"Ghost Cupids"

Our Ghostly Cupids

Zico’s back was facing Hara, he was trying to fall asleep but just can’t. He was feeling unusual because of Hara’s presence. He had bodyguards that watched him even at sleep but they were boys. But now that Hara is in his room, he felt uneasy. More like he was worried about her. He may look heartless, inconsiderate and doesn’t care, but it’s actually the opposite. He just doesn’t show it often.

“Hey.” Zico turned his head and called.

“Yes youngmaster?” Hara looked at him. “Do you need anything?” she asked again.

“Aniyo. There’s a comforter in the closet, go get it.” He said as he sat straight on his bed.

Hara obliges and pulled out a red comforter. “Where should I put it youngmaster?”

“Just place it there.” He ordered. She placed it on the floor properly and when she finished she said, “It’s done youngmaster. Can’t you not sleep well on your bed that you wanted to sleep here instead?”

“Ani. You go rest there.” he laid back onto his bed, his back facing Hara.

“But youngmaster-“ she tried to but out.

“That’s an order. Goodnight” he pulled up his sheet up to his head.

“Oppa truly has a kind heart.” Sulli put both her hands on her heart and swayed.

*He actually does* Hara said on her mind. She finally settled on the comforter. She wasn’t laid flat. Her back is resting on the wall as she continues to watch over her youngmaster.

“Hara, you should have some rest. I’ll just wake you up if something happens.” Daniel sat beside her.

“Arraso.” She mouthed and took off her glasses, then tucked herself onto her sheets.

Hara and Zico finally both dozed off to dreamland. It was only Sulli and Daniel.

“You really love her don’t you?” Sulli said gazing at Hara.

“So much. But the love I can provide her had already ended. That’s why I should find her someone that would take good care of her and love her more than I did.”

“You speak like you’ve fully accepted the fact that you’re dead huh.”

“How wouldn’t I? It’s been more than 4 years when I died.”
“4years? Really? Then why are you still here? Shouldn’t you have long gone to the light?”
“I don’t know. Well, they say spirits that haven’t got to go pass the light yet are those with unfinished business. I guess that’s the reason.”

“So you’re saying we both have unfinished businesses that’s why we’re still here on earth?”

“yeah. I think so.

How about you? How long have you been ghosting around Zico?”

“2years I think? Yeah, it’s been two long years. And I miss him so much.” Daniel can hear longing in her voice. He feels the same way. She misses Hara. How they were before.

“It’s hard right? Being with someone you love but you can’t touch her, hold her, wipe her tears, hug her when she’s upset. You’re together and yet you’re apart.” Daniel’s voice was shaky.

“You’re luckier you know. You get to be seen by her. You can talk to each other. Unlike me, I am with him but he doesn’t know.

What even breaks my heart is to see him down. I know he’s lonely. He socializes with many girls but she never settled for one. Oppa used to be showy about his feelings before. But he became a different person now.”
“Maybe, maybe we can pair them up.” Daniel came to an idea.

“Make them what?”

“A pair. You know. Wait. I think that was ridiculous. We barely known this Zico of yours. We might not know, he would just hurt Hara.”

“Yah! Watch your mouth. Oppa is like the perfect guy.” she sneered and proudly held her head up.

“Not as perfect as Hara.” Daniel made a face.

“Oh yeah? Zico oppa is perfect because …”

The two spent the night arguing of how perfect they think Hara and Zico were.

Finally they stopped the contest and Daniel spoke, “Is he really like that? I mean he doesn’t appear caring and he seems self-centered. I didn’t think he was soft-hearted.”

“He is. I swear. Eh, is Hara really that great? I mean, she looks stubborn and hard-headed.”
“You saw her back there with P.O right, isn’t that enough proof?”

“Well I guess you’re right.” she surrendered.

“We both know and have accepted the fact that we’re both not part of their lives anymore. To make it clearly, we CAN’T be part of their lives anymore. So while we’re still here with them, why don’t we make their lives better right?”

“And paring them is what you call “making their lives better”?”

“Yeah. I mean you know, you’ve been with him for 2years and haven’t seen any girl worthy of him. And I haven’t seen any guy worthy of Hara neither. And now that we’ve got to know both of them better because of each other, and we both know them well when we were still alive, wouldn’t it be nice if they ended up together?”

“Are you serious about that? Won’t you even get a bit jealous?”
“Hara had always been nice to me. He treated me well and loved me when I was still alive. It’s the least thing I can do for her before I leave.

I don’t want her to be left alone in this earth. Her grandma isn’t getting any younger. I might not be able to cross if I know she’s lonely. I can’t bear that.” He said with heavy hearts.

“You do love her so much. I feel the same way for my Zico oppa. He deserves to be loved. I also can’t bear seeing him miserable and wasting his life.

Alright. I agree!” Sulli gave him a huge nod.

“Let’s shake to that.” Daniel lends a hand, Sulli took it for a handshake.

*whow* They both felt different.

“It’s been awhile when I had touched anything” Daniel shyly scratched the back of his head.

>coughs< “Yeah me too.” Sulli looked away with a bit red face. They met eyes and laughed shyly.

“So we’re like cupids, ne?” she beamed. “Ghost Cupids, it is” Daniel smiled with his eye-smile.

>melts<  *How can there be such a good-looking ghost* Sulli bit her lips to prevent her smiles.


 A short update is it? But what do we have here? Ghost couple in the making? Ooh~ 

 Let's see more in the up coming updates =) 

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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 27: this chapter is too cute!!!!!!!
lilred101 #2
Chapter 21: I love this so much! Great job! I'm excited to read more
Maan2442 #3
Chapter 21: Aww he thought hard bout the cute gift so cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Maan2442 #4
Chapter 20: please tell me that you'll tell us soon os sullies and zicos relationship please, great chapter!
Maan2442 #5
Chapter 19: Sulli and Daniel is so cute!!
Maan2442 #6
Chapter 18: What's is he going to do now!?
Maan2442 #7
Chapter 17: its been so long since I've read a fanfiction so happy came back to read this!!! please update again soon!!