makes thing bigger. he pat on Woohyun's shoulder ask him to go 

Woohyun: I never heard who are they, but you go and told them to leave right now! he ignored Hoya words and just did his own way. 

Sunggyu: that's correct Woohyun! if Uncle knew that we fight because of the room he might dislike it. 

Woohyun: wasn't our fault but why you two being like this! 

Dongwoo: why aren't go to tell them! don't stand still... he shouted at Ricky 

Ricky: bianneh! but I don't have responsibility to do that and they are... he haven't finished his sentence but has been cut by woohyun 

Woohyun: if that so! I'll fire you if you listen to us! 

Ricky: pls don't do that Woohyun ssi! ok then, I'll try my best but i'm sorry if they don't accept it. he then move hiself to 143. 

Eunjung: just put on the table and you can go. she said after Ricky entered with beers and fruits on his hand. 

Ricky: excuse me! I...I... 

Soyeon: what's wrong with you Ricky? 

RIcky: honestly I came in by an order of some one to told you all leave this room and he'll pay for you all today.

Hyomin: bwo? 

Eunjung: leave this room? who was proudly told us to leave?

Ricky: that was K-finite!

Hyomin: K-finite? don't you all know them? maknae ah?

IU: I never heard.

Hyomin: our smartest don't even know them, why does we have to leave because of that K-...something. go and tell them that aren't we have money to pay! wanna used this room they must wait untill we finished.

Ricky: pls help me Hyomin ssi! wasn't Mr Park let you using his room already? so pls move to 200 if not they'll fire me! he said in pleased

Hyomin: oh! you scared that they'll fire you so don't you scared that I'll fire you now? she crossed her arms while give him a glared 

Ricky: pls don't fire me... 

Hyomin: get out of here! I don't wanna see you...RIGHT NOW! he then run out of the room instantly and goes to see K-finite

Dongwoo: are they leaving already? 

Ricky: they said they are not leaving! and if you wanna used that room you must wait untill they finished. 

Woohyun: bwo? wait? I hate to wait for someone! T-gang isn't! seems like we can't talk nicely with them anymore and they might wanna fight. he start walking over to 143

The rest was followed him head to T-ara room. 

Woohyun: yah! why doesn't... He shouted loud while open the door 143 but got shock after he saw the T-ara members. 

Dongwoo: oh... who els as our new transfers.... 

Eunjung: Kingka...K-finite... who was just told us to leave... 

Hyomin: what do you want! entering someone room without thier permission isn't that too rude? she crossed her arms and stared at Woohyun. 

Woohyun: rude? hagh...yah! he stared back 

Dongwoo: get out of here! 

Hyomin: why should we? is that you place? you owned it? 

Woohyun: since we still talk nicely with you so out of our way! if not i'll called security to kicked you out of her! 

Hyomin: try then! seems like you wanna get a free punch today! 

Woohyun: bwo? teasing me! a girl like you have nothing beautiful except the outfit! the rest are useless! he smirked 

Hyomin: bwo? outfit? useless? yah! she suddenly give him a punce on his nose that make the rest got shocked and wided their eyes open. 

Woohyun: agh~~~ my nose! he scream loud while holding his nose as pain

Sungyeol: Woohyun ah! you're bleeding! he pointed at woohyun's nose 

Sungjong: huyng! are you ok? 

Woohyun: yah! I must teach you a lesson today no matter you are boy or girl! but the other members was hold him tight not to let him hurt Hyomin. 

Hyomin: seems like you need another punch to wake you up! how dare you called me useless and beauty from the outfit! you must died today! she put her hands on her hip and start walked towards him but got blocked by her members holding her tight. 

They hold them tight not to let them fought each others 

Woohyun: yah! let go of me! I must kill her, I must revenge! he tried to let go of s but can't because they were stronger than him. 

Hyomin: come here! i'm waiting!  

Hoya: Woohyun ah! stop it! 

Sunggyu: you're bleeding! lets take him to the hospital! pali... and the war end here when the Infinte members was pushes Woohyun away from the club and take him to the hospital. 

Hyomin: You'll died if you stay a bit longer! she poit at him 

Eunjung: woah! our Hyomin was back! hahaha... she look at Hyomin with surprise and the T-ara members end up with laugher and having fun for all night long. 


why aren't answer my question? am I your first kiss right? he asked with a smile on his face make me speechless and burning inside, I don't want that to be truth but a bastard you tossed my life into hell, I just wanna kill you straight away. 

Bingo! you didn't answer me which means I was your first.Don't worried! I'm not gonna kiss you ajjuma because i'm not that crazy! I sign in relief because he can't still an idiot. he release his hand and walk in the bathtub and I was stand still without saying anything.  

Aren't you wanna get out? or you want to bath with me? he said with a cold voice, I then quickly get out of the bath room and head to the kitchen. 

does that count? didn't mean to do doesn't count right? I asked myself while giving myself an unsure answer. I started cooking and still looking for an answer, 30 minute later myungsoo get down from his room and walked straight to the kitchen. 

pali i'm really hungry! he touch his stomach and sat at the table waiting for my food. the food was ready I then served on a dish and give it to him. 

sit down here! he point at an empty chair oposite with him. 

wae? I don't want to! I start putting the dirty stuff in the sink. 

Feed me then! he took his folk up and give it to me. 

bwo? feed you? I got shock with his action. 

pali! why are you stand there still? hurry up! I'll give back your GB after this. he smile at me. 

I then slowly walk towards him and took the spoons and feeds him by his order. He ate one by one and he seems really hungry. He like a child when he eat, but I cannot undestand him like he had two personalities one was cold and cute as the other. 

yah! doesn't you feel bored just feeding me like this? he ask in disapointed 

Of course I do! I throw the folk down on the dish and crossed my arms looking aside

yah! feed me by your mouth then! how is it? he said in joyfull 

yah Kim Myungsoo! isn't that too much, stop played a childish game! feeding you was a hard job for me. If you wanna kept the GB so just keep it! I don't mind if you post my stuff on the school web so do it if you want. I stood up and said loud while acted as angry. If I don't talk back he'll think that I must worried about the GB and he might ask me more and more. 

ok! I was kidding! you don't have to shout loud like that 'ajjuma'! he said in frustrated 

I then picked up the folk and continued feeding. 

agh~~~~... I and myungsoo got shock with the loudest scream of a girl. She stared at me and she was really really in a bad mood. 

Ahreum! he said. 

What are you two just doing? Myungsoo oppa! why you did that to me! she shouted at him. I just look at them and without saying anything 

How are you shouting at! he said loud with a cold expression 

doh! don't you ashame taking some one boyfriend? you just a housemaid and as a cheap girl how dare you to get close to him! she stared at me, gosh I was so scared with her look 

Lee Ahreum! said it properly she was older than you! he shouted again 

I know your plan, work in here just a plan right? the main reason was you want to close to him and make him your right? 

yah! Ahreum! he said 

I don't need to respect to her! stoler don't have a chance to talk in here! she give me that look again. I can't hold it anymore and finally I spoke out on what I was thinking right now. 

you! I never stole your boyfriend, i'm not a housemaid and I'm a cheap girl as you said! I proud of myself and I won't let anyone said dirty thing about me! I don't need your respect but you must watch out on what you're saying. I said with a calm voice and start walked off but she hold my twist tight. 

Where are you going! i won't let you go! she said while tears on her eyes.

So what do you want Ahreum ssi? I look at her and focus on what she said 

you're over acting! you said it becasue Myungsoo oppa was here and you want to act as innocent girl but your fox tails has shown up. she shouted 

Stop it Ahreum! he hold her twist because she want to slap me. 

oppa! when did you wake up from her? she's not beautiful or anything! why does you chose her instead of me! the harsh voice was come up from a young teenage girl, l look at her while I can feel her heart was crazy because of him.

neh! she's a nerd! she's not beautiful and always wear a pant inside and skirt outside it doesn't matched at all. but I love her, not because how she look just because I love her. he pull me out from Ahreum's hand but then I got shocked after hearing his words that he loves me. 

Are you crazy kim myungsoo! what are you talking about! i wishpered to him and give him a glared 

zipped your mouth closed and listen on what i'm saying. he wishpered back to me and hold my twist suddenly 

you lier oppa! I never trust you that you love her! she shook her head in an untrustwothy

I'll show you that how much I love her! he pull me fowards to his embrace and hold my hip then move his head close to mine, I widen my eyes when his lips touching my lips. I cannot moves myself as there were no energy on me. His lips was so soft that make me overwhelmed, hy heart beat faster and faster. Is he kiss me? is that real or am I just dreaming? my mind just told me that was my second kiss... He took all of my life away! the first kiss was an incident but this time... he mean to do it... 

He release his lips from my lips and looked at Ahreum then turn his face to me and smile. 

Now you can know how much I love her! the outside cannot compared my love to her! he said while place his hand on my hips 

you'll regret it later as choose her not me oppa! she warning him and run away with tears on her eyes. I feel pity for her as in love with a colder heart. 

Move your dirty hand off of my body! I said in cold voice and give him a glare 

He quickly took his hands of mine and touched his hairs as embarrassment, I was buring and just want to heat him alive. 

here's your GB USB! he put it on the table and walked back to his room while not even said sorry or look at me once. I squeezed hy hand tight to control my anger, I took the usb and head off the house in a bad mood. 

Kim Myungsoo! I won't let it go easily! you must pay back... I bit my lips and walked back home.

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jojolove122 #1
Chapter 60: wow i loved this story sooooo much but i want myungsoo to be mavin's dad soo bad
DayaKinda #2
Chapter 60: It will more better if you write EPILOUGE for us :D
pbcccc #3
Chapter 60: Thank god she came back
Chapter 2: To be honest, the premise is quite good; however, the grammar is appalling and the font of the story is too random. This makes it difficult for me to read, but other than that, I really like the story.
1year_already #5
Jinjja jinjja in love with this story
you're daebak authornim
Keep creating great stories :D
Chapter 60: they are back together finally! the ending is sweet.. Myungsoo is a ert.. hahhaaa.. Jiyeon will always be our baby dino..
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 60: I really love the story!!!!

I really like the cute ending ^^

Great job authornim! Best wishes for your other stories :D :D
linhkju #8
Chapter 60: Hehe love ya jin :-D let support them together ;-) wait your new fic
asb9214 #9
Chapter 60: Thank u authornim for finish this story.. :) really2 appreciate this.. ;)
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 60: I love the ending... and it's over..!! :)) I'm going to miss Myungyeon ♥
Keke.. Please keep writing about Myungyeon...
Yeah... #1분1초 #Jiyeon1min1sec I really like the song jiyeon is cute.. she will always be adorable.!! ^^