The Little Mermaid

A Wall In between

A week past and it was finally the day of the trip. Along with my luggages, I walked out of the house and headed for the school. I was pretty excited as this is a non educational trip. I was wearing white shorts, a blue and white stripped tank top along with white sandels and a sun hat. I also wore my favorite pair of shades. My pink luggage was quite eye catching. I was all dressed up for the beach and I was wondering what everyone else would wear. Jae Hwa would probably wear a maxi dress and I'll say that Mi Jin would probably wear a sun dress. Hyun Jae would wear capri's with a white tank top and a blue checkered shirt over that. She is the tom-boyish one after all. Our Hoo Sook isn't the dressy type either so I'd expect her to wear her trainers and jeans along with a shirt or maybe a blouse. Young Mi would probably wear a skirt and a top and Sun Hi would wear a dress as well. Those were my predictions and I'd find out the truth later on. As I was lost deep in thoughts, I heard my phone vibrate. It was a text.

From: Minhwa

Are you up yet? Do you need help getting to school with your luggage?

Minhwa was the type of person to think about others. But off course, he can't carry his own luggage and mine; that's madness!

To: Minhwa

I'm up already. I'm on the bus so I'll be fine. Be careful on the way to school :)

I put my phone back into my bag and it vibrated again. Couldn't whoever is texting text a little earlier?

From: Myungsoo

Yah, need help?

He's not even polite while texting. I decided to reply.

To: Myungsoo

I'm on the bus. Thanks for asking.

I put my phone back into my bag. After some time, I finally arrived at school. As always I was the first one there. I decided to sit down on a bench close by. One by one our class came. As I guessed, everyone dressed up just like I said. I knew them too well. Minhwa wore denim shorts which were below his knees and a white baseball shirt while Myungsoo wore all black. Black jeans, black checkered shirt, black hat and black sunglasses.

"Hyunsoo!" Mi Jin waved. I got up and walked up to them.

"You look so cute." Sun Hi pointed out.

"So do you." I added.

"Aren't you going to be a little warm Myungsoo? I mean in all black." Young Mi asked.

"No" he gave her a short answer.

"Come to think of it, you two are the most contrasting people in terms of clothes today." Hoo Sook pointed out. I looked at my outfit and then at Myungsoo's. She was right.

"Seems like we were meant to not get along." I said.

"I agree." he added.

"Is everyone here?" I asked.

"Our teacher is still missing but everyone else is still here." Minhwa said. I looked around. Ms Choi was always the last person to arrive on trips.

"Sorry to have you all wait!" we heard a voice. It was her. "I was discussing wedding plans with my fiance and then I lost track of time."

"Wedding plans?" Jae Hwa asked.

"We are planning to get married in a few weeks. Four to be exact." she said enthusiastically. Everyone cheered for her.

"I have to go and buy a dress." Mi Jin pointed out.

"Make sure not to overdo it!" Hyun Jae joked.

"Shall we get on the coach then?" Ms Choi asked.

"Sure, let's go!" Everyone said. We put our luggages away and got onto the coach.

"Hyunsoo, sit here!" Young Mi said while pointing at the seat next to her. I went and sat next to her. The coach set off and somehow, without me knowing, I fell asleep.



"Hyunsoo, Hyunsoo wake up!" I heard a voice call for me. I opened my eyes and saw Hyun Jae before me.

"Oh, what is it Hyun Jae?" I asked.

"Geez, I'm your older sister, call me Unnie with respect. You never respect your elders." she complained.

"I'm sorry." I apologised.

"Get up, it's the guests for the party will be here soon." she said.

"Guests?" I asked.

"Have you hit your head on a sea rock?" she asked.

"No, not that I remember." I said.

"Hyun Jae unnie, the guests are here. Is Hyunsoo awake?" I heard another voice. It sounded like Mi Jin.

"Mi Jin?" I asked.

"I'm your older sister! Give me some respect." she shouted. She said it too. She said that she is my sister.

"Okay unnie." I said.

"I can't believe you called me that. You never called me unnie before." she said in a shocked voice.

"Just tell me what's going on." I shouted.

"You're probably the only mermaid who would forget her own birthday." Mi Jin moaned.

"Birthday?" I asked.

"I think she hit her head on a sea rock." Hyun Jae explained to Mi Jin.

"Uhh, sounds serious. Are there any serious side effects?" Mi Jin asked.

"Temporary memory loss." Hyun Jae said.

"I said I'm fine." I pointed out. "What about Hoo Sook?"

"It's her fifteenth bithday and your sixteenth. She still has a year to go." Mi Jin explained.

"I can't believe that you grew up so quickly Hyunsoo. You're finally going to be crowned a Princess of Neptune." Hyun Jae said. Princess?! Neptune?! Crowned?!

"Anyways, get up we have to get you dressed." Mi Jin hurried. I got up as they lifted me from either side. Wait, do I have a fish tail?! Didn't Hyun Jae mention mermaid earlier on? Don't tell me I'm a mermaid.

We 'swam' to a dressing room. The hallway was really big. It's a palace.... under the sea. They handed me a dress. I know how to wear a dress or actually knew how to. I don't know how to put it on now that I don't have any legs. Mi Jin helped me put it on and did my hair for me. Come to think of it, how didn't I get electricuted by the hair curler?

"Let's go, everyone should be waiting!" Hyun Jae said and took the lead followed by Mi Jin. I just followed them. It was strange how I knew how to use this tail to swim. I followed both of them and they lead me into a big hall. I looked down, there were many fish and other sea creatures there.

"Everyone, I'm proud to crown my third daughter as a Princess of the sea today. I am happy all of you joined us tonight. Please enjoy the night." I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw Mr Park; Ms. Choi's fiance. If he was talking about me being his third daughter, he should be my father. That means he is the ruler of the sea, Neptune. That also means that she is-

"Hi everyone, welcome to my daughters sixteenth birthday ball. Thanks for joining us tonight and you will not regret it." I heard another voice. It sounded too familiar.

"I knew it. Only one person can cut my thoughts off like that. It's Ms Choi." I mumbled. I was taken to a seat and watched the hall of fish dancing. It looked like they were swimming on the spot but I'll assume that they were dancing.

"May I have this dance?" I was asked by a random fish.

"I'm not into dancing." I declined. How was I supposed to dance with a fish anyways?

"That's too bad. I was planning to ask for your hand in marriage today my Princess." he said. I assumed it was a he.

"But, you're a fish." I pointed out.

"Princess, that's so mean." he started sobbing. "I'm the Prince of the North, Prince Jung Hee."

"But, you're still a fish." I said again.

"Princess!" he continued sobbing. Now that I thought about it, Jung Hee sounded really familiar. Wasn't it that dude from White day?

"Princess, I may have to take you by force." he warned.

"You're just a fish!" I said. "Get over yourself!"

"Did anything happen sister?" Sun Hi asked. Seems like she's my sister too.

"It's this fish that's bothering me." I said.

"Please Prince Jung Hee, excuse my sister. She isn't feeling too well today." she said. "My unnies said that she was hit by a sea rock."

"No wonder she talks like that. She talks like a human calling me a fish." he said.

"Maybe because I am a human and you're a fish." I mumbled.

"Did you say something?" Sun Hi asked.

"No nothing." I said.

"Looks like a serious case or trauma caused by a sea rock." Jung Hee said. 

"I'll show you serious case when I turn you into sushi." I thought. Jung Hee the fish then swam away.

"I think you should go outside and get some fresh air sister." Sun Hi said. I nodded and swam away. I looked around and the sea bed looked amazing. It was a little dark so I decided to swim upwards, towards land. When I got closer, I realised that it was dark there too. It's probably night.

*Boom* *Boom* I heard. It sounded like fireworks. I took my head outside and looked up at the sky looking at the fireworks. Just then I saw a ship. 

"Captian Myungsoo, we will be able to set sail again tomorrow morning. We set the anchor." I heard a familiar voice. It sounded like Minhwa. He mentioned Myungsoo so he should be on the ship too.

"We have to head back before evening tomorrow. The TVXQ concert will be in the evening." I heard Myungsoo say.

"Aye Captian, I'm looking forward to see Yunho dance." Minhwa said.

"I am looking forward to see Jaejoong sing." Myungsoo said. TVXQ. I want to go to the concert too. 

"Hey, you two." I shouted. They looked at eachother and continued talking.

"Yah! I'm here, in the water!" I shouted again. They looked down from the ship.

"A mermaid?!" Minhwa said in a surprised tone.

"Well well, I never knew mermaids were this brave to come up to a human like that." Myungsoo said.

"I never knew Mermaids existed!" Minhwa said.

"There are a lot of sea creatures below the sea. We just don't bother with all of them." Myungsoo explained.

"Ahh, I understand." he said.

"Excuse me?" I shouted.

"What?" Myungsoo asked.

"Wait, isn't she supposed to be scared of a human?" Minhwa asked.

"Minhwa, you're not this stupid. I am a human!" I mumbled.

"This must be a really stupid one. That's why she came above the water surface." Myungsoo explained.

"Ahh.. I see." Minhwa nodded his head.

"I'm still here." I shouted.

"Who are you anyways?" he asked. I should play along with this.

"I am Hyunsoo. The third daughter of Neptune, the ruler of the Sea. I was crowned Princess today." I said.

"Wow, a Princess." Myungsoo said with an impressed voice.

"Wow, you look really pretty like one too." Minhwa said.

"Thank you." I thanked him.

"Aren't you scared?" Myungsoo asked.

"Why would I be?" I asked.

"As Neptunes so called daughter you seem so stupid." he laughed.

"Excuse me for being stupid. But what can you do anyways?" I asked.

"We can sell you at a black market for quite a lot of bucks. Your pearls and jewels you're wearing could go for a high price. You're body and scales could sell for quite a lot too. I heard mermaid flesh and blood can give a person a long life. To be precise, the person won't age and won't die. I don't believe in it but many people still do." he said.

"It's not like you're going to do that." I pointed out.

"How do you know?" he asked. Dude, I know you. You live next door to me.

"Captain, can't we keep her instead of selling her? She is really pretty." Minhwa interrupted.

"Anyways, what did you want? You approached us with a reason right?" Myungsoo asked.

"The TVXQ concert. I want to know where it is." I said.

"It's on land, a place you can never reach." he laughed.

"I will reach it, I'll see you there then." I challenged him and swam back to the Palace. By the time I came back, the palace was awefully quiet.

"Hyunsoo?" Mr Park called me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Where did you go all this time? I was worried." he explained.

"Sorry, I had a little headache so I headed out. I saw a firework display up there so I watched that and talked to humans." I said.

"Humans? You're forbidden to talk to humans!" he shouted.

"Why?" I asked. I mean I am a human. 

"There is a tale. If a mermaid falls in love with a human, she'll turn into bubbles and die." he explained. Love? No way. Then I thought about him; Myungsoo.

"What if you fall in hate with a human?" I asked.

"I guess that's fine." he said. "Anyways, don't do it too often. It's bad for your health."

"Yeah, sure thing." I said. He swam to him room and I swam to my room. I found Young Mi and Hoo Sook in there.

"I'm back." I said. They looked at me.

"You're back." Young Mi said.

"Welcome back." Hoo Sook said.

"Where did you go?" Young Mi asked.

"Up there." I pointed up.

"Heaven?" Hoo Sook asked. "You died?!"

"No, I meant the surface." I explained.

"Really? You're the only one who always goes there." Young Mi said.

"There was a firework display there. It was awesome." I smiled.

"Wow. I want to go too." Hoo Sook said.

"Yep, I'll take you next time." I smiled. We talked for a little while and I decided to ask.

"You see, there is a concert I want to go to." I started. "And I challenged someone that I'll be there."

"And?" Hoo Sook asked.

"I wanted to ask how I can get up there." I said.

"Are you crazy?" Hoo Sook shouted.

"Shh." I shushed.

"That's bad unnie, you'll turn into bubbles." Young Mi panicked.

"That's only when you love a human. Nothing will happen if you hate one. I asked." I said.

"That's fine then." Young Mi let out a sigh of relief. "Wait that's not fine!"

"Please, do this unnie a favour." I begged.

"No." Both of them said.

"Bbuing bbuing?" I tried aegyo.

"Okay, okay. I heard that there is a witch that lives deep under the ocean. Its dangerous but she might tell you a way." Young Mi suggested.

"I heard she is really scary." Hoo Sook added.

"Do you think she'll help?" I asked.

"Probably, don't ask me I've never been there. I've only heard rumours." Young Mi said.

"Fine, I'll go." I said and got up.

"Please be careful unnie." Young Mi said.

"I will don't worry." I said.

"Take care." Hoo Sook added.

"I will." I said. I headed towards the door.

"Wait." Hoo Sook stopped me.

"What?" I asked.

"Bring me back an autographed TVXQ cd!" she said.

"Sure." I said and left. I swam deeper into the oceans. There were warning signs telling me to stop. Who cares, you only live once. I know I'm going to get hated on by a few people now.

I reached a little cave with a light in. I just swam inside and found Jae Hwa. Don't tell me she is the witch.

"I came to find the witch of this cave." I said.

"I am zee witch." she said with an accent.

"Please, cut the accent." I commented.

"Fine. I am the witch. Happy?" she asked.

"Yes, very." I said.

"Why are you here anyways? I hate people like you." she said.

"Chill dude, I just came to ask for advice." I said.

"Go on. Spill it and get lost quickly."

"I want to go to a TVXQ concert. But I can't." I said.

"Let me guess, you want legs." she said.

"I guess that would be helpful." I said.

"I always want something in return from my customers." she said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Your TVXQ limited edition CD." she said.

"No way!" I said.

"No CD, no legs!" she said.

"I'll get you a signed CD." I tempted her.

"Plus a signed Poster of Yunho?" she asked.

"Deal!" I agreed.

"You will get legs as soon as you get on land." she said.

"By the way, if you don't return in three days, I'll take that limited edition CD." she added.

"As if, I'll return before that." I said.

"What if you turn into bubbles?" she asked.

"I won't Jae Hwa. You should know." I answers and left the cave. I swam to the surface of the sea just where I was previously. It will turn morning in a few hours. If I waited her, I could be pulled up with the anchor and enter the ship. That way I wouldn't have to find the place myself. I saw on the anchor and waited for it to be pulled up. A few hours past, and I heard talking. I waited alertly for the anchor to be pulled up. I felt the anchor moving and held onto the chain. I was pulled up along with the anchor.

"Captian, the anchor feels heavier today." I heard someone say.

"It's probably a fat fish that got tangled with the chains." I heard Myungsoo said.

"I'm sorry for being a fat fish." I mumbled. As I came out of the water, the tail actually turned into two legs. 

"This must be a very big and fat fish." the same voice from before said.

"Well now I'm a human." I thought. As I got pulled up, I started to shout.

"Hello? Anyone up there? I could use some help." I shouted. I was helped onto the ship by the person who pulled the anchor up. He stared at me blankly.

"Where did you come from?" he asked.

"Oh, from down there." I said. "Please call your captain." Myungsoo came shortly hearing the noise with Minhwa.

"Who is this?" he asked. 

"I don't know." Minhwa said.

"You don't remember?" I asked. Myungsoo stared at my face.

"That voice. That annoying voice. You're that mermaid from yesterday." he said.


"She's not a mermaid anymore." Minhwa pointed out.

"Yeah, I can be like this for three days until that witch takes my CD. I just came to go to the concert." I said.

"Yeah, the more the merrier." Minhwa smiled.

"No way." Myungsoo said.

"Why?" Minhwa and I asked insync.

"I won't fool around, I promise!" I said.

"You're still a mermaid. It's too dangerous." he argued.

"Party pooper!"

"Okay, fine. Come then! But I warned you." he said.

"Yeah, yeah I know." I said. I felt a cold breeze against my face.



"Hyunsoo?" I heard a faint voice. I opened my eyes. It was Young Mi. I was in the coach. 

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" she asked.

"Oh, no don't worry." I said.

"Who wants to play a game?" Ms. Choi shouted.

"What game is it?" Ji Hyun asked. First Alice in Wonderland, and now The mermaid Princess? What's wrong with me?


A/N : Hi guys, I wanted to update since I can't update for a whole week. I have visitors coming over so I have to give them first priority. However, I gave you this loong chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. For those of you wondering, the chapter is based on The little mermaid. Hyunsoo had a dream again just like she did about Alice in Wonderland in chapter 49. Since she is going to the beach, she had an appropriate dream. She was just taking a nap in the coach and for those of you wondering, this dream will continue at some point when she falls asleep again :D

Take care and I'll update next week :)

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LintangBerlyana #1
Chapter 68: Update soon author-nim ㅠㅠ
LintangBerlyana #2
Chapter 52: Oh.., I don't know why, but this chap made me sad :(
But I still love it btw :)
Chapter 68: Okay, sorry for not commenting, in a loooooooooooong time. Just found, the time to comment. Tbh, I read it when you published it, just didn't have time for commenting.

Anyways, back to the story: I'm glad MyungHyun are still going strong regarding their love-hate relationship as 'friends'. I like the fact, that she was brought together with the pabo maknaes and Young Mi, I felt so sorry for Young Mi for being put with them (not really, glad you did that, actually xD). It was nice, to see that Hyunsoo isn't a tough girl all the time, that she too can be scared, sure maybe not so easily, but she can be scared, that's great enough. Awwh, is that, a slightly worried Myungsoo, I see there? Hehe, I like that, it's chooo sweet! xD And, dude, why am I not surprised, by the mysterious men popping out of nowhere? You, always manage to bring a surprise element, in (in a good way, ofcourse). Can you tell, me who they are? Hehe. Although, they must be so creepy though, for them to go walking around and in what? A forest. I'm never going anywhere near a forest, not even 10 meters near it. Gosh... but not that I ever would, anyways..... Anyways, great update, thanks for your hard-work, unnie!

UPDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE... again, please. Lol, anyways I know your busy with work and all, don't worry I can wait.. I think xD Thanks again, unnie!
Chapter 68: I want to know who those man were, but I think it's gonna take time to find out. It was a great chapter and I hope to know what does Hyunsoo want to ask Myungsoo?
Well, it's my imagination or Myungsoo and Hyunsoo are starting to like each other, but neither of them realize?
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 68: Creepy... I am never going into a forest now xD
Chapter 67: Wow I think they are up to something.
I am a new reader here. I started reading it a few weeks ago and let me tell you this story is daebak.
I want to know if Hyunsoo is still living with her aunt or her mom return already?
Keep writing it!!! Hugs. ^^,
Chapter 67: -______________- Why do you always leave us with cliff-hangers! Seriously! This way, I will just keep demanding for more updates!! what took you so long with this one? Anyway, I should be grateful -.-' Thanks for the update!
comments on the story: Definitely, definitely, they must be up to something!! They seemed way too kind to be innocent! T_T Poor Young Mi - unless she is part of some plan.
LOL at Jongdae and the app being biased! xD His mental breakdown is hilarious. Hyunsoo, hehe, is with Minhwa and Myungsoo. That's fate I tell you, fate! LOL.
The items needed to be collected are useless... I guess the picture in front of the lighthouse is okayyish... LOL xDD But the legend is sooo sad. But there is no one to blame except the elder brother... I guess, the younger brother went over broad and killed innocent people too but still if the elder brother didn't do anything in the first place, I'm sure they all would have been happy T_T Stupid older brother!
Haha, Myungsoo was clever, it would take forever if you leave fifteen minutes gap between each group. Like only 4 groups could go in one hour T_T Two hours is a very long time LOL.
... Good luck Hyunsoo's team! I don't think Hyunsoo needs it though. It probably would end up being Minhwa and Myungsoo clinging onto her hahaha!
Chapter 66: PS I didn't vote by the way... So I wasn't one of them! There are actually 12 other people, excluding me, that read your fic - probably more but they are more of a silent type hehe. Anyway, I like the poster... It looks really cool and why is minhwa that boy, seriously... That boy always plays a role where he likes the main lead but gets heart broken it's soooo sad! T_T
Oooh well. I'm going to comment on the story now...
YES YES YES! EVEN THOUGH I SUPPORTED THE GIRLS (COUGHCOUGH), I ACTUALLY WANTED THE BOYS TO WIN (YOU KNEW BUT YEAH)! Yeah, the girls did great, I'm serious! But yeah, for the comedy to continue, i think the boy should have won... I will clap as well /claps like a hyper seal/
Minhwa is soooo nice! T_T Seriously, I just can't take how nice he is... Myungsoo is nice as well but in his own rude way...
HAHAHAHA, The way they looked at Minhwa when they found out it was his fault they missed a chance of running the girl's plans. Haha. SO funny. and the way Minhwa diverted the topic hehe.
That's just like Hyunsoo to declare officially who won... even though her team lost. Good going, Hyunsoo.
At first I thought the boys were actually rubbing it in the girls face they lost and got a little angry but then... they are nice LOL. 2SOO MOMENTS HEHEHE! OMG! SERIOUSLY THAT WAS SO CUTE, in Myungsoo's way I guess LOL...
Seriously, that Eunji and Minho character reminds me of someone from school, dude... Hehe! Awww, about the mixed feelings...
Hahaha, when is HyunJae ever right LOL...
A forest....? I thought it was going to be a dragon!! BUT SERIOUSLY I WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES IN THE FOREST... IT'S INTRIGUING!!

5000 words aren't enough when you stop at such interesting part LOL... Hurry up and update!! xDD
Chapter 65: LOL. You don't understand how happy I get when I see this story getting updated. Actually you probably do lol... Anyway, what's up with the cliffhangers T_T I wanted to know who wins seriously. I think it's the girls though... Or it might be a draw and go into overtime... But I seriously hope Myungsoo came to his senses and tapped the ball into the girl's net, who just stood there dumb folded... Basically, what I'm trying to say is I want to boys to win and see the girls get bossed around because I can just imagine it and it makes me want to LOL.
Okay, back to the beginning of the chapter:
Your poster thingy making skills are really cool. I like them hehe. They seriously help me imagine the game... and for the rest of the people whom I don't know, I just imagine blank faces on bodies that are either similar to Hyunsoo or Myungsoo LOL.
I'm so glad the boy didn't find out about the position planning thingy... Myungsoo seriously, what sight he has T_T GO BLIND! Actually, don't! lol, and the girls just couldn't make it any less obvious could they. Thank god, Hyunsoo said something and Hooray to Jihyun! Minhwa just doesn't even know what he has done T_T LOL.
Oh yeah... I forgot about the teacher as well LOL. Tut tut tut... But the whole party thing was just to cover up for that piece of paper anyway so even the girls wasn't expecting it...
-.-' Hyunsoo and her fairness. And yes boys, this is going to be a tough game... They underestimated the girls and ended up giving them more chances to win T_T what idiots... But you have to consider that the boys caught up within 13 mins and it took the girls 25 mins to gain 4/5 goals. So claps for the boys LOL...
Now I just want to know who wins!! Can you update again...? Like today!! If you want to update tomorrow, then can you update in like 6 hours, which technically would be tomorrow here... I am not sure about the other countries but yeah...

I improved didn't I? I didn't use caps lol...
Chapter 64: YAAAAAAAY! Another update! I'm so glad you are back updating this story, like seriously. It's exciting hehe. But seriously, I want to see the volleyball game!! WHY AREN'T YOU WRITING IT? WHY ARE YOU KEEPING ME WAITING LIKE THIS? DO YOU WANT TO SEE ME DIE? IS THAT WHY?
back to the story: GO HYUNSOO, GO GIRLS. She is seriously piped up isn't she now? hehe. LOL at the way she held onto Minhwa's hand like this game is going to determine who is going to die and who is going to live. Calm down, Hyunsoo, this isn't the hunger games hahaha!
LOL... I think there is going to be more punishment than just going to buy some drinks, girls. Watch out, I'm telling you... You better win hehe.
... Don't you think the girls are getting a little overconfident? LOL... Oh, and LOL, nice use of powerpoint. It actually looks good.
/face palm/ What are the boys doing? They are soo stupid, seriously T_T it makes me cry. And good idea, Hyunsoo - make them think you were just eating hehe.
YAAAAY! 2SOO moments! hehe! The way Minhwa and Myungsoo just sat on Hyunsoo's bed LOL. Makes me laugh. And the way Myungsoo just ignores Hyunsoo LOL!

P.S: Like I said before... My caps - I don't know why I use them, I just do LOL.