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Yoona slowly lay down on her bed. She look at the alarm clock next to her bed. It is already 9pm. She spend half of her day with Jihoon, Seunghyun and Mina before back to Jessica house. She is happy to play with Jihoon and Mina but not Seunghyun. He always have hidden scheme to surprise her.

“this flower is for you..” Jihoon held out the a stalk of sunflower that was beautifully wrapped to Yoona and she smile at him.

“how did you know that I love Sunflower?” Yoona ask Jihoon. She take the flower from Jihoon.

“uncle Seunghyun told me to give this to you..” Jihoon grin and Yoona smiling face fall down to a frown. This is from Seunghyun? How did he know that I love Sunflower. Oh right! How come I expect a kid like Jihoon would buy me flowers. Silly!

“you don’t like the flower?” Seunghyun came out of nowhere and grin at her.

“thank you..” she reply and look away.

“ are the child from earlier..where is your mother..oh there you are..” the woman from earlier approach Yoona with huge smile around her face. Yoona bow to her and she bow back to Yoona.

“I don’t know that you already have two children..” the woman smile while looking at Jihoon and Mina on the bench. Seunghyun look at the woman before she back to look at Yoona. He can’t hide his amusing face to the woman remarks.

“I’m sorry?” Yoona look at the woman. Confuse and surprise at the same time.

“you have a handsome husband and cute lucky..when did you get married? You looks so young to have this two child already..” the woman smile at Seunghyun and she can clearly see the man looks happy. Eventhough she do not know, he is happy because of the sudden title that he got. He as Yoona’s husband and those two kids are their children. Who couldn’t be happy more than that.

“we were married after we finished the school..” he put his arm around Yoona’s shoulder. Yoona shake her head at the woman but Seunghyun squeezed her shoulder make her to stop.

“oh..that early..that is why..good for both of you..” the woman nod in amazement.

“I am sorry but I..” Yoona try to cut their conversation but Seunghyun was faster. He add another exclusive remark.

“In fact..we will have our third one soon..right dear?” Seunghyun smile and the woman look down at Yoona’s stomach. Yoona shake her head while her hand try to make gesture to deny Seunghyun remarks.

“no..of course n-..”

“aigoo..don’t be shy sweetheart..I can understand are madly in love with each is very good, normally young couple nowaday always be careful not to pregnant this early but you are different..good for both of you..” the woman complimented them and Seunghyun nod his head while Yoona face has become red. Angry but embarassed at the same time.

Yoona shake her head. The idea of her pregnant is getting on her nerves. It’s all Seunghyun fault. She dare to say that she wouldn’t want to go to that ice cream shop or meet with that woman again. She is so tired and before she couldn’t even change her clother, she has already fly into the dream land. That can explain how exhausted she is.


“...and cutttt” the director give his cues and everybody sigh in relief. Finally the shooting for that day has finished. Everybody seems busy in doing their own works and the make up artist also rush to their artist. Wipe their sweat. Give them drinks and fix their make-up before they let the artists to rest.

“oppa..have you eaten?” Park Heejin. The female lead also the co-star of Hyungsik come to approach him with a small lunch box in her hand. Hyungsik eyebrow creased together.

“I made this for you..I heard that you love to eat kimbap..” Park Heejin smile and sit next to him.

“thank you but I don't feel like eating kimbap today..” Hyungsik refuse her. Park Heejin looks very dissapointed at the moment.

“Hyungsik-ah..Yoona is here..” Hyungsik manager come to his side and whisper to his ears. Hyungsik body become straight and he look at him.

“really?” he ask. Surprise because Yoona never did thing like this, this whole time. His manager nod his head and pointed at Yoona who is in the middle of talking with the director. He can sense that everybody. No. Every man eyes is diverted towards Yoona.

Eventhough she only dressed casual with her sweatshirt and her jeans. She look damn beautiful. No one can deny how beautiful and gorgeous she is at the moment. Hyungsik can’t tell how much he miss Yoona but he just remain calm. His ego is still ahead. This is the time to show that he needs Yoona attention more than she need hers.


“everyone, this is Miss Im Yoona.. she is the friend of Hyungsik and she came here to visit our set and she has provided a meal for all of you at the restaurant can go and have your dinner since everthing has been prepared..right Yoona-shii..” the director ask her and Yoona smile at him. She look at Hyungsik. Smile at him but he looks away. Yoona exhale slowly. he is still sulking with her.

“oh right..this is Park Heejin..the main lead of this drama..” the director introduce the girl sitting next to Hyungsik.

Park Heejin stand up and bow to Yoona. She was mesmerized by Yoona’s beauty from far away the moment she appear and when she is this close, she has to admit that she is indeed very beautoful, even prettier. Without any make up. The jealousy start to creep inside her heart.

“nice to see you Yoona-shii..” Park Heejin smile and Yoona smile back.

“I’ve seen your acting in this look good and beautiful on screen but prettier in real life and I’m your fan..” Yoona complimented her. It is a sincere compliment. She dad watch the drama.

“oh..thank you..” Park Heejin try to hide her victorious smile. She is complimenting me. Of course, I am the top star. The main lead in here. The attention and spotlight must be on me.

“Hyungsik-shii..I don’t know that you have such a beautiful friend..if you tell me earlier, I would like to consider her being part of this drama..” the director joking around without realize that his words has hurt the main lead, Park Heejin. She just start to being happy because the thought of herself as the main spotlight in the set but her dreams shattered by the directors joke. Is it a joke? Or he is for real? Unconciously, she bite onto her lips. Depressed.

“alright..I will leave both of you to talk..lets go Heejin-shii..”the director look at Heejin and the girl hesitately want to leave. She try to glance at Hyungsik and Yoona before she walk with all of the crew into the restaurant.

“how are you oppa..” Yoona break the silence and she sit next to Hyungsik.

“fine..” he answer. Short. Yoona sigh.

“are you still mad at me?” she ask him and Hyungsik laugh.

“no, I am happy for you..”

“oppa...” Yoona try to hold his hand but Hyungsik stand up and leave his seat.

“I am hungry..thank you for this treatment..I will pay you back later on..” he say that and pick up his bag pack. Yoona stand up and walk to him.

“I am sorry for what had happened oppa..I promise it won’t happen again..okay..” she hold onto his arm but Hyungsik keep busying himself by stuffing his thing into the bag and leave Yoona. She take a deeper breath and try to smile before she followed Hyungsik into the restaurant.

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zaaraa #1
Great story dear..
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 60: Thank you for this awesome story authornim :') I really love it. #TOPYOONFOREVER <3
Skyscraper1202 #4
Chapter 60: Thank you for this awesome story authornim :') I really love it. #TOPYOONFOREVER <3
ShoutEric #5
Chapter 60: Dam so many ups and downs but in the end a very amazing story thank you author-nim :')
mustbekidding #6
Good job authornim.
You make me cry, I'm not type who melancholy but this story truly make me cry.
I hate Top when he kiss Sohee in front of Yoona cuz it make me crying.
If I was Yoona, I don't wanna take him comeback. But still I love both of them toghether.
Thank you for making this great story, hope you will create another story about them.
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 60: It's the most... WOW!!!! I love the story very much!!!!

I cried, I laughed so much throughout the story!!! I couldn't stop reading it to do other things - it captured my full attention!!!

I really love the ending^^

GREAT AUTHORNIM!!! I really wish you all the best for your future stories :D
taurusgirl #8
Chapter 60: Finally, they got their happy ending plus with hana and joon :D
bcupz_simpLe #9
Chapter 34: Owghh .. do you know the author.. I feel emotions .. Almost cry .. Yoona unimaginable how he felt, when driven from his home by mr & mrs lee ..
Erghhh i hate it..