Teuk's Birthday-part 2

Maknae Still Believes in Fate!

=Yumi's POV=


I proceeded to go in as Siwon oppa led me to the dorm.

I saw all the members waiting for me and looking at me as we entered,

they looked like they've seen a ghost or something,

Why? Is something wrong with me?

I just ignored all the attention I was receiving and faced all of them,

I originally wanted to hug each of them and tell them how much I'm obsessed with them,

but I guess that would be too awkward.

I decided to greet them politely.


"A-annyeong." All the members bowed and greeted me back.

Okay. I didn't expect it to be this awkward.

"Why don't you sit down first, Yumi-ssi?" Siwon oppa pointed to the couch on one side of the room.

"Oh- Okay." I carefully walked and sat on the couch.

Hmm. The dorm is actually pretty big,

so luxurious.

I wonder if all of them stay together already or not?

If only I could live here, HAHAHA~

I was too shy to look at all of them, which is why I decided to keep my eyes focused and straight towards the direction of the television.

"Hey, I thought you were excited about meeting the other members? They're not on the TV screen, you know." I heard a familiar voice mutter behind me.

"Oh- Kyuhyun-ssi, I didn't see you there." I looked behind me to see his face only a few inches away from mine.

"Yah, the hyungs are actually starstrucked by you." he chuckled.


What does that mean?

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Come with me, I'll introduce you to each of them." Kyuhyun-ssi grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch.

Before I knew it, we were walking towards the flocked-together members of Super Junior.

They seemed like they were discussing something, but I couldn't possibly hear it though.

Kyuhyun-ssi loudly cleared his throat, which caused all the members to face towards us.

"Hyungs, I think it would be polite if each of you have introduced yourselves to my best friend here." Kyuhyun-ssi stated as he put his arm around my neck casually.

Aish. Cho Kyuhyun.

"O-oh. Arasso." Leeteuk-ssi smiled.

"Annyeong Yumi-ssi, I'm Leeteuk. You probably know this already, I'm Super Junior's leader. And it's my birthday today!" Leeteuk-ssi reached his hand out to mine and lightly shook my hand.

His hand was so soft. God that felt so good~

"Hello! I'm Lee Donghae. Let's be friends, okay?" Donghae-ssi went up to me and shook my hand excitedly.

Aww. He's such a baby!

A hot baby, I must say.

"Hi, I'm Lee Sungmin, nice to meet you, pretty." Sungmin-ssi bowed and took my hand. 

I hope he doesn't use his Casanova skills on me though. Kekeke~

"Annyeong~ I'm Ryeowookie! I'm the cutest member of Super Junior and I'm more handsome than Lee Hyukjae." Ryeowook-ssi laughed with his last statement, which caused him to earn a light punch on the shoulder from Eunhyuk-ssi.

With that, I beg to differ.

Lee Hyukjae's jawline is UNF.

Sorry Ryeowookie,

but Lee Hyukjae won me with his y dancing machine skills since a long time ago. .

"Hello, I'm Kim Jongwoon." Yesung-ssi stated as he took my hand and shook it.

It took me a while to realize that he didn't let go of my hand for like more than 10 seconds, until Kyuhyun-ssi finally pulled my hand away from his.


I couldn't help but laugh a little with his adorable eye smile.

Right at that moment, a certain someone took the spotlight.

Lee Hyukjae came up right in front of me and abruptly did his smooth moonwalk.

Oh God. .

He slowly turned around and flashed that adorable, cheeky smile on his lips.

"Annyeong! I'm Dancing Machine, Lee Hyukjae. I hope to be close with you!" He showed his pink gums as he grinned widely and ruffled my hair lightly.

Aww. That was sweet~

Hmm. But why aren't they complete?

"Where's Shindong-ssi and Kangin-ssi?" I couldn't help but to ask.

"Oh. Shindong hyung's gonna catch up later, he still has shooting though. Kangin hyung's just doing a bit more training than us, but he'll come by later too, maybe before midnight." Donghae-ssi answered.

"Oh. I see.." 

And I thought I'd be able to welcome the raccoon back, I'll have to go before midnight too.

"Yah hyung, let's eat! I'm hungry!" Siwon oppa called out from the dining room.

"Arasso arasso." Leeteuk-ssi exclaimed.

"Let's go?" Kyuhyun-ssi led me to the dining room and pulled a chair for me, which he intentionally placed beside his chair.

Yup, beside his.

A chair which was intentionally placed there,

and was about three chairs away from my oppa's seat.

Aish. This guy's so childish. Kekeke~

"Okay. Let's eat!" 


I plopped down the couch as I tried to digest the truck load of food I just ate.

Ugh. I'm so full!

But I guess I wasn't the only one.

Everyone was either lying down and plopped on the couch as we all ate like pigs deprived of food for a month a while ago.

"Hmm. What should we do?" Eunhyuk-ssi muttered out.

"Yeah..It's too early to end this party." Donghae-ssi complained.

I tried to think of games that they would like.

Crap. I only know kiddie games.

I feel so dumb right now.


"Oh-" Sungmin-ssi muttered.

"I forgot that the fans just sent a box of soju to Teukie hyung this morning!" he shot up.

Wait. Don't tell me?

"Let's play a drinking game!" Ryeowook-ssi happily jumped around.

Oh God. 

And I thought Wookie was baby-like.

This isn't gonna be good.

=Kyuhyun's POV=


The hyungs then started the game of "Drink or Dare"

Pretty easy actually,

if you don't want a shot of soju,

you'd have to do everything they'd tell you to.

Knowing my hyungs, even if you picked dare, they'd only tell you to drink a shot of soju, so might as well pick drink.

I didn't really care if I was picked though, since I can say that I'm fairly well in drinking.

Come on, I drink wine.

Wine, I tell you.

It was Yumi-ssi that I was worried of.

but before I could even protest, Siwon hyung already took the responsibility of being Jung Yumi's dummy.

Yes, that would mean he would be the one to take each and every single drink and dare given to Yumi-ssi.

Very gentlemanly, don't you think?

Ugh. He's just trying to steal Yumi-ssi away from me.

I decided to play Starcraft while waiting for the bottle to turn my direction.

Well, fortunately, it didn't even happen for once.

It would always point to Eunhyuk hyung and Yumi-ssi, so naturally, it was Siwon hyung who was starting to get drunk as of the moment.

After about an hour of playing this game, I've only drunk one shot.

The other members looked like they were close enough to pass out.

Siwon hyung, especially.

That's what happens when you try to be the hero, hyung.


Yumi-ssi, who was sitting right next to me, was starting to get worried about the members, but it was obviously Siwon hyung she's worried about.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, shouldn't we tell them to stop already?" she whispered.

"Aniyo. They wanted to play this game, it's their fault if they can't handle-"

"WHO SAYS WE CAN'T?! CHEERS!! CHEERS!" Donghae hyung yelled out as he took his 1233804936th shot.

Aish. These fools.

Yumi-ssi just kept smiling and chuckling at the members, even though I knew that she was worried as heck for Siwon hyung already.

"I-I think..I'll sleep first." Siwon hyung stood up and groggily walked to Yesung hyung's room.

Finally, distraction's gone.

"I feel so sorry for Siwon oppa, he didn't have to take the drinks for me. I can drink a bit of soju." I heard Yumi-ssi sigh as she looked down at the floor, guilt seemed to fill her expression.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. He could choose not to drink it anyway. It's just a game Yumi-ssi, no big deal." I held Yumi-ssi's hand into mine and tried to comfort her.

"Mmm." she mumbled.


"I'll just go to the restroom." Yumi-ssi stood up and walked past all the dirt and bottles of soju scattered on the floor.

Almost all my hyungs were passed out on the floor,

only Donghae hyung seemed to be half awake, but too drunk to even be his normal self.

He kept singing our new song "From U", dancing to the steps while lying down on the ground.

"Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby~"

"Yah Donghae hyung, stop that or Yumi-ssi might get scared of you."

"Oh- Yumi-ssi! Where's she?" 

"She's at the restroom."

"OHHH ARASSO." he continued to sing as he lay down.

Aish. This fish got drowned in soju.

After a few minutes, Yumi-ssi went out of the restroom.

She was walking carefully towards me, trying hard not to slip on one of the bottles on the floor.

When suddenly, she missed the tiny, thin leg of Lee Hyukjae.



After that, everything happened too fast to even recognize.

I just realized that Yumi-ssi was now lying on top of me, 

her lips only a few cenimeters away from mine.



Yumi-ssi's eyes were about to pop out of its sockets as she realized the situation we were in.

I could feel Yumi-ssi's rapidly increasing heartbeat above my chest as my breath combined with hers.

Oh Crap. What should I do? What should I do?

Should I push her away?

Should I tell her to get off?

Or...should I take this chance and kiss her?

A million thoughts crossed my mind as I inhaled her fruity, warm scent that embedded my nostrils.

Her tender, small nose touched the tip of mine,

My heart was at the brink of shredding to pieces as it exploded with every drumming heartbeat.

Until finally,

All hell broke loose.

"YAH YOU TWO! JUST KISS ALREADY!" Donghae hyung yelled as he sat up and pushed Yumi-ssi's head down towards mine.

Yumi-ssi's lips crashed into mine with much intensity.

Her eyes screamed help, but  she didn't push me away,

nor did she pull away from the kiss.

After a few seconds,

I found her slowly closing her eyes.

Is...she letting me..?

The taste of her lips started to sink in to mine, as I tried to move my lips to taste hers even more.

I soon closed my eyes too, as I felt her return the kiss and lightly touch my cheek with the back of her finger.

God. Please tell me this is real.

Please tell me I'm not dreaming.

This kiss...it was accidental.

But we shared it...willingly.

I'm certain, this kiss.

Her kiss would now linger on my lips forever.


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PieLife #1
PieLife #2
Chapter 53: Good Siwon said sorry.DID HE PRAY THOUGH?!!?!?! Also Siwon do you NOW wish that you were hit in the head and not Kyuhyun?
PieLife #3
Chapter 51: Sorry Sorry ~rubbing hands together~-cough- I mean Siwon doesn't curse
PieLife #4
PieLife #5
PieLife #6
Deboome #7
Chapter 67: Oh my god this is so lovely perfest fic ahfahjfa im dying actually this is sooooooooooo ggoooood fffiiiicctttiiooonn this's my first time everto cry snd be so emotional with a fic
evilkyuyes #8
Chapter 6: I just can't stop reading it it's my rd time already kekekeke it's the best fanfic I've ever read <3
ospjagvopawhvn rgo I really miss this story!!
I'm going to re-read this shizz~
estefanlala #10
Chapter 34: omgggggggg i really love thisss parttt hahah i love how chokyuuu reactss when he is freaking jealousss wahhh cutie piee