Our First Date...

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Yumi's POV=


"There's a problem, Yumi ah" My Umma stated nervously as I heard her sobs from the other line.

My heart started to beat faster as I thought of any possible thing that could have happened to my parents.

"W-what? What happened, Umma?" I answered as I tried to sound as calm as possible so to not make my mother cry even harder.

"Y-Your Appa and I...W-we got into an accident."

It felt like my world just crashed down as I thought of the worst case scenarios that could have happened to them.

I felt my eyes turn blurry as tears started to well up.

Please, God.

Please don't let this happen.

My hands shook uncontrollably as I tried to speak up and answer my mother who broke down a few seconds ago.

"U-umma, w-what happened? Is A-Appa okay? Are you okay?" My voice croaked as I held down my mouth from eventually breaking down at that moment.

"I..I'm now paralyzed, my darling.."



Please no!



Umma cried harder as she struggled for the right words to tell me.

"Your Appa...he's in comatose."

My knees lost its strength as I dropped down to the floor,

I put my hand over my mouth as I cried silently for Kyuhyun oppa not to hear me.

My whole body shook in pain and sorrow as I thought about my Appa, 

My Appa who raised me,

Who did everything to make me happy.

Appa...please be okay.

Please let this be a nightmare.

I held onto my chest as it hurt so much that the pain was unbearable.

"Y-Yumi-ah?" Umma asked anxiously as she waited for me to respond.

I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the situation in front of me.

"Umma, what do I need to do?"

"Yumi-ah...I can't take of your Appa..I'm paralyzed and the only thing I could do right now is stay on the bed and speak..I have no way to take care of your Appa, or even myself."

The world around me stopped as what I had to do finally sunk in.

My heart shattered to pieces as I spoke out the next words that came out of my mouth.

"I...I'll be going there, Umma."

I tried to hold my breath as I felt hot tears continuously stream down my cheeks.

"B-but...What about you, Yumi-ah? We've already left you alone there...we've done so much to hurt you, and I don't want to take you away from the life you would want to have just because of your Appa and I."

Umma stated as she sobbed loudly, regret clearly heard in her voice.

But I knew...

That even though this hurt so much..

Even though this meant leaving everything here in Korea.

Leaving school,

Leaving my work,

Leaving my dreams,

Leaving my home,

Leaving my friends...

Leaving..Kyuhyun oppa.

But I had to do this..

I had to do this for my parents,

for My Umma...

for Appa.

Even though this actually meant leaving the person that now meant my whole life..

Would I survive this, oppa?

Would I survive without you?

Why did this have to happen now..

"Y-Yumi-ah..Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Umma cried hysterically as I clutched my chest and tried my hardest not to scream with only one person in my mind.

"U-umma..schedule my flight for the day after tomorrow..I just have to say goodbye to...someone." I let my tears roll down as I almost felt my whole world turn numb and cold.

"K-Kyuhyunnie.." I sobbed louder as pain struck my chest with hearing his name.

"I know you like him..Yumi-ah I'm so sorry..you really don't have to do this baby.."

"Aniyo. I have to, Umma. I have to." My voice croaked as I listened to myself say these words, trying to convince myself that I know I had to do this..this was right. This was for the people who gave birth to me, the people who are the reasons I'm alive in this world.

"Yumi-ah..I promise, the moment your father opens his eyes again..you're going back to Korea and to...Kyuhyunnie. I promise."

I shut my eyes as I mumbled softly and nodded. I braced myself for the morning to come...

My last day with Kyuhyun oppa...before I leave him..not knowing when I'll come back.


I woke up as rays of sunlight from the window hit me...

I fluttered my eyes slowly as I saw Kyuhyun oppa kneeling down beside me, watching me with a sweet smile on his face.

"Good Morning." he said as he brushed my hair gently and smiled at me.

I wish I hadn't woke up yet...

I faked a smile and sat up, I realized that I slept on the couch as I recalled the blurry memories of my mother's call last night.

Kyuhyun oppa put his arms around me and sat down beside me, he rested his chin on my left shoulder and kissed my cheek softly as warmth breathe in my system.

"Should we eat breakfast?" he stared at me with an adorable smile on his face.

Can't we just stay like this forever?

I don't want this dream to end...oppa.

I nodded slowly as he took my hand and led me to the dining room, he pulled out a chair for me and soon enough, came back with a bowl of cereal in his hands.

"I..didn't know that there weren't any food left..i'm sorry for this crappy breakfast." he bit his lip as he sat down beside me.

"It's okay, anything you'd give me is perfect." I cooed as a blush immediately crept up his face.

This is the last time I'd be seeing that from you...for probably a long time, Kyuhyun oppa.

I tried to shake off the sadness that started to spread in my chest and decided that I wanted to make this day special.

"Oppa..do you have any schedule today?"

Kyuhyun oppa shook his head cutely, "Aniyo."

"Then, should we go on a date?"

A giant grin was plastered on his face as he nodded and leaned down to kiss my nose softly.


A few hours later, we were already riding the bus.

Kyuhyun oppa was wearing huge, dark Ray Ban glasses and a black cap in case someone might recognize him.

I rested my head on top of Kyuhyun oppa's shoulder and kept my hand entangled in his.

I still didn't know where we were heading to as Kyuhyun oppa told me that he wanted to be the one to decide where we should go today.

A few minutes later, we got off of the bus.

I immediately recognized where we were as this was an all-too-familiar place for me.

We were at the noodle house where I was working, I had been absent for almost a week now and I was actually planning to file my resignation later this afternoon...before I leave for Australia.

"Oppa, why did you bring me here?" I curiously looked at him as he put one of his arms around my neck.

"Remember the first time we met each other personally after the concert? This was where I first knew your name..where I talked to you for the first time." 

"Y-yes." I forced a smile as I tried to remember the moment when a fully disguised customer suddenly asked me to sit with him in his table.

"Jung Yumi...If I hadn't gone to buy noodles for my hyungs, if I hadn't come here, I don't think I'd even be able to feel this kind of happiness i'm feeling right now."

I felt tears starting to well up, but I breathed in slowly to make sure I don't let Kyuhyun oppa see my pain.

Don't say that, oppa.

I don't deserve this.

I don't deserve you.

I'm nothing to be your happiness.

You have to be happy when I'm gone, you have to.

"Wanna come in and eat?" Kyuhyun oppa stated as he pushed me in towards the small noodle house.

We soon finished eating as Kyuhyun oppa led me inside the bus again.

If only time could stop...then I won't have to leave your side forever.

"Where are we going now, oppa?" I curiously looked outside the window of the bus as we continued to travel for about thirty minutes now.

"You'll see." Kyuhyun oppa excitedly answered.

After a few minutes, we finally got off of the bus again.

Kyuhyun oppa held my hand tightly and pulled me towards the street...

"World cup stadium!?" I gasped as I looked at the huge place in front of me.

Kyuhyun oppa smiled and pulled me towards the big stadium.

"Wait oppa, are we allowed to come inside?" I suspiciously asked as he went the other way, not passing through the main entrance.

"Trust me." 

We went to the back door which was unlocked, and took a long flight of stairs up the stadium.

It took almost five minutes to get to the door, Kyuhyun oppa smiled anxiously as he squeezed my hand tightly.

"You're gonna like it, Yumi." he stated as he opened the door and revealed an extravagantly amazing view in front of us.

"Kyuhyun oppa, this is...so beautiful." I gasped at the scenery in front of me.

"Great, isn't it?" he gave me a satisfied look as he put his arms around me while admiring the view.

"But you know what's even more better than this?" he grinned widely.


"Running around the stadium!" He suddenly pulled me up and carried me bridal style as we walked down the bleachers and towards the court.

"Y-yah oppa! Someone might see us!"

"Yah, I told you to trust oppa, didn't I?" he stated as he let me down off his arms.

"Let's play! I'll catch you and you have to run, and if I'm able to...you're gonna sleep in the dorm tonight!"



"Wait wait!"



We laid down in the grass as we looked up at the beautiful blue sky on top of us.

I used Kyuhyun oppa's left arm as a pillow as he laid me close to him.

I peeked at Kyuhyun oppa's face as he closed his eyes and rested peacefully.

Kyuhyun oppa...

How long am I not gonna see you?

What if...Appa never wakes up.

Will I never get to see you again then?

What if it takes years until that happens...

Will you be able to wait for me?

Will you...forget me?

What if you find someone...better than me.

Someone...you might fall in love with..

At that moment...you'd probably even forget that I once came into your life.

I'd just be someone you once knew...

Someone who'was a part of your memories.


I think I'd never be able to forget you, oppa.

I leaned closer and watched Kyuhyun oppa's face, 

This might be...the last time I'd get to see this face.

I tried to memorize every feature,

his tall nose,

his plump, gentle lips,

his soft, smooth hair.

I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent...

I would never forget this...

I would never forget you, Kyuhyun oppa.

Oppa's phone vibrated which signalled a message.

He sat up and checked the message.

"Kyuhyun-ah, you guys have a meeting with Lee Soo Man seongsaengnim today, get your members and tell them to come here right away."

I read it slowly as I sat up beside him.

Kyuhyun oppa looked at me apologetically and pouted.

I guess this is it, huh.

"Aniyo! It's okay oppa, really. You shouldn't keep Lee Soo Man seongsaengnim waiting, you should go now."

"But...what about you?"

"I'd be fine! I promise."

"Aish, I was hoping we could have dinner out today. I'll just visit you tomorrow, okay? And I'll call you, arasso?"

His hopeful words seemed to cut my chest into pieces.

I faked a huge smile and nodded carefully. "Arasso, take care oppa."

We stood up as he turned around and waved goodbye to me.

His footsteps towards the bleachers of the stadium felt like forever as my tears started to approach from falling.


I ran to him and hugged him tightly in my arms.

He seemed shocked at first, but after a few seconds held me even closer to his strong physique.

I pulled away from the hug and gave him a deep kiss on the lips,

Kyuhyun oppa cupped my face as he kissed me back, caressing my cheek with his soft thumb.

The kiss lasted for almost five minutes, as he smiled sweetly and kissed my nose for the last time.

"Take care, arasso oppa?" I tried to hold back the tears that were in the brink of my eyes.

"Mmm. You take care my Yumi-ah, I'd die if I don't have you."

A tear left my eye as he turned his back away from me, as the words he just said finally sunk into me.

I held my breath as I tried my best not to break down while he was still there.

Kyuhyun oppa took the last step, and finally left the stadium.

My knees suddenly weakened as I dropped down on the ground,

My chest burning as I felt my heart grow numb,

Tears escaped my eyes as loud sobs uncontrollably  filled my lungs.

"P-please...Kyuhyun oppa..Kyuhyun oppa!"

I screamed Kyuhyun's name as the emptiness filled my whole body.

 As I cried at what seemed to have been like an endless misery...


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
PieLife #4
PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee