[Easter Special] Hyunsoo in Wonderland

A Wall In between


Finally Easter holidays!!! Yaaaay happy Easter everyone. This will be my 50th chapter and also my Easter Special. I tried something new this time. It's a parody of a childhood classic. Tell me how you all liked it at the end arraso? Enjoy the chapter :)




"Well I don't mind a cute younger brother", I laughed. We all finished the two hours with our new juniors and we went through break time and into the next two lessons. Double history past really quickly and lunch time arrived.

"Shorty catch!" Myungsoo shouted before throwing a packet with a sandwich. "Eat!"

"Thanks", I said. We both ate our sandwiches in the classroom and went outside. Myungsoo left to go to the toilet and I went and walked around in the playground which was emptier than usual. My stomach started hurting. I held my hands against my stomach due to the pain. I walked around just like that. I could never trust Myungsoo with his treats although I'm very grateful. I went and sat under a tree and looked up into the sky. I fell asleep. 

I woke up and looked around. The playground was empty. I shot up. It wasn't just the playground, the whole school was empty. I felt a cold breeze. I looked down. I was wearing a sky blue dress with a bow tied at the back and a bow in my head.

"When did I change into this?" I asked myself. I started walking and looked around. Sun Hi hopped past me. She wore a black skirt, a white shirt and a black tie. She also had bunny ears on. She stopped hopping and got her Acer touch phone out.

"Oh sugar I'm late", she panicked and hopped off. I stood there in confusion and tilted my head. She turned around and came to me.

"You're meant to follow me!" she said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Just play along and run after me. Geez amatures make my life so much harder." she complained. She hopped back. I didn't know what else to do so I followed. I kept my look out for any other students. No one in sight. How long have I been asleep? Sun Hi crawled into a little hole.

"Don't tell me I have to go there too", I moanded. Sun Hi ignored me and jumped. Not knowing what else I could do, I followed. I crawled in and jumped.

"Ahhhhh", I screamed for some time while flapping my arms trying to fly. Sun Hi disappeared. I looked down. A long way to go! There were clocks and furniture floating in mid air. I stopped my screaming and waited patiently to arrive at the bottom. This is defying the laws of physics. Why am I slowing down? I reached the ground and fell on my backside.

"Oww... that's going to leave a bruise", I moaned in pain. I stood up and looked around. 

"Where is she? Don't tell me she ditched me once again? I mean she always does that!". All I could see were doors. I walked around and tried opening some. They were all locked. I heared a voice. 

"Hey you. Girl. Over here!" I looked for the voice. I stumbled across a door knob. It sounded like Jae Hwa!

"Jae Hwa?" I called.

"Girl be gentle, don't pull my nose", she screamed.

"Sorry", I said.

"Besides why are you a door knob?" I asked.

"What's wrong with that? I was always a door knob.", she said.

"Did you see where Sun Hi went?" I asked. 

"Through that little door", she said. I looked and there was a tiny, little, green door there.

"I can't fit through there. Besides I can't open it." I said.

"Idiot there is a key on the table there." she said. I turned to the table and got the key. She was right. 

"Now go", she moaned.

"How?" I asked.

"That drink will make you smaller", she explained. I turned towards the drink.

"Hurry and get lost", she said.

"Oh no you are coming with me", I smiled. I went up to the door and kicked the areas around the knob. I knob came off and I took it.

"That hurt!! I feel empty and now", she moaned.

"Now to get smaller", I said before I walked up to the table. I put some drops on the knob and it shrunk. I drank some of it.

"Eww Apple juice", I said. I shrank too and we approached the little green door. 

"Idiot the key is still up there!" Jae Hwa pointed out.


"Eat that over there and you'll grow again", she said while hinting towards a little box of candies. I walked towards the door. I took a few steps back and kicked with all my might.

"Okay that works too", she said to which I laughed. We went through the door and fell into a river. Good thing I knew how to swim. I swam towards the shore and spotted Sun Hi.

"Sun Hi ah wait!" I called. She stopped.

"Ohh you must be my new maid. Go and get my ipod nano from my house. It's in my room. The pink one." she demanded and handed me the key. She hopped away after doing that. 

"What are you waiting for? Go and get the ipod!" Jae Hwa demanded.

"Alright keep your hair on", I said.

"I don't have hair", she said. I laughed at her comment. I went and looked around in the forest. I saw a picture of some kpop idols on a house. That must be her house. I went there and read the name on the letter box. It was her house. I opened the door and went in. I looked through her drawers and found the ipod. I put it in my pocket and ran off.

"Any idea of where she might be?" I asked.

"Probably in the forest somewhere." Jae Hwa answered.

"I figured that much out already." I said. We walked around the dense forest and looked for a girl with bunny ears. No sight of Sun Hi. We arrived at a little less dense area of the forest. The are was covered with posters of kpop guys. I spotted two girls sitting there around a table. I walked towards there with Jae Hwa. It was Mi Jin and Young Mi. Mi Jin wore a black dress with a blazer and had rabbit ears while Young Mi wore black clothes with a black hat.

"Mi Jin? Young Mi?" I asked.

"Yes. And who might you be?" Mi Jin asked.

"Stop the jokes I'm Hyunsoo remember and this is Jae Hwa", I said holding up the door knob.

"Hyunsoo?" Young Mi asked.

"Do you know her?" Mi Jin asked Young Mi to which Young Mi shook her head.

"Anyways how about a cup of hot chocolate?" Young Mi asked.

"Sure why not. But isn't it a bit early?" I asked.

"It's always tea time for us. Tea time means tea parties", Mi Jin said. 

"Cookies?" Young Mi asked.

"Thanks", I said and took some.

"Want some cookies Jae Hwa?" I asked.

"Door Knobs don't eat", Jae Hwa said.

"Really? But you can talk!" I said.

"That's normal", Mi Jin said. What is wrong with them? Strange people. I started drinking my hot chocolate and didn't notice the time flying. 

"Yaah maid where is my ipod?" a voice asked. I spat my hot chocolate onto the door knob. 

"Hot hot hot", Jae Hwa screamed. 

"Sorry", I apologized.

"Quickly! I need my ipod. I'm late", Sun Hi said. I gave her the ipod and she rushed away. I put my hot chocolate down.

"Sorry you two. I need to go." I said. I picked up Jae Hwa and ran after Sun Hi. Before I knew it, I got lost again.

"You did it again. You got us both lost", Jae Hwa sighed.

"I will get us out of here don't worry", I reassured.

"You better!" she warned. I walked around and found Hyun Jae. She wore black clothes just like Young Mi but had cat ears on and had a big smile on her face. It seemed more like a forced smile.

"Have you seen Sun Hi?" I asked.

"Meow...” she answered.

"Umm... talking plain English would help", Jae Hwa suggested.

"I didn't see the rabbit girl", she answered.

"Okay thank you anyways", I said and headed towards a house.

"Don't go there! The duchess is preparing a meal. Unless you want to be on the plate go ahead", she said.

"Thanks, I'll go that way then. By the way you can stop that creepy smile now", I said.

"I'm trying to stay in character", she said.

"Have fun staying in character. Bye", I said and ran off. I looked around. This forest sure is weird. Why did I follow Sun Hi anyways? Hoo Sook and she don't have good orientation skills.

"Did someone call me?" a voice asked. I looked over the bushes to see a girl. I squinted my eyes to see Hoo Sook next to someone with a crown. He was playing some sort of video game. I walked out.

"Excuse me? Has anyone seen a white rabbit?" I asked. Both of them turned around. The boy was Myungsoo.

"Hoo Sook? Myungsoo?" I screamed.

"You shouldn't disrespect the queen like that", Hoo Sook said. Queen.

"I'm the King for goodness sake!!" he shouted.

"Understood Queen Myungsoo", Hoo Sook answered making him scream and me giggle.

"What is a mere commoner like you giggling about?" Myungsoo asked.

"Just. It's funny how cute you can be sometimes", I giggled. He kept his poker face on.

"Ahem. I will tell you where the rabbit has gone if you play with me", he said after turning around.

"Sure what game is it?" I asked while approaching him. He handed me a controller.

"Mario Kart?" I asked.

"You have to beat me in 3 games", he said.

"Okay. By the way how did the TV get in the forest? Where is the electricity coming from?" I asked.

"She carried it", he said while pointing at Hoo Sook. We started the game and in the end I won. He threw the controller down. Hoo Sook started laughing.

"So where is the rabbit?" I asked. He pointed towards the denser part of the forest. 

"Thanks", I said and got Jae Hwa and ran off.

"Please be a bit gentler", Jae Hwa moaned. We ran towards the denser part and followed the path. We heard a scream from where we came from. We turned around.

"That sounded like Hoo Sook", I said.

"Shall we go back?" she asked. I nodded and we ran back. As we reached the place we were at, we found Myungsoo, Hoo Sook and JUNG HEE?!!

"Haw you ripped Queen Myungsoo's favourite black shirt", Hoo Sook said.

"It's King! I should fire you", Myungsoo complained.

"I don't mind", she said bluntly.

"Before I do that, I'm taking to to court Lee Jung Hee!" Myungsoo said. I closed my eyes and we ended up in a court. I looked around. Everyone was there.

"I call a witness. Commoner Lee Hyunsoo", Jung Hee said. 


"Calling witness Lee Hyunsoo", Sun Hi called out. I got up and went to say the witness statement.

"So Lee Hyunsoo did you see him rip Queen Myungsoo's shirt?" Mi Jin asked.

"It's King Myungsoo", Myungsoo shouted.

"Well I wasn't at the crime scene", I answered. Whispers broke out amongst the jury and crowd. 

"Interesting", she said.

"Is it true that you were asked out by Jung Hee and there might be something that makes you not say the truth?" Mi Jin asked.

"Well I was asked out, stalked, nearly kidnapped and harassed but like I said I wasn't at the crime scene." I said. Myungsoo stood up.

"I sentence thee Lee Jung Hee to death!" he said. Whispers broke out again.

"Hey that's a bit harsh. He ripped a shirt. I can buy you one again", I protested.

"Yes tell him", Jung Hee said.

"That was a limited edition. Besides now I think there might be something between the two of you", Myungsoo said. He stood up and approached me.

"The Queen stood up", the crowd gasped.

"It's King for goodness sake", he shouted. He came closer.

"I sentenced him because of one, my shirt and two, trying to harass you. Besides you are meant to suffer a punishment aswell for beating me in Mario kart", he said.

"Why punish me for something stupid like that?" I asked.

"You ate my yogurt too", he said.

"I did not", I argued.

"Anyways there is nothing between you two?" he asked.

"Nope nothing at all. Just a death sentence is too harsh. Make him scrub the toilet or something for a year but death is too harsh", I said.

"Sounds interesting. But no connection?" he asked again.

"Nope", I reassured.

"So do you like someone?" he asked.

"What?" I asked. He came closer to me.

"You don't like him? Do you like anyone?" he asked. He stood in front of me. I thought. He lifted my chin up.

"Might that be me?" he smirked. 

"What?" I asked. There was more chatter in the crowd. A crowd of juries held banners labeled guilty. I looked around and some people started throwing chocolate cookies at me.

"Noooooooooo", I screamed.

"Hyunsoo? Hyunsoo are you alright?" I heard a voice. I opened my eyes and found Myungsoo in front of me. I looked around I was still in school. My clothes were back to normal.

"I'm innocent King Myungsoo", I whispered.

"Did you say something?" he asked.

"Huh? Wait I have to do my homework!!", I shot up and ran to my classroom to finish off my maths homework. Myungsoo chuckled at my actions.


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LintangBerlyana #1
Chapter 68: Update soon author-nim ㅠㅠ
LintangBerlyana #2
Chapter 52: Oh.., I don't know why, but this chap made me sad :(
But I still love it btw :)
Chapter 68: Okay, sorry for not commenting, in a loooooooooooong time. Just found, the time to comment. Tbh, I read it when you published it, just didn't have time for commenting.

Anyways, back to the story: I'm glad MyungHyun are still going strong regarding their love-hate relationship as 'friends'. I like the fact, that she was brought together with the pabo maknaes and Young Mi, I felt so sorry for Young Mi for being put with them (not really, glad you did that, actually xD). It was nice, to see that Hyunsoo isn't a tough girl all the time, that she too can be scared, sure maybe not so easily, but she can be scared, that's great enough. Awwh, is that, a slightly worried Myungsoo, I see there? Hehe, I like that, it's chooo sweet! xD And, dude, why am I not surprised, by the mysterious men popping out of nowhere? You, always manage to bring a surprise element, in (in a good way, ofcourse). Can you tell, me who they are? Hehe. Although, they must be so creepy though, for them to go walking around and in what? A forest. I'm never going anywhere near a forest, not even 10 meters near it. Gosh... but not that I ever would, anyways..... Anyways, great update, thanks for your hard-work, unnie!

UPDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE... again, please. Lol, anyways I know your busy with work and all, don't worry I can wait.. I think xD Thanks again, unnie!
Chapter 68: I want to know who those man were, but I think it's gonna take time to find out. It was a great chapter and I hope to know what does Hyunsoo want to ask Myungsoo?
Well, it's my imagination or Myungsoo and Hyunsoo are starting to like each other, but neither of them realize?
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 68: Creepy... I am never going into a forest now xD
Chapter 67: Wow I think they are up to something.
I am a new reader here. I started reading it a few weeks ago and let me tell you this story is daebak.
I want to know if Hyunsoo is still living with her aunt or her mom return already?
Keep writing it!!! Hugs. ^^,
Chapter 67: -______________- Why do you always leave us with cliff-hangers! Seriously! This way, I will just keep demanding for more updates!! what took you so long with this one? Anyway, I should be grateful -.-' Thanks for the update!
comments on the story: Definitely, definitely, they must be up to something!! They seemed way too kind to be innocent! T_T Poor Young Mi - unless she is part of some plan.
LOL at Jongdae and the app being biased! xD His mental breakdown is hilarious. Hyunsoo, hehe, is with Minhwa and Myungsoo. That's fate I tell you, fate! LOL.
The items needed to be collected are useless... I guess the picture in front of the lighthouse is okayyish... LOL xDD But the legend is sooo sad. But there is no one to blame except the elder brother... I guess, the younger brother went over broad and killed innocent people too but still if the elder brother didn't do anything in the first place, I'm sure they all would have been happy T_T Stupid older brother!
Haha, Myungsoo was clever, it would take forever if you leave fifteen minutes gap between each group. Like only 4 groups could go in one hour T_T Two hours is a very long time LOL.
... Good luck Hyunsoo's team! I don't think Hyunsoo needs it though. It probably would end up being Minhwa and Myungsoo clinging onto her hahaha!
Chapter 66: PS I didn't vote by the way... So I wasn't one of them! There are actually 12 other people, excluding me, that read your fic - probably more but they are more of a silent type hehe. Anyway, I like the poster... It looks really cool and why is minhwa that boy, seriously... That boy always plays a role where he likes the main lead but gets heart broken it's soooo sad! T_T
Oooh well. I'm going to comment on the story now...
YES YES YES! EVEN THOUGH I SUPPORTED THE GIRLS (COUGHCOUGH), I ACTUALLY WANTED THE BOYS TO WIN (YOU KNEW BUT YEAH)! Yeah, the girls did great, I'm serious! But yeah, for the comedy to continue, i think the boy should have won... I will clap as well /claps like a hyper seal/
Minhwa is soooo nice! T_T Seriously, I just can't take how nice he is... Myungsoo is nice as well but in his own rude way...
HAHAHAHA, The way they looked at Minhwa when they found out it was his fault they missed a chance of running the girl's plans. Haha. SO funny. and the way Minhwa diverted the topic hehe.
That's just like Hyunsoo to declare officially who won... even though her team lost. Good going, Hyunsoo.
At first I thought the boys were actually rubbing it in the girls face they lost and got a little angry but then... they are nice LOL. 2SOO MOMENTS HEHEHE! OMG! SERIOUSLY THAT WAS SO CUTE, in Myungsoo's way I guess LOL...
Seriously, that Eunji and Minho character reminds me of someone from school, dude... Hehe! Awww, about the mixed feelings...
Hahaha, when is HyunJae ever right LOL...
A forest....? I thought it was going to be a dragon!! BUT SERIOUSLY I WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES IN THE FOREST... IT'S INTRIGUING!!

5000 words aren't enough when you stop at such interesting part LOL... Hurry up and update!! xDD
Chapter 65: LOL. You don't understand how happy I get when I see this story getting updated. Actually you probably do lol... Anyway, what's up with the cliffhangers T_T I wanted to know who wins seriously. I think it's the girls though... Or it might be a draw and go into overtime... But I seriously hope Myungsoo came to his senses and tapped the ball into the girl's net, who just stood there dumb folded... Basically, what I'm trying to say is I want to boys to win and see the girls get bossed around because I can just imagine it and it makes me want to LOL.
Okay, back to the beginning of the chapter:
Your poster thingy making skills are really cool. I like them hehe. They seriously help me imagine the game... and for the rest of the people whom I don't know, I just imagine blank faces on bodies that are either similar to Hyunsoo or Myungsoo LOL.
I'm so glad the boy didn't find out about the position planning thingy... Myungsoo seriously, what sight he has T_T GO BLIND! Actually, don't! lol, and the girls just couldn't make it any less obvious could they. Thank god, Hyunsoo said something and Hooray to Jihyun! Minhwa just doesn't even know what he has done T_T LOL.
Oh yeah... I forgot about the teacher as well LOL. Tut tut tut... But the whole party thing was just to cover up for that piece of paper anyway so even the girls wasn't expecting it...
-.-' Hyunsoo and her fairness. And yes boys, this is going to be a tough game... They underestimated the girls and ended up giving them more chances to win T_T what idiots... But you have to consider that the boys caught up within 13 mins and it took the girls 25 mins to gain 4/5 goals. So claps for the boys LOL...
Now I just want to know who wins!! Can you update again...? Like today!! If you want to update tomorrow, then can you update in like 6 hours, which technically would be tomorrow here... I am not sure about the other countries but yeah...

I improved didn't I? I didn't use caps lol...
Chapter 64: YAAAAAAAY! Another update! I'm so glad you are back updating this story, like seriously. It's exciting hehe. But seriously, I want to see the volleyball game!! WHY AREN'T YOU WRITING IT? WHY ARE YOU KEEPING ME WAITING LIKE THIS? DO YOU WANT TO SEE ME DIE? IS THAT WHY?
back to the story: GO HYUNSOO, GO GIRLS. She is seriously piped up isn't she now? hehe. LOL at the way she held onto Minhwa's hand like this game is going to determine who is going to die and who is going to live. Calm down, Hyunsoo, this isn't the hunger games hahaha!
LOL... I think there is going to be more punishment than just going to buy some drinks, girls. Watch out, I'm telling you... You better win hehe.
... Don't you think the girls are getting a little overconfident? LOL... Oh, and LOL, nice use of powerpoint. It actually looks good.
/face palm/ What are the boys doing? They are soo stupid, seriously T_T it makes me cry. And good idea, Hyunsoo - make them think you were just eating hehe.
YAAAAY! 2SOO moments! hehe! The way Minhwa and Myungsoo just sat on Hyunsoo's bed LOL. Makes me laugh. And the way Myungsoo just ignores Hyunsoo LOL!

P.S: Like I said before... My caps - I don't know why I use them, I just do LOL.