
Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Kyuhyun's POV=


"You...come talk with me outside."

I could slowly feel all my blood gushing furiously up to my head.

Did that bastard hurt Sora?

Did he cheat on her?

Did he not give her proper attention?

I could almost kill someone right now.

I immediately stood up and pulled Sora outside of the room.

I felt Sora twitch a bit with my sudden pull, but I couldn't control my anger anymore.

I had to find out what he did to her.

I have to know that she's been okay all these years,

or else I would blame myself for the rest of my life for even allowing her to be married to a useless guy.

"K-Kyuhyunnie where are we going? You're hurting me."

I ignored every word that was going out of for the moment.

I continued to pull Sora, 

I didn't know where to go,

what to do,

I just felt the need to bring her somewhere.

Where she always used to bring me whenever I needed to escape the world for a while,

Whenever I felt like giving up...

The Playground.


"Remember when I used to be such a crybaby when we were young? Whenever someone used to bully me and just beat the crap out of me. You would always scold them, and tell them that you'll kill them if they hurt me in any way. Then after doing that, you'd immediately pull me out of there, with your big sister image, and bring me to the playground inside the village?"

"Cho Kyuhyun..."

"Don't worry, I'm here. Tell me everything, Kwon Sora."

"I-I..I missed you, Kyuhyunnie."

Sora-ssi broke down to tears and hugged me tightly in her arms,

I hugged her back, feeling the need to protect her from all the pain, all the hurt she was feeling.

It must have been hard on her,

Being in a country unfamiliar to you, 

Not knowing where to go,

Who to count on whenever you're hurt,

Yet the guy whom I thought would make her happy,

became the one who actually gave her the hardships she faced.

Why do I feel so affected?

Do I still love her?


I don't feel the same feeling that I do whenever I'm with Yumi-ssi.

But still,

she is a special person to me.

I loved her,

and she still is my best friend.

I had to take away her sadness, her sorrow.

Even at least for a day,

So I could eventually tell myself that I am a person who's worthy of being called her best friend,

A person who's worthy of saying that I used to be in love with her.


Sora-ssi wanted to play first before she told me of what really happened to her.

We played to our heart's content.

For a moment, I completely forgot all my problems and worries,

It felt like I was a kid again.

Ignorant to the hardships of the world,

Ignorant of sorrow,

Ignorant of love.

"Aigoo~ Let's stop for now. I feel so tired already!" Sora-ssi exclaimed.

"Thank God, I thought we'd play 'til midnight, I'm exhausted."

Sora-ssi laughed at my tired, almost-passed-out expression.

"So...should I tell you what happened?"

"Of course, tell me everything."

"Hmm. Where should I start? Well...we were really happy at first. New couple, new house, new surroundings."


"Then...things started to take a turn for the worse. I couldn't get a proper job, he was always busy with his, which is probably the reason why even though we kept trying, I couldn't get pregnant. His parents eventually had doubts about our marriage, and after a few more months, I found out that he had an affair with his co-worker, and that she was already carrying their 5-month old baby. I...didn't have any choice but to file for a divorce and eventually leave."


"Sorry? why are you saying sorry? It was my choice anyway, maybe we just...weren't meant to be."

"If I had just stopped you, this wouldn't have happened."

"Even if you did try to stop me, I don't know if you would have succeeded." Sora-ssi giggled softly.

I wonder what could have been,

If you didn't leave,

If I confessed my love for you back then,

Would it still be the same as now?

Would it have been better for the both of us?

I wonder what my life could have been,

If I hadn't met Yumi-ssi.

"You're..in love with Yumi-ssi, right?"

"Oh- how did you know?"

"Kyuhyunnie, did you just forget that I am your best friend? How could I not notice."

"Well...I guess so." I couldn't help but smile with the thought of Yumi-ssi entering my head.

"She's your first love, right Kyuhyunnie?" Sora-ssi curiously peeked into my eyes.

Kwon Sora,

you really didn't know.

"First love? A-Aniyo."

"Really?! Who could it be? From SM entertainment!?"

"N-no! It's..."

Should I really be telling this now?

"It's...actually you."

For a moment, I thought I could hear crickets in the air with the silence going on.

Sora-ssi continued to look into my eyes with a shocked expression, almost as if she can't believe what I just told her.

After a few more seconds, Sora-ssi finally spoke up.


"It's okay, we would've been better as friends anyway. Besides, if we happened to be together I wouldn't have met-"


Sora-ssi cut me off as she pressed her lips down into mine.

This kiss...

I remembered how I used to dream of it eight years ago.

How she would finally realize that she's the one for me,

How she would kiss me in a playground, while the stars in the sky twinkle and join our bliss and happiness.

How we would eventually be together, and have as many kids as we wanted.

How we would grow old together, and eventually die in each others' arms.

I used to dream about this almost everyday,

But somehow...

I don't feel anything with this kiss at all.

As if...

It's unrecognizable.

Almost like...a stranger's lips kissing mine.

Now, I realize,

Everything does change,

When you meet the one for you,

When you know she's the one for you,

She'll be the only one making you feel the feeling you've been searching for.

Sora-ssi pulled back as she realized that I wasn't giving back the kiss she gave me.

After a while, she giggled and took my hand into hers.

"Wanna go back now? Yumi-ssi might be looking for you already."

"O-oh. Arasso."

=Yumi's POV=


It had been three hours since Kyuhyun-ssi and Sora-ssi left, but neither of them went back yet.

Why do I have this uneasy feeling inside me?

With Kyuhyun-ssi's reaction,

Is he, perhaps, still in love with her?

"Yumi-ah?" Siwon oppa called out.

"Oppa, I'm here."

"What are you doing here all alone? Are you waiting for Kyuhyun?"


For some reason, I feel my stomach turn upside down with the mere mention of Kyuhyun-ssi's name.

"What's wrong? You don't look so well. Did something happen?"

"Well...oppa. I don't know what's happening to me, I was okay with Sora-ssi a while ago, but then when I heard that..that Kyuhyun-ssi actually had feelings for her, I don't know why I suddenly felt uneasy..and a bit hurt."

Siwon oppa chuckled and stated, "You're obviously jealous."


"You're scared that Kyuhyunnie might still have some feelings for Sora-ssi, and that he might realize that and leave you even though you haven't told him that you love him yet."

Is it really because of that?

Because of that...my heart feels like it's being cut to pieces right now?

"I-I really don't know anymore, oppa."

"Want me to tell you what to do?" Siwon oppa whispered.

"Yes. What should I do?"

"Do what your heart tells you to."

What my heart tells me to...

I dashed out of the cabin and ran to the woods,

I ran everywhere I thought of,

Everywhere that Kyuhyun-ssi and Sora-ssi could have gone to.

I ran for almost thirty minutes,

gasping for air as I caught my breath,

not stopping until I see Kyuhyun-ssi and finally tell him what I feel about him.

I have to do this now, 

I can't let this go on any longer.

I...love you too, Kyuhyun-ssi.

I've always wanted to tell you this.

Please don't leave me...

Please stay with me,


Finally, I heard Kyuhyun-ssi's voice on the other side of the road.

I opened the bushes and saw him talking to Sora-ssi in the playground.

I decided to just wait for them to finish talking,

When suddenly,

Sora-ssi went up to Kyuhyun-ssi and gave him a kiss.

I felt my world...just crash down beneath my feet.

As if I was numb,

Almost like there was...no feeling anymore.

Tears started to stream down my face as I turned away and ran towards nowhere.

The cold wind smashed my face filled with tears as I ran away from the intimate scene,

My legs almost felt like it had no power to continue anymore,

but I couldn't stop. I just felt like running away...

Runnning away from everything...

Running away from the pain.

My legs ran out of energy as I knelt down in the middle of the beach, 




But there was nothing I could do about it.

I didn't even tell him what I feel about him.

Is this my punishment?

Is this my punishment for letting him wait too long?

Is this my punishment for not being honest about my feelings?

I couldn't take this...This is just. too harsh.

Please, I don't want this.

My mind went blank with every tear that fell from my eye.

My heart felt frozen, frozen even though it hurt so much.

I feel...dizzy.

I...I feel.....

That was when the world suddenly out.


(A/N: KyuMi's back. ^.^)

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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
PieLife #4
PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee