School of music


Hyemi POV


After that Kevin had calmed down and stopped chasing Dongho around in my apartment,  we decided to order some food.

“I want pizza!” Kiseop exclaimed.

“YEAH, PIZZA!” The others shouted in glee.

Well, except Kevin.

He sat down quietly with an icebag on his sore …. s xD


You may think that I should be sorry for him, but nah.



My phone vibrated in my pocket.

I picked it up and saw that it was a message from Xander oppa.

To: Hyemi ~

From: Xander ~

Hi Hyemi-ah! I’m really sorry but I can’t join the sleep over T___T I have this big test coming up and I must really study …  But, I’ve got someone who can come instead of me! He will be arriving at your house at seven^^ Make sure you have fun ~

Oh-kay ?

Xander sent a replacement? G-sus …(A/N SEE WHAT I DID THERE!? XD)

But, okay. Xander is nice so I hope he sent someone that I know…

It might be awkward if he sent someone from his family O_o

To: Xander oppa!

From: Hyemi the awesome

Aw ~ I wanted oppa to be here T_T But it’s okay… I guess… But who’s coming? ^^

To: Hyemi

From: Xander~

Hehe, you’ll see later ~ ;DD But I gotta study now! BAAAI

To: Xander oppa!

From: Hyemi the awesome



I put my phone away and began to dial the number to the nearby pizza restaurant.


Xander POV


To be honest… I don’t need to study … I only said that so that I could invite ____ to the sleep over….

I guess you can call that mean, but I see it as a experiment xD

It can be fun to see how this turns out 8D


I grabbed my black jacket and put on a black beanie. My black jeans,black T-shirt and black shoes were really matching 8D

My binocular were lying so nicely on my coffe table, I grabbed it and went outside.


Hyemi POV


I had called the pizza restaurant and the pizza would be arriving in thirty minutes.

Now, what to do?

We were all sitting on the floor, bored.

“Now, what should we do to kill some time?” I asked them.

It became silent for a while, then Minzy’s face shone up.

“OHOHOHOH, LET’S PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!” She exclaimed and ran to the kitchen to get an empty coke bottle.

We all just looked at her in… I don’t know what you can call it- expression xD

She sat down and motioned us to form a circle.

“Kevin, you too!” She said and looked at Kevin who sat on the couch. Still with the icebag on his crotch xD

He only shooked his head in fear.

“C’mon oppa, it’ll be fun!” I said and used some of my puppy eyes on him.

Let me just say:

It worked xD

He jumped off the couch and sat down beside me.

“Okay, leggo!” Eli said and spun the bottle.

It stopped at CL unnie.

Her eyes widened in shock as she locked at Eli. He winked at her.

“N-NO WAY! I’M NOT GOING TO DO THAT!” She screamed an began to crawl away from the group.

“NOOO, IT’S THE RULES!” Minzy said and hugged her leg so she couldn’t move.


“MINZY, LET GO OF OF ME GODDAMNIT!” CL cursed and shooked her leg, trying to get Minzy to let go.

“NOOO. NOT BEFORE YOU KISS ELI OPPA!” She squinted her eyes hand hugged CL’s leg tighter.

The battle between the blondie and the oldie(A/N Minzy has grey hair xD) lasted for five minutes.

We got bored to see them after one minute so we continued to play without them.

Eli locked rather disappointed xD

It was Bom unnies turn and the bottle stopped at Soohyun.

Both of them blushed like crazy.

Bom leaned in she was just about to kiss Soohyun’s cheek, but he quickly turned his head so she accidentally kissed him on his lips.

Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled back and covered .

Soohyun smirked and he looked like he was in heaven xD 

It was now Kevin’s turn.

He spun the bottle and it stopped at Dara.

“RE-TRY!” He shouted and spun the bottle again. This time it pointed at Dongho.




He re-spun the bottle every time it stopped at someone.

Soon, the bottle pointed at me.

“NOW. THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!” He said and leaned in. *ba-bump* He cupped my face and his lips was just inches from mine.


This was going to be my first kiss.


Just as Kevin’s lips was about to meet with mine, the door bell rang. OH, THANK HEAVEN!

I quickly stood up, which made Kevin fall to the floor, and ran to the door.

I looked through the thing you see through apartment door-thingie xD

It was the pizza guy, coming with our pizzas. I payed and thanked him then he left.

I walked into the living room with all the pizza cartons and put them down at the coffee table.

Minzy’s eyes glimmed with…. Excitement xD  

“Dig in.” I ordered them.


Author POV

____ followed the map that Xander had given him.

*I wonder what she will say when she sees me* He thought in excitement.

The wind blowed through his dark hair and he adjusted his shades.  Some birds were singing in a nearby three, which made ____ smile.

He had been really happy when Xander had called him and said that he couldn’t go to Hyemi’s sleep over and had asked ____ if he wanted to take his place.

Xander said that he knew that ___ and Hyemi were close so he thought it was a good idea.

___ had been over the moon when Xander told him xD He and Hyemi hadn’t been with eachother in a long time so this sleep over thingie was a big surprise …

But one question still rang in ___’s head: Why didn’t Hyemi invite him?

He was rather hurt but then he realized that Hyemi and 2NE1 had been hanging out with U-kiss much now a days …  *I guess that explains why.* He thought.

He reached the ‘goal’ of Xander’s map. A high building was in front of him, poiting up to the sky.

___ walked into the building. It was really big O_o

He walked into the elevator. *I wonder what she’ll think* He thought and began to stomp his foot in excitement.

The elevator stopped and he walked out of it. He walked to a white door with the sign ‘Welcome’ on it. *She’s so cute* He thougth as he rang the bell.


Hyemi POV


Me,2NE1 and U-kiss were eating happily on our pizza slizes, when suddenly the door bell rang. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was around seven.


I ran to the door, I didn’t care to look who it was, and opened it.

I was rather shocked to see the person in front of me. My heart was beating rapidly.



He can’t come.


But I was kind of happy though… BUT NO!


I was to shocked to say anything.

“Jagiya~ Who is it~?” Kevin sang from the living room.

Oh, right.

I didn’t tell them about Xander not coming.

This was going to tick Kevin off.

“H-hi, Yoseob oppa” I nervously said and smiled.

“HYEMI-AH! I’VE MISSED YOU!” He said as he hugged me.


“I KNOW, BUT EVERY MINUTE WITHOUT YOU IS LIKE AN ETERNITY!” He exclaimed and hugged me tighter.

I chuckled a little and pulled away from the hug. “Did Xander oppa tell you to come here?”

He nodded. “Yeah. He said that he knew that you and I were close so he thought it was a good idea.”



I’m going to kill you.

“Hyemi-ah, who is it?”  Dara yelled from the living room.

Geeez, as they didn’t hear Yoseob? His voice is like a freggin alarm clock ….

“Come oppa!”

I took Yoseob hand and began to lead him to the where they others were eating.

“Guys, Xander oppa couldn’t come so he sent someone else^^”

Their heads turned to me.

All of their eyes were like this: O________________________________________O

“H-he sent…Yoseob?” AJ asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

I looked at Kevin and he had completely froze. What the…?


I didn’t realize that I and Yoseob’s hand were still intertwined.

  Yoseob looked rather happy =_=

I let go of his hand and sat down beside Kevin.  I hope he didn’t get the wrong idea…

“Oppa, there’s some pizza left. Want some?” I asked Yoseob.

“It’s okay. I ate before I came here^^” He said as he sat down at the couch.


Kevin were still frozen.

“Yah, oppa. You have some crumbs on you cheek.”

No reaction.

“Oppa, your zipper is open.”

No reaction.


“Oppa….I’m pregnant…”


Kevin and the others shouted/asked as they spit their food  at me. Nice.

“W-WHAT!? BUT WE HAVEN’T EVEN-“ Kevin began.

“HAHAH, NOW YOU’RE TALKING!” I exclaimed in victory. Kevin eyes widened.

“So you aren’t….you know..” Kevin pointed at my stomach.

I shook my head and smiled widely.

“OH THANK GOD!” He said as he hugged me and kissed my cheek.


Yoseob POV







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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!