If I met you earlier [Season 1 / Prequel to Love Continues]


Author: bubblygal

** I OWN NOTHING of this fanfic, all credit goes to the rightful owner/writer/author

** I re-post it here due to #Winglin.net site closed down

** No plagiarism intended

** Purely sharing to all readers and fans


Original owner/ writer/ author

http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/lovecontinues/ (by bubblygal)

Author’s blog



Link to: Season 2 / Love Continues


PS: Please check out the author's blog for her other guilun stories.


Gui Gui
- Came from a middle family
- Family members include father, mother, elder sister and herself
- Dad do not love her (He loves the elder sister more)
- Dad will command her, shout and scream at her, scold her and even beat her
- She is like a maid at home (cooking, housework etc.)
- Dad only give her $20 pocket money every week unlike her elder sister
- She works in the holiday to earn more money
- Dream to have a prince who will take her away from this family
- Act cheerful in front of her friends but became very quiet at home and cry easily
- She act as if she is strong but inside her, she need to be protected so much
- Single, 18 years old

- A transfer student from Australia to Gui Gui’s school
- Came from a rich family
- Family members include father, mother and himself
- He is smart but cold and quiet
- However, he changed because of her
- Single, 19 years old

*Gui Gui’s POV*
He is like a light that shone into my world of darkness. I got so attracted to him but I do not dare, I do not dare to accept him.

*Aaron’s POV*
She is the first girl that I fell in love with. From the moment I saw her, I got quite attracted to her and had this strong feeling that I want to protect her so much. Will you accept me??

Will they be together in the end??


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