School of music

2NE1 - I am the best - (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7_lSP8Vc3o)



Hyemi POV


"OH.MYGOD. YOU WERE SO AWESOME!" Soohyun said as he high-fived everyone of us. 

The other guys in U-kiss nodded in agreement. 

Kevin was still standing beside me, he had a huge smile plastered on his face.  He had been standing ever since they came backstage. My heart was beating like crazy.

Dongho ran up to me and hugged me. "HYEMI-AH, YOU WERE SO GOOD." He said as he lifted me up in the air and spun me around. 

I felt dizzy but I enjoyed the moment and smiled brightly at the maknae's dorky-ness.

Dongho put me down nad hugged me one last time before he went to Minzy. I noticed that he was looking with sincere eyes at her. Hm... A little romance? ;)

"I agree with Dongho, you were awesome. The other girls were too." OMG, WHEN DID XANDER CAME HERE? O__O He's like a freaking ninja ....

"Thank you, Xander oppa^^" I beamed. "No prob." He began to walk away. I then remembered.

I grapped his wrist. "Can I talk to you? Privately?" "Okay."


We walked to the dressing room.

"When I talked to you outside the gym the other day, I fainted right?" I already knew that I fainted, I just wanted to make it clear if he new.


"But when I woke up at the hospital, I found Kevin there, not you. And the nurse told me that he was the one who brought me there. Care to explain?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. He looked away, then at me. He sighed.

"When I realized that you had fainted, I started to panic. Believe me when I say that I was going to take you the hospital myself. But people would then ask why I brought you there. Get it? I didn't want people to find out that you have been talking to me and I don think that you would have either. So I called Kevin and told him that I found you outside the gym on my way to P.E." 

I was a little bit mad at Xander for not taking me to the hospital. But I understood him because I didn't want my secret to be revealed. And he had called Kevin to take me there, so that must mean something right?

"Oh, I understand. Well, thank you for calling Kevin. And thank you for listening to my problems.^^"

"Like I said earlier, no prob" He smiled.



We decided that we should walk back to were the others were, since we had been gone a while now. 

"Xander oppa, I would be really thankful if you didn't tell anyone about our... talk." I begged him.

"Your secret is safe with me" He said as he hit his chest. I chukled at his seriousness.

"But you know, I could always give Kevin some hints. If you know what I mean ;)" He winked at me.

"XANDER OPPA #__#" He laughed at my flustered face. 

I started to hit his arm. "Okay,okay. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone" O___O I hit his arm really hard which made him scream in pain; "OUCH." 

"That's what you get when you mess with me 8D" I confidently said as I flipped my hair. Xander rubbed his sore arm and pouted.

"Sometimes, I wish you were more girlier." He muttered.




While I and Xander was gladly chatting, an ugly face made it's was towards me.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? The little and her friend." 

"What do you want Krystal?" Xander said.

"Oh, Xander oppa! I missed you ~" What the ? Krystal knew Xander? *Well, ofcourse they know eachother, they go to the same school.*

Xander rolled his eyes. He took my hand and we began to walk away from Krystal. 

"W-wait oppa!" 

We ignored her and kept on walking. Krystal's pleading were heard all over the corridors. 


We started to spot 2NE1 and U-kiss. They saw us. Their eyes were like O_O. Okay?

I then noticed that Xander was still holding my hand. Xander did too. 

I released my hand from his. "Where were you?" Kiseop asked.

Before me or Xander could answer, Bom said, "Anyhow, now that you're here, wanna go out and celebrate?" 

"Celebrate what?" I asked. 

"Our new member, ofcourse! :D" Dara said. Hm... for me? What the hell, yes xD

"HELL YEAH!" I shouted happily.

"YESS!" U-kiss raised their fits gleefully. Can you even do that? Owo 

Me and U-kiss were getting really excited and fired up. We started to dance around and sing random songs. xD 

"But we must change first, we can't go out in sweaty clothes xD" CL said. We nodded.

Me and the unnies walked to the dressing room. I decided to tell them about Krystal.

"Hey guys, guess who I bumped into earlier?" I said as I tried to take my heels off. They were killing me x__x


"The principal?"

"A guy that hit on you then you?"


"No,no,no and no. Krystal" Their eyes wided in shock.

"Krystal?" CL asked. I nodded.

"What did she say?"

I told them about what had happened. 

Their reactions:

Bom started to curse.

CL cracked her knuckles

Dara rolled her eyes in annoyement



It was my first time speaking swedish loudly. 

Minzy looked at me in confusion.

"Wh-what did you just say...?" She asked. Her eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. xD 

"Hehe.... Sorry... my 'swedish side' took over xD" I sheepisly said.

"Swedish? You...know swedish?" CL asked. 

I nodded. "Yes, my mom is half-swedish so she thaught me when I was a little kid^^"

"WOW, THAT IS SO COOL!" Minzy said/yelled. Hehe. I can't believe that I'm younger than her xD 

We laughed at Minzy's hyperactivity and choose what we should wear tonight.


The unnies wore this:



"WOW, UNNIES, YOU LOOK AWESOME!" I exclaimed as I examined their clothes.

"Thank you, but you look more awesome!" Bom said.



I giggled in excitement. 

We walked to the parkin lot were U-kiss were waiting. Well, except Xander. He had to go home because he had a test to study for.

The guys greeted us and complimented how we looked. Kevin was, as always, by my side. *Ba-bump* Oh heart, shut up ><


It turned out that Eli had a van O__O So we didn't need to use ours. 




The restaurant that we were gonna be at was really nice. It wasn't to fancy and not to.. poor xD

The waiter welcomed us and showed us a table.

We sat down and began to look at the menu. I ordered pizza. I had missed the american food Dx Kevin ordered the same. I don't even know why I remembered what Kevin ordered :s


As we waited for our food to come, Minzy decided to speak up.

"Hey guys, did you know that Hyemi-ah speaks swedish?" 

U-kiss's eyes widened. I should get used to this reaction xD 

"Really?" Dongho asked. 

I nodded and smiled. 

"Wow, Swedish? That's.... complicated." Soohyun laid back in his chair.

"It's not really that hard. There's just one thing that you can think is little complicated. And it's that the 'american' alphfabet have 27 letters, the swedish have 29. There's Å,Ä and Ö."

The unnies and U-kiss's eyes were still wide opened. 

"Å sound like, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Ä sound like EEEEEEEEEEHHH and Ö sounds like ..... a sheep xD you know... BEEEEHHH, but without the B xD" 

Their reactions:

Minzy: O_____O

CL: O_____O

Bom: O_____O

Dara: O_____O

Soohyun: O_____O

Kiseop: O______O

Hoon: O____O

AJ: O_____O

Dongho: O___O

Eli: O______O




Our food came and the talk about swedish was over. Finally xD It's really hard to explain those kind of things xD

"FOOOD!" I exclaimed as I threw myself over the pizza in front of me. Bom send me and amsued look and begun to eat her own food.

"Wow, chill maknae. You will choke if you eat to fast" CL warned me.


Dara gaved me some water and sighed at my silliness xD


The night went on without further problems. 

The guys and the unnies drove me home. Kevin got out with me.

"Kevin, shouldn't you be in that van?" I asked in a tired voice. Minzy and I had started to sing randomly at the restaurant so my voice wasn't in the greatest of states.

"Erhm... You see.. are you free tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Eum... I wondered if you wanted to hang out if you're free...?" He looked down at his shoes while his hands were in his pockets. Cute ~ 

Wait, did he just ask me out? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. MY FIRST DATE ~ SPAZZ!!

"YES, oh I mean, yeah." I tried to keep my calm.

Kevin's face lit up with excitement. "Okay, but maybe we should exchange numbers so I can text you which time I'll pick you up?"

I agreed and we exchanged numbers.

"Well, goodbye Kevin. See you tomorrow^^" I gave him a small wave and began to walk into the apartment building.

"Wait Hyemi..." He grabbed my wrist, spun me around and pecked me on the cheek. 

My face = RED.

My heart = BOOM,BOOM

"Good night Hyemi-ah..." He whispered in my ear and the, he was gone.

I stood there.

My face crimson red and my heart beating like crazy.

I don't know how long I stood there but when people were starting to give me werid looks I decided to walk into the building.

As soon I step my foot into the apartment, my phone buzzed. I took it up and it revealed a messange.

From: Kevin 

HEEEY, I'll pick you up at eleven tomorrow morning, does that sound good? ^^ Good night and sweet dreams! 

I giggled at the cute messange. 

I quickly answered then went to bed. I didn't bother to change into PJs, I was to tired.

To: Kevin

Eleven sounds good^^ Good night and sweet dream to you too, Kevin oppa^^! 


I falled asleep quickly that night.


Kevin POV






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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!