
A Wall In between


Well I hate school but I miss it at the same time.
The week past and my foot was much better. It was monday morning again. One week has past. I can go back to school. But now I have exams starting today for a week. Oh great! I walked out of the house.
"Yo!", Monsoon greeted. Myungsoo was right behind him.
"Yo Guys", I replied with a smile.
"You sure seem happy", Myungsoo said with a dull tone.
"Yep. You sound really... umm. Dull?", I said.
"Hyung didnt get enough sleep yesterday because of a nightmare he got. His sleep talking got much more severe than it used to be." I looked at Myungsoo. I wonder what his dream was about.
"How come you didnt hear him sleep talk. He was and shouting a lot.", Monsoon asked.
"Oh. I'm a really really deep sleeper.", I smiled. Myungsoo seemed to not be his usual self.
"Hey Myungsoo are you alright?", I asked. He didnt reply. He seemed to be in his own little world. 
"Myungsoo?", I called him again.
"Huh?", he snapped out of it. "Yah cant you leave a man think?"
I laughed. Thats the Myungsoo I knew. 
"We should get going before we are late for the exams.", I said and receieved two nods. We walked to the bus stop and got onto the bus. Soon Sun Hi got onto the bus too.
"Have you two revised?", she asked me and Myungsoo. We both looked at eachother and nodded in response.
"How can you be so calm?", she paniked.
"You are stressing way too much. You are going to lose focus if you stress this much", I told her.
"Stressing is a good thing during situations like this. It stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and tells the adrenal gland to make adrenaline which increases concentration level by inhibiting any other activities such as digestion.", Myungsoo said. We looked at him with awe. He sounded like a robot.
"But if she panicks too much its not good. She will start doubting herself and own her answers.", I said. "Just stop worrying this much. A bit of stress does help but if you stress this much you are going to loose yourself during the exam.", I continued. Sun Hi took a few deep breaths and nodded.
"Sun Hi fighting", I said out loud while pumping my fist. I completely forgot I was in the bus. I looked around. Sun Hi and Monsoon were laughing. But Myungsoo he didnt laugh. He was looking out of the window staring into space. We reached out bus stop and got off. Sun Hi and Monsoon were walking at the front and Myungsoo and I were walking at the back. Sun Hi being her usual self was talking on as if there was no tomorrow.
Myungsoo let out a sigh. 
"Hey is something wrong?", I asked. 
"None of your business", he answered.
Well seems like he is fine after all.
We arrived at school and dropped Monsoon to his class room.
"Bye everyone. Good luck. Myungsoo hyung, Hyunsoo noona, Sun Hi noona fighting", he said pumping his fist. Sun Hi and I pumped our fists too. Myungsoo left without a word. 
"Anyways we'll be gone then!", I said to Monsoon after watching Myungsoo go. 
"Shall we look at the seating arrangement for the exam?", I asked Sun Hi. She nodded. Both of us were on the stage. I lost track of Myungsoo. I wonder where he is. He seemed to be a different person. When I thought he started to become closer, he becomes even further than he was.
We soon met up with everyone else, wished eachother good luck and went to the exam hall and took our seats. I looked around. No sign of Myungsoo. I became worried and looked at the time. 5 minutes left. I looked at the door and saw him entering. Thank god he made it. He sat down in his seat. We soon received out first paper. Physics! Throughout the paper I was thanking Myungsoo in my mind for teaching me. Seemed so much easier doing something that you understand. I finished. I looked at the time. 20 minutes left. I looked around. Mostly everyone was still writing. I stretched and looked through my paper to spot any mistakes. I was quite confident. I looked at Myungsoo thinking he would have finished aswell. But when I looked at him, he was still writing. He had his left hand against his head. Something is wrong!
The exam finished and we were given our second paper. Just like that the day passed. I walked out and caught Monsoon who was walking out of the gates with his friends. 
"Hey Monsoon wait up", I called before I grabbed Sun Hi and ran towards him.
"Oh Hyunsoo Noona, Sun Hi Noona, how were the exams?", he asked. We both smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
"Good to hear. Have you seen hyung?", he asked.
"I thought you might know where he is", I answered. His expression became worried. 
"But he is old enough to look after himself right?", I asked which gave him some hope. He nodded and we all went home.
Just like this the whole week passed. We had exams one after the other. It went pretty well in my opinion. Cant wait to get my results back. I waited until Saturday. After exam week, teachers would normally call students in school and they will get their grades back. It was a pain in the neck but its better to just get rid of this pain all together. I went to Sun His house and waited for her. I was early and she wasnt dressed yet. Its saturday after all. Who wants to go to school? We arrived at school. I met up with everyone and we went to the board with our results and ranks. Its probably Myungsoo. I sighed. Jae Hwa read the ranks out.
"First, Kim Minho", Well maybe its just a one mark difference between him and Myungsoo.
"Second, Kwon Eun Ji.". Well she is really smart.
"Third, omo its you, Lee Hyunsoo!", she said in excitement.
"Who is fourth?", I asked.
"Hee Sung Yung". She read out. "Probably someone from a different class."
I walked forward and looked at the board. Kim Myungsoo... Kim Myungsoo... he is 7th! I couldnt believe it. Something is definitely wrong!
I looked for him while I was in school. I didnt see him so after an hour I decided to go home after I got my grades. Mostly A's and some B's.
Sun Hi got of and waved. I decided to get off early and take the route through the park. It was cold and there was snow but its a place to think. I have January exams over and done now it just June! Hyunsoo Fighting!!
The park was empty. Its only 11 am. Everyone is probably asleep on a Saturday morning. I looked at the playground area. I saw a figure on the Swings.
"So early in the morning?", I asked myself. I walked to the playground. From afar it seemed like the figure was in deep thoughts. Maybe I should join them. As I approached the playground, I saw who it really was. Myungsoo?
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LintangBerlyana #1
Chapter 68: Update soon author-nim ㅠㅠ
LintangBerlyana #2
Chapter 52: Oh.., I don't know why, but this chap made me sad :(
But I still love it btw :)
Chapter 68: Okay, sorry for not commenting, in a loooooooooooong time. Just found, the time to comment. Tbh, I read it when you published it, just didn't have time for commenting.

Anyways, back to the story: I'm glad MyungHyun are still going strong regarding their love-hate relationship as 'friends'. I like the fact, that she was brought together with the pabo maknaes and Young Mi, I felt so sorry for Young Mi for being put with them (not really, glad you did that, actually xD). It was nice, to see that Hyunsoo isn't a tough girl all the time, that she too can be scared, sure maybe not so easily, but she can be scared, that's great enough. Awwh, is that, a slightly worried Myungsoo, I see there? Hehe, I like that, it's chooo sweet! xD And, dude, why am I not surprised, by the mysterious men popping out of nowhere? You, always manage to bring a surprise element, in (in a good way, ofcourse). Can you tell, me who they are? Hehe. Although, they must be so creepy though, for them to go walking around and in what? A forest. I'm never going anywhere near a forest, not even 10 meters near it. Gosh... but not that I ever would, anyways..... Anyways, great update, thanks for your hard-work, unnie!

UPDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE... again, please. Lol, anyways I know your busy with work and all, don't worry I can wait.. I think xD Thanks again, unnie!
Chapter 68: I want to know who those man were, but I think it's gonna take time to find out. It was a great chapter and I hope to know what does Hyunsoo want to ask Myungsoo?
Well, it's my imagination or Myungsoo and Hyunsoo are starting to like each other, but neither of them realize?
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 68: Creepy... I am never going into a forest now xD
Chapter 67: Wow I think they are up to something.
I am a new reader here. I started reading it a few weeks ago and let me tell you this story is daebak.
I want to know if Hyunsoo is still living with her aunt or her mom return already?
Keep writing it!!! Hugs. ^^,
Chapter 67: -______________- Why do you always leave us with cliff-hangers! Seriously! This way, I will just keep demanding for more updates!! what took you so long with this one? Anyway, I should be grateful -.-' Thanks for the update!
comments on the story: Definitely, definitely, they must be up to something!! They seemed way too kind to be innocent! T_T Poor Young Mi - unless she is part of some plan.
LOL at Jongdae and the app being biased! xD His mental breakdown is hilarious. Hyunsoo, hehe, is with Minhwa and Myungsoo. That's fate I tell you, fate! LOL.
The items needed to be collected are useless... I guess the picture in front of the lighthouse is okayyish... LOL xDD But the legend is sooo sad. But there is no one to blame except the elder brother... I guess, the younger brother went over broad and killed innocent people too but still if the elder brother didn't do anything in the first place, I'm sure they all would have been happy T_T Stupid older brother!
Haha, Myungsoo was clever, it would take forever if you leave fifteen minutes gap between each group. Like only 4 groups could go in one hour T_T Two hours is a very long time LOL.
... Good luck Hyunsoo's team! I don't think Hyunsoo needs it though. It probably would end up being Minhwa and Myungsoo clinging onto her hahaha!
Chapter 66: PS I didn't vote by the way... So I wasn't one of them! There are actually 12 other people, excluding me, that read your fic - probably more but they are more of a silent type hehe. Anyway, I like the poster... It looks really cool and why is minhwa that boy, seriously... That boy always plays a role where he likes the main lead but gets heart broken it's soooo sad! T_T
Oooh well. I'm going to comment on the story now...
YES YES YES! EVEN THOUGH I SUPPORTED THE GIRLS (COUGHCOUGH), I ACTUALLY WANTED THE BOYS TO WIN (YOU KNEW BUT YEAH)! Yeah, the girls did great, I'm serious! But yeah, for the comedy to continue, i think the boy should have won... I will clap as well /claps like a hyper seal/
Minhwa is soooo nice! T_T Seriously, I just can't take how nice he is... Myungsoo is nice as well but in his own rude way...
HAHAHAHA, The way they looked at Minhwa when they found out it was his fault they missed a chance of running the girl's plans. Haha. SO funny. and the way Minhwa diverted the topic hehe.
That's just like Hyunsoo to declare officially who won... even though her team lost. Good going, Hyunsoo.
At first I thought the boys were actually rubbing it in the girls face they lost and got a little angry but then... they are nice LOL. 2SOO MOMENTS HEHEHE! OMG! SERIOUSLY THAT WAS SO CUTE, in Myungsoo's way I guess LOL...
Seriously, that Eunji and Minho character reminds me of someone from school, dude... Hehe! Awww, about the mixed feelings...
Hahaha, when is HyunJae ever right LOL...
A forest....? I thought it was going to be a dragon!! BUT SERIOUSLY I WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES IN THE FOREST... IT'S INTRIGUING!!

5000 words aren't enough when you stop at such interesting part LOL... Hurry up and update!! xDD
Chapter 65: LOL. You don't understand how happy I get when I see this story getting updated. Actually you probably do lol... Anyway, what's up with the cliffhangers T_T I wanted to know who wins seriously. I think it's the girls though... Or it might be a draw and go into overtime... But I seriously hope Myungsoo came to his senses and tapped the ball into the girl's net, who just stood there dumb folded... Basically, what I'm trying to say is I want to boys to win and see the girls get bossed around because I can just imagine it and it makes me want to LOL.
Okay, back to the beginning of the chapter:
Your poster thingy making skills are really cool. I like them hehe. They seriously help me imagine the game... and for the rest of the people whom I don't know, I just imagine blank faces on bodies that are either similar to Hyunsoo or Myungsoo LOL.
I'm so glad the boy didn't find out about the position planning thingy... Myungsoo seriously, what sight he has T_T GO BLIND! Actually, don't! lol, and the girls just couldn't make it any less obvious could they. Thank god, Hyunsoo said something and Hooray to Jihyun! Minhwa just doesn't even know what he has done T_T LOL.
Oh yeah... I forgot about the teacher as well LOL. Tut tut tut... But the whole party thing was just to cover up for that piece of paper anyway so even the girls wasn't expecting it...
-.-' Hyunsoo and her fairness. And yes boys, this is going to be a tough game... They underestimated the girls and ended up giving them more chances to win T_T what idiots... But you have to consider that the boys caught up within 13 mins and it took the girls 25 mins to gain 4/5 goals. So claps for the boys LOL...
Now I just want to know who wins!! Can you update again...? Like today!! If you want to update tomorrow, then can you update in like 6 hours, which technically would be tomorrow here... I am not sure about the other countries but yeah...

I improved didn't I? I didn't use caps lol...
Chapter 64: YAAAAAAAY! Another update! I'm so glad you are back updating this story, like seriously. It's exciting hehe. But seriously, I want to see the volleyball game!! WHY AREN'T YOU WRITING IT? WHY ARE YOU KEEPING ME WAITING LIKE THIS? DO YOU WANT TO SEE ME DIE? IS THAT WHY?
back to the story: GO HYUNSOO, GO GIRLS. She is seriously piped up isn't she now? hehe. LOL at the way she held onto Minhwa's hand like this game is going to determine who is going to die and who is going to live. Calm down, Hyunsoo, this isn't the hunger games hahaha!
LOL... I think there is going to be more punishment than just going to buy some drinks, girls. Watch out, I'm telling you... You better win hehe.
... Don't you think the girls are getting a little overconfident? LOL... Oh, and LOL, nice use of powerpoint. It actually looks good.
/face palm/ What are the boys doing? They are soo stupid, seriously T_T it makes me cry. And good idea, Hyunsoo - make them think you were just eating hehe.
YAAAAY! 2SOO moments! hehe! The way Minhwa and Myungsoo just sat on Hyunsoo's bed LOL. Makes me laugh. And the way Myungsoo just ignores Hyunsoo LOL!

P.S: Like I said before... My caps - I don't know why I use them, I just do LOL.