
School of music

Hyemi POV

I suddenly opened my eyes and I could feel myself fighting for air.

My throat felt swollen and sore, which made it difficult for me breathe.

I tried to take deeper breaths and my throat started to feel better by every breath.

My hands were shaking frantically and I was sweating.

The gown that I was wearing was sticking to my body and it didn't really feel comfortable.

I sat up and looked around in the little room that I was in.

The room was completely empty and the smell of Elis cologne was hanging in the air.

There was a chair on my left side were Kevin used to sit.

I smiled at the thought of Kevins beautiful face.

His long eyelashes, his beautiful lips, his brown eyes, his perfect hair, his perfect body and his- STOP IT.


My stomach uttered a loud growl and I as long as I could figure, I was hungry.

I called on the nurse and asked her when lunch is served.

She told me that the lunch already had been served, so I quickly ran down to the hospital cafeteria.

When I arrived, the whole room was crowded.

I pouted and went and stood in the queue.

I read at one of the signs and todays lunch was Hamburger :DDDDDDDDDD *inserrt happy dance*

Suddenly, in my mental dancing, I felt a little dizzy. Everything started to spin around like a merry-go-round.

I ignored the feeling and went and took my food. I walked back to the room and put the food on the little table beside the bed.

My head was pounding and everything started to spin around again.

I clutched my head and whinced in pain.

Then, I began to cough heavily and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

My mouth then began to taste like iron.


Soon, everytime that I coughed, blood would come out of my mouth.

I didn't make any effort to stop it because I knew that it wouldn't work even if I tried.


Xander POV


I decided to walk back to Hyemis room because something didn't feel right about leaving her alone.

I opened the door and what do I see?

Hyemi on the floor, coughin blood.

"HYEMI-AH!" I shrieked and ran over to her.

"Xander oppa" she coughed and tried to reach out her hand to me but I put down.

She then coughed really hard and a pool of blood was formed on the floor.

I started to panic and I didn't know what to do.

"Oppa..*cough* I can't *cough* breathe." Hyemi coughed and clutched her stomach.








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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!