Thumbody Loves You
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  CHECK OUT LUHAN'S STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is originally Luhan's story. I know you all want him to have a happy ending for himself right? So, here's the story I made after his love story with Hyohee. This is my next big project (LOLOLOLOL!) and I hope you can, oh no, not just can, you MUST support the story for Luhan, because I know you all Love that Oppa.

There will still be, HyoheexSehun cameo, but they won't be having a very big role on that. And I want you guy to also brace yourselves, because Luhan is different in that story, he won't treat girls nicely and he loves to make them cry after getting into their pants. But I want to make it clear that Luhan became like that, after his break up with Hyohee, he just became depressed. 

That story, which is actually in a draft form for a long time is here! I finally published the foreword, but expect some changes with that.


If you guys also knows some people who loves reading some fanfics, then you can absoloutely recommend this. Unlike 'Thumbody Loves You'. There will be dramas in here, but not as heavy as Thumbody loves you. But can I make a favor?

Please UPVOTE this story and Subscribe to the new one. It'll be a good thing :) That's all. I will be posting 'THUMBODY LOVES YOU' s LAST CHAPTER some other time. And I promise I will work hard for it!

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Chapter 55: OMG I want more sehun FANFICS author nim I love you please
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 55: Wauauu....i'm crying a lot, smiling like an idiot, so many emotion that I get while reading's totally awesome, amazing, fantastic..a very great story...i hope I can read your another story..>3..
Chapter 55: I can't bear reading your story because it so heartbreaking at first.. you know i really want to throw my phone when reading this story but thank god the ending is a happy ending
Alai1110 #4
Chapter 55: Great story!
atqtralala #5
Chapter 55: Just finished reading, but i'm like omfg I thought sehun told baekhyun on the phone that he contracted HIV when he was cheating with Arra. Then, hyohee is pregnant again. Idk if im overthinking lol. Anyways, this fic is amazing!:)
xoxo1401 #6
Chapter 55: Omgg i finished reading this story againn!!
xoxo1401 #7
Chapter 55: Yeahh everyone has their own happy ending.. And luhan too will have his own:)
pbcccc #8
Chapter 55: really hate him but luhan is an too... but nice ending =]
kimnaeun_ #9
Chapter 55: ohmygod happy ending for sure in the end. really love your stories <3<3
14 streak #10
Chapter 55: Wow... I'm mad at myself for hating sehun because of what he did but at the same time i can't help but want them to be together again...

The story was awesome