Chapter 50

happily ever after??

yeah! made it to chapter 50, i think i will end my story soon and start another one but not sure yet. I won't have a sequel to this story i'm sorry to those who really like it but i will make sure my other stories to come are just as good :) enjoy chapter 50


L.Joe pov~~


I was just sitting there chilling with the others when my phone started ringing. I looked up lazily at the number and then bolted up straight. The others looked at me weirdly and I winked, before putting it on loud speaker. “Hey Bommie, how’s your date with…” Before I could finish, we heard Bommie’s cracking voice, it seems like she’s crying.


We all looked worriedly at the phone. “Oppa… sorry to bother you but can you come to Xxx Park… I need to talk with someone… other than Chanhee oppa.” I began speaking in a worried tone. “Yah, Bommie, what’s the matter. I will be there in a tick… wait for me.” I hung up and the others looked at me. “What do you think is the matter with Bommie hyung?” Ricky asked worriedly.


Honestly, I don’t have an answer. I just pulled a T-shirt over my head and rushed out. Getting into my car, I drove off as fast as I can towards xxx park. If you hurt her Chunji, I swear I will bash your head in; I gritted my teeth as I rushed towards the park… 


Chunji pov~~


“Hey Chanhee oppa, you know I really like you. You are the hottest guy I’ve ever met with such a killer smile.” Hyujin told me while inching closer. I forced a smile and thanked her. “You know, guys like you just …” my eyes widened as her face zoomed in on me. I felt her soft lips on mine, my mind was blank. I was frozen and couldn’t push away.


Then it was like what I feared. I heard a small sob behind me and I snapped back into reality. I pushed my lips away from Hyujin’s and saw her smirking at Bommie. She planned this all along, damn it! But it was too late. Bommie’s eyes filled with hurt, hatred and tears. I went up to her in a hurry and tried to explain but she pushed past me and ran out the shop. I tried to call for her but she never turned back.


“Let’s go back in oppa; she’s just trying to cause a scene. Forget about her and let’s think about us… OPPA!” Her eyes widened as I glared at her hard before pushing her hard as she fell on the floor. “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU EVIL ! I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU; SHE IS THE ONLY ONE FOR ME. DON’T YOU HURT HER AGAIN OR COME NEAR ME, I’VE HAD ABOUT ENOUGH.” With that, I took off and started to run. Trying to find her. Bommie, you know me better, please don’t misunderstand, you mean everything to me, you really do… 


L.Joe pov~~


I got to the park and parked my car. I got off and looked around for Bommie. I didn’t have to look far. I spotted her crying her eyes out at the playground on a swing. My expression softened as I watched her. My heart aches at the thought of Bommie crying because of Chunji. You were supposed to take care of her not hurt her. I took a deep breath to calm myself before walking up to Bommie.


She didn’t see me standing in front of her since she was crying so hard until I put my arm around her shoulders. She looked up and I frowned looking at her huge, red and swollen eyes. Chunji will pay for this. “What happened Bommie?” I asked softly and she shook her head. “Let… me… just stay… like this… for a while…” She buried her head in my chest and wept. I hugged her tight and rocked her gently back and forth.


Soon she was calm enough to tell me the whole story. As I listened, I scrunched up my fists and my knuckles turned white. She turned away and looked at the distance. As the wind blew, her long silky hair flapped in the wind. She looked beautiful but yet sad. Like a goddess with a very pure heart, how could Chunji hurt someone like this so deep.


I hugged her close and breathed in her sweet scent. “If Chunji won’t protect you, I will forever. Bommie, don’t cry anymore over this,” She looked at me with those big eyes of hers that just made me melt. I kissed her slightly on the forehead and then heard a shout of protest. I felt anger rushing up and I turned to glare at the guy…


Chunji pov~~


I saw him kissing her on the head. I couldn’t believe it. I gave a shout as L.Joe turned his head towards me and glared. I rushed up to them and tried to push L.Joe away but he wouldn’t let go of Bommie. “Let go of her, she’s my girl.” L.Joe sneered and I froze, he never sneers at me. “You still dare say that after you’ve hurt her this deep? I should have never trusted you with Bommie…” L.Joe gave me a disgusted look as he led Bommie away. Bommie looked back and I saw betrayal in her eyes and disappointment. I sank to the floor and buried my face into my hands, what have I done…?


hope this chapter is really good, i will keep on updating, trying to update as many chapters as i can since my ideas are flowing :) comment and subscribe thanks

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kpopfreak210 #1
kevin!!!! DDD': poor kevin. really good story though, lalmsndd poor poor kevin :(
THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! I just read the WHOLE story today and I LOVE IT! I feel sooo bad for L.Joe and Kevin cause honestly I was rooting for both of them AND YOU MADE THE STORY ABOUT MY BIASES!! I LOVE YOU! *tears up. It was just... sooooooooo... beautiful. *full out cries
Hanabelle #4
I love the tension in the story!!! You are such a rebel for doing these updates in class!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hanabelle #5
Update ASAP!!!! This story is getting interesting:):P:D
Hanabelle #6
This story is AMAZING!!!! don't give up and keep persevering:):P:D
yuxuan #7
Update soon
yuxuan #8
Update soon
yuxuan #9
Update soon