I think I'm ugly and nobody wants to love me

School of music

Narrator POV 


After Hyemi stormed out of the store, Kevin just stood there and was really confused. *Why would she run away from me?*, He thought. 

Confused, he left the store, without a phone. *Well this is just great* 


Kevin POV


*This day was good. NOT* First, I thought that I would get a chance to speak to that girl. But no, she would run away as soon as I laid my eyes on her. Am I that ugly? 

Second, I never bought a new cell phone. Why? Because they didn't have the cell that I wanted. Simple as that.

And third, Tomorrow is my first day at school. 

Could my day get any worse? 

"OUCH." Oh, great. I walked into a lamppost. *That's what you get when you think to much* Oh shut up.


I was able to make it home, alive and without to collide in anything. 

Now when I think of it, I should call up some friends. It's been a while since I talked to them, now where did I save their numbers?

After some searching, I found their phone numbers. Now,

Which one should I call first?






This chapter... ah... I am not pleased with it =___= I had so many ideas for this chapter last night, but when I woke up this morning.... IT WAS ALL GONE! 

It's so frustrating >____< 






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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!