
Drawing the Line



Soa stared for a second or two, trying to put together in her mind what she was seeing – or more precisely, who was in front of her.


A beat of silence passed before her lips tugged upwards into a slight, trembling smile, “Hi Saerim. Fancy seeing you here”

It was a peculiar sight to see her younger sibling standing right in front of her like the beautiful stranger she was. But what was even more peculiar was the fact that a familiar, good looking tanned guy was standing at her side with an equally dashing smile embellishing his features. Soa had no idea about their relationship but looking at them now, one would mistake the pair for a very cute couple. She had to agree that although she did not have a good liking for her sister, she and Jongin made a pretty pair of youngsters that surely would give birth to beautiful children.


“Eonnie” Saerim sighed and tucked her hair behind her ears in nervousness. Soa awaited for her words to drop with either disgust or full fledged rage since the last time they saw each other the latter had claimed that she had ruined her birthday party, for which Soa never had the chance to apologize when in truth it wasn’t really her fault but her father’s. Now, looking up into Saerim’s huge brown orbs got her thinking that maybe she was guilty of her actions. But it wasn’t her fault! A thought came screaming into her head, why did she have to say sorry for something she did not do? On the contrary, she had been the victim there! Her father never blamed Saerim for anything, always praised her good looks and her good grades like a river of goldarrow-10x10.png tumbling out of his mouth. Her? What did she get? All the trash that was accumulated behind. She was the stupid one, the dull one, the one whom no one even took notice of.


“I’m sorry” She stated without any lingering malice and Soa was taken aback by her honesty. Saerim was never someone to be honest with people. She was always keeping everything to herself. Had the years somehow changed her? “For having overreacted at my birthday party. I didn’t realize how bratty I sounded”


Soa gulped down the rising guilt that clogged up . Now she really felt bad about herself, “You don’t have to say sorry Saerim” She managed a weak smile, “It’s okay. it was not your fault”

 The younger girl flashed her a mirroring smile, “You’re so nice, eonnie”


It hit Soa then that Saerim was supposed to be at school. What the hell was she doing out in the middle of a schoolday? Her positive thoughts instantly turned the other way as she opened and asked “Don’t you have school today?”


She didn’t fail to miss the weird, annoyed look that Saerim sent to Kai through her narrowed eyes, returning back to her own and smiling sweetly. A bit too sickly sweet, “We had an off day today. It’s Teacher’s Council day”


“Ah I see’ Soa fibbed back although she didn’t see at all. To her knowledge, Teacher’s council day did not even exist. Saerim really had to be an idiot if she thought that her older sister was going to fall into her plan. While her younger sibling took her attention away, she hadn’t noticed the glares exchanged between Kai and J-Hope. The two looked at each other like enemies on a battlefield, ready to draw out their weapons at any moment and cut each other’s throats. The tension between the two males was thick enough to cut with a knife and Hoseok stiffened even more when his girlfriend turned to the younger boy and greeted him with a small smile, “Hi Jongin”


“Hi noona’ the boy replied back with a little bit too much of enthusiasm for his taste. Hoseok wanted to wretch up his breakfast. How the hell did he know Soa and what was their relationship? His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles in a death-white grip as his eyes shot killing glares of stone to the other. If looks could kill, Kai would not even be standing at this moment. There was nothing more but for him to go away that was on his mind, the repeated sequence of go-away’s making his head throb with red anger pulsing at his temple. Noona? Noona?! He felt like flipping the table and screaming at Jongin’s face, who do you think you’re calling noona you ing brat!


“Soa” he pressed his lips into a thin, tense line, “How the do you know him?”

“He-“ She noticed his discomfort by her friendliness with Saerim’s companion but she wasn’t about to provide ant excess explanation although his expression said otherwise, because she had the right to be friend with whoever she wanted and that Jongin had been there when he hadn’t, so that did not make Hoseok eligible to be angry, “He’s my friend”


Hoseok’s eyes were narrowed in threatening slits and if she had been anyone else, she was pretty sure she’d be crumbling in fear by his hot-white scowl imprinted on his face like he had never known happiness before.

“Hello Hoseok sunbae” Jongin suddenly blurted out through Soa’s tangled up thoughts. That sentence caused her to shoot him an even more confused look for she wasn’t aware that the two knew each other. Maybe that was the reason why her boyfriend was looking like he wanted to murder him with a knife, maybe they had a bad relationship, but that didn’t mean that Soa had to stay away from him. After all, this was her life she could do whatever she wanted and be friends with whoever she wished to.


What was his problem in the matter?




Instead of replying like any normal human being, the older boy’s scowled deepened and he pointedly ignored Kai’s outstretched hand, turning his head away stubbornly and making it look as if the table was the most interesting thing that caught his eye. Kai sighed before dropping his hand back down and Soa sent him an apologetic smile in return for Hoseok’s rudeness. If she had been embarrassed before, then she felt like drowning into the floor at this instant. Not only had Hoseok been rude but also his attitude towards the former was unacceptable.


“Do you guys…know each other?” Saerim giggled nervously in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

Jongin nodded, “We’re classmates”


“Ah, that’s great! I thought you only went to the same school as him! That’s awesome, Hoseok oppa is a really good dancer I’m betting!”


Saeirm was just being nice and playing at the mediator to steer the conversation along, so why did Soa’s fist ache with a trembling desire to punch her in the gut? The girl was astounded by her own sense of violence.


“Anyway Hoseok oppa” the younger girl flashed him another genuine while surprising the said individual by grabbing onto his arm and leaning a bit too much inside his personal space, “Thanks for that night, for comforting me. I’m better now and I’ll definitely take your advice!” She raised a fist in the air that said ‘fighting!’ before her smile brightened into a grin.


J-Hope, returning back to the cool and cold one Soa had been accustomed to before, just threw Jongin a dirty glance, “Well it doesn’t seem like you did anything different”


“I-I am working on it!” She laughed nervously, “But-yeah I mean-yeah”


“Well we’ll leave you both because it seemed like your date just got interrupted” Jongin bowed to the pair before clasping her smaller sister’s hand in his rough ones. Before leaving though, he turned back as if remembering something and grinned, “We should totally go eat ramen again. You know where to find me”


And before any protest could escape the girl’s lips, they were gone, leaving behind them a bunch of bitter feelings and an angry kind of tension. They each turned to each other with a million questions left unsaid, flying about in their brains and hitting the bases of their skulls to remind them of all the details going on through the conversation. Soa watched the expression on Hoseok’s face turn to a cloudy storm, soon enough ready to burn with rage at the fact that she had gone out to dine with Jongin whenever he had been absent.


The girl on the other hand had Saerim’s words stuck in her thoughts, “Thanks for that night”. Night? What night? What had they done? When did they meet? Why did they meet in the first place and how? All those queries were running about like wild horses through her brain, tumbling and twining around each other so that she did not identify what was real or not. Hoseok would never betray her, he said so himself and the girl trusted him enough with her entire being. But then again, the fact that it came out of Saerim’s mouth did nothing to ease the suspicion away. Fine if it had been anybody else, but Saerim…Saerim meant trouble, and it was bad.

Because whenever Saerim seeked for something, she’d make sure to get it no matter what the cost because that was how she had been brought up at home. Always getting what she wanted no matter how expensive it was.


“We have to talk” Hoseok broke through her small bubble and she nodded in silence, not sure how to anticipate for their discussion.






Soa tried keeping her focus over her maths homework as she diligently went over each and every question, poring onto any excuse to get away from her home and staying out till very late at the library before it closed and she was forced to return. The day she and her boyfriend had gone out had finished on a terrible note, both sulking in their corner and not attempting to make amends for whatever they did. Of course she thought that she wasn’t in the wrong, especially when he was not present in the first place. Kai had been there when he was not, what was he to expect? And plus, she was his friend, they were friends. Why couldn’t friends hang out together?


On the other hand, why did Saerim stick around him so much? He told her what had happened, that he had accompanied her home and that was it, but she hated herself for thinking otherwise, for thinking that she couldn’t trust Hoseok, this small part of her that was in undeniable fear. She was just kidding herself, as she did not wish for another rejection once again. She wasn’t sure whether she’d be strong enough if ever he was to cut all ties with her, she felt like she wasn’t ready for that, not at all.


Because she loved him.

With all the muscles of her heart.


And just the thought of his back walking away from her brought tears to the edges of her eyes.


“Stop hanging out with him, please Soa” Hoseok’s beg tugged at her heartstrings, his voice clogged up with unspoken emotion, “He’s not what you think he is”


“And Saerim isn’t either” she shot back, eyes full of resentment, “Yet you choose to see her. She’s bad as well. If you can’t make good choices, don’t go around commenting on mine”


“Soa- “ She cut him off, “He was there when you weren’t. How can you tell me to stay away from someone that helped me when I needed it?” her eyes burned with unshed tears, “How can you do such a thing?”


“I had no choice”

“True, you didn’t” She proceeded to wipe the drops away with her shirt sleeve unsuccessfully, “But it would have been okay to trust me as well you know”


“Like you trust me to tell me things” he shot back.

“I do”


“No Soa, you always kept things to yourself and expected me to pour my heart out to you. How the hell am I supposed to do that?”


If they weren’t talking, then they were busy shooting each other down with hateful words. She forgot how much their relationship was filled with insults and mockeries, having started from scratch from the bullying factor where they had grown addicted to each other. maybe just maybe, it had been wrong to turn heads and decide that he was the main character of her story. Maybe she was the one having kidded herself that he was a good guy, that their relationship would change once they started going out. But looking back upon their argument, there was no difference between the past and present. They were both too immature to admit their faults, both too proud to say sorry to each other.


And she knew for a fact that this time round, Hoseok would not apologize in the least. Because he believed he was right.


And so did she.


Their communication during the days to come were short and static, nothing more than a ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’. The gap between the two of them kept growing wider and Soa felt as if she was losing her grasp on him, that he was falling and she could not hold onto him long enough. Her grip was slipping and he did nothing to brace himself. She was sure he wanted to say what was on his mind, but every time he’d turn his head and start conversation, his gaze would hollow back into that cold, merciless mask she knew so well. Soa herself did not have the willpower to stand up and say what was on her mind.


Because deep inside the pits of her heart, Soa was a big fat coward.


“Yo Soa!” Taehyung plopped down onto the seat next to hers, shocking her with his surprising appearance. It had been months since she’d last seen him. The familiarity of his scent washed a wave of nostalgia over her heart and tugged at her core, “How are you? It’s been ages!”


“Where have you been?” She replied coldly, “Once you got out of high school no one heard of you”

“I’ve been working on a project,” He chuckled nervously while his hand went up to scratch the back of his neck, “I’m planning to become an architect”


“What, you’re serious?!” Soa’s eyes widened, “That’s…”


“Impossible for someone like me. I know” he ruffled her hair teasingly and caught sight of Jungkook and Chohee making their way over to the table. As they watched, the boy leaned over to whisper something in the girl’s ear, causing her to redden and slap his arm in annoyance. As a response Jungkook only threw his head back and laughed before chastely reaching down to peck her cheek.


“Urgh god,” Taehyung pulled a face as he turned back to Soa with disgust written across his features, “They get worse everyday. Thank god you and Hobi hyung aren’t like that”


Just the slight mention of his name got her mood to deflate like a popped balloon. Needless to say that Chohee recognized her look instantly and walked over to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “You okay?”


“Yeah” she wiped the expression clear from her face.


“Oh ” V cupped his mouth, “I-I’m sorry Soa. I didn’t mean-“


“It’s okay”

He hung his head, “I really am sorry. I know you and Hobi hyung are going through a rough patch right-OOF!”

Jungkook shut him up by slamming his fist onto his head, causing the older to teeter back in his chair, groaning in pain. The younger boy only shrugged at Soa’s shocked gaze before reaching out to curl her under his arm. With Jungkook, she had always felt this brotherly aura that surrounded him; when she cowered enough into his shirt sleeve, it was good enough to make her feel like there would be nothing that could hurt her being in this world.


 “Did you even try speaking to him?” Chohee asked, knowing full well the stubborn nature of the couple.


Jungkook just rolled his eyes, “This is Hoseok. He always dismisses arguments”


“Either that or he starts fighting like a small brat” V chipped in.


“Just hang in there okay?”


the girl nodded and scrambled up her things as she started placing them all in her bag, not really caring about what came first and last before sighing out loud, “well I’m going home”


“I’ll accompany you!” V jumped up from his chair, “A girl can’t walk alone at night”


“You do that hyung” Jungkook replied, “See you tomorrow”


The couple watched the pair go with worried looks on their faces. Chohee turned to the boy once they were gone and looked up at him with concern written all over her face. He couldn’t help but reach out to smooth his thumb over her cheekbone.

“Are they going to be okay?” she murmured uncertainly. Usually, Chohee was bold and very bash and honest about what she believed in. seeing her so insecure and unsure about something made Jungkook’s heart ache in pain. He never wanted to see her this way especially if it concerned someone she truly deeply cared about.


“They’ll be fine” wrapping an arm around her waist, he relished in the softness of her curves pressing against his hard frame, nose bumping against her hair to breathe in her scent, “they always get through, whatever happens”


“But this time doesn’t seem like a fight” Chohee murmured, “It seems like they’re drifting away from each other”


“I know but it’s not our business Chohee” Jungkook rubbed his cheek against the top of her head, “They need to learn how to deal with it on their own”


Her head rose and she pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, glad that he was there with her, present and stable, “You’re right”



Soa let out another sigh as the air around her chilled her body. It was getting colder and colder, which only meant that winter was coming. Winter announced the winter break before the final exams and she would be lying to say that she was very focused. She was all but. Her lack of concentration could be blamed on the individual that had once made her heart flutter like tomorrow might never come and yet, now she felt more isolated from him than ever. Her heart ached for him every night but no matter how much she yearned for his presence, his touch, her pride stopped her from going to him and it hurt her more than she could’ve imagined.


The darkness was clouding in on her small form and with shivering arms; Soa brought her arms around herself in an attempt for warmth. She wished that she hadn't insisted that Taehyung stop accompanying her halfway but knowing that he had a long walk back, she felt sorry for the guy and let him go, insisting that she would be fine alone and forcing him to turn the other way. It didn’t help one bit and she couldn’t help but think that if Hoseok had been by her side at this instant, he would’ve surely wrapped his arms around her and share his body heat with hers.

It had been one day, only one day of happiness for both of them before everything just crashed back down.


There were just too many walls between them, too many obstacles that Soa wasn’t ready to cross.

Although she said she wasn’t afraid, that she could bare her body to him without fear, what she thought was the contrary. She hated feeling exposed, and knowing that Hoseok would know every weakness imprinted upon her body just rendered her ing scared.


A familiar figure emerged from the top of the staircase leading to her flat as she started climbing up, and only a peek at her face was enough to make Soa halt in her steps and stay rooted on the spot, reeling from the shock.

She felt like a bucketful of iced water was thrown onto her body.


If she had been cold before, now she was ing freezing.


“What are you doing here?” she managed to choke out a response, her gaze clamped onto her smaller sister’s figure when Saerim skipped down the stairs to come face to face with the older girl, a sinister sweet smile gracing her face.


“Hi eonnie’ She chirped with a bit too much enthusiasm, “I came to see Hobi oppa. He told me that he’d help me with my hiphop dance steps”

“Saerim, you do ballet. What has that got to do with Hiphop?” Soa’s voice was laced with unhidden annoyance and for once Saerim was surprised at her lack of control on her feelings. But then inwardly she felt like cheering; this meant that they were falling into her y trap. Soon enough, Kai would be taking her away and she’ll crack when everything will be taken away from her.


“Wah eonnie, you actually do notice things,” Saerim pouted, “I just wanted some additional help. We’ve been introduced to a new program and I’m very unfamiliar with the subject. Hobi oppa suggested teaching me”


“No he did not” Soa clenched her fists in order not to lash out and lose control because for all she knew, she had no proof of Saerim’s stupid plans attempting to break her apart. Why, she had no idea, but she made a mental note to really check out her past history. “Hoseok doesn’t even know you”


“That’s what you think eonnie” there was that sickly sweet smile again, Soa had an urge to wipe it off her pretty face. Even with those horrible facial expressions, she was gorgeous enough to be a vogue model, “Anyway, I’m going home. See you soon!”


This is war, Soa chanted inside her head watching her go, This is only the beginning.


Yo yo yo yo ! ~ 

hello hello you beautiful people! :) It's been so long right? I know I know and I'm so sorry for not updating as frequently. Writing really grew on me and even though I'm not updating every day, I try writing in my free time because it's the only thing that keeps me going during school >< I hate school god, and Mocks are coming soon so ... :( And i'm so so so scared. 

I wrote a really long chappie of 3600 words this time so I hope you guys like it :) <3 While I'm not updating on daily basis, i'm giving you guys longer chappies i hope that's fine and that you guys like it :) <3 Anyway! What did you think of this chapter?! 


No NamNi in this chapter but maybe just maybeeee~ ......they are going to tell you their OWN story SOON ;) ~ 

Thanks so much for the overflowing love and neverending support! I love you all~




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PriyaJungHoseokwife #1
This fiction is a safe home to me..even after so many years.. I'm came back to this site just to see if this story is still up or not... 💜
Halulu #2
Chapter 58: I just found you're story in year 2020 and really amazing ??? thank you so much for the wonderful fanfic?
Chapter 71: You have my support girl!!! Let us know when u get published!!!
Chapter 6: You narrate the character's feelings so well it makes me all tingly and such XD
Did I mention it's 2:37AM here... My sleep is gone now XD
Chapter 4: J-Hopeeeeee
Chapter 69: Reading this makes me feels even more lonely..i wish i could have those sweet moments just like them!thank you so much for such wonderful fluff and excitement that you gave us❤❤❤
PriyaJungHoseokwife #7
Chapter 1: Reading this again.. Don't know how many times I did.. Never gonna stop.. ?
Found this fic again, im glad i did. This is a classic to me tbh. Its stunning and i fall in love with it more every reread. :)
belleamour #9
Chapter 65: My gosh, i keep replaying this scene, namjoon x hani is soo cuteee, can you make a one shot sequel for them?
Chapter 1: boy oh boy, this story is going to be hell of a ride from what i just read and i being the daredevil is gonna take this ride huehuehue