Yumi's Bad Day

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!


=Yumi's POV=


I quickly slung my bag on my back, got off the bus stop, and ran as fast as I could as the bell rang.

Oh shoot. Why did I stay up so late last night? I'm gonna be dead!

I ran up the stairs, jumping three steps at a time.

And my first class just had to be on the fifth floor, great. Just great.

After almost five minutes of running non-stop, I finally reached the door to my class.

I saw the professor writing down on the white board already.

This is my chance.

I slowly turned the door knob and made very light footsteps to the vacant seat at the back row.

"Ms. Jung, just in time. Since you're practically 10 minutes late, you are going to photocopy this book and give me 100 copies by noon. And I mean 12 o'clock sharp."

Great. What a way to start my day.

"Y-yes, I understand."


After bringing the book to the photocopying station, I proceeded to my next class.

*sigh* It's only 11 and I feel so tired already.

I got to my seat and plumped down as I waited for the professor to arrive. A few minutes later, the professor arrived.

"Okay guys, pass your term papers."

I searched for my ten-page term paper in my bag, but couldn't find it anywhere.

I was sure I put it in here somewhere, where could it have gone?

Oh God, please don't make this day worse.

After almost fifteen minutes of searching, dumping, and harassing my bag, I gave up.

I went to my professor and tried to ask him if I could pass it later.

"Aniyo. You, me. Detention. 3pm."

What the hell is wrong with this day?!

We were dismissed at 11:55.

Crap. Gotta pass it at 12 noon sharp!

I dashed out of the room, shoving every person that came across my way.

I immediately put the book, with it's 100 copies, on my professor's table. Trying to catch my breath while speaking.

"S-sir, h-here's..your..100 copies." 

"11:59, good. You may go."

Whew. That was close.

I shut the door behind me, and proceeded to my next class.

Good thing my next class went perfectly normal. It was a boring English subject anyway, so I decided to take a short nap.

Two hours flew by fast, and I headed to detention.

It was nothing much really. The teacher just ordered me around, told me to promise I will not fail again, made me create a two-page explanation of what happened, and I was dismissed by 4:30.

Waste of time. Yeah, that was what it was.

And now, I was late for work.


i swiftly dashed into the kitchen, wore my apron, and got to work. 

Good thing my boss came later than me, or else I would've needed to stay later than usual today.

I wrote down the orders, served the food, and cleaned the tables for three hours straight. Without taking a coffee break, or even a trip-to-the-restroom break.

It was finally time to close the shop, I picked up my things and headed for the door, when suddenly, my phone vibrated.

I opened the text message,

"Annyeong Yumi-ssi, mind if I walk you home again?"

I looked outside to see Kyuhyun-ssi standing and waiting for me.

I went out of the restaurant in a flash, and went straight up to him.

A huge smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw me.

"Hi Yu-"

"I actually had a very bad day today, Kyuhyun-ssi. On second thought, you could buy me ice cream instead."

I pulled his hand and ran towards my favorite ice cream parlor which was just around the corner.

=Kyuhyun's POV=


I actually feel a lot better today than I did yesterday.

Although my sore throat was still hurting, I could now talk and eat normally already.

My fever had also went down and my headache was no longer around as soon as I woke up.

See? What did I tell you?

She is my cure.

But I guess I did wake up a little later than usual today.

It was already 2 in the afternoon when I got out of bed.

Does she have work today? I wonder if she'll let me walk her home again.

I ate my, well apparently it was 'breakfast', while thinking of seeing Yumi-ssi again later.

I decided to play my beloved Starcraft first, just to kill some time.


I got off the bus and peeked in the noodle house.

It seemed like I was just in time, since the tables were already cleaned, and the employees were getting ready to get off work.

I picked my phone from my pocket and decided to text her, so as to not be a 'stalker' again.

"Annyeong Yumi-ssi, mind if I walk you home again?"

After a few seconds, she was already outside, running towards me.

My heart actually beat hard with every step she took.

Closer and closer, she was coming towards me.

The whole world seemed to move in slow motion as she walked towards me, with an inexplicable smile on her face.

Couple of seconds later, she stopped in front of me.


"Hi Yu-"

"I actually had a very bad day today, Kyuhyun-ssi. On second thought, you could buy me ice cream instead."

She cut me off and pulled my hand.

Why does she always do this?! Doesn't she know that she's giving me a heart attack every time she does this to me?

We ran off to a place only God-knows where, but somehow, I felt more safe in her touch.

After a few minutes of running, we were in front of an ice cream parlor.

"Come on!" she opened the door and led us in the brightly lit shop, not letting go of my hand yet.

If only I could stop time, I definitely would. I'd love to hold her hand like this forever.

She let go of my hand as she pointed to the ice cream of her pick,

"Chocolate chip cookie dough, please!"

"Coming right up!" the employee started scooping her ice cream gently.

"What about you, Kyuhyun-ssi?" she looked at me with her big, brown eyes and blinked a few times.

Ugh. Stop being so cute, Yumi-ah!

"I actually can't-"

"NO! I'm getting you one. Hmm. Strawberry please!"

*sigh* I can't eat ice cream. Whatever. Who knows? This sore throat might be gone with ice cream. Kekeke~


"I'm sorry for dragging you here, Kyuhyun-ssi. I just..I had a really bad day today and suddenly wanted to get some ice cream." she pouted.

Kekeke~ She's really a kid, who else would get ice cream to feel better nowadays?

I tried to take one spoon of my ice cream, and winced at the pain as soon as it touched my terribly inflamed throat.

"Why? you don't like it?" she curiously asked.

"A-aniyo. It's really good." I forced a smile to not disappoint her.

"So, what's so bad about your day?"

She then told me everything that went wrong on her day.

Her tardiness, the 100 copies, her term paper, basically every unlucky event that happened today.

God. She's too adorable. Now I can't take my eyes off her. 

"Ah! got it!" she shot up from her seat.

"What is it, Yumi-ssi?" 

"You know what I always do when I have bad days?" she grinned excitedly.


"I go to visit my grandpa! Heehee~ I'm gonna introduce you to him, he'll love you Kyuhyun-ssi, I promise!" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the ice cream parlor.

"W-what did you just say?"

I gulped down as I was being pulled towards the bus stop, anxiety filling my lungs at the thought of meeting one of her family members.

Cho Kyuhyun, what have you gotten yourself into?!


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
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PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee