School of music


Hyemi POV


”I-IU-sshi?” I asked with my eyes wide as soccer balls.

“Yeah.” She said and sat down beside me. She wore a pink dress with little bows on it and a pair of pink converse. Not really my style, but she looked really cute.

She looked up to the sky. “The sky is really beautiful, isn’t it?” She said and smiled. “Y-Yeah.” I answered.

“You know, I’m really jealous of you and 2NE1.” She shyly said and continued to look up to the blue sky.

“Why?” I asked her.

“You are so badass. You don’t care about what anyone thinks of you. And all of you are so pretty...”

“Stop it! Of course we care about people thinks of us, but we just decide just to not give a crap about it. “ I said. “The unnies are really pretty, I admit. But me? C’mon! I’m a walking trashcan! “ I laughed.

IU looked at me in confusion. “Hyemi-ah, you shouldn’t think so of yourself.”  She said.

“IU-sshi, I’m saying the exact thing to you. You are really pretty, you know that? Your boyfriend should be lucky to have you^^”

Her face became really red and she looked down at the ground. I chuckled a little and looked at her.

“I-I don’t have a boyfriend…” She whispered, looked quickly at me then back at the ground. AIGOO, WHY SO CUTE?!

“What!? You don’t have a boyfriend!?” I asked her and looked at her in surprisement. She nodded.

“Well, is there someone you like?” I asked her and raised my eyebrow and smirked at her. I must’ve looked like a e xD

Her face became redder and she shut her eyes tight. “Y-Yes, there is!” She said.

Wow. I wonder who she likes?

“May I ask who that is?” I asked her, still with the e look on my face.

She looked at me in shock. Like she just had been stung by a bee.

“Hehe, you don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to^^”

She sighed in relief. “Thank you Hyemi-ah^^” “No problemJ”

“But IU-sshi, why am I here? The note you sent to me earlier today.”

“Oh, right. I’ve seen you around B2ST a few times and you guys seems kinda close so I was wondering if…Maybe you could..Introduce me to them….To Yoseob oppa….” She shyly said and looked down at the ground again.

“YOU LIKE YOSEOB OPPA!? OMG! I WILL INTRODUCE YOU TO HIM RIGHT NOW. COME, LET’S GO TO THE CAFETERIA!” I exclaimed. I stood up and grabbed IU’s arm and began to drag her to the cafeteria. While I was doing this, I smirked like an idiot.

And the funny thing was that IU didn’t make any effort to get out of my grasp. Untill I heard her yell at me. “HYEMI-AH, NO! LET ME GO! I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS! NOOOOOO, I DIDN’T MEAN RIGHT NOW!”

“TO LATE.” I said and stopped in the entrance. Behind me, IU was panting and her face was really red.  I smirked at her and she sent me death glares.

“Remember, be cool ;D” I said and dragged her into the cafeteria. I scanned the whole room for Yoseob and the rest of B2ST but my eyes stopped at U-Kiss’s table. Krystal sat next to a bored Kevin. She was chatting with Sulli and Luna with a fake smile on her lips. Then suddenly, she pecked Kevin on the cheek. I was forcing myself not to puke. Kevin pushed Krystal away from him which made her pout.

“Hyemi-ah, is everything alright?” I asked and I snapped out of my trance. “Yeah^^” I assured her.

I spotted B2ST sitting  at the table behind U-Kiss. Well, this is going to be fun.

“Let’s go.” I said to IU and dragged her to their table. When we passed by U-Kiss’s table, Kevin looked at me with sad eyes. I could feel tears in my eyes but I pushed them away and just walked by past him.

“HYEMI-AH!” B2ST exclaimed when they saw me. They waved happily at me then gestured me to sit.

“Guys, let me introduce to you, IU ^^” I said and moved to the side so they could se IU.

She waved shyly at them and blushed a little. “H-Hi”

“HEY IU~ “ They said and smiled at her which made IU blush even more. “Sit with us^^” Hyunseung said and patted the seat next to him. “I can’t because I have something to do, but IU would be really happy to sit with you guys, right IU-sshi?^^” I smiled at her. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now xD

IU sat down beside Yoseob and Hyunseung. Yoseob smiled at her and she smiled back at him and her face became really red.  Hehe xD

“Well, I’ll be going now. Nice to see you guys! And don’t IU, okay?”

“OKAY HYEMI-AH ~ WE LOVE YOUUU ~” Gikwang said and blew me a kiss. I laughed at him then began to walk to the unnies and mine table.

Just when I walked by U-Kiss’s table, I felt a hand gripping by wrist. I turned around and saw Kevin looking at me with puppy eyes. Cute  ~

He was just about to say something when I could hear Jiyong’s high pitched voice behind me. “HYEMI-AHHH~JAGIIIYAAA, WHERE ARE YOU?”

He was standing by 2NE1’s table and held a pink megaphone. I chuckled a little because my brother looked kinda cute.

I jerked away from Kevin’s grasp and ran up to the unnies.


Kevin POV



AND THAT DAMN GIKWANG......*flips table* 

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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!