
School of music

Hyemi's POV 


~ Nae geokjung malgo go away

Jipchak eopshi sarajyeo joolgae
Medal lil jul alatgaetji
Yeokgyeoweo chakgakhajima ~ 

"Ugh", I let out a small groan as I turned off my alarm and slowly began to open my eyes. I had stayed up almost the whole night, packing,re-packing,packing and re-packing ==' It was really hard to decide what to leave behind, in my old life, and what to take with me, to my new life. By 4 AM I had decided to throw away all the clothes that reminded me of my parents.

Ever since my parents passed away in a car crash a week ago, I couldn't stad the thought that they would never be by my side anymore. So I thought it was for the best that I would move to South Korea to begin a new life. It felt good, but somehow sad at the same time. I guess the idea of leaving all my childhood memories, my memories with family and friends behind didn't seem so ....tempting.

But it was all for the best, the last thing that I would wan't was to stay here in America and be all depressed because of mom&dad. I'd rather move somewhere else and start anew and be happy ^^ 

But I would miss my grandparents though... They had offered me to stay w/ them but I didn't want to be a burden to them. Besides, the money that mom&dad left with me is helping me alot lemme tell ya >8D

~Nae geokjung malgo go away

Jipchak eopshi sarajyeo joolgae
Medal lil jul alatgaetji
Yeokgyeoweo chakgakhajima~

I was interupted with my alarm again =_= I forgot to turn it off, I only put it on snooze. I looked at my watch and... HOLY MOTHER! HAS IT ALREADY BEEN 15 MINUTES!? My plane leaves in two hours! And the check in takes one hour... OMG I GOTTA SHOWER! 

After the shower I the clothes I had prepared the other night and rushed down to the,almost,empty kitchen. Since I was moving out, all of the furnitures had been thrown away. The only thing that was left was a light bulb in the ceiling. I grabed som toast and some juice and it had already been...*looks at watch*... 50 MINUTES!? I almost spit all of the food that was in my mouth out. I ate my breakfast, traged down my heavy bags and called my grandpa. Only after 5 minutes he was here.

"Hurry!" I yelled at him when he shoved the bags in the backseat. He looked at me with the "I-Hurry-As-Much-As-I-Can"-Look. I only glared at him then I, literally,throwed myself in the front seat.

I'm lucky that it only took 10 minutes to the airport, thank you god <3 "Are sure about this?" My grandfather worridly asked. "If you knew me you wouldn't ask me that" I said with a assured smile. "You know that if you change your mind, me and your grandmother will awlays welcome you" When he said that I almost teared up. "I know. I'll miss you guys" I sniffed. Grandpa hugged me and said that he loves me to. "I must go and check in now." "Ofcourse,Bye hyemi" He said and left with a wave and a smile. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I would miss it here...


After the check out I sat down at a small café. I was in deep thought when a boy, came towards me. I looked up and, wow. He had nice brown hair, and face that could belong to an angel. He approched me and gave me a curious look. 

"E-excuse me?" The angelic boy said.

"Yes?" I said with a smile. Altough I was kinda annoyed that he disturbed me, but I just couldn't force myself to be mean to this cute fella ~

"Do you know where I can find the toilet?" I was kinda amused with that a handsome boy like him didn't knew where the toilets were xD

"Oh, sure! If you go straight down there and turn right^^" 

"T-thanks!" OMG. THAT BOY IS SO CUTEEE. I JUST WANNA PINCH HIS CHEEKS. okay, Hyemi calm down.. 

The boy left, and I just couldn't stop myself from going into fangirl mode. 

"Flight 69 to Incheon airport, South korea departing in 10 minutes." A  bored voice said. OH SHT. I grabed my handbag har walked wast to the gate. Then when I stepped in in the airplane, a small smile was formed on my lips."Goodbye Amrica, Hello Korea" I thought to myself as the plane was leaving the ground. 





FIRST CHAPTER DONE! Phew, Since my english isn't the greatest some of the words may sound ... wrong, but please bear with me! ^^ 

Soo.... who is this boy? I have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of him *winkwink*


Comment/Subsribe! ^^ 





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YukiZeref #1
Chapter 32: i really like your convos!
YukiZeref #2
Chapter 21: it's great so far~ love it!
YukiZeref #3
Chapter 2: haha! you're funny!
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 99: Oh Squeal!!!!! Squealing like a littke kid omgomg
shinee3112 #5
Chapter 98: OMFG WHYYYY?!?!?!?
Chapter 10: LOL at Dara's face in the back of the pic. (:
Your story is great so far and your English is really good!!!
aliceconya #7
wah!!!! swedish i can also speak swedish because i'm half thai-swedish
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 1: Angelic boy equals Kevin ^^ your english is really good considering its not your first language. There a few grammatical or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Nice job ^^ loving it so far ♥
Chapter 93: What song is IU singing in this chapter?? It won't load T^T
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 1: Let the journey to read this ff BEGIN!!