Just my Normal Oppa

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Yumi's POV=


I took a quick shower and prepared to sleep,

when my phone suddenly vibrated which signalled the message I've been waiting for.

Aish. What took him so long to contact me?

I opened his message and was shocked as I read it word by word.

"Yumi-ssi! Are you still awake? My hyungs are inviting you to come sleep here tonight if you want to, but if you don't then it's totally fine too."







What else could have been more perfect than that?!


"Aniyo! I'm not yet asleep, and yes! I wanna sleep there tonight. But, as long as I have my own room, arasso? ^^"

I stood up and changed to my pants and sweatshirt as I took the last bus ride to their dorm.

I arrived there in no less than 15 minutes.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, I'm here at the lobby. Could you come get me?"

Soon enough, one security guard went up to me and asked,

"Are you Ms. Jung Yumi?"

He brought me up and led me to the elevator as soon as I nodded to his obvious question.

Hmm. Kyuhyun-ssi must have called him.

"It's the room on the right, the one with many fan messages on the wall." The guard muttered as he opened the elevator and left me to walk outside.

"Thank you." I bowed in appreciation as I got off.

"Yumi-ssi! Yumi-ssi!" I heard someone whispering and calling my name.

Where is that?

"Yumi-ssi!" I saw Kyuhyun-ssi with his cap, mask, and shades peeking through the small slits of the door as he motioned for me to run.

What the!?

Is it really this chaotic here?

I walked faster and made sure that no one saw me as I entered Super Junior's dorm.

I was greeted by everyone as soon as I went in.

"YUMI-SSI! WE MISS YOU!" Donghae-ssi went up to me and gave me a big hug.

Aww. Everyone waited for me to arrive!

"Yah yah hyung that's enough." Kyuhyun-ssi stated as he pulled Donghae-ssi away from me.

"Yah Cho Kyuhyun!" Donghae-ssi eyed Kyuhyun angrily.

Kekeke~ I'm starting to feel so happy here.

"Our turn our turn!" Wookie-ssi stated as he held out his wide-open arms for me.

Why do I feel like a mom here?

"YIPEEE~" Wookie-ssi cheered as I made my way towards him.

"Oh is she Yumi-ssi?" I heard a deep, husky voice say.

Oh- that voice?

I turned around and saw Kangin-ssi in his bath towel, just got out from the shower, half-.


Okay. I gotta admit I was left speechless by his hairy chest.

"HYUNG!!" Every member shouted on Kangin-ssi as they covered my eyes hurriedly and pushed Kangin towards the room.

Why do these guys seem overly protective today?

"Arasso Arasso, it's late already. Why don't you let Yumi-ssi rest in her room now?" Teukie oppa came in and calmed the other members down.

Finally. Thank you Teukie oppa!

"But...Aish. Fine." Yesung-ssi muttered under his breath.

"I'll bring her to her room!" Sungmin-ssi volunteered enthusiastically.

"Don't even think about it hyung." Kyuhyun-ssi went behind me, grabbed my waist, and led me to the room on the right of the living room.

He opened he door to a brightly lit room, with a clean desk and newly-prepared sheets for the bed.

"You could fix your things first, I'd just be outside if you need anything."

"Arasso, I'll just take a shower then I'll be right outside."

"Oh okay." 


I quickly wore my pajamas as I dried my hair quickly with the blow dry.

Kyuhyun-ssi must be sleepy now.

I then heard a loud man's voice call out from outside my room.

"Hey guys!! I'm back!"

"Hyuuuuung~!" I heard Kyuhyun-ssi call out.

Siwon oppa!

I hurriedly unplugged the blow dry as I dashed out of the bedroom.

"OPPA!" I found myself jumping and hugging Siwon oppa as soon as I saw him.

"Oh- Yumi-ah! Why are you here?"

"They told me to sleep here tonight!" I answered as I continued to hug oppa tightly.


We hugged for a few seconds more,

until I caught Kyuhyun-ssi intentionally looking away from the intimate scene in front of him.

Aish. Pabo Yumi!

I immediately pulled away from Siwon oppa as I cleared my throat and looked at Kyuhyun-ssi's displeased reaction.

Oh no. Don't misunderstand, Kyuhyun-ah!

Siwon oppa's just like a big brother to me,

nothing more!

And, I don't know why,

but I do feel that Siwon oppa knows that too.

"I-I'm a bit thirsty. Could you go with me to the kitchen, Kyuhyun-ah?"

"Me? Oh. Arasso." he jerked as he heard me call his name.

Aish. You fool.

You didn't even notice that I called you "Kyuhyun-ah"

We walked towards the kitchen as i saw Siwon oppa chuckle at me as we passed by.

Kekeke~ Sorry oppa~

"Here." Kyuhyun-ssi handed me the glass of water as he watched me drink it.

"Uhm. Thank you."




"Do you wanna go to sleep now?" Kyuhyun-ssi asked as he rubbed his eyes.

Oh. He must be sleepy.

"Oh sorry! You could sleep now if you want to, I...wanna talk to Siwon oppa for a bit."

Crap. Crap.

What?! I really had something I need to talk about with him!

It would be worse if I didn't tell him the truth and he's see me with Siwon oppa on the couch.


"Oh okay."

he then left without uttering another word.

Oh come on my Kyuhyun-ah! 

How do you expect me to tell you my love problems?!

When It'll all probably about you anyway.

*sigh* FML.

"Yumi-ssi, what happened? Why did Kyuhyunnie go to sleep already?" Siwon oppa asked as I sat beside him in the couch.

"I don't know."

"Why? is there a problem, Yumi-ah?"

"Oppa..I don't know what to do anymore."

"Tell me. I think I could help you know." Siwon oppa winked and chukled lightly.

"Well..I'm too shy to say it." I whispered softly.

"it's about Kyuhyunnie, right?"

I hesitatingly nodded.

"I don't know how to tell him. It's just too hard, and too complicated. And I just feel like we've been too long like this, maybe it's better being friends. I don't wanna make a step that I'd eventually regret someday. Oppa, what should I do?"

"So, you love him, but you can't tell him? That's it?"


"That's easy. Just kiss him."


Kyuhyun-ssi then went out and went straight to the kitchen, walking fast as though we weren't there.

"Kekeke. Look at that guy, he's obviously going jealous as nuts now." Siwon oppa chuckled.


I peeked in as Kyuhyun-ssi shut the door of his room behind him.

"just wait Yumi-ssi, he'll come back later." Siwon oppa laughed as he whispered.

Siwon oppa continued to give me advices about Kyuhyun-ssi,

and like he said,

Kyuhyun-ssi kept going outside as he obviously pretended to grab something in the kitchen.

Kekeke~ Kyuhyunnie.

For the nth time, he shut the door behind him. But this time, the door banged, as if he shut it purposely harder.

"I think he's mad now." Siwon oppa muttered under his breath.

"Mad? Aniyo~ Uhm. Should i say goodnight?"

"YES! You should!" Siwon oppa pushed me towards Kyuhyun-ssi's door as he waved goodbye.

Oh no.

is he really mad?



I lightly knocked on Kyuhyun-ssi's door.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, can I come in?"


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Chapter 7 is up! :DD hope you guys like it!


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
PieLife #4
PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee