
Never Thought You Were Mine


everyone got shock and lots of questions want to clear when they saw krystal with the hotel gown open the door. Their eyes scans on krystal from head to toe and from the outfit she was wearing almost people could imagined what was happened between her and the guy who slept there, myungsoo. Only jiyeon with the cold expression staring at the unproper outfit krystal.

Each of them there worried looking at jiyeon, because T-ara members know the more jiyeon calm and serious to deal some issues like that the more jiyeon doesn't seem ok. They once again saw jiyeon with that face and that was more important than before, jiyeon gave that face when she knew seungho left her to America. she kept that face for more and a year and all of the t-ara doesn't know what to do, this time they will won't forgive easily to the person who made their dino suffer.

That was a hard time for jiyeon to deal with many things, dad doesn't loved her instead want things from her and tooks all of the profits her mother gave her before she pass away. jiyeon doesn't care about that money or whatever, the only she needs was a family and has someone truely loved her. T-ara also one part of her family and she finally find someone truely loved her, and that person was myungsoo, the guy who took her heart away by his charm and his warmth heart towards her.

As she thought the both of them could forever together and live happiness entired of their lives, but just only a day brokes all of dreams and their relationship turning worse. Myungsoo doesn't trust her that was one of her breaking heart, and now stand in front of the room where he stayed but also has a girl staying the same room as him. jiyeon wish that was a mistake and she hope myungsoo wasn't there. hope he not inside...

"myungsoo inside" a soft voice speak up broke jiyeon's thought as she looked at a person's voice, krystal. "yeonnie ah, let's go inside" hyomin said while carried jiyeon arm incase she might fall if she saw something undercontrol. jiyeon nodded her head and took a deep breath before she enter, eyeing krystal once again before she seriously in. krystal just smile and move away leaving the way for the rest of them.

Seeing all of them walks in without asking any question, krystal let out a smirks and followed them inside. park jiyeon, what will you react when you'll saw a beauty image will appear? thinking of that krystal happy inside like she found gold or maybe more than that because compares myungsoo to the gold myungsoo more important to her.

Jiyeon walked in with the rest and the image in front of her made all of them widen their eyes in shock. male and female garment places everywhere on the floor, that make people could understood what was happened lastnight in this room. Therefore, another shocking appears when they saw a shirtless man walking in from the balcony.

Myungsoo doesn't seems shocks or changes any expressions on his face when has lots people visiting him. stared at the girl in front of him and slowly walking towards the bed direction leaving the girls behind with her hand nearly bleeding by the tighten fist.

"what are you doing here?" after awhile, myungsoo finally speak up with a cold tone not even looking at jiyeon. listen by what he just said jiyeon know that he still mad at her and even doesn't want to face her. but she just kept silent because she scare, she scared if she spoke tears will falling immediately and she doesn't want that. the sight in front makes she couldn't breath already, she doesn't want worser than that.

"you're asking us what we're doing here? we must be that person who ask what are you doing here!" hyomin shouted with an angry voice, such a jerk, how could he did that to a good girl like jiyeonie? what makes he think he was doing, got caught already and now still asking against us.

"I don't think a stranger like you could interfering things" myungsoo freely blurts out doesn't care what people think about him. the only he loves already fooled him then what else does he need to care of, none of them could understand his feeling right now.

"you..." got speechless hyomin after what she heard from myungsoo, she stared at him in disgusted, she never thought he was that kind of bastard guy. man are all the same, always like to make girls broken heart. she'll kill woohyun if he did that to her. 

"anything... want... to explain?" hold the tears back jiyeon finally could speak up after calming herself down. myungsoo turned his face at her in frustrated and let out a smirk. Hoya also got shocked when he saw the situation in front of him and he could know what was happened awhile ago after he left to look for people to open the room.

Hoya looked at myungsoo relaxes sitting on the bed with one leg cross over and turns to look at jiyeon pale face, he took a sighed and walks to stand beside jiyeon.

All of a sudden myungsoo thought want to blow up when he saw hoya face, he smirk bitterly staring at the two standing side by side. looking for him also needs go be together? they must be happy when saw he like that? from now on doesn't have anyone interupts them and they also dated during day and night. thinking of that myungsoo head once again appeared the night when hoya kneel down propose with the girl he loved and that make him got more angry and pissed off.

"there're nothing to explains, wasn't you already see it?" frustrated saying myungsoo stood up walks to the sofa took his shirt laid there wore it slowly like no one was there. "I can explain" stood silent for a moment krystal finally said and makes the rest attention excluding jiyeon. no matter what people said her eyes still landed on him only. slowly krystal walks up near myungsoo with a innocent face while rubbing her thumbs together.

"actually... it's not like what you've seen, we are..." "we are already become each one of each other lastnight and krystal now is my girlfriend" not waiting for krystal to finished myungsoo already cutting her words while grabs his hand around her tiny waist. His words like lightnight hits on everyone's head, how could that be... the myungsoo the'd know before wasn't a myungsoo stand in front of them. a person with two personalities, good and bad.

"didn't you hear it clearly? why standing here still? get out off here before I called people kicking you out" angry myungsoo staring at jiyeon with his angry voice. jiyeon hands already asleep and she doesn't know where she was, her world ends when he said he got aother girl. "myungsoo ah, I think you're over" couldn't stand of myungsoo bad behave and doesn't want him to hurt jiyeon, hoya quickly scolded myungsoo hope he know what he was doing.

"there's nothing connected on it with you Lee Ho Won" how could he not against to the guy who took his girl away, myungsoo angry shouted and called hoya's real name. "hiazz... you bastard.." angry hoya shouted and wants to walk towards myungsoo give him a punch on that jerk face, but luckily eunjung, iu and hyomin stop him on time.

"let go off me, let me teach him a lesson" struggling hoya wanted to let go of the girl's gribs. but he stopped his action when jiyeon place her hand on his arm to stop him. myungsoo all seen it, see it all by his own eyes. looking away doesn't want to see that ichy views. jiyeon slowly returned her hand and walks towards myungsoo. stand in front of him while tried hard to look into his eyes because all she need that wants are to hear the words from his mouth.

"all of what you said before, is true?" myungsoo looked at the girl with a suffer face in front of him which make he got more annoyed. acting in front of him? such a young girl, he won't got falls onto that game again. "you want me to repeated again? ok, no matter how much I repeated there are only an answer. I, Kim Myungsoo! from now on devorce with Park Ji Yeon! is that what you want to hear? oh, wait... do you need me to give you a divorce form for you to sign on?"

" PANG...."

Myungsoo face to another side, he could feel his face getting hot and hotter. smile bitter myungsoo straighten his back to face the girl in front of him dare to slap him that hard. rubbing his face pevertly myungsoo smile but people couldn't see how deep that eye was "ok, just said I cheat you and you slap me then we're equal, everything's over" after got an answer from him, but that was worst than she thought by getting the answer from his mouth, like she got dropping down from heaven to hell. hitting him but like she was hurting herself, the pained outside he recieved but the pained inside her got worser than that slap.

"if you're nothing want to said,... then pls leave the two of us alone for us making love and having our own sweet time. and if you want to join... then... stayed back to joined our happiniess moment" without shame myungsoo said it while walking around the rest of them and turned back at jiyeon. If that what you want to make me hurt, then you got it myungsoo. jiyeon lower her head as she doesn't want tears to come out in front of him.

"I've owned you three wishes..." jiyeon said with a low tone and that re called myungsoo memories "ah.... I almost forgot about that. ok! if you say so, my wishes is want you to GET AWAY FROM ME AND I DON"T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE ANYMORE" at first he could control his emotion but in the end he won't able to hold that any longer and end up shouted loud at the girl he loved.

Tears doesn't hold up and it's falling down like rivers and that was like her heart. got what she want from myungsoo jiyeon slowly turned her head over heading the door way. seeing jiyeon gone the rest also followed her but before they leave not to forgot give myungsoo a dead glare "kim myungsoo! remember what you said today" hyomin said and run to catch jiyeon "you're a jerk" eunjung tears already full on her face while shouted at myungsoo. IU doesn't said anything but walks towards myungsoo and give him a kick on his leg before she followed the rest. hoya saw iu crying face makes his heart hurt but he couldn't done anything to help her, the only thing he could do are stand beside her to calm her down, also jiyeon.


Myungsoo tired walking back to the bed with a sad face, that was his hard time for saying an opposite words towards the girl he loved. massages his forehead while slowly laid down to taking rest. Krystal smile happily after saw an awesome performance that she like the most. walked close the bed while give a worried face in front of myungsoo "hyungbo" (i'm not sure it was bro-in-law or not) "you shouldn't said that to Jiyeon eonni" a tears could make the man you love paid more attention in you then why not do? krystal tears makes myungsoo sighed and places a hand over on the forhead.

"sorry Krystal ssi, I shouldn't used your pride to lied to them without your permission" myungsoo sit up on the bed while facing krystal. krystal smile shooking her head while walking forward holding myungsoo's hand "it's ok myungsoo oppa, doing something for you is my plessure, I don't mind if you used me to replace jiyeon eonni. I know that at this time said it isn't good but I cannot control myself, Seeing you and jiyeon together you know that how pain my heart? I don't mind if people think i'm a bad girl, a third party but I'm seriously like you oppa, I can't live without you oppa" the more she said the more tears falling down. myungsoo doesn't said anything but stood up using his thumb nails wiping her tears away.

Taking that was a chance krystal quickly grabs her hand around myungsoo waist and hug him tight. that was a special feeling when stayed on his chest listening to his heart beat, krystal wish time could stop right there and even if it was a dream she never want to woke up. closed her eyes to feel the heat starting from him and his smell, leaned on his chest she even hear his heart beat clearly.

Myungsoo face up heaven as his heart starting confused, he can't rejects a good girl like krystal neither he doesn't know how to keep another person in heart because his heart already filled up with all jiyeon shadow there and there aren't any spaces for any other girl. grabbing krystal hands away from him to make her face him as myungsoo looked into her eyes "Krystal ah, I know you're good for me but... I couldn't place anyone else in my heart right now, there're full of scars and I need time to fix them" myungsoo words low and soft which makes krystal smile happily, said like that which means she got another chance? just need he calm and she can be in? "it's ok oppa, I can wait! no matter how long you take I'll be right by your side, I won't leave you oppa" krystal once again hold his hand with full of hope.

myungsoo just smile and touches her hair "ok, it's getting late, you should go home now. thanks for yesterday sending a drunk like me here, and even vomitted on your clothes" krystal smile when she saw his embarrassing face with a habbit rubbing his neck when he shy. "then... take a good rest then, you can stay here if you don't want to go home, I... I'll come to see you tomorrow" krystal said with a red face while lower her head to cover the shyness "uhm" myungsoo nodded and sending her to the door.

"oppa! don't be sad, remember you still have me" "Chup" krystal said and kiss him on the cheek before she left. myungsoo looked at her back view until she disappear then closing the door.


"Yeonnie ah! pls open the door" IU knocked the dor numerious time but doesn't heard any sound as an answer. "IU ah, let yeonnie be alone, she must be tired." hoya goes and grabbed iu's hand head to the living room where the rest T-ara and Infinite member.

On the way hyomin message to woohyun and soyeon called them brought the rest here to discusses about jiyeon and myungsoo issues. as people said 'the more head the more easily dealing problems'.

"I can't believed myungsoo did that to Yeonnie" sunggyu angry slaming his hand on the table. they know each other for long but they couldn't believed myungsoo was that kind of man.

"sunggyu ah! control your volume, jiyeon might hear it. she need rest and a quiet place to think" soyeon calmed sunggyu down.

the rest just sitting there doesn't said anything else, until night apppear only hyomin and eunjung there to look after jiyeon, the rest back to their home taking rest. hyomin and eunjung decided making lot's of foods hopefully jiyeon might get out to eat but all of their food got finished by the maker.

Jiyeon sitting on the bed facing outside with tears still on her face, doesn't know what to do and myungsoo words still inside her head. every single words she all listened it clearly.

spent a night without sleeping, jiyeon walks out her room with a pale face headding to the kitchen where hyomin and eunjung was. that was the answer she thought for the whole night.

"eonnie... I've decided, I'm going to New York"















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jojolove122 #1
Chapter 60: wow i loved this story sooooo much but i want myungsoo to be mavin's dad soo bad
DayaKinda #2
Chapter 60: It will more better if you write EPILOUGE for us :D
pbcccc #3
Chapter 60: Thank god she came back
Chapter 2: To be honest, the premise is quite good; however, the grammar is appalling and the font of the story is too random. This makes it difficult for me to read, but other than that, I really like the story.
1year_already #5
Jinjja jinjja in love with this story
you're daebak authornim
Keep creating great stories :D
Chapter 60: they are back together finally! the ending is sweet.. Myungsoo is a ert.. hahhaaa.. Jiyeon will always be our baby dino..
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 60: I really love the story!!!!

I really like the cute ending ^^

Great job authornim! Best wishes for your other stories :D :D
linhkju #8
Chapter 60: Hehe love ya jin :-D let support them together ;-) wait your new fic
asb9214 #9
Chapter 60: Thank u authornim for finish this story.. :) really2 appreciate this.. ;)
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 60: I love the ending... and it's over..!! :)) I'm going to miss Myungyeon ♥
Keke.. Please keep writing about Myungyeon...
Yeah... #1분1초 #Jiyeon1min1sec I really like the song jiyeon is cute.. she will always be adorable.!! ^^