
Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Kyuhyun's POV=


I waited for Yumi-ssi outside of the noodle house, somewhat relieved that she had forgiven me already.

I don't know what happened a while ago, but suddenly, she became nice and calm again.

I was actually a bit taken aback by the Yumi I saw a while ago. She kinda gave me the feeling that she was already my girlfriend, which is really not a bad thing, atleast for me that isn't. Heehee~

I decided to sit down on one of the benches first, and soon after, Yumi-ssi stepped out of the restaurant.

My jaw literally dropped open as soon as she came into my sight.

She was wearing something very casual actually. Blue jacket, black scarf, colorful beanie. 

But there was something about her that just makes you stop and stare at her beauty.

Her aura is just...purely refreshing.

"Kyuhyun-ssi? Why are you staring at me like that? Oh, if you're bothered by the glasses, I decided to wear them know. People might recognize you. And for sure, I'm gonna be in big trouble." 

She looked at the ground and softly chuckled to herself.

Aish. Why do you always have to be so breathtakingly beautiful?

"So...are we going now?"

"Ah, y-yes."

We walked to the bus stop and went in. We sat in our usual seat, the two seats near the rear exit.

"About what I did earlier..I'm sorry, Kyuhyun-ssi." she looked away while apologizing.

"No, it's really my fault. I should've told you before we left. I'm sorry, Yumi-ssi." 

"Mmm." she mumbled.

Wait a minute. Did she just agree to that?

"W-what? So you really think I'm the one at fault here?" I looked at her surprisingly, amused by her blunt answer.

Her lips slowly curved up into a smile, and a hearty laugh came out of her lungs.

"AHAHAHA!" she laughed while clutching her stomach.

"W-what?" I couldn't help myself from laughing too.

"I'm just kidding, idiot!" She flicked my forehead with her finger and grinned widely at me.

"Aish." I jokingly made a face and laughed with her.

"So, where are you taking me, Kyuhyun-ssi?" she asked curiously, her brown eyes shining under the sunlight.


"What?!" her eyes almost popped out of it's sockets as she repeated my answer, 


"Y-yes. Why? You don't like it there?"

"Aniyo! I actually haven't been there before! I really wanted to see it!" she grinned widely while clinging to my arm like a child.

"I'm so excited, Kyuhyun-ssi!" 

Kekeke~ She's really a kid.

After a few minutes more, we arrived in Everland.

"Waahhh~" Yumi-ssi looked at the surroundings like it was heaven or paradise.

Heehee~ Looks like you picked the right place, Cho Kyuhyun.


"Come on, let's ride that one!"

"What? Roller coaster again?!"

Yumi-ssi dragged me to another roller coaster. Yes, another roller coaster.

It's been practically 3 hours since we've arrived here, and we've only been riding roller coasters.

My head and my stomach is seriously going to break down by any minute now, good thing I have Yumi-ssi beside me to keep me away from all the dizziness I'm currently in.

We lined up in the umpteenth roller coaster in here, and waited for our turn.

I think I'm about to throw up already. I have to go to the restroom first.



"I-I think..I need to..Mwo-."

"K-Kyhuyun-ssi! Are you alright?! Come on, let's get out of the line."

As soon as we got out of the line, my stomach turned over itself, and before I knew it, I was seated down in front of the trash can, vomiting like crazy.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, do you want me to buy some medicine for you? or at least something to drink?"

Ugh. Why do I always have to be sick in front of Yumi-ssi?

"A-Aniyo. I think..I'm fine already." I sat down the bench and covered my face as people were staring at me already.

Phew. Good thing there're only toddlers and old people here, or I'm sure someone would've recognized me already.

"I'll just buy some water. Stay here, okay?" Yumi-ssi worriedly exclaimed as she ran towards a mini shop.

*sigh* What would I do without you, Yumi-ah?


Soon enough, we were already walking around Everland, looking for something to ride on.

"Hmm. Where should we go? Definitely no roller coasters anymore!" Yumi-ssi chuckled.

"I definitely agree!" I beamed out.

In the distance, I saw one of those popular stuffed toy vending machines in the distance.

"Ah! Why don't we play that?"

I pulled Yumi-ssi towards the machine, and soon enough, we were doing everything that we could to get a tiny stuff toy from the money-eating machine.

"Aish! This is totally unfair!" Yumi-ssi pouted and kicked the machine with her right foot.

Oh come on. I wanna hug you, you little baby.

"Here! I almost have one!" I yelled out as one tiny stuffed toy was about to fall on the hole already.

"Yes, yes, yes!!" Yumi-ssi screamed and jumped all over the place as we won the tiny stuffed toy.

*sigh* She's really something special.

I picked up the gift from the machine and gave it to her.

"Oh-" she stared surprisingly at the stuffed animal.

"It's a kangaroo!" she shouted.

"Mmm." I nodded and beamed to see her happy with the object in her hands.

"It's actually your animal chibi from Super show 2, right Kyuhyun-ssi?"

I suddenly remembered our performance for the song 'Carnival', and indeed, I was a kangaroo at that time.

Maybe, it was fate? 

"Too bad though, I wanted to get the horse right there." she pointed to the stuffed horse on the machine.

Is this one of your rejections, again?

"But, it's okay, I have this kangaroo, right?" she beamed and put the kangaroo in her bag.

You didn't even think I'd get hurt with your comment? Aish. You're the one who's clueless, Jung Yumi.


It was almost 6 in the afternoon, and the sun is going to set soon.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, why don't we watch the sunset from the ferris' wheel?" she pointed to the huge ferris' wheel in front of us.

Hmm. that seems like a good idea.

"Hmm. Okay."

"Great!" she pulled my arm and dragged me towards the big ride.

Before I knew it, we were already moving up in the ferris' wheel.

The ferris' wheel stopped in the middle.

I'm glad that we picked the right one to get into, since we were already at the highest peak of the theme park.

The sun started to set right in front of us, the clouds became thinner and thinner, and let the fiery red sun be clearly seen from our view.

The sky then turned into a beautiful, fiery orange, it almost seemed like the angels had spread lava into the sky of the earth.

"It's so beautiful." Yumi-ssi whispered beside me.

I looked at the girl sitting right beside me.

Her eyes twinkling with bliss and happiness, wide open in awe and amazement.

"Yes. It is beautiful."

It is beautiful, Yumi-ssi.

You are so, amazingly beautiful.


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
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PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee