Challenge, accepted.

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Kyuhyun's POV=


"You...mean the world to me."

I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

I swear, I really did try.

I've been holding in this feeling for almost two months already,

and God knows how much I've endured every bit of pain and suffering from this stupid, foolish liking.

But I just couldn't anymore.

I couldn't pretend that I was okay with her regarding me only as a best friend.

I couldn't pretend that it was fine if she would end up with Siwon hyung and not even care about my feelings.

I couldn't pretend that I don't have any romantic feelings for her when in fact, 

I've been in love with her ever since the day we met.

I wanted to let her know already,

I wanted to let her see me as a man.

I wanted her to know that I do love her, more than she could ever imagine.

More than she could ever know.

More than anyone could ever know.

And now, 

I finally did it.

I confessed.

I confessed to her directly,

with one simple line.

One simple line that meant everything for me.

Did you hear it...Yumi-ssi?

My thoughts?

My feelings?


Please accept me. Please do.

I'd give everything to make you happy,

I'd give up everything if you'd want me to.


please meet me halfway?


I heard her voice croak with anxiety as she mumbled my name.

"I..I don't know. I don't know what to say..I'm."

Please Yumi, don't reject me.

"I..Please give me some time to think."

she softly answered as she pulled away from my hug.

She looked up into my eyes warily, 

and I felt my heart bleed with her uncertain answer.

"I-I'm not rejecting you..I just. Really, really need some time to think." she sincerely held my hand.

"I. I understand."

It's okay. I understand.

I do, I know you're not sure of your feelings yet. And I'm totally fine with that.


why does my heart feel like it wants to stop beating right now?

"Thank you..for understanding." she squeezed my hand into hers.

"Let's go home?" she peeked into my eyes and smiled heartily.

And at that moment,

A smile started to creep up into my lips as I saw her blissful image.

I then realized,

that I do love her,

I truly, sincerely love her.

With all my heart,

all my soul,

and all my mind.

And I know that as long as she's happy, 

that's what matters.

So, whatever decision she would make, 

I totally respect that.

It's her happiness that's important to me, right?

At least she gave me a chance,

she didn't reject me.

She's still giving me time to prove myself, isn't she?

I still have hope, right?

"Mmm." I mumbled as I started to walk her back home.


I decided not to go straight to the dorms after bringing Yumi-ssi home.

I needed some time to think.

I needed advice.

I needed help from my friend.

I decided to call Changmin and asked him out to talk.

Good thing he's not too busy yet these days, he just finished all his schedules for last month.

A few minutes later, I arrived at the bar where I was going to meet him.

My best friend was already waiting on the private room as soon as I arrived.

"Oh- Kyuhyun-ah!" he immediately went up to me and gave me a brotherly hug.

"I missed you! What's up? Did something bad happen?" he asked as we went to sit down on one of the couches.

"Not really something bad...I just. I confessed to Yumi-ssi."

"WH-WHAT?!" his eyes opened wide as he almost spit his drink onto my face.

Hehehe. This Pabo never fails to make me feel better.

"Y-you did? I mean, dude. How? What did she say? Don't tell me, SHE REJECTED YOU?!"

"Aniyo. She didn't." I calmly answered.

"But, she didn't tell me yes too."

"Wait, let me guess. She told you to give her some time to think, right?"

*sigh* he's really an expert when it comes to these things.

I simply nodded.

"Aish. Yah Cho Kyuhyun, that's not a bad thing man! That actually means that she's giving you a chance! She's just not certain of her true feelings yet."

"I know..but I just can't seem to know her real feelings. What if...she keeps me waiting for something that's..non-existent? What if I'm just fooling myself that I do have a chance with her? What if...I keep waiting. Waiting for...nothing."

I felt my heart torn into pieces as I thought about it.

"Cho Kyuhyun, do you really think, that this Jung Yumi, who's claiming you as her one-and-only best friend, could do that to you?"

And there, I felt someone just punch my senses back to me.

"I mean. Dude, do you trust her? Do you trust her enough to even doubt that she's just doing these just to hurt you in the end?"

No. No.

I'm not doubting her.

I love her, and I can't do that.

"And besides, if she even feels at least something for you, you'd probably notice it, even with a few hints, it's impossible that she's never shown you her affection. Come on, think. Do you sometimes feel like she's finally gotten some feels for you?"

"Well..yeah. She does give me some affection that's unusual of her sometimes. And..."

The feel of her lips when she kissed me back...

tenderly, dearly, and sincerely.

"She..kissed me back."


Oh right, I forgot to tell him.

After calming down for a few minutes, Changmin continued to wake my senses up.

"Come on dude! Isn't that even enough reasons to keep on fighting for her? If she doesn't like you, she wouldn't have even kissed you back in the first place."

Well, I guess so.

"So..what should I do?"

"Yah. Did you even listen to all the blabbering I was doing just now?"

Ugh. I don't even know what to do anymore.

Changmin's phone soon rang, I could hear their manager scolding him about being late for a schedule and to go home early for their flight tomorrow.

"Arasso. I'm with a friend. I promise I'd go home in a while. I know! God i'm not a kid anymore. Okay. Okay. Bye."

Changmin then hung up, and with a serious look on his face,

held my arms with his two hands and looked straight into my eyes.

"Cho Kyuhyun. Listen to me closely and let each word sink in to that big head of yours."

"One, YOU. You stupid, foolish, love-struck man. You still have a chance with Yumi-ssi.

Two. DON'T. And I say don't give up yet. You're going to miss what might probably be the best chance of your life if you do.

and Three, start doing your BEST. Make her realize how much she means to you. Give her everything you've got, until you've got nothing anymore. So that even if she tells you that her decision is no, you yourself know that you have nothing to regret for."

And with that, he stood up and left me speechless in that dark, empty room.

But even with the cold, dark surroundings,

Inside me,

a flame started to burn with enthusiasm and anxiety.

A burning sensation that tells me to start doing it.

Arasso, challenge accepted.

I, Cho Kyuhyun.

Am not giving up on you, Jung Yumi.

Even if you push me away,

even if everyone in this world abandons me,

I will never give up on you until you give me your final decision.

Until the day the girl I love the most in this world says yes,

I am never accepting defeat.



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Chapter 7 is up! :DD hope you guys like it!


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
PieLife #4
PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee