Getting "Umma's" Approval?

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Yumi's POV=


It was a Saturday today, which meant that I was supposedly at work by now.

But here I am, still in my room, 

digging through my closet, trying to look for something appropriate to wear for tomorrow.

If I was a normal, teenage girl, I'd be in the mall shopping for dresses and heels by now.

But come on, their album sales come first.

I was not going to sacrifice the album just to buy a stupid dress, arasso?

"Ugh. What should I wear?"

I've been in here for almost the whole morning already.

"Jung Yumi, aren't you going to work today?" My mother peeped in the door, curious of what I was doing.

"Aniyo, I took a sick leave today. I'm...a bit busy."

"Why? What are you doing?" 

Should I really be telling my mother what's about to happen to me?

Hmm. Worth a shot.

"Well..cause, I kinda have this birthday party I'm going to attend to."

"So? Since when did you care about how you look anyway?"

Was I really that careless back then?

"Aniyo, it's not just a normal birthday party. It's a Super Junior member's birthday party, umma!" I can't help but grin wide with what I just told her.

Never in my wildest dreams could this have happened to me.

To make matters bigger, It was even my oppa who invited me.

My oppa. Kekeke~ 

I'm starting to feel more and more possessive here.

"Really? Kyuhyun-ssi invited you?" My mother smiled at me with hope in her eyes.

Aish. What's with her and her obvious for Kyuhyun-ssi anyway?

"What? Aniyo. It was not Kyuhyun-ssi, It was...Siwon oppa who invited me." 

"Siwon oppa? Who's that?"

Ugh. Umma!

"Siwon oppa is my bias from Super Junior, umma. He's the one I'm going to marry, remember?"

I chuckled at my psychic skills.

Yes. Psychic skills.

Cause I know that it's gonna happen someday.


"What?! What about Kyuhyun-ssi! He looks really sincere, Jung Yumi."

"Umma! Don't say that! Kyuhyun-ssi's only my best friend. I don't have that kind of feelings for him, and of course he doesn't either!" I felt my cheeks burn hot at her comment.

"Aish. Why are you denying it? Your father and I could see that you have feelings for each other." she exclaimed happily.

What?! Feelings for each other??


"Alright alright, I'll leave you to your business now. Don't forget to clean this mess up, arasso?" she reminded as she left my room.

Me and Kyuhyun-ssi? Feelings for each other? Denying it?

What is she saying!

My heart unwillingly pounded hard on my chest as I thought about it,

something started to feel uneasy inside of me,

such a weird, unknown feeling...

Something I now felt whenever I thought of my unsure feelings for Kyuhyun-ssi.

I don't want to feel this way, I don't want to.

I don't want our friendship to be ruined, I just can't...ruin this.

I continued to look for a nice-enough dress as I tried to ignore what I was feeling.

At that moment, my father came in my room.

"Yumi-ah, I heard that you were looking for something to wear?" 

"Yes, appa." I answered back without taking my eyes off the lump of clothes in my bed.

"Well, I was able to earn some extra money from my job last week. Want to go look for something nice?" he exclaimed joyfully.


"Of course! You know I can't let my baby girl down, right?" appa tenderly smiled at me.

Really. I have the best parents in the world.


After a few minutes, we arrived in the mall.

Umma wasn't able to go with us since she had some work to finish, so my appa came with me.

Appa told me to not hesitate and just try on anything I like.

After about 30 minutes, I had about 5 dresses in my hands.

I tried them all on, but none of them seemed to look good enough for me.

I was looking for a dress that would make me look good, but at the same time would also feel like me.

"Yumi-ah, aren't you done yet~?" My appa cooed as he sat down one of the benches outside of the dressing room.

*sigh* Sorry, appa.

I quickly went out of the dressing room and put back all the clothes I got.

"Let's go appa, I didn't find anything. I think I'll just get something from my closet after all." 

"What?! Come on, just look for something. Here, I'll help you." 

Appa stood up and dragged me to the women's section.

He browsed the clothes in every rack, and after a few minutes, got me a full get up to wear.

Appa got me to try on a simple, blue and white blouse paired with white pants.

It wasn't very flashy or anything, it looked simple and pretty.

Just perfect.

I decided to buy the outfit and head back home.

Appa and I was on the bus when I checked my phone.

I opened my home screen, and saw that I missed a call.

Of course it was from Kyuhyun-ssi.

Why did he call? Did...something happen to him?

Anxiety filled my body as I quickly typed in and sent him a message.

"Kyuhyun-ssi? Why? did something happen to you? What's wrong?"

I nervously waited for his reply.

Every ticking of the clock made me feel like someone was stabbing on my chest.

"Yumi-ssi! Aniyo. Nothing bad happened. I just wanted to ask you why you're not at home? ^^"

*sigh* Nothing happened. That's good.

"I just went out with Appa. Why?"

"Oh nothing. I'm actually at your house right now. Kekeke. ^.^"


=Kyuhyun's POV=


I rang the doorbell excitedly as I waited for Yumi-ssi to open the door.

For some reason, I just felt like I wanted to visit Auntie and Uncle.

After a few seconds, Auntie opened the door.

"Oh- Kyuhyunnie! What brought you here?"

"Good Afternoon Auntie, I just wanted to visit since I had nothing for my schedule anyway." I smiled at her motherly look.

"Aigoo you little kid. Come in."

I was pulled in the house and dragged to the kitchen.

I looked around, and there seems to be no sign of Yumi-ssi.

"Auntie, where's Yumi-ssi?"

"Oh, she went out to look for a dress with her appa." auntie exclaimed while proceeding to her baking.

"Dress? Why does she need a dress?" I curiously asked.

"Well, she told us that she was going to the party you were setting up for your member. She wanted to look good, you know. For that Siwon guy." auntie rolled her eyes.

Look good? how come you never buy a dress whenever we meet.

"Ohh. I guess she really likes Siwon hyung." I couldn't help but pout at what I just said.

"Yah Cho Kyuhyun, it's okay. Don't give up, Uncle and I like you more than him." Auntie chuckled.

What? How did she know that?!

"A-aniyo! I'm just Yumi-ssi's best friend, auntie." I gave out a forced laugh.

Ugh. Am I that obvious?

I hope she doesn't notice my nervous laugh though.

"Arasso. But if you ever change your mind, I'm letting my daughter marry you." Auntie exclaimed as she looked into my eyes sincerely.

Oh no.

Auntie's such a genius.

"HAHAHA. Y-yes." 

Jung Yumi, where are you? Save me from your mom baby girl!

That felt good. 

Baby girl. MUAHAHAHA~

I dialled Yumi-ssi's number and called her up. She wasn't answering, I guess she was still looking for a dress.

*sigh* Guess I'm stuck with Umma- I mean, Auntie.

A few minutes later, Yumi-ssi texted me.

"Kyuhyun-ssi? Why? did something happen to you? What's wrong?"

Hmm? Is she...worried about me?


"Yumi-ssi! Aniyo. Nothing bad happened. I just wanted to ask you why you're not at home? ^^"

"I just went out with Appa. Why?"

Oh, so you're with 'Appa'. 

"Oh nothing. I'm actually at your house right now. Kekeke. ^.^"

She didn't reply after that. 

Why? Don't you want me visiting you?

"Kyuhyunnie, why don't you help me design this cake?" Auntie handed me the icing pipe.

"Oh. arasso."


"We're home!" Yumi-ssi dashed in the kitchen and looked for us.

"Welcome back, Yumi-ssi!" I exclaimed happily as I showed her what I decorated.

I wrote on the cake the words:

"Auntie, Uncle, Yumi, and Kyuhyun. One Happy Family~"

I was actually expecting Yumi-ssi to punch me or slap me upon seeing it,

but Yumi-ssi's reaction was something that I did not expect. At all.

She couldn't hold in her smile as soon as she read the writings, I don't know if I just imagined it, but I think that I just saw her cheeks blush a little.

Yumi-ssi liked it?


"D-did you do this?" she looked at me with her big, mesmerizing eyes.

I felt my cheeks turn crimson at her piercing, curious look towards me.

"M-mmm." I mumbled as I looked away.

Aish. Please don't ask me why I did this. Please. Please.

"T-thank you."


(A/N: OMG GUYS. Are you ready for the return of the kings??! 30 minutes to go before M!Countdown!! :3 GAAAAHHDDD. I couldn't wait anymoreee. Update before their comeback starts! <3 Hope you like the new chapter~ Comments are loved~)

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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
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PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee