School of music

Hyemi POV


Jiyong hade convinced me to go to school under the evening. Though, I was totally against it but he said that if I didn't he would've stolen all my food money TT___TT 

He also said something like "if you don't deal with your problems they'll only get bigger" >< 

We were now standing on front of the school gates, waiting for 2NE1 unnies. I hadn't told them about my brother enrolling in our school :p I haven't even told them that I have a brother xD I can just imagine their faces xD

Jiyong had also convinced me to met s sometime. And when I say 'Sometime' I mean this lunch. I'm really excited! ^o^

I heard some screaming behind and turned to see where it came from. 

There was a girl a few meters away from  me and Jiyong and she was rubbing her cheek. I could see that it was red and that she was on the verge of tears.

I also saw another girl standing on front of the other girl, smirking as she said something to the girl. 

Me and Jiyong stepped closer to try to hear what she said.

"Don't touch my boyfriend next time, you lowlife." The girl spat. 

I examined the girl that hit the other girl and saw, not to my surprise, that it was Krystal. And that the girl that Krystal had hitted was the schools bokworm, IU.

"B-But I only nudged his shoulder...I-it wasn't on p-purpose.." 


I saw a guy walking towards Krystal. It was Kevin. 

"It wasn't on purpose, leave her alone." He whispered to her, but I could still hear it. 

I was only standing there, not doing anything. Not saying anything, not walking away.

Krystal sneered at Kevin, but did as he told her. They walked away and so did the people around us. Only IU was left on the ground, sobbing and rubbig her cheek. 

I walked over to IU, bending down to her level. 

"You know, Krystal is a witch. Don't care about what she says." I said to her. She looked up at me through her big-framed glasses and I could see a little smile forming on her lips.

"T-t-thanks.." She stuttered and slowly stood up. Jiyong came towards and helped IU up.

"That girl is crazy, as far as I know." He said to her and smiled.

IU looked at him and her eyes became as big as a fotball. "Y-y-you're G-g-g-dragon.....?" She stuttered and I could see her face becoming as red as ever.

Jiyong quickly looked at me, then at IU. "Hehe, wow. That girl must've really hit you hard. You're even seeing hallucinations!" He nerviously said and scratched the back of his head. 

IU gave him a confused look, then she gave me the same look. "IU-sshi, maybe you should go to the school nurse." I assured her.

She slowly nodded and began to walk away from us, but she would turn her head around now and then to look at us. We only stood there, smiling.

"DISGUISE! WTH JIYONG! YOU'RE A FREGGIN CELEBRITY, YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS!" I yelled at him when she was out of sight. 

He quickly covered my mouth, whispering; "STFU, we're in a freggin school! I don't want to get caught." 

I his hand, which made him take away his hand. "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET CAUGHT, MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE THOUGHT OF A DISGUISE!" I yelled, a little bit lower this time.

He rolled his eyes and pointed at his school bag. "I've already thougt of that. I packed one, just in case."

I didn't get a chance to answer before I could her the unnies behind me. Jiyong quickly disapeared to the toilets.

"Hey Hyemi-ah, who was that?" CL asked.

"Oh, no-one..." I sheepisly said and looked away.

"It didn't look like 'no-one'....Who was it?" 

"You'll see at lunch." 

CL heaved a deep sigh and began to talk with Minzy.


Jiyong POV


Okay, That girl is crazy. 

I mean, Krystal is crazy.

Hitting that little girl just because she accidentally nudged her boyfriends shoulder. DKJSHFKJDSGK

And that boy.....by judging from Hyemi's reaction, I thinks it's her ex-boyfriend. 

When I saw him taking Krystal's side, I was bioling inside. I just wanted to punch him in the side.

I can't believe that he dumped my little sister for that Krystal? He must miss some braincells.


Kevin POV


I saw this boy with Hyemi-ah today..he kinda looked like someone...hmm....

And the pain in my chest when I saw her....I can't describe.  


And I kinda overheard her conversation with 2NE1. She said that they'll find out at lunch...hm.., I better trying to be around them. 

Well, that can be a bit difficult. Krystal is circulating around me like a hawk.... 


But I can't help to wonder...where's Xander?


Xander POV


Oh boy.

I really screwed things up this time.

Kevin dumping Hyemi,Krystal blackmailing U-Kiss...wow.

Only if I didn't tell Yoseob to come to Hyemi's sleepover.....KSHKFJDKSFJGJDKGFDKS





That boy that was with Hyemi this morning....he looked kinda familiar....

And when I saw him, it was like my stomach was filled with butterflies. I could feel my face heat up and that I got really sweaty... I don't know what this means.... Maybe I should see a doctor :s


Hyemi POV




I was waiting in the cafeteria for Jiyong and s with 2NE1. 

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Jiyong standing there, with nerd glasses. And with some boys behind him.

"Oppa, is that what you call a disguise?" I asked him

"Shut up." 

"HAHHA JIYONG, YOU AT DISGUIES!" A tall boy behind him said. 

"And you are...?" 


A short boy with mohawk and sunglasses came up to me and shaked my hand. "Dong Youngbae, but you can call me Taeyang." 

Another short boy waved happily and smiled at me. "Lee Seunghyun, people call me SeungRi^^" 

And last, a boy with black hair and a pair of brown, firece eyes. 

"Choi Seunghyun, call me T.O.P" 

I nodded at the boys and smiled at them.

I looked at the unnies and they just stood there. 

"Um..Unnies... shouldn't we introduce ourselfs?" 

Bom snaped out of her trance and looked at me. "Hyemi-ah....who are these boys?" 

"WE'RE BIG BANG!" Jiyong and s shouted in unison. 

Bom just looked at them in shock. "T-the b-b-big bang..?" She stuttered.

I nodded. "Unnie, please don't freak out." 

"...And how do you know them..?"

"Eum..well, Jiyong is  my brother..."

Bom's eyes were now as big as the freggin earth.

"WHAAAAT!?" She screamed so loud that almost the whole cafeteria could hear her.

I sighed.


Kevin POV


We were sitting at our regular table, trying not to punch f(x) in the face, when suddenly we heard a loud scream. 

We turned around and saw that 2NE1 and Hyemi were standing next to a group of boys. The one that had screamed was Bom. Hyemi looked annoyed.

Next to her, there was a boy that was smiling like there was no tomorrow. And he has an eye-smile....


Who are these boys? I recognize one of them from earlier, but the others.....They do look awfully familiar...







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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!