Part 2

Never Thought You Were Mine


THE MEETING... continued...


Myungsoo: ugh! my head's hurt... he said while rubbing his head

Myungsoo: where is this? why am I sleeping here? he slowly opened his eye and recognised that he was slept in a stange place.

Myungsoo: Jinja? he widen his eyes and cover his mouth when he saw Jiyeon slept next to him. He got shocked while looking at her cuty sleepy face but he still cannot imagined what was happened last night.

Myungsoo: what's going on here? why did we... didn't I do something with her last night right? he thought on his mind while looks at Jiyeon who was still on the dreamland.

Myungsoo: no! nothing wrong here! my cloths still on and ... ani... nothing wrong... yes... nothing! just share a half of the bed isn't that something? ani... it might not... he said to him self as to calmed himself down with that situations. After cleared his mind and he slowly look at JIyeon sleepy face and a smile suddenly brought on his face.

Myungsoo: wow! Can't believed that she could be that pretty. look at her puppy sleepy face... he thought while slowly leaned his face down close to her face and he scanned her face from a close distance. 

In a sudden Jiyeon moving herself a little and slowly open her eyes and she got shocked and widen her eyes when she saw in front of her was myungsoo face. As well as myungsoo eyes also wided open in shock when jiyeon opened her eyes. He quickly leaned up and act as nothing happened.

Jiyeon: wh...what are you just doing? she sit up and said to him with curious voice.

Myungsoo: a...ani... I... He haven't explains his actions and Jiyeon already cut him off by her screaming...

Jiyeon: why are you here... she looks at him with surprises

Myungsoo: last night... I.. we.. drunk... he tried to explains to her but she once again cut him off and push him out of the room.

Jiyeon: get out of here! I don't want to see your face! he pushed him out

Myungsoo: yah! let me explain first...

Jiyeon: I don't want to hear it! if you said this to anyone! I'll kill you! she said the last word and push him out of her room and locked.

Myungsoo: yah! yah!... he knocked her room but with no response and few minute later he off the house and head to school.  


Infinite member sat on their desk and all of them got surprise when they saw Myungsoo with the same uniform as yesterday.

Dongwoo: Yah! myungsoo, what's wrong with you? didn't you back home yesterday?

Myungsoo: what! who said that!

Woohyun: your cloths said that! wasn't you wore the same as yesterday?

Sunggyu: ogh... wine... yah! you drunk yesterday? the wine smell on your body is so strong... he said while covered his nose

Myungsoo: jinja? he smell himself 

Hoya: pali and take shower, I still have a spare uniform in my locker.

Myungsoo: thanks... He smile to Hoya and both of them head to hoya locker and having bath. 


T-ara appeared without Jiyeon.

IU: what's wrong with yeonnie! I called her but she off the phone. they all entered special class.

Woohyun: youh! what's up girls... he saw T-ara and quickly waves to them with his smile.

Hyomin: ignored an unimportant people and focusing on our business. said to her member and head to her desk. Woohyun got ignoring and because of that he stood up and head towards Hyomin.

Woohyun: what do you mean an unimportant people! I just wanna live nicely but what's wrong with you! he place his hand on her desk and leant his face closed to her.

Hyomin: who told you to do that! we don't like to be friends with someone we already fought. she stared at him.

Woohyun: ok! if you said that so when are you gonna take the mission! because I don't want to have any connection with you either! he stared back

Hyomin: the mission taker is you! not me... if you want it... ok... how about today! I'm free in the afternoon.

Woohyun: ok... where? he stood up and crossed his arms

Hyomin: wait for me at the gate and I'll tell you what I want you to do. she said calmly. woohyun didnot saying anyels instead of nodding with full of anger.


Krystal slowly head to her locker and took out some book but she got ignored by the 3 Fx member.

VIc: yah! you are Krystal right? 3 of them walks towards her and their arms crossed.

Instead of answer Krystal just looked at them with her proud face.

Amber: looks pretty! she scanned all over Krystal body and nodded as agree

Vic: do you want to join us? pretty good if you become one of our member!

Krystal: why should I have to be your member?

Vic: many things you can do but others student cannot if you are Fx member.

Luna: being our member is that hard for you to think?

Krystal kept silent and didn't saying anything

Vic: seems like you still think about it. ok, we'll give you 3 days to think of being our member or not. she said and leavve with her member and krystal also head to her class at that moment.

Ms GAhee: ok students! today we'll start for the pair dance. she said while looking around and she know that Jiyeon was missing. Where's Jiyeon? she add.

IU: we cannot connected with her phone.

Ms Gahee: ok! since Minho haven't arrived yet, Myungsoo! you gotta be pair with Krystal today. Myungsoo just nodded and look at Krystal. Didnot showing her happiness from inside her soul and just giving him a light smile act as nothing special.

Both of them got paired up and the class starts but they haven't seen jiyeon for the whole lesson. All T-ara member having lunch while talking about Jiyeon.

IU: what's wrong with Yeonnie? she never absent or late even she was sick.

Eunjung: should we go and looking for her?

Hyomin: no need! she said while eating.

Qri: wae? did you know where yeonnie is?

Hyomin: I think she now still going out with Seungho!

Eunjung: ah hah! I forgot that! eunjung clapped with bright smile when she remembered about that.

IU: but do we have to call Seungho oppa to ensured yeonnie was with him? IU said in worried

Soyeon: don't interupted their romantic moment. since seungho just back korea not too long so let them have some fun then.

Everything was normal and the meeting still on as well as Woohyun mission also today.


Woohyun: yah! where are we going?

Hyomin: who's we? say it properly. I am myself and you is yourself. don't put it together when said. you don't need to talk because I don't want to hear your voice and just followed me. Woohyun got annoyed with her words but he just have to follow her to where she want.

Woohyun: bwo? Zoo? he got shocked because hyomin brought him to the zoo instead of somewhere nice and beautiful.

Hyomin: why? there's no choice for a housemaid like you! the only thing you have to do is followed me and do what I order. she pointed at him like a boss and head to the zoo gate.

Woohyun rubbed his head and followed her and they went all the places until hyomin got tired and both of them sat on the tuckshop table.

Hyomin: I'm thursty, I want an ice cream with Milo flavour! she look at him

Woohyun: bwo? who are you talking to! am I going to buy ice cream for you?

Hyomin: pali! I don't have an energy to talk with you right now! Woohyun give up and brought her an ice cream. After finishing hyomin ordered him brought another one for her and yes he did with his angry face. 3 or 4 times he did brought for her with many flavours and finally he got tired and decided to go home.

Woohyun: when ever you let go of me Park Hyomin ssi! he stared at her

Hyomin: molla! it's fun and I love to do it! she said while having another bites on mango flavour.

Woohyun: you love me right? he ask innocently when he heard she loves doing things with him like that.

Hyomin: bwo? stop and stared at him

Woohyun: you said you love to doing it with me which means you have a crush on me!

Hyomin: yah! are you mad? listen carefully! I'll never have any feelings for you!

Woohyun: and what if you did?

Hyomin: I be your girlfriend no matter you agreed or not! she stared at him.

Woohyun: that what you said! he smile

Hyomin: Yes! that what Park Hyomin said! she looks at him with a serious face to let he know that she wasn't joke.

Woohyun: ok! I want to prove that you have a feelings for me or not!

Hyomin: how? she asked but he didn't reply but stood up and walks towards the girl one of the zoo worker and she have a beauty face and y body.

Woohyun: excuse me! what's your name? he winked at her and give a bright smile that make the zoo worker girl melt down and blushing. Hwayoung... she said shyly

Hyomin sat on a chair looking on what Woohyun was doing but couldn't feels anything instead of thinking that was an idiot idea to gain her attentions and thought she got jealous.

Hyomin: paboya! that make me got more annoying by doing those thing! she ignored him and continued having fun with an ice cream on her hand.

Excuse me beautiful lady! another handsome guy stood infront of hyomin and that make her cheek got red when she look at him. Woohyun talking with Hwayoung and asking her phone number but he leave her when he saw another guy stood in front of Hyomin and he quickly run over to hyomin.

Hyomin: neh? she stood up from her seat and look at the strange guy with shy eyes.

Egh... can I... the strange guy haven't finished his sentence and got cut by woohyun.

Woohyun: Honey ah! what are you doing there! he said loud and run towards Hyomin while put his hand on her waist to let the guy know that she got taken.

Hyomin: yah! what are you doing! she got shocked with woohyun action and tried to push him away but failed.

Woohyun: honey ah! you leave me alone over there! you know that I cannot live without you right? he put another hand on her wast and make her to look at him.

Excuse me! I don't want to bother your time but... can I get back my ball that got run under the chair pls! the strange guy said and slowly bend down to get the ball giving them a bow and walked off while Hyomin and Woohyun still looking on him.

Hyomin: yah! you can release me now! she said while pushing him and he got embarrassed and quickly released her.

Woohyun: uh hum... he cannot facing her right now and looking around.

Hyomin: I have to asked the question agian! look who got jealous right now! she said while teasing him

Woohyun: what... I... I thought that guy do something to you... so...

Hyomin: the more you tried to explains is the more to show that you love me... he looks at her and turned his face aside to hided his red face. and suddenly her phone rang.

Hyomin: oh! seungho ah! (woohyun got surprise when he heard she call a guy name and he instantly turns to look at her) Jiyeon? wasn't Jiyeon with you? she's not with you guy? she didn't come to school today! ok! I know! bye.

Woohyun: what's wrong?

Hyomin: Jiyeon's missing! she then called to another person. Ga Eun auntie! is Yeonnie home?

Auntie: no! she's not home, wae?

Hyomin: she didn't come to school today and she wasn't with MBLAD member, so I wonder if something happend to her... Auntie face changed when she heard Jiyeon was missing

Auntie: ottokke!

Hyomin: she might be at the SMILE GARDEN!

Auntie: I just back home from the SMILE GARDEN! Hyomin face also turned into dark because no one know where Jiyeon is.

Hyomin: ok Auntie! stayed home incase yeonnie come back! we'll looking for her and if we find her we'll let you know! end the called Hyomin quickly run out off the zoo and goes to met the other T-ara member.


IU: Hyomin unnie! have you seen Yeonnie? IU called out when she saw hyomin run to them with woohyun.

Hyomin: what? you all haven't seen her? their face not got more nervousness and scared that something happened to Jiyeon and IU even cries because there's no news about Jiyeon. suddenly MBLAD appeared.

Seungho: anything about JIyeon? they run fast to T-ara but they all shooked their head.

Eunjung: we all find everywhere that Jiyeon could come but we couldn't found her... she said while teas drops on her cheeks.

Leejoon: ok! let's spreads out and looking for Jiyeon and make sure to have a contact! they all nodded and head of STAR LIGHT to looking for the pity Jiyeon.


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jojolove122 #1
Chapter 60: wow i loved this story sooooo much but i want myungsoo to be mavin's dad soo bad
DayaKinda #2
Chapter 60: It will more better if you write EPILOUGE for us :D
pbcccc #3
Chapter 60: Thank god she came back
Chapter 2: To be honest, the premise is quite good; however, the grammar is appalling and the font of the story is too random. This makes it difficult for me to read, but other than that, I really like the story.
1year_already #5
Jinjja jinjja in love with this story
you're daebak authornim
Keep creating great stories :D
Chapter 60: they are back together finally! the ending is sweet.. Myungsoo is a ert.. hahhaaa.. Jiyeon will always be our baby dino..
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 60: I really love the story!!!!

I really like the cute ending ^^

Great job authornim! Best wishes for your other stories :D :D
linhkju #8
Chapter 60: Hehe love ya jin :-D let support them together ;-) wait your new fic
asb9214 #9
Chapter 60: Thank u authornim for finish this story.. :) really2 appreciate this.. ;)
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 60: I love the ending... and it's over..!! :)) I'm going to miss Myungyeon ♥
Keke.. Please keep writing about Myungyeon...
Yeah... #1분1초 #Jiyeon1min1sec I really like the song jiyeon is cute.. she will always be adorable.!! ^^