Date part 2

School of music

Teen top - The back of my hand brushes against yours(


Narrator POV


Hyemi's eyes sparkled with excitement. Like a kid on christmas morning. 

The amusement park that Kevin had brought her to was filled with roller coasters, small cafés and a billions of those cotton candy sellers. The air was filled with the smell of popcorn and the noise of little childrens, dragin their parents around the whole area.

Kevin looked at the girl beside him and smiled. *She's so beautiful* he thought. 

Hyemi spotted an old couple sitting on a bench and feeding pigeons. "Kevin-ah, look at the old couple over there," she pointed at the old lady and the old man,."they are feeding Eli oppa and his friends." Kevin looked were she had pointed and couldn't help but to chuckle at her comment.

"Hyemi-ah, we should go and buy tickets." He said. She nodded in response and said: "I'll race you :P" as she stuck her tounge out in a 'merhong' way. 

And again, Kevin chukled. Hyemi began to run to the ticket booth. "Heh" Kevin said curtly as he started to race after her.

As Hyemi ran, she couldn't help but to laugh. The sun shone down on her beautiful face, which caught Kevin off-guard so he ran into a lamppost.

Kevin yelped in pain. He didn't hurt himself so much. His nose took most of the damage; it wasn't broken, only red and sore. He rubbed his nose and frowned.

Hyemi came running back to him,she had reached the booth long time ago but she had heard aloud 'boom', so she went to look what it was. As soon as she saw Kevin laying on the ground, frowning and rubbing his nose, she feared the worst.

"KEVIIN, ARE YOU OKAY? DID YOU BREAK SOMETHING?" Hyemi said, panicing. She started to wave her hands frantically in front of Kevin's face. Kevin looked at her in confusion, then smiled.

"Don't worry, Hyemi-ah, I only bumped my nose into the lamppost." He said sheepisly. 

Hyemi was still worried about him. He could've broke his nose. *But then it would hurt more...right?* She tought. 

Kevin stood up and brushed the dirt of his clothes. "See? I'm fine" He assured her. She touched his nose, he flinched. "I don't think so" She said in a suspicious tone. Kevin backed away from her, "Yes, I am." He assured her, again.

Hyemi raised her eyebrow, she was still not sure if he was okay or not. "Really?" She asked. "Yes." He said and nodded. 

"Sigh. Well then, shall we go and buy those tickets then?" She asked and slumped her shoulders in defeat. 

"Oh, right. Come on!" Kevin dragged Hyemi to the ticket booth. To their surprise, there was no line. 

The 'couple' went to the booth. Inside it it was a middle aged woman who looked extremely bored. 

"Two tickets, please" Kevin said as he hold up two fingers. The cashier pressed on some buttons and then a machine started to print out the tickets. When the tickets were printed, the chashier took them and handed them to Kevin. He payed and they walked away from there.

"So, what ride do you wanna ride first?" Kevin said. 

The anxiety grew in Hyemi's eyes. She had never been into roller coasters. Even though she loved amusement parks. She only loved those machine were you insert a coin and then you use this claw to pick up stuffed animals.(A/N THAT'S SO ME!) 

Hyemi gulped. She was shaking. Kevin noticed this and began to worry.

"Hyemi-ah...what's wrong?" He asked in a worried tone. Again, Hyemi gulped.

"I-I-I'm sorry Kevin-ah..... I've never been a big fan of rollercoasters.." She stuttered.

Relief washed over Kevin. You see, he had also never been a fan of roller coasters. He thought that Hyemi loved these kind of stuff so he had brought her here. 

"It's okay Hyemi-ah. I understand." He patted her back. "There's more  things to do at a amusement park than just ride roller coasters!" He beamed.

Hyemi's face lit up, again with excitement. "Mh-mh" A smile grew wide on her face. She and Kevin linked arms and began to marsh to god knows were xD

They stopped by one of those places were you must shoot with a water gun at a certain target. 

Hyemi saw that the first price was a big,pink and fluffy teddy bear. As before, her eyes sparkled with glee.

Kevin also saw the bear and though *I'll win that for her!" 

He grabbed a water gun and began to shoot at the board. He hit every one perfectly. Hyemi was beside him and cheered. "Go, Kevin!" Kevin hit the last target and the Hyemi screamed in success.

"Here you go." The man that was arranged the whole thing handed Kevin the bear. 

"Hyemi-ah, you can have this bear, in one condition." He said to her. Hyemi's eyes were glued on the bear that Kevin was holding. "Okay!" She answered quickly.

"Call me oppa. And not just for the moment, all the time." He said. 

"Argh... OKAY." Hyemi was surprised that she didn't put up with a fight. She guessed that she wanted the bear to much.

"Good, now, beg me" He enjoyed this. Hyemi glared at him. She muttered something in swedish which sounded like, 'this little brat, I will kill him'.

"OKAY, Kevin oppa, can I please have that bear?" She had a disgusted look on her face when she said it.

Kevin beamed with joy. "Here you go, to my cute little dongsaeng." He patted her head like you do on a dog. Hyemi muttered something in swedish, again. This time, it sounded like ,'I swear to god I will kill him in his sleep'. 


The two youngsters laughed and had fun the whole day. And through the day out, both of their hearts were beating rapidly. 


When Kevin had droved Hyemi home, he began to hum to some lyrics that he, himself had made up.

"I asked if you would be my girlfriend"

He had thought about those lyrics the whole day.

"Because I was afraid I would lose you,~"

*I think I should confess to her .....*

"I hesistated and confessed with fear"

*But if she doesn't like me...? Maybe she likes Yoseob more or Xander hyung? But I can swear to god, I love her must out of all of them.*

"No one could love you as much as I do"

*When our you accidentaly touched my hand, my heart was beating like crazy. *

"Your hand that keeps going out of sync with mine,"

*I want to be your boyfriend, Hyemi-ah... And i want you to be my girlfriend...*

"I want to hold it and walk with you~" 


Kevin sighed deeply.



But, something that both of the didn't know was that someone had been spying on them the whole day. Krystal always lurked in the bushes. 

*So...the Kwon Hyemi and Kevin Woo have something.... This can be fun* She thought.







And if you wonder which song it is that Kevin is humming to, it is Teen Top's "My hand brushes against yours" ^^ I really love that song. I am really proud to be an Andromeda ~ ;)


URGHFG. I have school tomorrow T__T I DON'T WANNA GOOOO DDDD:




Yesterday, when I was with two of my friends, I randomly started to dance to Beyoncé's 'Single Ladie's' xD It was really random and funny beacuse I couldn't even the steps to it xD


And I'm sorry if this chapter is crappy D: My mother was PMSing on me so I got stressed out T_T 


Haha, well. Like I awlays says;

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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!