Kyuhyun's idea...

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Yumi's POV=


"Appa! Umma! I'm going now!" I dashed towards the door and quickly put on my sneakers.

"You're going now? It's only 11:30. I thought it'll start at 7pm?" My mother asked.

"Well the gates would open at 3pm umma, and if I want to get there easily I have to be early cause there are also lines to get inside the venue."

"Oh well, I don't even know how you got the money for that ticket. Just make sure it's not from your appa! Take care." she exclaimed.

"Have fun Yumi-ah! Take care, okay?" My father called from their room.

"Okay appa!"

"Don't forget to bring a jacket or umbrella! The sky looks a bit dark, it might rain later." he worriedly said.

Rain? I looked out the window to see the sky turning into a really dark shade of grey.

Hmm. But it'll be too bothersome to bring an umbrella, I might not be able to bring it inside the venue anyway. Whatever, I might get inside the venue right away, and I don't think the rain will pour that soon, right?

I went outside and started to run to the bus stop.

"Please, don't rain any sooner. Please. Please."

The bus finally arrived. I hurriedly swiped my bus card and sat in the seat nearest to the exit. Our house was about 20 minutes away from the concert venue. I had to ride the bus for 15 minutes, and walk to the venue which is just a few blocks away from the bus stop. 

Which means I still had to walk, and if it rained, my get up would most likely get ruined.

Of course, I am a loyal fan. I actually wore something proper for the concert.

Sapphire Blue shirt that says 'Super Junior forever' on it, Siwon light stick hanging around my neck, Sapphire Blue socks, Sapphire Blue undergarments...and well, I know this might sound ridiculous, but I was also wearing Sapphire Blue pants. Yes, you heard it right, Sapphire Blue pants, i tell you. 

I wanted to blend in with the Sapphire Blue sea okay?!? I actually think it looks good on me, hmm. Okay, I feel like a total idiot now.

After a few moments of silence, I heard a loud roar from the sky.

Oh crap, this is it. All hell broke loose.

I heard gentle drops of water on the bus, and after five seconds, it was raining cats and dogs.

Oh come one, is this my punishment for lying to my umma? I have to get off on the next stop, ugh. I should've listened to appa about that umbrella.

"Please get off using the rear exit!" The driver called as the bus drifted to a stop.

Okay, 1..2..3...Go!

You went out of the bus and ran for it.

After a few seconds, you were drenched with water while running towards the venue. And it was still 5 blocks away.

Okay, I feel so stupid.

But, whatever! I don't care anymore if I get soaked in rain, this is for seeing my oppa!

And there you ran as fast as you could, not minding the rain that kept streaming down your face and body.

=Kyuhyun's POV=


"Okay guys, get all the stuff you need to bring for later. We're leaving in 3 minutes." Manager hyung mumbled.

"Oh, we're leaving now?" But I'm still playing Starcraft! I'm seriously gonna need to concentrate in this desperate moment.

"Yes we are, fix all your stuff now. Yah Kyuhyun! stop playing. We have to go."

Aish...Hyung is seriously getting on my nerves these days.

"Hey Ryeowookie, could you put my laptop in the bag for me? I have to go pee."

Ugh, Ryeowookie? Why the hell did I just call him that?!

"Oh okay okay." Ryeowook answered.

I ran to the restroom and came back quickly. All the members were ready to leave, excited to leave, as a matter of fact. I checked to see my laptop and my things arranged neatly in my bag.

"Thanks." I nudged Ryeowook's arm.

He smiled back and nodded. 

I looked around but found no clothes in the room.

"Teukie hyung! Where are our clothes?" I curiously asked.

"They said the stylists and our clothes are at the venue already, so we need to hurry up to get there on time, and get ourselves fixed and ready for later." He beamed, probably because of the thought of seeing all the fans.

"Okay guys, let's go!" 

We went down the elevator. Yes, all 10 of us, with the manager. We did fit in the elevator.

As soon as we went to the basement, the van was already waiting for us. Each member prepared their stuff and went in. I nervously checked all my stuff, I actually think I'm missing something, what could it be?

"Oh-" I held my pocket and felt that my phone wasn't with me.

"I left my phone upstairs. You guys go ahead, I'll just grab a taxi." 

"Aish, you maknae. Let's go!" I heard Manager hyung as the door closed and the van started to drive away.

I hurriedly ran back to the building, dashed into the elevator, got out, and finally saw my phone on the table.

"Aish, Ryeowook didn't even tell me!"

I told one of the guard to call a taxi for me, and after a few moments, I was able to get one.

"Olympic Gymnastics Arena, please drive faster."

The driver nodded and we started to move towards the highway.

*Sigh* It was going to be a tiring evening again, but this is almost over. After tonight's show, we'll have one final show tomorrow and finally wrap up the Super Show 4 world tour.

I was almost half asleep when the loud thunder made me jolt up from my seat.

After a few seconds, the rain started pouring.

*good thing I'm already a few blocks away from the venue, or I'll be stuck in traffic with this weather.*

I rested my head on my chin while looking outside the car window, bored as ever. And then at that moment, something suddenly caught my eye.

Wait, no no. Not something...more appropriately, someone caught my eye.

I saw a girl, an ELF *judging from the Super Junior forever written on her shirt* practically drenched and soaked in the rain, running through the sidewalks. She looked like she was literally thrown into a pool or something, or maybe got out from a swim with the look of her clothes. 

Well, besides that, there was another reason for me taking notice of her.

She was in an all Sapphire Blue get up. And I meant it when I said All Sapphire Blue.

Guess what, even her pants were Sapphire Blue.

Kekeke~ The things our ELF do for us.

I watched her closely, trying to see her face through the blur the rain was causing. I actually hated watching her be in misery while running in the cold, fighing through the rain.

Hmm. It looks like she has very pretty skin, her long brown hair drenched in water actually made her prettier, but her full bangs were getting in the way of her face. 

"Tsk. Couldn't see clearly...Why is this pretty ELF running in the rain anyways?"

And right there, an idea hit me.

"Stop the car!" 


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
PieLife #4
PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee