You killed me long ago

School of music

Hyemi POV

School ended and I was walking home quietly. The weather was really nice so I decided to walk through a nearby park, just because I felt like it >8D

I walked through the beautiful park, admiring the birds in the sky and beautiful flowers on the grass. A smile grew on my face as I saw a little girl sitting on the grass with a big lollipop in .

I sat down at a bench, leaning back and closing my eyes. Trying to erase everything that had happened these days. When suddenly, I heard two familiar voices behind me.Boys, I believe.  I could swear that they didn't know I was there, or maybe they thought that I was sleeping...


(A/N Hyemi's eyes are closed, so she can't se anything so this is what the 'voices' said..)

Boy1: Yah, Kevin! What are we doing here? Can't you see that Hyemi-ah is sitting right there? maybe she sees us!

I froze...Kevin? Kevin Woo? No, he can't be here. Why would he?

Boy2: Shut up Kiseop! I can't take this anymore, I must tell her! 

Boy1: Kevin, both you and I know that it's risky as hell. Krystal,Sulli or Luna could be anywhere.

Boy2: I know, but I can't take it....Do you know how much it hurts me to see her everyday with Big Bang? Laughing? It kills me Kiseop, it really kills me.

Boy1: Kevin....

Boy2: So I must talk to her.

Boy1: No Kevin! You must have patience. 


Kevin yelled at Kiseop. 

I can't belive what I just heard..Why must Kevin talk to me so badly? And why does it matter if Krystal,Luna or Sulli are here? 

"*hicc*" Oh sh*t....Why did I have to Hiccup? Why now? T_____T

I wasn't sure if Kevin and Kiseop heard or maybe they've left? 

"Hyemi-ah.." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Kevin standing there. Tears started to well up in my eyes and I think Kevin saw this, because he sat down beside me and next thing I knew, he pulled me into a warm hug.

"Hyemi-ah, I'm so sorry." He confessed. "I didn't want to break up with you, it's just....I wish I could explain but this is not safe enough. They could se us." He tightened the hug and I could feel myself fighting for air, but I didn't care so much. I've missed this.

He pulled away and looked into my watery eyes. A tear slipped down my cheek and I didn't make any effort dry it off. Kevin cupped my face and caressed my cheek. "I've missed much." He said and laid his forehead on mine. 

Just by then, I realized what was going to happen. I can't do this. HE left me. Not otherwise. He broke my heart and it hasn't really healed yet and still he uses it to win me back. I can't..Even if I still love him, I can't to this. 

I quickly stood up. Kevin looked at me with a shocked expression. "Hyemi-ah what's-" 

"I can't." I qourtly said.

"Can't do what?" He said and laughed nerviously.

"YOU left me. YOU were tired of me. YOU decided to ditch me for Krystal. I'm sorry but I can't accept your apologies."

"W-Why? It was never my intention to-" 

"To hurt me? Kevin, when you left me, you cutted me open and then you left me to bleed. The wounds are about to heal, but it will take some time. And I can't let you come here and cut them open again."

"I will heal those wounds, I promise!" He pleaded.

"You promise?"


I began to walk away but he rand up to me and hugged me from behind. "I promise....I will never hurt you again, I will heald those wounds that I made. Just..don't leave me..Please..." His tears were landing on my neck and I couldn't help but to feel pity for him. 

Like I said before, even if I love him, I can't risk to be hurt again. Not another time. So that's why, it breaks my heart to say this to you Kevin, but it's for your own good.

"Heal those wounds you say? Kevin, you can't heal them. Because you killed me long ago." I released myself from the hug and began to run. To my apartment. To my home.


Kevin POV


My world has completely lost it's meaning....I know that she loves me, but why can't she admit that to herself? 

I know that it's mostly my fault for even leaving her in the first place.  If I just wasn't a coward...I know that 2NE1 can kick f(x)'s asses, but why did I give in to Krystal in the first place? I am so dissapointed in myself...Even the guys are feeling bad. 

I looked back at Kiseop and he was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. He sobbed quietly. Thinking of Dara? Aigoo, I can't let them feel this way. Not anymore. 

I must fix this. 


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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!