Meeting her Grandpa

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Kyuhyun's POV=


Few minutes later, we were already on the bus towards Yumi-ssi's grandfather.

Somehow, all the anxiety and nervousness that I was feeling earlier suddenly turned into excitement and bliss now, as I was watching Yumi-ssi tell countless stories about her grandfather.

This was the second time I saw her so happy while telling me something, her eyes were twinkling with love and happiness. Well the first time was actually when she told me how much she loves Siwon hyung, and that didn't really make me happy.

She told me everything about her loving grandfather.

How he was the one who took care of her ever since she was born.

How he changed her diapers when she pooped.

How he would make her stop crying whenever she did.

How he was the one who would bring her to her fist day in school.

How he fed her chocolate milkshakes for breakfast.

How he loved her as much as he loved himself.

I can tell that her grandfather was a very important person in her life, and I wish that I could at least gain his approval later.

I hope he'd like me.

"Oh. We're here!"

Yumi-ssi shot up from her seat and hurriedly got out of the bus. I followed her lead, and soon, we were walking our way to Yumi-ssi's grandfather.

We were walking in the streets, then Yumi-ssi suddenly turned right to a forest-like trail. 

What the?! Where is this place.

I found my heartbeat getting faster and faster as we got into the middle of the trail.

The road seemed to get darker and darker as we approached our destination.

We then turned left, and I saw what seemed like an old, abandoned house. One that you'll probably see in horror movies.

"Y-Yumi-ssi, are you sure we're going the right way?" I nervously muttered.

"Of course! I've been here for a million times already. Just follow me, Kyuhyun-ssi. We're almost there."

Her reassurance somewhat took all my doubt away, and I started to calm down as we continued to walk by the house.

Funny how her voice can make me go crazy at one moment, and let me calm down like a dog by the next moment.

After a few steps more, Yumi-ssi stopped walking.

We arrived in what seemed like the garden of the abandoned house I saw earlier.

"We're here, grandpa." Yumi-ssi whispered.

"W-we're here?"

I turned my head and looked around me to search for a person, but all I saw were old trees and plants around the area.

Yumi-ssi picked out a small candle from her bag, and lit it up with a lighter. She slowly placed the candle on the moss-covered ground.

"Grandpa's here, Kyuhyun-ssi. Look." 

I turned my head forward and looked at a huge mound in front of us. Below it, a marble stone shone under the candlelight with the words:

Jung Eunho

January 3, 1936 - July 13, 2011


Yumi-ssi turned to look at me, and slowly nodded.

I suddenly felt like my chest has been stabbed right through. 

I've always been happy to look at Yumi-ssi's twinkling eyes, but right now, it wasn't caused by happiness or bliss. 

Her eyes twinkled in the dark, as tears started to build up against them.

Yumi-ssi turned away from me and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"What the? Why am I acting this way? I-I'm sorry, Kyuhyun-ssi." she chuckled while wiping her tears away.

Don't. Don't say another word.

I cupped her face with both my hands and turned her face towards me. I wiped away the remaining tear falling on her cheek with my thumb. I looked straight into her eyes.

Her lips curled upwards as she forced a smile on her lips.


I pulled her tightly into my arms and hugged her.

I hugged her like I've never hugged any other person before.

I hugged her like it was the last moment of my life.

I hugged her like I mean it.

I hugged her like she was the most important person in the world to me.

Because as of now, she is the most important person in the world to me.

She held onto me and cried as hard as she could.

My shirt started to get wetter and wetter by the minute, but I didn't care.

All the sorrow, pain, and tears that she had been keeping up until now, she was pouring it all onto me.

From now on, I hope this would be the last time you cry, Yumi-ssi.

I'm never gonna let you get hurt again, ever.


We paid our respects to Yumi-ssi's grandfather, and prepared to say goodbye.

"Bye grandpa, I'll come back when I can. I love you." Yumi-ssi smiled as she turned to walk away.

We left the abandoned house and walked into the forest-like trail.

"So..that house was your grandfather's?"


I tried to pick up a conversation as we were walking, but failed to do so. Eventually, we walked into the trail without talking or even looking at each other.

As we arrived at the end of the trail, Yumi-ssi stopped and turned to me.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, I just..Thank you." she looked into my eyes with sincerity.

I told you before, there's no need to thank me, Yumi-ssi.

"Aniyo. Thank you for letting me meet your wonderful grandfather."

She looked at my eyes with appreciation, and for a moment I felt like time stopped for the both of us.

After a couple of seconds, something wet touched our hair.


Rain started to pour heavily on our faces.

"Aish! Come on Yumi-ssi!" 

I was about to run away, but was stopped by her warm grip on my wrist.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, you know what my grandpa and I used to do when it rained?" 


She turned me around to face her, put my hands around her waist, and slowly slid her arms around my neck.

"We used to dance!" she chuckled.

God. Just what are you planning to do to me, Jung Yumi? I'm going crazy already.

"Why don't you sing something, Kyuhyun-ssi?" 


(If you want to listen to Kyu's song:


We started to sway side by side as I sang to one of the OST songs I recorded, trying hard not to break my voice as we danced in the rain.

A million thoughts crossed my mind as I sang to her.


Just how long do you plan to keep doing this to me, Yumi-ssi?

One minute, my heart feels like it has been drowned underwater with your indirect rejection.

The other minute, my heart starts to float at your voice calling out to me.

Would you ever accept me as something more than a friend?

Would your heart ever feel the same way as I do?

Would fate also lead you to me, and not to anybody else? 

This heart of mine, it keeps on clinging to you.

However, I wouldn't do anything to stop it. you, Yumi-ssi.

I hope there comes a time, when you'll learn to love me too.


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Chapter 7 is up! :DD hope you guys like it!


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
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Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
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PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee