Confused feelings AND A NEW FRIEND

School of music





Doojoon POV


Wow. Hyemi-ah is really pretty. I never thought that Yoseob, our visual maknae, would show us such a beautiful girl ~ I'm jealus T____T


"Sooo, Hyemi-ah, how long have you and Yoseob been dating?" Oh, here goes babokwang =___= Wait, dating? I never thought about asking her that.. Well, it is pretty obvious but it doesn't hurt to ask, right?

"O-oh. Me and Yoseob aren't dating. We're just good friends>w^" Not dating? Hm... Maybe I should mkae my move then...?

NO! Are you blind or something? Can't you see that Yoseob has feelings for her? Pabo  ~


Feelings for her? No, he can't have feelings for her. Or.. could he?  O_o I'M CURIOUS ~


"What?! Not dating? Whyyy? You two looks so cute together!" Maknae exlcaimed. Hm... they do look cute together. Wait...  what is this sting inside of my chest.... It hurts.

"YAH. Maknae, keep your thoughts to yourself! And you're making Hyemi-ah feel awkward." Hehe, Yoseob tries to avoid the question... Kids nowadays ~


"Yo, peace in the world Yoseob~ He was just asking why you aren't dating. Chill." When did Junhyung come here? O__o That dude is creeping me out.


"Yes, Hyemi-ah~"

"I should go and meet up with my unnies, I think they're worried about me." Great Dongwoon, now you're making her leave :@

"Oh, yeah. You should do that. I'll see you later then?"

"Ofcourse^^ Bye Yoseob oppa,Dongwoon,Junhyung,Gikwang,Hyunseung and Doojoon! It was nice to meet you!^^"

She walked away. I'm sad now T___T

"Wait, Hyemi-ah! Call us Oppa!" Hyunseung screamed.

"O-okay! Bye oppas!" She yelled across the cafeteria. Everyone looked at us, awkwaaaard ~  

"She called us Oppa~" Gikwang began to fanboy. I could see that he was blushing. Haha, such a kid.

Yoseob began to nag at us for flirting with her. Dear Yoseob, why are you making it so obvious that you like her? Tsk,tsk.


Hyemi POV


I tried to avoid Yoseob and B2ST the whole day out. I didn't want to bump into cause I didn't want to answer Dongwoon's question. Why aren't we dating? Because I don't like Yoseob in that way. Or do I? Everytime I'm with him, my heart skips a beat and I fell complete. But that's the same feeling I have when I'm with Kevin. I'm confused T____T

I should ask someone about this. But who? I can't tell the unnies that I might like two guys at the same time. But they are the only girl friends that I've got... And I can't talk about this with a boy. That's to embarassing #___#

I saw that Kevin was making his way towards me. I'm not in the mood for his company now. I'm to confused. He waved and smiled at me, I  turned around and began to run at the opposite direction. I could hear him yell my name after me, but I ignored him and kept on running.

I could feel tears build up in my eyes and soon they rolled down my cheeks. I am really sensative about this kind of stuff. You know, love. I've never fallen in love before and I don't know what I should call the fellings I'm having now.

I think I've ran for about 5 minutes and I have ended up in a park. I sat down at a bench. Lots of people were staring at me. I don't care.

There was a boy that was sitting on the bench in front of me and he was, like everyone else, staring. But not with this "What-the-actual--are-you-doing" stare. He was staring with a...... I don't know. He had the cutest brown eyes I've ever seen. Almost like chocolate. Speaking of which... I'm hungry ....

I saw that the boy was making his way to me. He bent down to my level and again, his eyes were so... soft-looking. Just by looking at him, I felt like I've known him for years.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his beautiful eyes.

"Y-yeah." I sniffed and dried my tears with my sleeve.

"You don't look like you do... Wanna come with me and get some ice cream?" He almost sounded like those old people who tried to kidnap you when you were little. But something telled me that this guy was kind. And he wasn't an old man to start with.

"O-okay." I stood up and we began to walk .... somewhere.

"Why aren't you in school?" I couldn't really tell a guy that I just met that I'm having some problems with my personal life. I'm not so open-hearted. 

"None of your business." I sneered at him. Waah, why do I have to be so cold? T_T "True, sorry for asking." Okay, he was so nice to me even though that I just had being a to him. Now I feel sorry...

I can't just go around and spill all of my private life to stranger. He would just think I'm strange. But I do need someone to talk to....BUT I CAN'T TELL A GUY THAT I JUST MET. 

Without knowing, tears were sliding down my cheeks. 

No, I can't let myself cry. I can't. Not infront of him. Not infront of anybody. My brain told me to run but my legs wouldn't obey. It all resulted with me standing still.

I saw that the guy was reaching out his hand to my face, I told myself to run but, as always, my legs wouldn't obey.

His hand was now on my cheek. He had really warm hands. Soft and warm. His thumb made it's way to my eye and wiped my tears away. I felt at ease. Those soft hands....Even though I just had met him,I felt like I could tell him about everything that was happening. About my feelings for Yoseob and Kevin. No-one have ever had that effect on me. Well, except omma and appa. 

My eyes closed itself and I could feel more tears coming out of my eyes. Even though I couldn't see him, I could see him make a worried face. I opened my eyes and tried to say something, but only whispers came out of my mouth.

"M-m-ian-he....." I suttered. He smiled. 


Narrator POV


____(You'll know the name of the mysterious guy.. When the time has come!) couldn't help but to feel protctive over this girl. She was like the little sister he never got. And to see her cry was like someone had stabbed him in the heart. A thousand times. 

Even though they've just met, he couldn't help to feel like he had known the girl for years.  Like they had grown up together. He could imagine him and the girl playing in their garden when they  were small kids. That was the feeling he had. 

He looked into the eyes of the shorter girl and the eyes he was looking into was really beautiful. He could have continued to look if it wasn't for the girls awkard coughing. 

"*cough* What are you looking at?" She sounded a bit irritated yet, amused and her face was red like a tomato. Kyeopta ~ 

He then noticed that his hand were still on her cheek. That must be the reason why her face had the color of red roses. He quickly removed his hand and used it to scratch the back of his head. "Hehe, you were just so cute" He blushed hard just after he said that. *Why would I say that!?* He thought.

Hyemi's face became more red as he said those words. "B-babo" She looked down. *I'm so embarassed! He saw my cry!* 

"By the way, what's your name?"  *Ba-bump* His heart was beating like crazy. He didn't know why, but that made him blush. Hyemi looked amusingly at the stranger in front of her. 

"Tell me your first" She smiled victoursly(A/N I don't know how it's spelled T_T) to the taller individual next to her. 

He held out his hand, she shaked it.




Hyemi POV




Soo, Alexander. That's his name, cute ^^ 


"Now when we have introduced ourself and all that, could we go and get that ice cream? I'm kind of hungry..."  Now when you mention it.. I'm kind of hungry too. Since I didn't eat so much at lunch my stomach is craving for food. Let me just say, Yoseob don't know what kind of food I like. 

"Oh yes. Now when you mention it, I'm pretty hungry too...." I pouted. My stomach uttered a growl that surely was hearable for Alexander. I could feel my cheeks burn, again. Why did I even care what he thought? >< STOP BLUSHING, WOMAN! 

He let out a small chuckle. "I can hear that", he said "I know a place were they sell good ice cream, wanna go?" Ice cream is good, exactly what my tummie needs :D

I agreed to the offer and we began to walk to the ice cream place, were dreams came true. Okay, I just had to say that xD It was kind of true... My stomach wished for some ice cream.

There was an awkward silence between the two of us, luckily, I think Alexander thought the same thing, because he decided to start a conversation.

"So, Hyemi?"


"How come that you're not at school? As far as I know, people in your age is in school at this hour."

"Like I said, it's none of your business." I tried to act cool, but I my feelings began to bubble up again. "Wait..." I stopped walking."Why aren't you in school? You look like you are in my age and 'people in my age is in school at this hour' " I did that thingie you do when you quote someone with your fingers. He chuckled. "I guess you could say that it's none of your business." Damn. 

We arrived at the Ice Cream shop. 



Updated! and if you wonder what Alexander hyemi met, it's alexander Lee esubio, former member in u-kiss! :D





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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!