Nagging Yumi~

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Kyuhyun's POV=


After one week of torture in Busan, we're finally back in Seoul.

Can't believe I'm still breathing, after not being able to talk or even just text Yumi-ssi after a week.

I couldn't even text her secretly, since Manager hyung kept all of our phones, and basically everything we have with him.

But, the trip wasn't all awful.

We had a great time bonding with each other, swimming, keeping in track with our lives.

It was nice you know, how we can relax and just spend time with each other,

after so many years of blood, sweat, and tears, we're still here, Super Junior.

But still, not being able to contact Yumi-ssi was another thing.

Manager hyung finally gave us our phones back, and I immediately ran to my room, locked the door, and dialled Yumi-ssi's number.

After what seemed like forever, she didn't answer her phone.

"Come on, Yumi-ssi. Please pick up, please.."

Could she still possibly be at work? But it's already 10 in the evening. Sleeping? It's friday, why the heck would she be sleeping when there's no classes tomorrow.

I dialled her number again and tried to call her, but for the umpteenth time, she didn't answer.

Could something bad have happened?

What if she's in trouble right now?

Oh God, Jung Yumi. Please answer my calls.

After more than a hundred unanswered phone calls, I decided to just head to their house.

I was getting anxious already, what else could have been a better idea?

I would practically kill myself if something happened to Yumi-ssi while I was gone.

After what seemed like forever, I finally arrived outside of their house.

I hurriedly ran up and rang the doorbell for a few times.

Couple of seconds later, Yumi-ssi's father opened the door.

"Oh, Kyuhyun-ssi, what are you doing here? It's past 11 o'clock already."

"Good evening sir, sorry for the bother. I just came to check up on Yumi-ssi, since she's not answering my phone calls. Is she in her room right now?"

"Yes, but she's probably sleeping already, if she's not picking up your phone calls anymore."

"Oh, is that so? I'm sorry for waking you up. I guess I'll go now."

"Okay, take care."

*sigh* I thought something bad had happened to her, I guess she's just sleeping.

I hope she's not mad at me or anything..


I checked the clock, and it was already 9 in the morning.

It was a Saturday today, so by now she's probably working in the noodle house already.

I took a quick shower, put on a decent casual attire, and went out as I wanted to take Yumi for a date today.


Kekeke~ I needed to make up for the days I was lost, right?

I stepped inside the bus, feeling all giddy and excited as I was going to see Yumi-ssi after what seemed like forever.

That was actually only a week, but whatever.

A few minutes later, I arrived in the noodle house.

I made sure that no one would recognize me, and after a flash, proceeded towards the restaurant.

I came in, grinning widely like a fool.

Oh come on, my heart just can't stop screaming her name, alright?

I sat down on one of the tables, and looked around the restaurant. Looking for the familiar face that would make my heart jump and scream like a mad man.

Hmm. Where is she?

After checking the faces of almost each and every person in the room, there was no sight, or even a shadow of Yumi-ssi.

Could she have not gone to work today?

I decided to stay there and wait for her, maybe she was just late or something.

After a while, I saw her walking down from the kitchen with the all too familiar tray of noodles in her hands.

She was the only person I knew who could make that trashy uniform transform and look like designer couture.

"Yumi-ssi!" I stood up and immediately walked down beside her. She remained silent and served the drinks without even bothering to look at me.

Didn't she see me?

"Yumi-ssi! How are you?"

She turned to go and went inside the kitchen.

Why? What happened to her?

I dashed into the kitchen without hesitation, and went up to Yumi-ssi who was preparing some orders in one corner.

"Yumi-ssi, why-"

"What do you want?" she cut me off and turned to give me a cold look.

"W-why? Did I do something wrong?"

What did I even do to her?!

"Aish. Idiot." I heard her mutter under her breath as she turned to go. Luckily, I caught her arm just in time and turned her to face me.

"Yumi-ssi! What's the problem? Did something happen? Did I do anything?" I begged in front of her, not letting go of her arm.

"That's exactly my problem. You didn't do anything. You didn't even contact me for a whole freaking week for Pete's sake! Didn't you even think that maybe I was worried about you?! You're so clueless!"

She pushed my hand away and went out of the kitchen rashly. All the other employees were now looking at me. 

Aish, these people.

I hurriedly went outside, grabbed the tray of food she was holding, put it down on a random table, and pulled her outside of the noodle house.

"W-What the hell are you doing?! Let go of me! Kyuhyun-ssi! Let g-"

I pulled her swiftly into my arms and hugged her. I sniffed her hair, and let her scent be buried in my mind and heart. 

"I missed you, Yumi-ssi." I whispered as I held her tightly in my arms.

She stood still for a few seconds, then she pulled me away from her.

"Missed me? You actually think I would fall for that?! I'm not dumb, Cho Kyuhyun! Give me a valid explanation of why you didn't even care to text me for a whole week."

Aish. She's currently acting like my girlfriend here, and I'm totally liking it. Kekeke~

I explained to her every bit of detail that happened as soon as she walked me to the dorm.

The manager, the vacation, the deal, and all those stuff.

"Please forgive me, I really have no control over those things! You know how my hyungs are, right?"

"You should've texted me before the deal started." she muttered while looking away.

Ugh. You adorable creature!

"I was planning to, but before I could even do that, manager hyung grabbed our phones already, and it was too late to get it back. Please, Yumi-ssi. i'm begging you, forgive me, huh?" I held her cheeks and looked straight into her eyes.


She held my wrists and put my hands down.

"I still have work." she coldly replied and left me alone in the streets.

Aish. Why did I even agree to that stupid deal?!

=Yumi's POV=


It was a busy Saturday morning in Joe's noodle house, and I have tons of work to do.

I heard that Kyuhyun-ssi went to our house last night, but whatever. I am not going to contact him. Hmph.

I was about to serve the drinks and orders to table 3, when a familiar voice suddenly called out my name.


Oh great. He's here.

I pretended like I didn't here anything as I put the drinks down on the customers' table.

"Yumi-ssi! How are you?"

I hurriedly went towards the kitchen, acting like I didn't see Kyuhyun-ssi.

The idiot went inside the kitchen and actually ran to my side.

"Yumi-ssi, why-"

"What do you want?" I cut him off before he could even say anything to me.

"W-why? Did I do something wrong?"

Ugh. Now he's acting like he's all innocent and I'm a bad guy here!? 

"Aish. Idiot." I hissed coldly.

"Yumi-ssi! What's the problem? Did something happen? Did I do anything?" 

there, I blew up.

"That's exactly my problem. You didn't do anything. You didn't even contact me for a whole freaking week for Pete's sake! Didn't you even think that maybe I was worried about you?! You're so clueless!"

I pushed his hand away and went out of the kitchen.

Now my co-employees are gonna think that that idiot is my boyfriend. God, I really feel like a nagging wife already!

All too sudden, he dropped the tray of orders on a table, grasped my hands, and pulled me outside of the restaurant.

"W-What the hell are you doing?! Let go of me! Kyuhyun-ssi! Let g-"

I was silenced by Kyuhyun-ssi when he suddenly pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly.

*sigh* I actually missed his scent.

"I missed you, Yumi-ssi." he affectionately whispered in my ear.

Crap. Jung Yumi, you are not falling for this!

I pushed him away and felt the fury travel up my body.

"Missed me? You actually think I would fall for that?! I'm not dumb, Cho Kyuhyun! Give me a valid explanation of why you didn't even care to text me for a whole week."

He paused for a little while and gave me a long explanation of what exactly happened to him.

Ugh. I hate this. I guess it wasn't entirely his fault.

"Please forgive me, I really have no control over those things! You know how my hyungs are, right?"

Still, he should've done something!

"You should've texted me before the deal started."

"I was planning to, but before I could even do that, manager hyung grabbed our phones already, and it was too late to get it back. Please, Yumi-ssi. i'm begging you, forgive me, huh?" his warm hands held my cheeks and sent fire throughout my body.

Why am I acting this way?


*sigh* I need some time to think first.

"I still have work." I turned around and went inside the noodle house.


After a few minutes later, manager oppa called me.

"Yumi-ssi, you may go now."

Go? But why? It's only 11 in the morning.

"W-why, manager oppa?"

"I thought you were going on a date with that rich, young man out there?" 


I saw Kyuhyun-ssi casually sitting on the table, waiting for me to get out of the kitchen

"I'm not going with him."

"Yah Jung Yumi, you are going with him. That young man just bought 500 orders of noodles and sent it to SM's building."


I dashed out of the kitchen, pulled Kyuhyun-ssi outside, and just lost it.

"just what are you trying to do to?! You ordered 500 noodles?! You think I'm gonna forgive you if you-"

I stopped when I saw the look on Kyuhyun-ssi's face.

He looked down and didn't even try to talk back to me. He just listened to all the stupid words that came out of my mouth.

Jung Yumi, what are you doing? You know that it's not his fault, but why are you still mad at him?

All the anger started to vanish, and all that was left in my heart was apology and pity.

I stared at him for a couple of minutes, and finally decided to clear my throat.

"Where are you planning to bring me anyways?" I whispered softly and looked away from him.

"Y-you forgive me now?" Kyuhyun-ssi's eyes lit up with hope.

"Mmm. Wait for me, I'll just change my clothes."

"A-Arasso!" he beamed out and grinned widely.

I went inside and changed my clothes, guilt flowed through my veins as I thought of what I did to him.

*sigh* I just let my emotions take over me.

I don't even know why I'm so mad about this small issue.

Aish. Pabo Yumi!


(A/N: I feel so touched with all the sweet comments~ :3 So I decided to do a double update tonight! Yeehee~ <3 Hope this chapter's long enough for your satisfaction. :O Kamsahamnidaaa! Xie Xie! Thank you! xDD)

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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
PieLife #4
PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee