Chapter 58

happily ever after??

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Chunji pov~~


When I saw her running into the park, my heart leaped. I swallowed hard and watched her as she went to the playground where we used to hang out when we were little and panted. She came; looking as cute as ever with her puffed up and red cheek. I watched as her hand brushed against the swing as she sat on it, waiting.


I walked up to her and plastered a smile on my face before greeting her in my calmest voice possible even though my heart is racing. “Hey Bommie… I’m so glad you came…” She whizzed around to face me, slightly startled. She stood up, still shaky. She must have not wanted to keep me waiting so she rushed here. I smiled a little.


“You can still smile after all that happened? I envy you…” She furrowed her eyebrows and my smile was wiped off my face at her sarcasm. I sighed and took a step towards her, “Bommie…” She took a step back as if she doesn’t want me up close. I sighed again and dropped the hand I was holding up. I saw tears b in her eyes and stopped dead in my tracks.


“Oh… sorry… didn’t mean to make you cry… Please don’t cry…” Before I could finish, she ran up to me and started to hit me on the chest. It hurts like crazy but I know I deserved it; this was how much she was hurt, how much I hurt her. She finally exploded. I embraced her as she continued to pound my chests and cry her hearts out.


“Don’t… be like… this Bommie; it hurts me to see you like this…” I can feel my own tears mixed with my sweat running down my face. Finally she stopped, panted and sobbed into my chest. “We… need to… sort this… thing… out…” She couldn’t even talk as she choked out the words. I tried to comfort her as she kept on crying. I cupped her face and brought them up to look at me. Her eyes were red and puffy but it didn’t stop the beauty from shining through.


“I love you terribly and thinking that I’m losing you to L.Joe really hurts me. You’ve known me since… forever! You should trust me on something like this; you know I’m not someone like that who would just cheat on my girlfriend. You will always be my one and only… Isn’t that what we promised each other…?”


She nodded lightly and for the first time in weeks, looked at me in the eyes. In her eyes, I saw sincerity, understanding and love. No more hurtful, angry and disappointing expression as she hugged me close. I squeezed her shoulders and she whispered into my chest, “I’m sorry too, I realised that after going out with Byunghun oppa is that I still can’t live without you… You were the only one for me…”


“I thought you guys would be here…” We both turned towards the familiar voice and her face was full of shock. “Byunghun oppa… You…” L.Joe smiled sadly at us and walked up. She got out of my embrace and stood to face L.Joe. “Sorry bro, but this time, after you’ve hurt Bommie, I’m not going to let you have her again… I’ve done my waiting and if it’s a fair fight you want, you will get.”


“No! Oppa, I’ve made my choice,” L.Joe and I looked surprisingly at Bommie who stepped out and stood between us. L.Joe’s expressions softened but it did not hide the sadness. Bommie cleared and spoke once more. “I’ve chosen…” “DON’T!” L.Joe shouted and that surprised both of us. Then he sank down to the ground and covered his face with his hands. “Don’t say anything, I knew your answer, right from the beginning it was him. Even when we went on the dates, you had fun but your expression was never as cheerful as it was when you were with Chunji…”


“L.Joe…” I began but he stopped me and gave me a weak smile. “Don’t worry bro, take her. Take care of her and don’t hurt her ever again or I swear, I will take her for good…” I nodded firmly and gripped Bommie’s shoulders. L.Joe stood up, seemed to be satisfied with my answer and was about to leave. “Wait, oppa, there’s something you should have…” Bommie stepped up to L.Joe and handed him something, I couldn’t see because her back was blocking the view but what I did see is the shocked expression on L.Joe’s face.


Then he chuckled and hugged Bommie once more before making his way back to his motorcycle. Before he put the helmet on, he shouted something to Bommie. “Thanks Bommie-ah, I will keep that forever and always laugh when I see it.” Bommie’s face turned red but she still smiled like an angel and waved before L.Joe disappeared down the road.


“What was the thing you gave him?” I could help asking. She giggled and replied, “Oh, just an old photo of us when we were dating…” We walked hand in hand back to the dorm, our hearts warm with love…

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kpopfreak210 #1
kevin!!!! DDD': poor kevin. really good story though, lalmsndd poor poor kevin :(
THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! I just read the WHOLE story today and I LOVE IT! I feel sooo bad for L.Joe and Kevin cause honestly I was rooting for both of them AND YOU MADE THE STORY ABOUT MY BIASES!! I LOVE YOU! *tears up. It was just... sooooooooo... beautiful. *full out cries
Hanabelle #4
I love the tension in the story!!! You are such a rebel for doing these updates in class!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hanabelle #5
Update ASAP!!!! This story is getting interesting:):P:D
Hanabelle #6
This story is AMAZING!!!! don't give up and keep persevering:):P:D
yuxuan #7
Update soon
yuxuan #8
Update soon
yuxuan #9
Update soon