School of music

Hyemi POV


Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes flew open. 

I turned my alarm off.

07:00 AM

Today was the day.

Today was the performance day.

I'm so excited.

Yet, scared



I made my way out of bed and began my morning routine. I straightened my hair and picked an outfit.



My cooking skillz have improved a lot since I moved here, so I made some chicken soup for breakfast.


By the time I had checked my twitter, re-straghtening my hair and dancing around in the house, the it was 08:13 AM. 


I put my black converse on and I was on my way.

On my way to school I hummed a little on the song that we were going to perform today. It was really addicting ÓwÓ 

When I arrived at the school gate, the 2NE1 unnies were waving hysterically at me. I waved back. 

I made my way towards them and they began to drag me to the dance studio. I guess they were stressed out T_T

"Star Dance" The big sign in front of the studio said. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"The Special Stage starts at 12:00 AM so we have three hours to practice. Does that sound good?" Bom asked. 

I nodded

We went inside the studio and began to practice the dance moves.

First, they showed me how it was going to look. It looked really easy. 

But, when I tried it.... I felt like a elephant on stilts T__T Clumsy, in other words. 

The unnies tried to teach me but it didn't look much diffirent from the first time. I slumped down at the floor and banged me head at it. "I'm so useless....I can't even dance..." I mumbled through my banging.

Dara came up to me and bend down to my level. "Hyemi... You aren't useless....It's your first try on this dance, we understand that it's difficult. It took really long for us to learn it."

"But I only have three hours." I complained.

CL also came up to me. She bent down and slapped me on the cheek. It didn't hurt. I was only shocked.

Dara,Minzy and Bom gasped. "Snap out of it!",CL screamed,"we took you in becasue we thought that you were though. I guess we were wrong..." She stod up and walked to the other side of the studio.

Bom ran up to me and said; "CL didn't mean that!She's just stressed out." Bom panicked a little.

I stood up.

CL was right. This is not my character. I don't whine about these kind of things. What the hell? I'm a member in 2NE1, the school thoughest girl group. 

"CL unnie is right. This is nothing. You took me in because you thought I was though and you were right. I AM though. I promise you unnies, I won't dissapoint you." I assured them. CL looked at me and smiled, "That's the spirit" she said.

CL walked to the middle of th studio. "Okay, one more time! We only have two and a half hour to practice!" 

We started to practice again.

After a couple of times, I finally got it. I felt so proud :D 


Now, after I got the dance, I must now master the singing. 













We were now in the dressing room, preparing our clothes. This what we were gonna wear:



(A/N Just imagine Hyemi wearing somehing like that xD)

Bom tried to make us wear make up. Pfft. Make up my . So did the other unnies said.

She pouted and gave up. Hehe, victory to the tomboys! >8D


I saw Daniel passing by. I wonder if he's going to perform..? Only one way to find out 8D

"Daniel-sshi!" I yelled after him, he turned around and looked surprised. "Hyemi-ah?" I ran up to him. "Yes^^" "Oh, hi^^!"

"Daniel-sshi, are you going to perform today too?" I asked. 

"Yes, me and my group, Dalmatian." Dalmatian? What a cute name xD 

He looked at me in confusion. I raised an eyebrow.

"Hyemi-ah... Why are you here, backstage? Are you going to perform?" He asked. Tehe ~

"You'll see later~" I sang xD He pouted. KAWAII ~ (A/N Wapanese side, ON) 

I heard Minzy unnie shouting. "HYEMI-AH! WERE ARE YOU?" 

I said goodbye to Daniel and wished him goodluck and then I went back to the dressing room. 

When I walked into the room the unnies asked me were I went. I said that wished a friend good luck. 

I slumped down at a chair. The MC came in to the room, "You're on in 5 minutes" he said.

I was getting nervous.

My stomach felt like it would explode. I was shaking. The unnies looked unaffected, they had poker faces. Aren't they nervous at all? Aish ><

CL sat down beside me. "Remember, if you screw up, which I doubt, it's not a big deal. All performers screws up at some time. And if you forget your dance steps, don't care about it. Just contiune to dance randomly. People will love it either way^^" 

"Thanks unnie^^" I said and gave CL a hug. 

That was actually helping.

"Okay girls, you're on!" The MC shouted.



We went to th stairs that led up to the stage. I could hear the MC shout to the crowd, "OKAY PEOPLE, ARE YOU READY FOR 2NE1!?" The crowd cheered loudly. "BUT, THEY GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU!......A NEW MEMBER!" The crowd went 'ooooooooooooooo'. "I KNOW INTRODUCE TO YOU....2NE1!" The MC shouted and we began to walk up to the stage.


We grabbed our mics. The MC asked me to introduce me. "ANNYEONG, Kwon Hyemi immida, the new member of 2NE1. Please treat me well^^" I smiled. The crowd started to applause. We took that as a sign to begin.


Here goes nothing.


[CL] I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best


Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god

[BOM] Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of a killer
This body is second to no one

[DARA] You’re following behind me but
I’m only running forward
I jump on top of the table you’re sitting at
I don’t care

[CL] If you touch me you won’t be able to handle it
I’m hot hot hot hot fire
Before I flip something over
Please can someone stop me

[MINJI] I open my closet and
Put on the freshest outfit
The reflection of my face in the mirror
I carefully check it over
Right now it’s 8
I’m supposed to meet up at 8:30
Tonight I set out with bold steps

[CL] I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best

[MINJI] Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of fabulous
Even if you were me, you’d be envious of this body

[BOM] Guys are turning around to look at me
Girls are following me
Being looked down on in the spot
I’m sitting at, every day is tiring

[DARA] Pretending to be an athlete, this snobby
Clumsy Playa
Like you’re a flat tire
I’ll dump you good for people to see

[Hyemi] I refuse to be compared
I’m telling you the truth
If we’re talking about my value, I’m a
Billion dollar baby

People who know a thing or two
They all know it so ask them
Grab anyone and ask them
Who is the best

I am the best
I am the best
I am the best
I am the best

[CL] Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na

[Hyemi]Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na

Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god



The performance ended.




The crowd went wild. Cheering. It warmed my heart.

We went backstage and we all had a grouphug. "HYEMI-AH, YOU WERE SO GOOD!" Dara complimented me. "Thank you unnie! You were awesome! ALL OF YOU WERE AWESOME! 8D" We started to jump around in a circle when we heard a loud HEERM behind us.

We turned around and found U-kiss standing there. "OPPAS!" I exclaimed. "HYEMI-AH!" They all shouted and hugged me. "Can't..breathe...." "OH,SORRY!"

Kevin hugged me one more time, the let go. He smiled at me. ^^


I blushed.




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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!