Letting it out ~

School of music

Hyemi POV


We stared at the guys. Kevin was staring. Yoseob was staring. Everyone was staring.

I broke free from Xander's grip and made my way to U-kiss and B2ST, leaving Xander with 2NE1.

"Hey guys :D" I tried to break the awkward silence that was filling the room. 

Kevin and Yoseob was still staring at Xander. Yoseob slowly stoped staring at him and looked at me instead. 

"Hyemi-ah!," He smiled and came towards me. "were the hell did you go yesterday!? HUH!" He was now running towards me, I turned around and began to run away from him. I gulped.

I ran to U-kiss and I hid behind Soohyun. "Soohyun oppa, please protect me ><" I begged. He glared at me. "You will not escape that easily"

I began to slowly back away from U-kiss, who began to walk towards me in a creepy way. I turned around to only see B2ST hiding behind me. I was trapped.  . 

"O-oppas. I think we can work this out, there's no need to be hesitant." They looked at each other. "Do you have any idea how worried we were when we got to know from Kevin that you were missing? HUH? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA?" Eli fired up. I glared at Kevin and he was still looking at Xander, who was looking away innocently. 

Gikwang jumped on my back and clinging on, not letting go. "YAH! WHAT THE HELLA RE YOU DOING!?" I shouted in his ear. He made a face, but still not letting go. "This your punishment for worrying Yoseob hyung and the rest of the us" He pouted. 

Were Yoseob worried about me? And more surprisingly, the others were too? Well, look at that. 

Doojoon came and lifted Gikwang off my back. *That's going to hurt in the morning.* "You know Hyemi-ah, you got us really worried back then. When you said that you were going to meet 2NE1, but then we found out that they weren't in school today. So we went to U-kiis cause we've seen you guys hang out much and Kevin told us that you had run away from him. We became worried and began to search the whole school, but we couldn't find you." Doojoon had this... sorrow over his face when he said that. I felt guilty.

"Guys... I'm sorry...I was just feeling a little sick so I went home." I looked at the floor, but I could feel the guys stares. 

Then they all came towards me and gave me a group hug. "Hyemi-ah.. we're sorry, we overreacted. Can you please forgive us?" Yoseob pouted. Aish, his aegyo is irresistible ><

"I'ts okay guys, I forgive ya ^^" I smiled "but...could...you..please let go? Can't...breathe..." Their mouths had an 'o' shape. They let me go and apologized again. 

I looked at Xander and he was staring at me. Gulp. He walked to me. "What is is?" I asked. "You are lying.  You weren't feeling ill, when I first saw you you were crying. You are hiding somehing. Bother to tell me?" He whispered. Gulp. Again.

"Meet me outside the gym at 01:00 PM. I'll tell you..." I shrugged my shoulders in defeat. He nodded and walked to U-kiss to greet them.

I sat down and the unnies table and we began chatting.


Kevin POV


I can't believe that Xander hyung is back. Back and with Hyemi. Do they know eachother? Hm.....

He walked towards her and whispered something to her. She whispered something back and he nodded. What were they walking about? O_o Hyemi sat down at her and 2NE1's table and they began chatting.

Xander came towards us. Dongho ran over to him and hugged him. "Hyung, I missed you!" He cried. Xander patted his head and his back. Soon, all of us had a group hug. We had all missed Xander. But, why was he back?

"But hyung... Why are you back?" Dongho asked. We all looked at Xander, waiting for an anwser.

"Well.... This school seemed pretty intresting." He looked away. I looked at the direction he was looking...OH HELL NO! He was looking at Hyemi. A thought striked me; Are they dating? No, they can't. They doesn't know each other. 

My heart ached just by the thought of it. 


"Hyung... Do you like Hyemi-ah?" Eli asked. All of our eyes went like O__________O Even Xander was shocked.

"Haha, erm, no I don't. Well, not in 'that' way xD She's my first friend in this place, well except for you." He nerviously said. I was suspicious. If they've just met, why did he has his hand wraped aroung her hips? Maybe he was just pranking us? Yes, that's must be it. 


Xander POV


I don't know why I laid my hand on Hyemi-ah's hip like that. I guess I just wanted to make the other guys jealous :s 



Narrator POV


Soon, the clock striked 01:00 PM. 

Hyemi walked out of class and towards the gym were Xander was waiting. 


Hyemi was nervous. She didn't want to tell Xander about her feelings. But she felt like she could trust him. 

Xander saw Hyemi coming towards him. He smiled. She wasn't. His heart sank. He didn't want to see Hyemi sad. 


Hyemi was now standing in front of Xander. She could feel tears build up. She wiped them away and started to tell Xander about her feelings towards Kevin and Yoseob.

Xander felt like he had been stabbed in his heart. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't in front of Hyemi. She, on the other hand, were cryng like there was no tomorrow. The tears trickled down her cheeks and hitted the ground. She wiped them with her sleeve but it didn't help much.

Xander looked at the younger girl. He couldn't believe it. The girl in his dreams had feelings for an another man. He felt so... hopeless. He wished that he'd never left U-kiss from the start, that way, maybe he could have maked her fall for him in the beginning.


But wait, it wasn't to late. She was confused by her feelings. He could make her change her mind. But he didn't wan't to hurt her more... *I guess all I can do is to support her* He thought.


Hyemi was still crying, she wanted to go back to america. But that would only seem pathetic. The older boy in front of her had an expression like a statue. That made her cry even more.  

Xander couldn't stand any more of her crying, it was to painful. He pulled the younger girl closer to him and hugger her. "It's going to be okay." He comforted her. Her crying stopped. Hyemi had never felt so.. warm. Without knowing, she fainted.









And just to answer a little thing: No, I'm not going to make Xander the bad guy^^ I love him to much xD kekeke ~ 


Untill next time ~






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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!