Like Father like Son

A Wall In between


I woke up the next morning after hearing banging on my wall. I opened my eyes and double checked the day today. Its only Sunday so lets sleep for a bit more. I heared more banging.
"Yah I've been starving for 3 hours now trying to wake you up". I woke up at the sound of the voice and looked at the clock. It was only 9.
"Can't you learn to sleep more? I wonder how you grew this much without enough sleep.", I said before tucking myself inside my bed again.
"Yaah I need my breakfast", he shouted.
"I need my sleep. I started getting dark circles because of you. They are ruining my beautiful face!", I moaned.
"Since when was your face beautiful?", he laughed.
"The beauty started fading after I saw you!", I fought back.
"Just get here and make me breakfast!", he demanded.
"How hard is it to go into a kitchen and making some toast or something. I mean it takes less than five minutes", I said.
"I thought you never go back on your word. Isnt that what you said?", he asked.
"No I dont. Why you asking", I asked.
"Because you are not following the deal.", he said.
"Okay okay. Quit like a little girl and go to your kitchen. I'll be there in 10 minutes", I said before getting up. I walked to the toilet and brushed. I put on some jeans and a hoodie and tied my hair back. In my room I was greeted by Eros who just woke up too. I patted him and took him downstairs after I got my glasses. I always remember my glasses when I'm at home. I gave Eros some cat food and watched him eat.
"Eat and grow big so you can teach that meanie a lesson", I whispered. After he finished eating I walked towards the door but was followed by Eros.
"Want to come and visit that meanie too?", I asked. Eros meowed in response. I smiled and picked him up. I knocked on Myungsoos door after ensuring mine was locked. He opened the door.
"Yo!", I greeted him.
"Stop 'Yo'ing and make me food!", he demanded.
"Calm it I havent had breakfast either", I said. He looked at me with a guilty look and looked at Eros.
"Why did you bring that rascal with you?", he asked.
"E-R-O-S", I spelled his name out,"Its Eros get it right!".
"Whatever", he said and went in. I smiled and walked behind him into the kitchen before putting Eros down in the living room.
"Now Eros you cant be naughty! If the meanie is being bad you just have to scratch him but if he does anything to you, you should call me immidiately understood?", I asked. Eros meowed in response.
"Just stop talking to the cat and go cook.", he moaned.
"Roger", I said and went. I looked through the kitchen and thought of what to make. Maybe pancakes? I found a waffle maker on top of the fridge. I looked around. I took a chair and climbed on it to get the waffle toaster down. I know what I'm going to make today! I got the ingredients out and made the batter. After it was right, I preheated the waffle toaster and started making the waffles. After they were made I put them on a plate. I put the toaster on the side to cool after I finished and looked around for some topping. Jam? Nutella? I found some and took them aswell. I also made some coffee as they had a coffee maker. I made myself some hot chocolate since I'm not much of a coffee fan. After I finished I took two plates and put some of the waffles on there. I also found some whipped cream. I thought. What should I write on his? 'Meanie' I wrote on his plate with the 3 waffles and put some jam and nutella on the side. For myself I just put some whipped cream in the middle and some jam and nutella on the side. I then carefully took the plates to the dinning table.
"Took you some time", he moaned.
"Deserves you right", I said. After placing the food on the table I went back to get the coffee and hot chocolate. I went and sat down. Eros found himself a warm corner to sleep. We started eating. I looked at him.
"What are you looking at?", he asked in a rude tone.
"You! Isnt it obvious?", I asked.
"What do you want?", he asked.
"How is it?", I asked. 
"Edible", he said before putting another piece in his mouth. I just laughed at his action.
"What are you laughing about?", he asked.
"Its must be really edible to stuff your face like that", I laughed.
"A hungry man would eat anything", he said.
"So next time I'll just give you left overs from the bin if you are really that hungry", I laughed.
"Just laugh for today! The real slavery will start in school", he said.
"Really? So I'm a free woman today?", I asked.
"No!", he said. I pouted and continued eating. Both of us finished. 
"Wash the dishes", he demanded.
"Aye aye", I laughed.
"Just how old are you?", he asked.
"At least I'm more fun that you", I said. I went and washed the dishes in the kitchen and went back to the living room where I found Myungsoo with his black guitar. I watched him playing from afar. He stopped.
"I know you were watching", he said. I walked in.
"Guess the cats out of the bag", I laughed. He looked at Eros.
"It was never in a bag to begin with", he said.
"Its a saying", I said.
"I know. I was joking", he laughed.
"Not funny", I said bluntly. I looked at him with his guitar.
"That song sounded so familiar", I thought.
"I cant believe you dont know this song", he laughed.
"I do know it.", I protested. I thought.
"Lee Minho should ring a bell", he laughed.
"Lee Minho? BOYS OVER FLOWERS!", I shouted and covered my mouth in embarrassment. 
"Its that song by SS501! Because I'm stupid. I love that song how can I forget it?", I asked. I dropped onto the sofa.
"Can you play it again?", I asked.
"What?", he asked.
"I mean the song. Can you teach me how to play it?", I asked.
"You only know two chords", he pointed out.
"Oh yeah... Just teach me the rest now!", I said.
"Its not that easy! I thought you would be smarter than that!", he said. I gave out an embarrassed laugh.
"Wait here!", I said. He looked confused. I went back home and got out the guitar he gave me.
'Forever is a long time. I wouldnt mind spending it with you' I just stared at that part of the guitar. For some reason its heartbreaking to have a boy whose feelings are overflowing being used by a girl for her own amusement.
"I'll keep you safe!", I smiled, "Myungsoos feelings of first love. He poured the feelings into the guitar. I could tell, he cried over her while playing this very guitar. I'll keep it safe". I got up and took the guitar next door again ensuring my front door was looked.
"Ta-da", I said holding the guitar.
"Want to practice", he asked.
"Well duh", I laughed. I sat on a chair infront of him.
"Okay play the G chord 4 times followed by then C chord 5 times", he said.
"Roger", I said before looking at the guitar. I tilted my head.
"Whats the G chord again?", I asked.
"G chord. G chord. How do you play it again?", I asked.
"Seems like you forgotten. Play the C chord then", he said.
"How do you play the C chord again?", I asked.
"Have you practiced at all after getting the guitar that day?", he asked. I nodded my head.
"I played the G chord twice and the C chord 3 times after I got home that day", I said.
"Dont be so proud!", he shouted.
"Whatever it is, I blame my teacher Kim Myungsoo for not teaching me!", I said.
"Stop blaming me! I taught you both chords for 2 hours.", he shouted.
"You obviously didnt do a good job then. What did you do for 2 hours?", I asked.
"You should know. You are one to talk!!", he shouted.
"Dont worry I forgive you just start again. But teach me properly this time", I said.
"You..", he stopped and caught a deep breath.
"Fine", he said before starting to teach me. He reminded me of the C and G chord and taught me the F and A chord too. After two hours I finally got the hang of it.
"You better not forget this", he warned.
"Dont worry dont worry", I reassured.
"That makes me worry even more", he sighed.
"Anyways I'm hungry.", I looked at the time.
"Lunch time already huh?", he asked, "Teaching you is tiring".
"Tell me about it. Being taught by you and how you always shout at me is even more tiring!", I said. He glared at me.
"Sorry", I smiled. I got up and put the guitar on the side. I got my phone out.
"Want Pizza?", I asked.
"Why not.", he asked.
"I know this really good store here. They do deliveries on Sundays. That ajusshi is amazing", I smiled. I phoned and ordered the Pizza.
"It will arrive in 30 minutes", I smiled.
"Did you finish your homework?", he asked.
"Yes.", I answered.
"Really?", he asked.
"No", I answered.
"Do your homework now!", he said.
"I dont feel like it now", I said.
"Thats an order", he demanded. I glared at him and went to get my books. When I arrived at his house, he had his books downstairs aswell. I sat down and started my work. Nothing much happened. We didnt have much work either. Just a few calculations. Myungsoo finished in 10 minutes and packed his things away.
"He made a big fuss for nothing", I whispered to myself.
"Did you say something?", he asked.
"I was talking to myself", I shouted.
"Freak", he mumbled.
"I heard that stupid", I shouted. I continued and finished a few minutes after, right in time for the door bell. 
*Ding dong*
Myungsoo went and opened the door and stood there frozen.
"Minhwa?", I heared him say.
"1 large Pizza and a bottle of coke", Minhwa smiled.
"Yo!", I walked up to the door.
"First time I'm seeing your house Myungsoo", he said looking inside.
"You are later than usual with deliveries.", I pointed out.
"I'm really sorry! I went and bought car food knowing you wouldnt have bought any", he laughed.
"Wait here", I said before running to get Eros and running back to the door.
"Aiigoo. He looks much better.", he smiled.
"Yes. I just need to take him to the vet this week for a checkup", I said.
"I'm glad to hear Eros found a new home", he smiled.
"Dont worry as long as he is with me he would be fine", I said.
"I think thats the main worry", Myungsoo laughed. Minhwa joined in. I glared at the two.
"Dont you want to come in?", Myungsoo asked.
"No I would love to but I got to help my dad with deliveries", he said before leaving. I stood there waving before taking Eros back to the living room and placing him on the floor. Myungsoo got some plates and gave the slices out. We inhaled the food in silence. I got up after and put some food out for Eros.
"By the way if you are wondering, Minhwas dad owns the Pizza store. Its passed down generations. Thats why the Pizza there is so good. Minhwa usually helps his dad on sundays with delivery", I explained. He nodded. I put the plates away and cleaned the table while Myungsoo sat on the sofa watching a movie. It was a horror movie yet he kept his usual poker face on. Is he scared or not? I sat down and joined him. The scene came closer. The girl walked closer to the stairs but she didnt realise that the ghost is behind her. The ghost let out a grudge sound. I laughed at the sound the ghost made. Myungsoo gave me a weird look.
"What are you laughing about?", he asked.
"Just, that sound the ghost made was really funny", I laughed. His expression was confused yet he let out a sigh of relief after I cheered up the tense moment.
"I wonder how your friends watch horror movies with you", he said.
"I normally make comments throughout any movies", I laughed.
"I see", he gave me a weird look and watched the screen. He changed the channel to another movie and was about to change it again.
"Wait I want to watch that movie! Its based on that manga. I loved the manga and even cried.", I said.
"You cried?", he asked. I nodded.
"Hoo Sook told me the wrong ending. She said that he will die after the operation so in the manga on the second to last page I started crying when he was in the operation theatre. Then I find out he survived!", I laughed, "I never trust Hoo Sook and movies after that".
"So your point is", he asked.
"I always wanted to watch the movie.", I said. He put the remote down and watched the movie. 
"I thought you wanted to change the channel", I said.
"I changed my mind instead", he said.
"Uhh good pun", I laughed. He continued watching.
"I warn you its a sad story", I warned.
"I dont care. I watch romance and tragedies too", I said.
"Lets see how long you will survive", I smirked.
"Wanna bet?", he asked.
"You bet", I said, "First one to cry will have to dance to Gee in the classroom tomorrow".
"Deal", he smirked. He was so full of himself. Cant wait to see him do that tomorrow. Thanks to Hoo Sook I know the ending. The movie was 10 minutes into the story line. 'I give my first love to you' is what the story is called and is based on a manga. Its about a love with a timelimit. Tamaka the hero is a patient with a rare heart disease from a young age. He met Mayu the daughter of his doctor at a young age at the hospital and they started developing a friendship. This friendship soon grew into love. However one day both find out that Tamaka might not reach the age of 20. Not knowing the meaning of death, he promised to marry Mayu before they turn 20 when they were still 5. The story continues telling their struggle through high school as Tamaka tries distancing from her due to his disease but fails. In the end he receives a heart donor to save his life but later refuses to accept it after finding out it was from his friend who is now brain dead. In the manga he survives
through another treatment and marries her later on however in the movie which Hoo Sook ruined for me, he dies as the operation is a failure. He leaves a will behind which he wrote and kept since the age of 5 and told Mayu to be happy and not cry over him. However when she reached 20 she married his ashes in hopes to live together with his spirit. I'm quite a strong girl when it comes to tragedies but these kind of stories will still keep my heart broken everytime I think about it even though I dont cry. We continued to watch the movie and waited for eachother to shed the winning tear. However as we reached the no ones cried yet. However heart breaking this story is, I still couldnt cry. Its not like I was trying not to. It was finally time for her to hear the news and read the will. I looked over to see if he cried. No sign of a tear yet. The movie continued to the final scene. Her in a wedding dress with his ashes in a little box. She went to the church and held the box in hands and says to god that she is keeping the promise they made long ago although he has taken him away. I look around to Myungsoo.
"Yah shorty pass me a tissue", he demanded.
"I won", I cheered. I passed him a tissue and cried myself. I cant bear such a burden on my heart.
"Mayu sure is strong right?", I asked him. He remained quite.
"I'm envious. I mean if my first and only love ever left, I dont know what I would have done.", I said. He looked at me.
"Dont be stupid. Its a movie. Its supposed to be dramatic. As if it would ever happen", he said.
"Guess you are right.", I mumbled. He went to his room to put his books away. I looked around and leaned against the headrest and fell asleep.
"You cant control me for my whole life", I heared Myungsoo shout.
"Explain me this nonsense then. You are meant to succeed my hard work.", I heard another man shout. I got startled and slowly opened my eyes and shut them again as I found Myungsoo arguing with his father. Hyunsoo you are asleep! You are sleeping okay! Dont disturb them.
"I dont want your business or anything. You raised me in order to inherit your business which I have no interest in what so ever", Myungsoo argued back.
"I shouldnt have moved. Your grades dropped, and you joined an useless club again. I guess this neighbourhood isnt good", he said. Was he directing to me? Its awkward to pretend to be asleep when you know what exactly is happening.
"What I do is up to me! Dont dare blame others for my actions. I'm not sure if I would still be this calm if you say something like this again.", Myungsoo said. Although he was calm, deep inside I could feel hatred towards his father.
"There is no point in hiding that fact. Both you and me know you changed since we moved here", his father shouted.
"Changed? I was always like this before. What would a father like you know anyways. You were never there when I needed support, during my first match, during my first performance, never! Yet you dare say I changed. You are right I have changed. I changed back to the Myungsoo I used to be. Although I'm not exactly the same as back then, I will still remain like this whether you like it or not.", Myungsoo remained calm. Should I really step in? I mean its getting really tense here. I felt a hand grab me.
"Get up we are out of her", he dragged me out. They knew I wasnt asleep! Thats even more awkward. He took my coat along with his and came outside. I put my shoes on and waited outside for him to come. He handed me my coat.
"But it on", he said. I put it on without hesitation knowing Myungsoo was in a bad mood already. I stopped walking.
"Wait Eros is still home", I said.
"Dont worry nothing will happen to him", he said as he continued walking. I ran to him and walked by his side.
"You knew I was awake?", I asked.
"You made it a bit too obvious.", he pointed out.
"It wasnt that obvious.", I said emphasising the that. "But did your father notice too?"
"Probably", he answered. "Thats why he talked about a bad neighbourhood".
"I figured", I answered. "I'm sorry. I feel like I'm part of the reason your father jumped at you like that".
"Dont take it to heart.", he said. He remained quiet after those words.
"Wanna go to the park? I mean take a walk like last time?", I asked.
"Why not?", he asked. We headed towards the park and as we arrived I ran towards the swings and sat on one. Myungsoo walked behind me and I patted the swing next to me telling him to sit down after I sat down. He did as I asked. I started swinging while he just sat there.
"Okay I'm ready", I shouted while swinging back and forth.
"For what?", he asked.
"Dont act dumb! Pour your heart out", I laughed. He chuckled.
"What else is there to say?", he asked. I stopped swinging and jumped off the swing and turned around.
"Well seems like I'm not needed anymore", I said and started walking home turning back once in a while to check if he was following. After I reached a certain distance I realised that he wasnt going to follow so I ran back to the swings.
"Changed your mind?", I asked.
"I told you already I dont have anything else to say!", he said.
"Are you sure?", I asked.
"Yes", he answered. I gave up. I will ask him some other time. 
"By the way after this its better for you to go home. I will bring Eros and your books.", he said. I nodded.
"I think me coming over is out of the question", I forced a laugh out.
"He will only stay here for a few more days.", he said.
"Did he tell you?", I asked.
"No but its usually like that. He always goes on a trip a few weeks after he comes back home. Shows how much he cares about the family", he said.
"You shouldnt really say things like that. I mean he probably spent all these years working to build up a future for both you and Monsoon.", I said.
"I believed that for such a long time now", he said.
"Believe it for a bit longer. I'm sure its not a lie. After all parents only want the best for their children right?", I asked.
"Guess you are right", he smiled.
"Uhh I see the great Kim Myungsoo smiling", I teased.
"Shut up shorty", he laughed. I laughed too. Good to see him back to his normal self again. Seems like he goes through a lot. The outer shell could really deceive someone. I never knew that very Kim Myungsoo who called me 'annoying' that day had to face so many problems. He became that Myungsoo after facing those problems.
He got up and we started walking around the parks. Just a few laps to talk I guess.
"By the way you still havent told me the your story yet", he said.
"I have a story?", I asked.
"Yes the piano incident", he said. I looked at him.
"You are quite nosy", I said.
"You are one to talk", he answered. I looked at him and looked at the time. I never noticed the time go so fast. It was 6 already.
"My story huh?", I thought. He nodded. "My story has to wait for a bit longer. I have to go home and make dinner". I smiled and kept walking.
"You said that last time too", he moaned.
"And I'm saying it again. Dont worry you can survive a few more weeks with the suspense", I laughed.
"Curiosity kills the cat", he said.
"Dont dare lay a finger on Eros", I warned.
"What if I happen to be the cat?", he asked.
"Then its fine", I laughed. He kept about it but I didnt mind him. I just kept walking, after all I still have to solve the puzzle of Myungsoos past too. What would life be without a bit of fun and suspense? We got home and I went home. Both Monsoon and their mother got home. Seems like the house calmed down a bit. Myungsoo carried my things to my house and put them on the table. He then went and got Eros for me who was sleeping. He stepped outside the door.
"Where is my good bye?", he asked.
"Good bye Master Myungsoo~. I hope you'll have good dreams", I smiled.
"I didnt ask for aegyo but well remembered", he laughed. I glared at him. Curse him. Guess he is back to his normal self.
"That reminds me. Tomorrow in homeroom you have to do Gee. Or is lunch time better?", I thought. He returned the glare.
"Aigoo you are so cute when you give evil glares like that. What are you planning in that big head of yours? It cant be revenge can it?", I laughed. It was the exact same thing he said to me yesterday. 
"Remember you are my slave for 5 more days.", he smirked. Me and my big mouth.
"Well I'll be going and planning my revenge", he smiled and went. I shut the door. Hyunsoo you cant loose to him no matter what. Fighting! Stay strong!!
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LintangBerlyana #1
Chapter 68: Update soon author-nim ㅠㅠ
LintangBerlyana #2
Chapter 52: Oh.., I don't know why, but this chap made me sad :(
But I still love it btw :)
Chapter 68: Okay, sorry for not commenting, in a loooooooooooong time. Just found, the time to comment. Tbh, I read it when you published it, just didn't have time for commenting.

Anyways, back to the story: I'm glad MyungHyun are still going strong regarding their love-hate relationship as 'friends'. I like the fact, that she was brought together with the pabo maknaes and Young Mi, I felt so sorry for Young Mi for being put with them (not really, glad you did that, actually xD). It was nice, to see that Hyunsoo isn't a tough girl all the time, that she too can be scared, sure maybe not so easily, but she can be scared, that's great enough. Awwh, is that, a slightly worried Myungsoo, I see there? Hehe, I like that, it's chooo sweet! xD And, dude, why am I not surprised, by the mysterious men popping out of nowhere? You, always manage to bring a surprise element, in (in a good way, ofcourse). Can you tell, me who they are? Hehe. Although, they must be so creepy though, for them to go walking around and in what? A forest. I'm never going anywhere near a forest, not even 10 meters near it. Gosh... but not that I ever would, anyways..... Anyways, great update, thanks for your hard-work, unnie!

UPDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE... again, please. Lol, anyways I know your busy with work and all, don't worry I can wait.. I think xD Thanks again, unnie!
Chapter 68: I want to know who those man were, but I think it's gonna take time to find out. It was a great chapter and I hope to know what does Hyunsoo want to ask Myungsoo?
Well, it's my imagination or Myungsoo and Hyunsoo are starting to like each other, but neither of them realize?
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 68: Creepy... I am never going into a forest now xD
Chapter 67: Wow I think they are up to something.
I am a new reader here. I started reading it a few weeks ago and let me tell you this story is daebak.
I want to know if Hyunsoo is still living with her aunt or her mom return already?
Keep writing it!!! Hugs. ^^,
Chapter 67: -______________- Why do you always leave us with cliff-hangers! Seriously! This way, I will just keep demanding for more updates!! what took you so long with this one? Anyway, I should be grateful -.-' Thanks for the update!
comments on the story: Definitely, definitely, they must be up to something!! They seemed way too kind to be innocent! T_T Poor Young Mi - unless she is part of some plan.
LOL at Jongdae and the app being biased! xD His mental breakdown is hilarious. Hyunsoo, hehe, is with Minhwa and Myungsoo. That's fate I tell you, fate! LOL.
The items needed to be collected are useless... I guess the picture in front of the lighthouse is okayyish... LOL xDD But the legend is sooo sad. But there is no one to blame except the elder brother... I guess, the younger brother went over broad and killed innocent people too but still if the elder brother didn't do anything in the first place, I'm sure they all would have been happy T_T Stupid older brother!
Haha, Myungsoo was clever, it would take forever if you leave fifteen minutes gap between each group. Like only 4 groups could go in one hour T_T Two hours is a very long time LOL.
... Good luck Hyunsoo's team! I don't think Hyunsoo needs it though. It probably would end up being Minhwa and Myungsoo clinging onto her hahaha!
Chapter 66: PS I didn't vote by the way... So I wasn't one of them! There are actually 12 other people, excluding me, that read your fic - probably more but they are more of a silent type hehe. Anyway, I like the poster... It looks really cool and why is minhwa that boy, seriously... That boy always plays a role where he likes the main lead but gets heart broken it's soooo sad! T_T
Oooh well. I'm going to comment on the story now...
YES YES YES! EVEN THOUGH I SUPPORTED THE GIRLS (COUGHCOUGH), I ACTUALLY WANTED THE BOYS TO WIN (YOU KNEW BUT YEAH)! Yeah, the girls did great, I'm serious! But yeah, for the comedy to continue, i think the boy should have won... I will clap as well /claps like a hyper seal/
Minhwa is soooo nice! T_T Seriously, I just can't take how nice he is... Myungsoo is nice as well but in his own rude way...
HAHAHAHA, The way they looked at Minhwa when they found out it was his fault they missed a chance of running the girl's plans. Haha. SO funny. and the way Minhwa diverted the topic hehe.
That's just like Hyunsoo to declare officially who won... even though her team lost. Good going, Hyunsoo.
At first I thought the boys were actually rubbing it in the girls face they lost and got a little angry but then... they are nice LOL. 2SOO MOMENTS HEHEHE! OMG! SERIOUSLY THAT WAS SO CUTE, in Myungsoo's way I guess LOL...
Seriously, that Eunji and Minho character reminds me of someone from school, dude... Hehe! Awww, about the mixed feelings...
Hahaha, when is HyunJae ever right LOL...
A forest....? I thought it was going to be a dragon!! BUT SERIOUSLY I WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES IN THE FOREST... IT'S INTRIGUING!!

5000 words aren't enough when you stop at such interesting part LOL... Hurry up and update!! xDD
Chapter 65: LOL. You don't understand how happy I get when I see this story getting updated. Actually you probably do lol... Anyway, what's up with the cliffhangers T_T I wanted to know who wins seriously. I think it's the girls though... Or it might be a draw and go into overtime... But I seriously hope Myungsoo came to his senses and tapped the ball into the girl's net, who just stood there dumb folded... Basically, what I'm trying to say is I want to boys to win and see the girls get bossed around because I can just imagine it and it makes me want to LOL.
Okay, back to the beginning of the chapter:
Your poster thingy making skills are really cool. I like them hehe. They seriously help me imagine the game... and for the rest of the people whom I don't know, I just imagine blank faces on bodies that are either similar to Hyunsoo or Myungsoo LOL.
I'm so glad the boy didn't find out about the position planning thingy... Myungsoo seriously, what sight he has T_T GO BLIND! Actually, don't! lol, and the girls just couldn't make it any less obvious could they. Thank god, Hyunsoo said something and Hooray to Jihyun! Minhwa just doesn't even know what he has done T_T LOL.
Oh yeah... I forgot about the teacher as well LOL. Tut tut tut... But the whole party thing was just to cover up for that piece of paper anyway so even the girls wasn't expecting it...
-.-' Hyunsoo and her fairness. And yes boys, this is going to be a tough game... They underestimated the girls and ended up giving them more chances to win T_T what idiots... But you have to consider that the boys caught up within 13 mins and it took the girls 25 mins to gain 4/5 goals. So claps for the boys LOL...
Now I just want to know who wins!! Can you update again...? Like today!! If you want to update tomorrow, then can you update in like 6 hours, which technically would be tomorrow here... I am not sure about the other countries but yeah...

I improved didn't I? I didn't use caps lol...
Chapter 64: YAAAAAAAY! Another update! I'm so glad you are back updating this story, like seriously. It's exciting hehe. But seriously, I want to see the volleyball game!! WHY AREN'T YOU WRITING IT? WHY ARE YOU KEEPING ME WAITING LIKE THIS? DO YOU WANT TO SEE ME DIE? IS THAT WHY?
back to the story: GO HYUNSOO, GO GIRLS. She is seriously piped up isn't she now? hehe. LOL at the way she held onto Minhwa's hand like this game is going to determine who is going to die and who is going to live. Calm down, Hyunsoo, this isn't the hunger games hahaha!
LOL... I think there is going to be more punishment than just going to buy some drinks, girls. Watch out, I'm telling you... You better win hehe.
... Don't you think the girls are getting a little overconfident? LOL... Oh, and LOL, nice use of powerpoint. It actually looks good.
/face palm/ What are the boys doing? They are soo stupid, seriously T_T it makes me cry. And good idea, Hyunsoo - make them think you were just eating hehe.
YAAAAY! 2SOO moments! hehe! The way Minhwa and Myungsoo just sat on Hyunsoo's bed LOL. Makes me laugh. And the way Myungsoo just ignores Hyunsoo LOL!

P.S: Like I said before... My caps - I don't know why I use them, I just do LOL.